my battlefield my company

Chapter 214 Sobel is coming to the Independent Company

Chapter 214 Sobel is coming to the Independent Company

Yan Zhi looked around and found no faces from the East, so he was a little relieved.Scumbag, it hurts so much!

"Actually, the moment you broke into the flames and rescued my sister, she was reluctant to attack you."

Yan Zhi was holding the wine glass quietly, looking at the reflection of Ye Xuan in the wine, his frown and smile were almost the same as Ye Ya's, if it wasn't for Ye Xuan's short hair, which changed the temperament of her face, he could have concluded that the person sitting in front of her was Ye Ya .

"She said that when you broke into a room full of fire and saw her in short and thin clothes, your eyes were still very clean. In fact, she could have stabbed you in the back when you carried her on your shoulders." Back. She said, when you wrapped her in the wet quilt, your hands never crossed the threshold, you are different from any man she has ever met before. "

At that time, my eyebrows were on fire, so how could I have any other thoughts, Yan Zhi slandered, it seemed that I was too jian by what I said.

Several times, Yan Zhi wanted to ask Ye Xuan how she knew these things, but when the words came to his mouth, he held back.Maybe Yeya used to keep a diary or something.

Ye Xuan's cheeks were slightly red, her lips became more red, and her eyes were like silk, as if she wanted to see through Yan Zhi's heart: "My sister said that you were very focused when you were healing her, although you pinched her limbs, But she didn't mean to be light//thin, from that moment on, she fell in love with you, a scumbag!"

"..." Yan Zhiqing sipped the red wine to hide her slight embarrassment, but Ye Ya actually told Ye Xuan about this?

That's just a job requirement...

Maybe Ye Xuan knew it from the diary.

After all, the diary does not describe it in detail...

Yan Zhi remembered that Ye Ya said before she died, "You are more careful than me...I will let people know that you are a scumbag, and I want you to always remember me..."

The cheeks of Ye Xuan in front of her are almost the same as Ye Ya's, with a natural charm, a slight arc extending from the corner of her eyes, which can properly pick up the itchy spots of the opposite sex, and her lip line is moistened by red wine, which is even more beautiful. Touch people's heartstrings.

Yan Zhi's heart suddenly moved. When he was hiding in the closet that day, he saw Ye Xuan only wearing a pair of socks.

Why does she have to wear only one pair of socks?

Since Fan Xiaosi's fight with a few foreigners in the bar was planned by Ye Xuan and the others in advance, the place where Ye Xuan lives must also be part of the careful planning.

That is to say, when I entered Ye Xuan's room, I thought I was unaware of it, but in fact, it was already under his control. Before entering Ye Xuan's room, Ye Xuan already knew that there was someone in her room.

After she entered the house, she walked from the living room to the kitchen to boil water, then from the kitchen to the bathroom, and then back to the bedroom. At this time, she knew that someone was hiding in the coat closet, but she was standing in the coat closet wearing only a pair of socks. Up front, why is this?
Yan Zhi picked up the red wine glass, shook it slowly, and looked at Ye Xuan, who had eyes like silk. She knew that I was looking at her in the closet, but she still stood in front of me wearing only a pair of socks. Why?
A wise man is always worried, and there is bound to be a mistake. Could it be that she doesn't want me to see her feet?
Could there be some secret on her feet?
Yan Zhi remembered that there was a faint scar on Ye Ya's ankle, and there was also a scar on the sole of her foot.

"How did the military jacket I gave Ye Ya come to you?" Yan Zhi asked, "When Ye Ya committed suicide, she was wearing the military jacket I gave him."

When talking about Ye Ya's "suicide", Yan Zhi's heart moved again. Afterwards, who buried Ye Ya?

Ye Ya died in his arms, Yan Zhi still can't let it go, although Ye Ya's ultimate fate is to die.

Just like Chu Ergou, he must die.

Ye Xuan touched Yan Zhi's wine glass, her lips became even redder, she took a sip of the wine, and blew on Yan Zhi, avoiding Yan Zhi's question: "When did you come into my room?" She said, looking at Yan Zhi with a mysterious smile.

Since you asked knowingly, I'll pretend to be confused: "When did I go to your room?"

Ye Xuan leaned forward, winking like silk, blowing like blue, and took a sip of wine: "Scumbag."


Ye Xuan poured half a glass of red wine she had drunk on Yan Zhi's face, got up and left without even looking at Yan Zhi with a cold face.

"..." Yan Zhi.

Back at the camp, just after taking a shower and changing clothes, Major General Yuan Ning and Nalan Xinghui arrived. As soon as they got off the car, Ambassador Hu Shi's car also arrived.

Major General Yuan Ning announced an exciting news to the entire Independent Company. Just half an hour ago, the U.S. government decided to contribute 1000 million U.S. dollars to aid China’s war of resistance against Japan. At the same time, the U.S. government decided to increase the size of the Flying Tigers’ air force in China .

But the premise is that Yan Zhi, the major and company commander of the independent company, must stay in the United States, conduct military exchanges with all allied troops, help the soldiers of the allied countries improve their training, and jointly fight against the Axis powers.

In view of the fact that the Independent Company set a military miracle of 92 minutes, a round trip of 24 kilometers, and a load of 1000 kilograms in Kolasi Mountain, President Roosevelt planned to send an additional 72 million US dollars in military supplies to China and keep the Independent Company in the United States, but The premise is that the independent company must complete another feat, which is to break the world military record set by the Japanese army by marching [-] miles in [-] hours.

If the independent company can accomplish this feat, it can be broken. The Japanese army once boasted that in a short period of time, no unit can break the arrogance of the military miracle they created.

If the Independent Company completes this feat, then as a reward, President Roosevelt will give 1000 million U.S. dollars in free aid to China, and the Independent Company will temporarily stay in the 101st Airborne Division as a sharp knife company and play a pivotal role in the upcoming battle .

The officers and soldiers of the whole company heard that their next mission would be to break the world military record set by the little devil, and they were gearing up one by one, eager to set off immediately and trample the record of the Japanese devil under their feet.

It turned out that a company of the Japanese army marched 72 miles in [-] hours in the Malay Peninsula, setting a military record that shocked the world, and it has not been broken so far. This is also the spiritual food they used to encourage soldiers on the battlefield.

If the Independent Company can break this military record of the little devil, it will undoubtedly be a slap in the face for the little devil's arrogance, and at the same time, it will also increase the confidence of all the soldiers and civilians in the world against the Axis powers.

Major General Yuan Ning told Yan Zhi that from now on, the independent company will be temporarily used as the sharp knife company of the 101st Airborne Division. They still belong to the Chinese army. Soldiers will receive a bonus of fifty dollars a month.

Hearing that the beauty would receive fifty dollars in military pay, the soldiers of the independent company were not calm, especially Fan Xiaosi, who knew where Gordon went every time.Fifty dollars, my God, in China, it is almost enough to get a second room.

Major General Yuan Ning also told Yan Zhi that when the independent company joins the 101st Airborne Division, everyone must learn all military matters related to skydiving. Therefore, the 101st Airborne Division decided to assign Lieutenant Mark Sobel, the commander of Company E, as the parachuting instructor of the independent company, while During this period, Yan Zhi will go to E Company to be their Kung Fu instructor.

(End of this chapter)

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