my battlefield my company

Chapter 76 My Motherland

Chapter 76 My Motherland
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Yan Zhi wanted to make a hole in the lies that poisoned the anti-Japanese soldiers in China, so that all the lies would leak out.

Yan Zhi knew that if he didn't show up, most of the officers and soldiers would definitely attract criticism and ridicule, and that's what he wanted.

Only when everyone doubts Yan Zhi's doubts about the Brotherhood of Brothers, can he and his brothers come out and attract enough attention. From then on, the entire military region can completely accept the Brotherhood of Brothers and his killing method of Yan Zhida Daozhijian .

Chinese soldiers can no longer shed blood needlessly, and can no longer sacrifice in vain.His simple tactics may not affect the anti-Japanese soldiers in China, but he has to work hard to at least make the soldiers of the Jinping Military Region better, so that they will no longer sacrifice tragically and needlessly when defending this hot land.

Although more than 100 death row inmates were formally established to form the Brotherhood, they were often ridiculed by the brother troops, who satirized that they were composed of a group of death row prisoners.The officers and soldiers of the entire military region must despise and ridicule the independent company. Therefore, Yan Zhi wants to use this surprise victory to elevate the position of the Brotherhood in the hearts of everyone in the military region.

Yan Zhi was just a little-known staff officer before, and not many people in the entire military region knew him.

At this time, almost everyone's eyes were focused on Wu Zhonghua, Kuang Dawei, Zhao Fugui, Fang You, and the four of them. They couldn't tell for a while, which of the four was going to compete with Nie Yuanfeng today Yan Zhi.


When the big bell in the school military field rang, there was a slow "tapping" sound of horseshoes in the reverberation of the big bell.

Then, the melodious sound of the harmonica sounded at the gate of the school's military field, accompanied by the sound of "treading" hoofs, attracting everyone's attention again.

The sound of the harmonica is soothing, clear, and joyful, like a stream of water, slowly flowing into everyone's heart.

An officer was riding a white horse with a strange and familiar rifle on his shoulders. The sound of the elegant harmonica accompanied by the sound of "treading" horseshoes appeared in front of the officers and soldiers. From the gate of the school military field to the rostrum Come here.His military uniform was also in tatters, riddled with holes, covered with gunpowder smoke and dust, it could be seen that it was the result of being tempered by a fire, but his riding boots were polished so that they could reflect the shadow of a person.

The officer was sitting on horseback, quietly playing a harmonica, his eyes were blocked by the lowered brim of his hat, and everyone could see extreme exhaustion from him.

Nalan Huiyue recognized Yan Zhi at first glance, and jumped up joyfully. In an instant, the students behind her also jumped up infected by her joy.

The soldiers of Brotherhood also recognized Yan Zhi immediately and stood up together.

Zhou Youcai, who was standing in front of Nalan Zhongzhong's rostrum, turned his head and saw Yan Zhi, a surge of courage suddenly rose from his heart, his legs no longer went limp, and his frightened face just now was now full of joy and sincerity.

As long as they are officers and soldiers who have been on the battlefield, they can tell at a glance that these five soldiers have just returned from the battlefield. You can see from their tattered clothes how hard they have gone through. The glory of victory was seen in his eyes.

Nalan sincerely remained calm.Just now, his adjutant had already reported Yan Zhi's achievements in a low voice.

Nalan Zhongcheng looked at his wife and two daughters, and it happened that his wife was also casting a questioning look at him, so he nodded slightly.

Mrs. Nalan glanced at Yan Zhi, and then at her husband.

Nalan Zhongzhong nodded to his wife again, then took a pen and wrote a small note, and asked the adjutant behind him to pass it to his wife.

Mrs. Nalan opened the note and saw that it said: Yan Zhi's team repelled the devils and rescued the residents in the stockade by the Longlin is good!

Mrs. Nalan was overjoyed and hurriedly handed the note to her two daughters.With Yan Zhi's combat achievements, even if he loses to Nie Yuanfeng in today's contest, not only will it not damage the reputation of the Nalan family, but it will also bring glory to the Nalan family.

Everyone could see that Yan Zhi was exhausted to the extreme. In such a state, losing to Nie Yuanfeng was completely normal.

Losing to Nie Yuanfeng in the martial arts competition is too insignificant compared to saving a village of people.

After throwing the Type [-] sniper rifle to a lieutenant in the military headquarters, Yan Zhi dismounted slowly and walked towards the rostrum exhausted. A soldier who fought bloody for the country, his heart felt hot.

These soldiers, in a few months, will go to China's Hubei battlefield, and will start a hand-to-hand battle with the invaders in Shibei Town, YC City. on their land.

Among them, the vast majority will die in battle, sacrifice their lives for the country, and use their blood and loyalty to keep the Japanese out of Shibei Town. Immortal legend.

Looking at this group of simple, even a little ignorant soldiers, Yan Zhi suddenly felt a little sad, so he slowly played the familiar song "My Motherland", which he had already heard in the orphanage. Learning to play the harmonica was a kind of excitement at that time, but now it is a kind of pathos and passion to play.

His harmonica sound is sometimes low and powerful, sometimes high-pitched and powerful, and sometimes exciting.

Yan Zhi played the majestic "My Motherland" while walking, Wu Zhonghua, Kuang Dawei, Zhao Fugui, Fang You, the four of them walked behind him exhaustedly with gunpowder on their faces. Anyone who saw them knew that they were Gang and Japan. There have been wars.

At this time and this scene, the artistic conception of this piece has been interpreted to a higher level.

Heroes cherish heroes, and the hymns of heroes are easier to penetrate into the hearts of heroes.

This song aroused a warm current in the hearts of all the soldiers present.They are too simple. Although Li Quanshun's songs such as "Ye Shanghai" and "Ye Lai Xiang" sung by the female soldiers of the song and dance troupe just now are nice and make their eyes straighten, the artistic conception of those songs does not belong to them. The official, the rich wife, and the jeweled ladies.

And the song played by the major officer has never been heard before, it is like a sound of nature, it hits their hearts directly, and can resonate with their hearts.

After playing the song, Yan Zhi had already walked to the rostrum, his eyes were foggy.Maybe these soldiers will think that his bragging is a bit abrupt, and some people may think he is stupid, but no matter what everyone thinks of him, Yan Zhi is willing to fight for these soldiers who will go to the battlefield and fight the invaders for every inch of China's mountains and rivers Playing a song, in order to defend the dignity of the Chinese clan, they will shed every inch of blood and sprinkle it on this ancient land.

On the basis of respecting history, we have appropriately added some modern ballads or inventions that can exaggerate the temperament of this book, and hope that book lovers will be happy.If there is something inappropriate in this book, please point it out.

(End of this chapter)

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