hey little guy

Chapter 4 Moon

Chapter 4 Moon (1)
【Starry Sky】

It is said that in the sky at the top of the mountain, the stars are extraordinarily bright.Girls keep looking forward to seeing it once, but never get the chance.

At the age of three, the girl was involved in a car accident and was never able to stand up again.

"It's okay." The girl always blinked her eyes and smiled.But her brother knew that those eyes were actually full of hope.

The girl's elder brother heard that there are fox spirits haunting the mountain, and as long as they are sincere, they will appear.After the meal that day, he went up the mountain to worship with offerings, praying for a clear sky.

"Brother will take you to see the stars." The boy put down the empty basket with a firm tone.

He carried his sister on his back and headed towards the top of the mountain.Sweat fell drop by drop, wetting his footprints.

After one hour, two hours, he finally climbed to the top of the mountain.The moonlight was hazy, and through the clouds, not a single star could be seen in the sky.

He put down his sister and covered his face in disappointment, tears streaming down his fingers.

A white fox came slowly, it jumped on the boy's shoulder, and rushed to the grass.

Countless fireflies were startled and flew up, sparkling in the night sky.


The snowflakes in the sky fell on the ground, and after a while they accumulated a thick layer.The children laughed and gathered snowballs and built a snowman beside the willow tree.

Enough playing, the children scattered away.

"Hello." Little Willow greeted the Snowman timidly.Every winter, the animals migrate south and hibernate in hibernation. This is the first time he sees a playmate.


They became friends.Throughout the winter, they clung to each other to resist the cold wind.

Spring came, and one morning, new shoots appeared on the willow tree.He told the snowman excitedly, but he found that only half of the snowman's body was left.

"I'm leaving," said the snowman.

Willow was stunned, he wanted to cry, but couldn't cry.

The snowman said: "Don't cry, we will meet again." The sun shone on him, and in a blink of an eye, he turned into water and penetrated into the roots of the willow tree.

Willow waited for a long time.

That day the breeze blew through his branches and leaves, and the catkins came out and drifted across the sky like flying snowflakes.

Faintly, he heard a "hello".

【Golden Retriever】

The boy lost his golden retriever for seven years.He untied the rope, and if he didn't pay attention, the dog disappeared.

He looked around anxiously, but he couldn't find it until evening.

The sun was setting from the west, and the afterglow of the sunset gradually faded.In a blink of an eye, the sky is full of stars and moons.

For the next few days, the boy left early and returned late. He ran all over the city. His clothes had not been changed for many days and were covered in dust.

Another day passed, and the boy walked towards home feeling lost, and when he reached the corner of the street, he heard a dog barking suddenly.He turned his head, and the lost golden retriever jumped up happily.

Its fur was covered with dust, even a little dirtier than the boy's.

"I will look for you as soon as the sun rises these few days!" The boy's voice was crying, "I thought you were lost outside!"

The golden retriever shook its tail and barked twice.

"I'm looking for you too, not just during the day."


It's the season of heavy rain one after another.

The ants are forced to move from low-lying areas to the highest places, but their nests still fill with water after each rain.Fortunately, ants are light and can float on water.

After the home was destroyed again, the ants climbed the tree and decided to live in the trunk.But this angered the forest, and the old trees secreted poisonous sap, which drove them away.

Ants are homeless.

"Come to me!" said the young tree to the ant.The ants, as if they were rescued, settled on the little tree one after another.

"You will gradually be hollowed out!" The ancient tree threatened.Xiaoshu pretended not to hear it, and continued to go her own way.

The sun returned, and under the scorching sun, the mountain fire ignited the ancient trees and burned them down bit by bit.

The fire spread to the top of the mountain immediately, and the youngest and most vulnerable young trees were groaning in pain from the heat wave.

During the struggle, countless ants emerged from under its bark, spread in a circle, and threw themselves at the flame one after another.Ditches were quickly reclaimed to contain the fire.

The heavy rain fell again, and the ants returned to the small tree.It's just that the place that was filled by them is half empty.

"Sure enough, as you said, it will really be eaten away." Xiaoshu said to himself, but suddenly laughed.


It is deep in spring and the flowers are blooming.

Bees fly from one flower to another, sniffing different fragrances.

Unlike other insects that are idle, bees are always extraordinarily busy.The ant raised its head, looked at the bees flying around, and couldn't help saying: "Didn't you realize that you were played by these plants? You have been doing hard work that you shouldn't be doing, pollinating them. Even those Even a meager amount of honey has to be collected by yourself.”

The bee passed over the head of the ant leisurely, without turning its head.

"It's really stupid." The ant shook his head.

The bee lands in the center of the stamen.

"Pug work?" He smiled, carefully hanging the pollen on his lap, "The flowers all over the mountain are all gifts from them; the fragrance all over the sky is all gifts from them; the honey in my heart is all It's a gift they gave me."

"And what did you get? Stupid."

"Passengers sit down!" the bee cheered, flapping its wings, "Take off!"


The rice grew taller and taller, and finally bore fruit.

Amidst the golden color, the newly added Scarecrow is dim and out of tune with the outside world.

"Hey, hello!" said the Scarecrow with a smile.

The rice around him seemed to dislike him, and they were unwilling to answer the conversation, hiding away.The Scarecrow didn't care at all, just smiled without saying a word.

Time flies, and the rice is gradually bent over.Amidst the joy, a shadow covered the sun.

The birds landed and sprinted, and their sharp beaks tore the body of the rice, tearing the rice off.The celiacs are already hungry, and this is their feast.

The withered and yellow figure suddenly appeared, and scattered the flock of birds. It roared like a majestic king.The forebear fluttered its wings in panic, and fled without looking back.

The paddy matures smoothly and separates from the straw.The rice seeds are buried in the soil in the spring of the second year, and the dead grass is tied into a human shape.

The sun was shining brightly that day, and a little out of place withered yellow was newly added to the tumbling golden waves.The scarecrow looked at the rice avoiding it, with a smile on his face.

"Hey, hello!"


Penguins and polar bears depend on each other for life. Outside the glass windows, there are countless people who come to visit.

"I'm afraid." The penguin said, the human sight pierced it like knives.

The polar bear hugged the penguin and turned around.The soft belly wraps the penguin, conveying warmth, like sea water under the sun.Tourists gradually lost interest and dispersed to other venues.

"Want to go home?" Polar Bear asked.Penguin nodded.

It was a moonless starry night, and the penguin was woken up.It opened its eyes, and the polar bear in front of it stretched out its hand.

The polar bear slammed the penguin on its back and ran out of the zoo, sprinting through the deserted streets.When they arrived at the pier, the polar bear hid the penguin into the polar research ship.

"I'm too big to get in." The polar bear looked at the penguin's outstretched hand, smiled and shook his head and said, "I'll wait until the big ship comes. You want to come find me."

Two ships, one went to the Antarctic, and the other sailed to the North Pole. The penguin didn't realize this until it returned home.

In the blizzard, a penguin is walking against the wind, its thick fur is nothing under the attack of the strong wind.The polar night was deep and dark, it shivered, but it still didn't stop walking.

Finally, it saw the sea, jumped and swam forward.The sun breaks through the clouds and shines on the sea, which wraps it around and reminds it of the belly of a polar bear.

"There is still a long way to go." It murmured, going forward indomitably.


A gust of wind blows over the dandelions, and countless seeds are blown up with the wind.

They are playing, laughing and flying towards the distance.

"I hope to fall into the most fertile land." The smallest seed opened its small white umbrella and prayed silently in its heart.Every seed holds the same idea, and it is no exception.

The wind blew the seeds around and fell in different places, leaving only it.It floated for a long time, and finally fell into the quagmire.

The silt blackened its little umbrella, and it struggled, but couldn't fly, so it could only weep silently.

"Child." The willow tree beside the quagmire smiled and said, "When I was a seed, this quagmire was twice as big as it is now."

"Don't let this be your end."

The sun shines through the leaves.Seed felt the quagmire under his body, which seemed to have become a little harder.It wiped away the tears, nodded, and tried to stretch the root system down.

Generation after generation, dandelion seeds fall into the mire, and the soil becomes more and more solid.

Another new year, the wind brings a piece of catkins.It hid in a corner on the edge of the mire, weeping silently.


The dandelion by the muddy pond opened its mouth with a smile.

【Ice Free Harbor】

Murmansk Port, one of the largest ports in the Arctic Circle, the sea water always freezes hard every winter.

The gray-haired old man in thick clothes guarded the lighthouse, sipping vodka softly.

When the polar night comes and the ice caps float, someone has to light a lamp.

A wail came from afar, and the old man shivered, stood up, and looked into the distance.

A sperm whale is stranded in crushed ice.

The old man took the pickaxe with ease and went out against the wind.The ice cap crumbled and the sperm whales were able to escape.

"No. 40 two, it's really worrying." The old man said with a smile, looking at the whales going away.

The old man died and was buried under the lighthouse.No one lit the guiding light, and the shipping in the entire port was in trouble.

One night, the sound of whale songs resounded through the harbor.The ice cap crumbles and then melts.

"Without lights, you will be cold." The whales gathered under the lighthouse.

"Look, we've brought a North Atlantic warm current."

【blood sugar】

The girl lay on the hospital bed, looked at the medical records in her hand, and sighed deeply.

Diabetes, a disease of the elderly, was contracted by her when she was young.With a little anemia, she was devastated.This is the second time she has fainted in a month.

The girl is a volunteer at the orphanage.

Recently, there was a young man who was always standing at the gate of the orphanage, as if he was planning something.It was difficult for her to fall asleep, and her spirit became fatigued.

When the girl returned to the orphanage, it was already late at night, and the children had already gone to bed.She insisted on checking the bed again and leaned back on the chair.

A dark shadow climbed over the wall.

The girl hurriedly took the flashlight and ran over.Unexpectedly, the black shadow also ran towards her anxiously.

"It's good that you're fine, it's good that you're fine!" The fair-skinned young man happily patted the girl's shoulder and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Here." The young man took out a wad of money and stuffed it into the girl's arms, "Don't take care of the children, but also pay for yourself!"

"Who are you?" The girl was stunned and asked aloud.

"That... I'm a blood race nearby..." The young man shrugged and turned his head away, "Your blood... so sweet..."

【Lotus Root】

In the mud, several lotus roots were buried deep in it.The three-foot net plant drilled out of the water, holding the calyx.

Darkness surrounds the lotus root, and it works hard to support the heavy lotus.Year after year, it grows from immature to old, its body is rough, but more solid and powerful.

The boy groped and dug hard to get the lotus root out of the mud.Sunlight penetrates the body of the lotus root and fills its heart full of gaps.

"Mom, why is the lotus root empty?" The little boy ran to his mother and asked, waving the lotus root innocently.

The woman strokes the boy's hair.She smiled, her eyes narrowed into crescent moons.

"Have you seen those lotus seeds? Every time a lotus seed is born, the lotus root will lack a little bit, and it will turn into the color of the lotus flower as a price."

"The lotus root grows from lotus seeds and once bloomed. Those colors are the passage of their life, but also the continuation." The woman paused, pointing to the lines at the corners of her eyes, "Look, this is also the price of laughter."

"It's called inheritance."


It was a war between the she-wolf and the bear. As long as one side fell, the time for the hunter would come.He is confident enough to have both in his bag.

The hunter waited for a long time, and finally, after being knocked down by the bear again, the female wolf failed to stand up.The hunter drew his bow, and the arrow flew, piercing the back of the bear.He smiled and stepped forward, ready to retrieve his prey.

A childish wolf howl reached his ears.He raised his bow and aimed at the source of the sound.A wolf cub with missing teeth dodged and got into the embrace of the female wolf.

The hunter suddenly understood why the female wolf did not escape.

He sighed, put down his bow, drew a dagger from his waist, and plunged it into the bear's neck.Blood flowed out, and the little wolf staggered forward and licked it lightly.

The hunter left empty-handed.

He is still active in the forest and is getting older.While hunting again, he stumbled and fell down the mountain, losing consciousness.When he woke up, it was already dark.A few meters away, there are dozens of pairs of eyes emitting a faint light.

The leader of the giant wolf approached the hunter, baring a tooth missing a canine, with a terrifying face.The hunter backed away in fright until his back touched the rock.

The giant wolf's eyes narrowed slightly.It lowered its head and put down a thing.Then it howled and left with the pack of wolves.

In the moonlight, the hunter saw a long dagger-like tusk roughly embedded in the wooden handle.There are irregular paw prints on the wooden handle, which can vaguely imagine the clumsy appearance of the maker.


The girl was leaning on the hospital bed, holding a guitar in her hand, and gently playing it outside the window.The sound of the piano overflowed from the crack of the window and flew into the sky.

The girl has been in this hospital for a long time, and she has known her condition for a long time, and she has no hope.She just wants to leave some traces in this world, even if it's just a little voice.

The bird by the window poked its head quietly, looking at the girl's face.

The strumming stopped, the girl put the guitar down, and lay down again.The summer sun shines on her body, leaving a silhouette.

She played day after day.

That afternoon, the girl didn't finish a song, but the strings lost their voice first.The guitar fell and broke the handle.Her vision was blurred and she felt like she was falling into an abyss.

When he woke up again, the weather was cloudy, and the ECG monitor recorded the girl's heartbeat.

"The guitar is broken." The girl said softly, looking at the ceiling.

A thunder streaked across the sky, illuminating her cheek.A sudden gust of wind brushed the leaves, making a rustling sound.In just an instant, water droplets hit the eaves, making a tinkling sound.

The girl turned her head, and a few drenched little birds stood on the window sill, blowing a gentle whistle.

The music is melodious.

In fact, every rain in summer is a gift from heaven to those who wish for good.

【Black and white impermanence】

"Taking you in, the task is considered complete." Hei Wuchang flicked the chain, entangled the wandering lonely soul, and put it in the gourd.

"It's good luck. I haven't met any stubborn little devils recently." He said to himself with a smile, "In this way, I will beat my brother again this year. Make an extra entry in the merit book, and you will be promoted to the Heavenly Court." It's just around the corner."

Tens of miles away, Bai Wuchang stuffed the lonely soul's farewell letter into the crack of the door, and clapped the ashes on his hands with satisfaction.

"This last wish is fairly simple." He looked up at the sun, and frowned slightly.

"That idiot Xiao Hei, you can't catch him like this?"


"You are really willing to endure hardship." Hei Wuchang shook his head, "Is it worthwhile to exchange 1000 years of hard work for one day?"

The man smiled, but didn't answer.

He followed behind Hei Wuchang and entered the Hall of Resurrection.The hall was extremely empty, only the judge was sitting on a chair.

"You can choose to go back to any moment and any place before you were alive." The judge waited for him to stand still, and said, "But the price is 1000 years."

The man nodded.

"You should also read the terms. You can only experience everything, and any changes to the original world are not allowed." The judge said, "Even so, are you sure you want to go back?"

"I'm sure."

The judge sighed: "Tell me the time and place."


The man stood up straight, his eyes sparkling.

"Let me go home."

【zebra crossing】

On weekends, the kids are off.The streets and alleys are full of laughter.

The boy is also a member of this team. As soon as he came out of the hide-and-seek place, his friend had already run far away.

"Hey! Don't run!" cried the boy, running after his friend.

When he ran to the side of the road, the red light just passed, the boy rushed out anxiously, a car turned and hit him straight.

The driver turned pale with fright and stepped on the brakes hastily.The boy's feet were unsteady, he took two steps back, and fell to the ground, avoiding the general with only slight scratches.

"Oh, my chest hurts so much." The boy rubbed his chest and grinned, "Obviously he wasn't hit by a car."

Hiding in the middle of the zebra crossing, Black and White Wuchang retracted his raised legs and wiped his sweat.

"This is the sixth one today, can't these little bastards look at the car?"

(End of this chapter)

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