Chapter 31 Greetings

Chapter 31 Greetings

Finally, the bell for the end of get out of class came, which was more cordial than ever before.

I have never looked forward to the end of get out of class so eagerly...

Turning his head to look at Ryoma, he is already awake but still in a semi-comatose state, with his head drooping, beside him is a boy with short brown hair standing beside his desk cheerfully, talking unremittingly, Ryoma still has a headache. Do not lift.

I really admire his perseverance... that boy who should be called Satoshi Horio.The voices in the classroom were a little chaotic, and I couldn't hear what they were talking about, but I felt that there would be a few eyes on her from time to time, which were terribly fiery.

As he looked over, he quickly dodged to avoid her gaze.Hehe...they are still boys who are not yet in love.

Sure enough, this is the difference between middle school students and elementary school students. Everyone has a good impression of the opposite sex and an instinctive yearning for beautiful girls, so it is not so strange to be looked at like this.Firefly smiled calmly and stood up.

Sure enough, this sudden move immediately attracted more than half of the boys in the class to look at her together, including Echizen Ryoma. Of course, he only noticed after being poked and excitedly reminded by Horio.

The moment he inadvertently looked up and saw Hotaru, surprise flashed across Ryoma's eyes.

Under everyone's gaze, Hotaru walked up to Ryoma, with a smile that hadn't changed for a century, "We meet again, Ryoma." Her tone was as natural as if she was greeting an old friend she hadn't seen for a long time.

This is also thanks to the aristocratic etiquette education she received since she was a child. Based on the same idea of ​​"I will never let you see it no matter how nervous I am" like Keigo Atobe, she looks quite calm.

Who knows that once these words came out, Echizen Ryoma, who is the central figure, didn't have much reaction. On the contrary, Horio, who kept nagging, widened his not-so-gorgeous eyes in surprise, and patted Ryoma vigorously. shoulder said, "The more... the more...! Do you... know each other?"

"Well, I seem to know him." Ryoma nodded and replied lightly.

"Oh... Ryoma, you are so indifferent... I came to Qingxue just for you, and you actually used such words..." Yingying twitched her lips, smiling more sinisterly and cunningly, and quickly put on a pitiful look He blinked a pair of watery light gray eyes full of longing and anticipation, staring at Echizen Ryoma eagerly.

Coupled with the already delicate baby face, this kind of her immediately shocked the boys in the class.

An unprecedented heated discussion erupted in the class.

All the boys were so cute by her expression, they didn't know what to say.Horio's eyes turned into peach hearts, and he complained angrily to Ryoma, who had a calm and calm face, "Damn it, Echizen! You didn't even tell have such a beautiful girlfriend!"

Ryoma frowned. The sudden turn of events made him feel a little troubled, so finally there was some expression on his calm and indifferent face.

I do have some memories of her.

From the moment she stepped into the classroom, although she didn't look up at her, she remembered it the moment she said her name was Hotaru Atobe.

The little girl 6 years ago went to England.

And the beautiful big characters written on the back of his hand with a water pen, Xiaoying.

It must be her nickname. If you observe carefully, she is undoubtedly the girl you met in the rain that day.

But he didn't expect that she would transfer to Qingxue, and she was still in the same class as him.

"Ah, hello classmate, my name is Hotaru Atobe, and I'm Ryoma's... friend." She still hesitated when she said the last word, but after feeling a sharp and indifferent look at her, Immediately changed the name to "friend".

Echizen Ryoma, is that why you are so resistant to me... Hotaru's eyes dimmed a bit.

Horio saw that the beautiful girl suddenly noticed him and greeted him, he was elated, and quickly introduced himself, " name... Horio Satoshi... aha. Ahaha... hello." Said He hesitated and scratched the back of his head.

(End of this chapter)

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