Chapter 49

Chapter 49

"Go to the opposite tram stop and take the tram in the opposite direction and you can go back to Tokyo." The driver looked at the thin back of Tuoluo who got off the bus, and really couldn't bear to see such a cute little girl so depressed. Kindly, he reminded.

Yingying, who got out of the car in a daze, only heard the reminder from the kind, friendly and enthusiastic uncle behind him, but she didn't even respond.

The tram behind started to start, disappeared at the end of the road in a flash, and drove away, leaving behind a cloud of dust, which was very desolate and miserable.

It's not that she doesn't know that she can go back to Tokyo by taking the tram in the opposite direction, and it's not that she doesn't know how normal it is for a person who takes a tram for the first time.

But the reality is in front of her eyes!It was cruelly placed before her eyes... She didn't even have the money to take the tram again!

Miserable... Miserable can only be used to describe her current situation.

He took out the only valuable thing in his pocket-the mobile phone.

She looked at the phone with tears in her eyes——Dear brother, I really don’t want to trouble you to come all the way to Kanagawa to pick me up, but if you don’t come, I will sleep in the open at the gate of Lihai University Affiliated Middle School .

She looked back at the school gate of the High School Affiliated to Likai University sadly, even though she used to want to get to know the main players of Likai University who were kings, how much she wanted to see Yukimura Seiichi's gorgeous demeanor like a queen, but at this moment, She is not in the mood.

Feeling anxious, Hotaru dialed Keigo Atobe's phone number.

To be honest, she always felt that it was useless to leave Keigo Atobe's phone number.Because she almost didn't need to take the initiative to call him to ask him for anything, this competent brother would think of everything for her and take care of it for her.

But now, she is very glad that she left Keigo Atobe's phone number.

The phone rang only twice, and was quickly connected.

Atobe Keigo's unique voice came from the other end, that kind of voice that was full of magnetism and allure, exuding strong male hormones, "Dear Xiaoying, I'm really surprised that you would take the initiative to call me .”

"Dear brother... To be honest, I am very excited to hear your gorgeous voice." Basically imitating the sentence pattern of Atobe Keigo's last sentence.

"Ah huh? Why is your mouth so sweet today? Where are you, this time should be back, right, Huadi?"

Vaguely, I heard a strong and deep voice answering "Yes."

At this time...and on the phone...don't interact with Huadi anymore!
"I'm in Kanagawa right now, at the gate of Lihai University Affiliated Middle School."

"What? Are you in Kanagawa? Why are you in Kanagawa?"

"'s like this...because..."

In the next 5 minutes, Hotaru told Atobe Keigo all about what happened to him after school this afternoon.

With tears in her eyes, she almost burst into tears on the side of the road regardless of her image.

"I didn't expect such an unglamorous thing to happen..." Keigo Atobe's voice was very and quite helpless.

However, Hotaru didn't see how tangled the expression on his face should be on the other side of Keigo Atobe at this time.Taking the tram to a stop, getting back without money, calling for help on the side of the road... This kind of embarrassing thing actually happened to his Atobe family.

Alas... Hotaru Atobe, Hotaru Atobe.

Your appearance is destined to draw a black line that is not gorgeous on his magnificent life like a king.

"Yeah,'s not very gorgeous." Ying Ying pursed her lips and echoed.

"You just wait there, don't move, my uncle will go to Kanagawa immediately." After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone, grabbed his coat, and called Shang Huadi and the old housekeeper to prepare the car.

The black luxury private car drove out of the mansion of the Atobe family at the fastest speed...

(End of this chapter)

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