Madam Hou

Chapter 165

Chapter 165

One, the boss of the Lin family
Brother Yi, the eldest of the Lin family, is a "very thoughtful" foodie. Since he was four years old, he has often discussed with his cousin, the Fifth Prince, "The red-capped canary in Concubine Qin Kang's palace is Is it delicious stewed or fried, or should I put mushrooms and red dates in the soup?" "The white-haired Persian cat raised by Concubine Bai Ning is so beautiful, and its meat must be delicious. Roast it and eat it, but I don’t know what ingredients to put in it?” “I wonder if the little white mink in Concubine Xue’s palace has been fattened yet!”……

The boss of the Lin family is not only a foodie, but also an activist.On a sunny day, the canary in Concubine Qin Kang's palace, the Persian cat in Concubine Bai Ning's palace, and the little white mink in Concubine Xue's palace all suddenly disappeared.Sangong mobilized people to look for them together, and then found their... hairs in a rockery cave in the Imperial Garden.Next to Mao was a handful of leftover bones.

The concubines of the three palaces were furious and sued the emperor collectively, and finally asked Concubine Chen to pay each of the three palaces a canary, a Persian cat and a little white mink.

The boss of the Lin family is a foodie who not only harms others, but also often harms his own family.In Yongning Hou Mansion, pets often disappeared, and this caused many times of disharmony in the Hou Mansion.For this reason, the Yongninghou couple were very worried that the elder of the Lin family would grow up to be a bad boy who was habitual of stealing. , Yongning Hou decided to "take the bottom line" and forbid keeping pets in the mansion.

As a result, later... Later, Ah Huang, who was guarding the gate of the Hou Mansion, also disappeared...

Second, the second child of the Lin family
Brother Yin, the second son of the Lin family, is just a beautiful boy!

Ever since the second child of the Lin family was born, the Yongninghou couple knew that this second son would be the best-looking one among all their sons.Brother Yin inherited all the advantages of his parents' appearance. When he was just one year old, a war broke out between his cousin, Miss Ying Fourth, and the second Miss Su of the Marquis of Weihai, because Yin only played with Fourth Miss Ying and not Su. The second lady is playing.

Brother Yin is not only beautiful, but also very smug.

From the age of one, I knew that I would never go out without helping him to wear beautiful clothes. When I was three years old, I knew that I was more attractive to girls in white clothes than in other colors.When he was less than five years old, Brother Yi accidentally scraped a wound on his face with his nails. As a result, he dragged his little wooden sword and cried bitterly to seek revenge from Brother Yi, but in the end he was killed by the maids around him. stop.Later, when she was hugged and comforted by her mother, she cried and declared: "If I get disfigured, I don't want to live!" She was so frightened that Yinniang hurriedly invited the imperial doctor who was the best at treating traumatic scars in the palace to see him.Brother Yin did not speak to Brother Yi for a whole year because of this.

Brother Yin also likes girls' jewelry very much.

Before Brother Yin learned to crawl, he liked to stare at the hairpins, flowers, and other things on other girls' heads.At first, Yin Niang thought that he was only interested in the beautiful pattern on the head of the hairpin, and didn't pay much attention to it.When her son was more than one year old, she found that he was too keen on these girls' things. Yinniang worried that he would be male and female when he grew up, so she decided to correct his "deformed" hobby.

Yin Niang hugged her son and explained to him in a very serious tone that the hairpin and other things belong to girls. As a real boy, he can't like these things. If he likes them, he will be looked down upon.

Brother Yin lowered his head and didn't speak at that time, and later he didn't show his enthusiasm for these things in front of others. Yinniang thought he had corrected it, and secretly praised her foresight.

But later, Yinniang found that she often lost jewelry in her jewelry box, and later, she found some of her lost jewelry under the pillow on Brother Yin's bed...

Brother Yin's hobby has been maintained until adulthood. Of course, after adulthood, Brother Yin changed his way of loving. He no longer hides and appreciates slowly, but buys jewelry for girls, so that they can give it to girls for themselves. Blushing and beating heart to satisfy one's evil hobby, this is another story.

Three, the youngest of the Lin family
The third brother of the Lin family is a fanatic of martial arts. He likes to dangle around the house with a small wooden sword when he just learned to walk.According to martial arts novels, his muscles and bones are still very good, which is a good material for martial arts. When his two older brothers were still learning to squat, he was already able to perform some simple moves.

Lin Fengqi has a sense of pride for this son, and he is determined to train this son to be his successor.

It's a pity that although Brother Ting is as good at martial arts as his father, his ambition is different from his father's.When he learns martial arts well, he does not aspire to become a general and fight enemies on the battlefield to serve the motherland, but to unify the martial arts world in the future.But what annoyed him more was that his lofty ambition was unanimously laughed at by his parents and brothers.Even his father, whom he has always admired, did not believe that he would become a big shot in the martial arts world in the future.

Brother Ting felt very depressed and sad. He found that there was no one who understood him at home.So the third young master Lin, who had always been misunderstood, was about to run away from home when he was six years old. He got rid of the servant who was serving him, secretly prepared his luggage and dry food, left a letter from his family, and was ready to venture into the rivers and lakes.

But this great plan of running away from home only lasted six hours from the beginning to the end, and after eating the three breads I prepared, I forgot to bring money to buy food, and had to go back because I was hungry. ended up at home.

What made Brother Ting even more depressed was that when he returned home, no one at home knew that he had run away from home!Everyone thought he was playing hide-and-seek with the boy (he used the excuse of hide-and-seek when he got rid of the boy), and his mother praised him for hiding so well that he was not found for six hours.And the family book he left in the room is still intact in his room, and no one has flipped through it...

Fourth, the third child of the Lin family
If it is said that the other three elder brothers have only some minor flaws, which do not hinder their positive image as sons of the Hou family, then brother Sixi is completely a typical playboy.

Eating, drinking, whoring, gambling, fighting, fighting, except for whoring (the main reason is that I was too young at the time, and I was powerless), and the other five poisons are complete!At his worst, he once let the grandson of Uncle Dongchang, who was five years older than him, lose to nothing but a pair of trousers, and even beat the second son of Bai Shilang's family into a bun.

From his childhood to his adulthood, as a father, Yongninghou did not know how many whips he had broken, and how many gifts he had given to others. Every time he saw other adults bring their children to ask for an explanation, Yongninghou wanted to give this The son was stuffed back into his mother's belly to reshape.

And the only thing that can make Yongninghou comfort himself is that whether it is gambling or fighting, the one who suffers anyway is that others are not his own son.If his son's temperament grows like this, and in the end he can play but can't play with others, can't beat others, and can only be the bottom of the playboy, then he really has no face to go out.

Of Yongning Hou's four sons, although the eldest is not outstanding in civil and military affairs, they are all unsatisfactory; the second is good at literature; the third is good at martial arts; Hou once worried about the future of his fourth son.

The only thing that is gratifying to Marquis Yongning is that this fourth son is very sociable, and his friends are all over the world. Even the people who fought with him and were beaten into pig heads by him at the beginning can become his good friends in the end.When he was eight years old, he went to Fujian with his father to inspect the military drills, and ended up becoming sworn brothers with the young master of the local Cao Gang.

Five, sister Jane

The eldest daughter of Yongning Hou Lin Fengqi was born in the spring of Jinghui's 18th year. It was a cloudless day with a hundred flowers blooming. With a burst of crying, the midwife came out with a baby wrapped in a red swaddle, smiling. He said: "Congratulations, Lord Hou, Madam gave birth to a daughter."

As a wife who had been looking forward to having a daughter since her second child, she was disappointed one after another. In the end, for Marquis Yongning, who was almost desperate to have a daughter, this sound was like a surprising dawn in despair.

As the long-awaited son and daughter of the Marquis of Yongning, this child must be loved by thousands of people.Lin Fengqi named her Sister Zhen, which means Ruzhen Like Treasure.Since Sister Zhen was born, she had portrayed her four elder brothers as stepfather's sons.For example, the best things in the house will always arrive at Sister Zhen’s yard first, and then it will be the turn of the brothers. For example, if Sister Zhen has a conflict with her brothers, it is always the brothers who are punished .

Sister Zhen is also a very cute and well-behaved little loli. When her father comes back, she will serve him tea and water, and will beat her tired mother's legs. It really is the little padded jacket that parents care for!
Of course, if you don’t count that she used to play with fire in her father’s study, she almost burned the whole study; because she played hide-and-seek with the little maid, she trampled to death all the rare orchids her mother planted in the greenhouse; Roasted the little tabby cat raised by my grandmother, and ran to sue my grandmother after collecting the hush money; when my second brother was asleep, he secretly painted on his face and white clothes, and when he woke up, he Blame it on the third brother; when the fourth brother went out to fight, he pretended to be a servant and followed secretly, but if the fourth brother was caught because he couldn't run fast, she could indeed be regarded as a little padded jacket like an angel.

Among the older brothers, Sister Zhen is the best with her fourth brother, because the fourth brother is the most loyal and willing to take her with her no matter what she does. The loyal ones did not confess her.Of course, sister Zhen thinks that she is also very loyal to the fourth brother. For example, when the fourth brother was punished for copying books, she would secretly copy some for him. Copy twice.For another example, when the fourth brother was fined not to eat, she would secretly give him food.For another example, when the fourth brother was punished with a whip, she would also give him medicine...

(End of this chapter)

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