Madam Hou

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Linping County.

Mrs. Chen's life in the past year has not been without ups and downs.

Her eldest daughter originally said that she was going to marry into the Hou's Mansion and become the young mistress of the Hou's Mansion. At that time, she was glad that her daughter had a good home.In the end, Mrs. Lin Hou was taken into the capital to live in Beijing for a few months, but someone from the Hou's mansion in the capital came to congratulate her and told her that the eldest daughter was chosen by the emperor to enter the palace and become the emperor's concubine.

Don't bully her if she has no education and can't read a few words. It's all kinds of unreliable for a daughter from the Cheng family who has no power and no power to enter the palace.It is said on the stage that common people favor the sixth palace because of their beauty. In fact, men love the new and dislike the old are brought out in the womb, and they can't be changed the day after tomorrow. What's more, the emperor is rich all over the world. Could it be that there is no one more beautiful than Yanniang? When the emperor's novelty wears off, Yanniang still doesn't know if she will be bullied until she loses her life.Only Chen Dazhu, that shameless person, would ignore his daughter's life and live in the dream of his daughter becoming a concubine and letting him get promoted and make a fortune.

Ever since she knew that her daughter had entered the palace, she was worried every day. Even in her dreams at night, her daughter was thrown into the cold palace by the emperor. She had no clothes to wear, no food to eat, and everyone in the palace bullied her.At that time, when she thought of this, she panicked, and she spent the whole winter moaning and sighing.

Well, three months haven't passed yet, the nightmare has come true, and the news spread in Jingzhong that Yanniang has really been thrown into limbo.Now Mrs. Chen just fell straight down, lying on the bed sick for two months and didn't get up, shed tears all day long, didn't she hold her second daughter's hand in the morning and say: "I shouldn't have been greedy and wanted Yanniang to marry high." I was the one who let her go to the capital because I harmed Yan Niang!" The one holding the little daughter at night sighed, "I'm sorry for your eldest sister, why is my son's life so hard?"

For this reason, the Chen family has not had a good year, and the family is shrouded in dark clouds every day.

Then when the ice and snow began to melt and this winter was about to end, news spread in the capital again that Yanniang was taken out of the cold palace by the emperor and was favored again.

As soon as the news came, Mrs. Chen recovered from her illness immediately.Entering the palace has become a fact, and it is better to be favored than to enter the cold palace.For this reason, Chen's mother took out her dowry, made a golden Buddha and offered it directly in her yard, offering three incense sticks every morning and evening, and even began to eat vegetarian food.

Then when spring came, another news came from the capital: Yanniang was pregnant, Yanniang was promoted to the concubine, Yanniang was taken into the queen's palace and the queen took care of her personally.

Mrs. Chen hadn't had time to digest the news when Mrs. Liang, who was sent by the Yongning Hou Mansion as a matchmaker, arrived. He euphemistically expressed that our Hou Mansion liked your second girl, Yin Niang, and wanted to hire her to be the wife of the eldest son of the Hou Mansion.

When Mrs. Liang arrived at Chen's house, she praised Mrs. Chen's three daughters fiercely. She spoke beautifully and didn't feel like flattering at all.After the scene was finished, Mrs. Liang politely asked Mrs. Chen for Yinniang's Geng Tie.

Although it seems tempting to let her daughter be the wife of the prince, but after Yanniang's incident, Mrs. Chen felt that Mrs. Lin Hou was a little unreliable, and thought she should think again.

But after all, she is going to marry into the Marquis Mansion to be the wife of the eldest son. There are not many mothers in the world who can withstand such a temptation.After thinking about it all night, Mrs. Chen really couldn't think of anything else in her family that could be plotted by Mrs. Linhou. In the end, Mrs. Chen's desire to marry her daughter overcame her reason, thinking that she could not give up eating because of choking, and could not be afraid of snakes all day long. She was afraid of the well rope for ten years, not to mention that she herself married Chen Dazhu at a low level. In the end, Chen Dazhu was still a concubine born to a concubine. Since there are risks in marrying high or low, it is better to marry high, at least you can have a good life. .

After thinking it over, Mrs. Chen got up in the morning and wrote Yin Niang's horoscope in red cursive and handed it to Mrs. Liang.Mrs. Liang received Yinniang's straw note with satisfaction, and after meeting Yinniang, he praised Yinniang and Lin Shizi with a three-inch tongue, and then made a final offer. The betrothal gift, and then left again with a bunch of maids and mother-in-law Haohao Tangtang.

In fact, it can be seen from this that the Yongning Hou Mansion believes that the Chen family will definitely agree to this marriage, otherwise they wouldn't even bring out the betrothal gift.

As soon as Mrs. Liang left, Mrs. Lin Hou was still overjoyed. Looking at the 42 dowry gifts in the hall, she began to worry again.The betrothal gift is so thick, what should I do with the dowry in the future.

The dowry must always be higher than the dowry gift, and you are married at a high level. If the dowry is lighter than the dowry gift, you may be looked down upon by your husband's family in the future, but if you want to marry generously, you must have money.

Sure enough, children are debts!

Mrs. Chen asked her mother-in-law to move the dowry gifts into the storeroom, and then she went into the inner room and sat on the red lacquered grand teacher's chair, resting her chin in one hand, worrying secretly.

In the yard where Yinniang lived on the other side.

The 13-year-old Yin Niang took the abacus that Mrs. Chen usually used to calculate accounts, sat cross-legged on an arhat table against the wall, put the abacus on a carved lacquer table on the couch, and typed the betrothal gift list. with the abacus.He was still muttering: "The market price of organdy should not be less than 50 taels a piece. Counting him 50 taels, there are four pieces in total, worth 200 taels. There are also ten pieces each of Shanghai welt cloth, bright red satin, and engraved silk." , Counting ten taels a horse, it is 300 taels, and there are also gold, silver and jade wares, jewelry inlaid with pearls and gemstones..."

The abacus was ringing, the numbers in the abacus were rising straight up, Yin Niang was very happy, the maid Qing Hua who served her behind her was always worried, the second lady worshiped money so much, how would she get married in the Hou's mansion in the future? Well, Mrs. Shizi is going to be the director of the family, so don't make any incidents of corruption in the future.

Yin Niang dialed the last abacus and looked at the numbers displayed in the abacus, her heart trembling with excitement.These betrothal gifts are conservatively estimated to be 2 taels of silver. According to the customs of the Great Yan Dynasty, most of the betrothal gifts have to be returned with the dowry. She is a rich woman worth 2 taels.

According to the price level of the Great Yan Dynasty, 500 taels can buy a house with three entrances and three exits in places like Linping County; 2000 taels can buy a three-entry house in the suburbs of Beijing; Buy a three-entry house in a more prosperous place. For 4000 taels, you can buy forty three-entry houses in Linping County, ten three-entry houses in the suburbs of Beijing, and five three-entry houses in the inner capital.

Oh my God, she's just getting rich.All of a sudden, he rose from the class of red peasants to a billionaire!
(End of this chapter)

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