Madam Hou

Chapter 96

Chapter 96

On the carriage back, Yinniang had been thinking about Lin Fengqi's upcoming expedition. After thinking about it, she suddenly thought of the name Zhao Juan. Then she slapped her thigh, and finally remembered that Zhao Juan was the former Master Chen's boss, County Magistrate Zhao. The eldest daughter?

It's no wonder that Yinniang can't remember her coming. Miss Boudoir, she is not a person with a particularly good relationship, and usually she won't call her by the name of Boudoir.In Linping County, Yinniang didn't get along very well with Miss Zhao. Miss Zhao often referred to her as "Chen". Yinniang claimed that she was better educated than her, and generally called her "Miss Zhao".The name Zhao Juan is not often called, and when she came to the capital, Yinniang had just passed her 13th birthday, and it has been two years now.Yinniang is very adaptable to this place in the capital, and she has never felt homesick due to acclimatization. She has seldom thought of the people and things in Linping County.Therefore, it was too easy for Yinniang to forget about Zhao Juan.

On the contrary, Zhao Juan's elder brother, Zhao Chang, Yin Niang is more familiar with him.The difference between men and women in Linping County is not as big as that in Beijing. Zhao Chang liked to come to her house to play with her since he was a child, and he also took good care of her.In this way, Zhao Juan became the concubine of Young Master Xue, so he should be Young Master Xue's lieutenant general.

It took two years, and I don't know what adventure he had, he went to the northwest to participate in the battle between Dayan and Beiqiang, and because of this, Young Master Xue valued him and became his deputy.

When Yin Niang was thinking of this, the carriage suddenly swayed heavily, Yin Niang staggered a bit, and then a servant outside shouted: "The horse is startled, hurry, hurry, restrain the horse, the eldest and young mistress is on the carriage... …”

Before Yinniang could call for help, she just let out an "ah" in fright, and then the carriage was galloped by the frightened horses.In the carriage, Yin Niang was shaken from left to right, and then from right to left, and she was almost thrown out several times.Yin Niang quickly grabbed onto the crossbar that was used to fix it on one side of the carriage, and then held on tightly.

Shouts from servants and maidservants kept coming from behind, some yelled "Young Mistress" in fear, some tried to calm down and ordered "quickly pull the rein and stop the horse", and some yelled when the frightened carriage collided with them. of the people.Yin Niang's heart was pounding, she thought, it's over, it's over, I'm afraid I will die here today.

I probably thought that I was really going to die, and my mind was full of distracting thoughts. For a while, I thought of my mother, Mrs. Chen, and for a while, I thought of my sister Yanniang and younger sister Pingniang. If they knew that she was dead, they didn't know how to be sad. Leave.He even thought of Mr. Chen, whom he hated the most, and thought that although Mr. Chen was a bit of a jerk, he didn't cause much harm, so he should forgive him before he died.Finally, he thought of Lin Fengqi, if he died, he wondered if he would defend himself like a jade.If he thought about it, he would not, even if he thought about it, Mrs. Lin Hou would not be willing. He would definitely continue in the future, and the thought of this Yin Niang made him very sad.Forget it, they are about to die, and they will be sad for a while. Fortunately, they have just got married and have no children yet. Otherwise, they will leave the children to be bullied by the stepmother. She will not feel at ease if she dies.

As soon as Yinniang closed her eyes, she was ready to see the King of Hades anytime.In the end, I didn't know who heard the sound of "Woo..." from the horse, and the startled horse let out a long "hiss" and finally stopped.Affected by inertia, Yin Niang suddenly fell back to sit on the couch.

Yin Niang glanced at the carriage in disbelief, not believing that the carriage really stopped.The heart screamed "thump, thump", as if it had just been put back into the chest cavity from the outside, and it calmed down after a while.

Outside came the voice of a servant from the Hou's mansion: "Thank you, young master, for saving our young mistress. If you hadn't jumped out and grabbed the reins, our young mistress would have died on the spot. I don't know what you call your young master, where does your family live?" In the future, our Eldest Young Master will definitely thank you!"

Only then did Yinniang realize that someone rushed out and pulled the rein, which saved her life.

The man's cold voice came: "It's a trivial matter, nothing to worry about."

Yin Niang wanted to get out of the carriage to express her gratitude, she found a hat from the carriage and put it on, then opened the curtain of the carriage.However, when she looked up and saw the young master's face, Yin Niang couldn't help but widen her eyes in shock.

It turned out to be Zhao Chang.

A maidservant who was chasing up helped her out of the carriage, Yin Niang stepped forward and called out uncertainly: "Brother Zhao?"

"Sister Yinniang, it's me."

At this time, he was wearing blue clothes, and he looked much more mature than two years ago, and there was no trace of childishness around him.

Seeing that the saving son knew his young mistress, the boy couldn't help but smiled and said: "It turns out that the young master is a friend of our eldest mistress, so I'm sorry."

When Zhao Chang heard the word "Eldest Young Mistress" from the young servant's mouth, his complexion darkened for a moment, his heart was bitter, and he didn't know how to face Yin Niang.

When she raised her head, she saw a black corner of her clothes protruding from a corner not far away, so she cupped her hands and said to Yin Niang, "Sister Yin Niang, I have to leave today, we will see you next time if there is a chance." After finishing speaking Regardless of Yinniang's yelling "Ai ai" from behind, as if she was afraid that she couldn't help but stop, so she walked faster and faster.

Seeing that Zhao Chang left without even saying a word, Yin Niang murmured quietly: "Even if it's to avoid suspicion, there's no need to leave in such a hurry, really."

The servant bowed to Yin Niang and said, "Eldest young mistress, go to the nearby teahouse and wait a while, I'll send someone back home to bring a carriage over again."

Yin Niang said: "No need, it's only a few steps away from the Marquis Mansion anyway, I'll go back in the carriage behind."

The one in the back is a carriage for a maid.

The carriage the master was riding in was frightened, so he definitely couldn't sit in it. As a servant, he couldn't directly advise the master to make do with the servant's carriage, but at this moment, the young mistress suggested it herself, that would be the best.

The boy hurriedly said: "Then I'll send someone to tidy up the carriage."

After the young man helped the carriage parked in the middle of the road to start walking again, at a corner not far away, two men watched the carriage gradually go away.One of them was wearing blue clothes, and the one behind was wearing black.

It wasn't until the carriage was no longer visible that the man in Tsing Yi turned his head around and waved at the man in black behind him with a slap. The slap was so heavy and hard that five finger prints soon appeared on the face of the man in black. Come.The man in black was obviously shocked by the man's behavior, covered his face and said in disbelief: "Brother, you..."

The man in green glared fiercely at the man in black, almost gouging out a piece of flesh from his body. He said angrily, "Who told you to touch her? If something happens to her, I will kill you."

The man in black defended with heartache and aggrieved: "Brother, I didn't do this!"

Seeing that he didn't seem to be lying, the man in Tsing Yi asked, "You really didn't do it?"

"Really, last time you said you couldn't touch her, I've been listening to you all the time."

The man in Tsing Yi nodded, seeing the swollen face of the man in black, he said again: "Where do I have medicine to reduce swelling, I'll give it to you when I get back, this time I wronged you, I apologize to you. "

The man in black looked better now, and said, "It's okay, brother."

The man in Tsing Yi asked again: "By the way, has the medicine been given to that kid from the Ping family?"

The man in black said: "Yes, yes, I lied to him that taking this medicine will make people look seriously ill. Even the doctor can't figure out how to go back. After five days, the medicine will lose its effect. It will get better. Hehe, that stupid boy, he actually believed it."

Yin Niang naturally didn't know about the conversation between the man in green and the man in black. At this time, the carriage arrived at Yongning Hou Mansion, and she was getting off the carriage with the help of the maid.

When I got off the carriage, I happened to meet Master Lin coming out of the Hou Mansion humming a little tune.Seeing that Yin Niang came down from the servant's carriage, Lord Lin Hou asked suspiciously: "Yin Niang, why are you riding in the servant's carriage?"

Yin Niang went forward to give Lin Hou Ye a blessing, and then replied: "My carriage was shocked on the road, and the road was not far away, so I took the servant's carriage and came back."

Lin Houye said in surprise: "What, you're shocked! Are you okay?"

"Daughter-in-law is fine." Seeing that the servant behind Lord Lin was carrying a burden, Lord Lin hurriedly seemed to be leaving the mansion, so he asked, "Father, where are you going?"

Lin Houye laughed and said, "I asked your father to ride a horse in Dongshan."

Yinniang knew that Lord Lin and Master Chen often hang out together, and recently they joined a horse riding club in the capital, where a bunch of dudes often gather to ride horses on Dongshan Mountain.After all, she didn't do anything illegal and prodigal, so Mrs. Lin Hou didn't stop her.

Yin Niang said: "Father, you should be more careful and come back earlier at night."

Lin Houye nodded with a "hmm" and said, "Hurry up and go back. If you don't feel well, let your mother find a doctor to take a look at you. I'll go first."

Yinniang went back to Mude Hall.After all, startling a horse is a big deal, and the maid who came back together has already reported the incident to Tangrong Courtyard. Mrs. Lin Hou hurried over and asked Yin Niang, "What's the matter, have you been surprised? Don't be afraid." , I have sent someone to invite a doctor."

Yin Niang comforted Mrs. Lin Hou and said: "Mother, I'm fine. The maids are too. I will report to you for a little matter, and you will be tired and worried."

After the doctor came, he asked for a pulse, and left a prescription for suppressing shock. Mrs. Lin Hou asked people to grab the medicine and decoct it, and then stared at Yinniang who was about to take it.After a while, Lin Fengqi also came back, entered the room and asked eagerly: "What's going on, why did you startle me?"

Mrs. Lin Hou saw her son came back and saw that Yinniang was really fine, so she stood up and said: "You came back just in time, your wife has already had the shock-reducing soup, you should accompany her well, I will go back first."

Lin Fengqi said: "Mother, I will send you out first."

Mrs. Lin Hou waved her hand and said: "No need, you can stay with your wife, it's not that I don't know the way."

After Mrs. Lin Hou left, Lin Fengqi climbed onto the bed and hugged his daughter-in-law, and asked distressedly, "Are you shocked?"

In front of her husband is not like in front of her mother-in-law, she is obviously frightened but still has to carry it, Yin Niang replied honestly: "Is there a little bit?"

Lin Fengqi patted Yinniang gently, and comforted: "My dear Yinniang, it's okay, this kind of thing will never happen again."

Yin Niang said: "I thought I was going to die at the time, do you know what I was thinking at that time?"

"What nonsense are you talking about, what is not dead, talking nonsense."

"I was thinking at the time, if I die, will you marry a step-wife soon?" Yin Niang turned her head, took Lin Fengqi's hand, and asked half coquettishly and half seriously: "You said you would marry me?" No?" After speaking, he took his arm again, swayed and smiled and said, "You definitely won't, right? You said you liked me, and you would defend yourself like a jade for me, right?"

Lin Fengqi glared at his wife, very dissatisfied that she always said death on her lips, and said: "You think well, if you dare to die, I will marry the second wife the next day. To bring back its 81 concubines, it will piss you off, and make you so angry that you will come back to life after death."

Yinniang pursed her mouth, opened her round eyes, and glared at her husband angrily.

Lin Fengqi squeezed Yinniang's face, and said seriously: "So, in order to prevent me from marrying a stepmother and taking concubines, you must live longer than me."

(End of this chapter)

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