Chapter 25

Xie Moru sent "The Story of the World" to Xie Moyou. On the second day, he went to Songbaiyuan to pay his respects. Xie Moru specially thanked Xie Moru.Xie Moru said indifferently, "Second sister is too polite, but it's just a set of books."

Xie Moyou smiled, "Thousands of money can't buy your heart, okay?"

Xie Moru lowered his jaw and drank his tea quietly.

Xie Moyou was depressed for a while, look, Xie Moru has such a temperament, if he is good or not, he just keeps silent, it is not easy to build a good relationship with such a person.

Aunt Ning smiled, "I met Mo You yesterday, I was very happy."

Mrs. Xie was so happy that the two granddaughters got along well, now that Xie Moru was willing to go one step further, Mrs. Xie was delighted, "That's good."

Xie Moyou suddenly asked Xie Moru, "Big sister, don't you like to read Su Caizi's book, I think it is very good, the words are good, and the story is also good."

Xie Moru said, "The benevolent see benevolence, the wise see wisdom, as long as my sister likes it."

Xie Moyou was very yearning for Su Caizi, and said, "I don't know when Second Uncle will invite Su Caizi to our house. If Su Caizi comes, I will definitely ask for a calligraphy treasure."

Xie Moru stopped talking.

For a while, the class time was approaching, Xie Moru got up, the two resigned from Mrs. Xie, and went to Huazhang Hall together for class.

This time when I went out with Xie Bai, Xie Moru had more experience, and he still dressed in a simple way, but he changed into sheepskin openwork boots that are more suitable for walking. Pack it up, wait for Xie Bo to come and call her, and the two of them will go to Songbaiyuan to pay their respects.

Mrs. Xie smiled and looked at the clothes on Xie Moru, "The clothes are novel."

Nowadays, nobles regard wide and fluttering sleeves as their beauty, just like Xie Shangshu's court clothes, the sleeves can be dragged up on the floor.Xie Moru's clothes narrowed the sleeves, especially at the cuffs, and then widened the cuffs by an inch, revealing a pair of white jade-like hands neatly.Xie Moru said, "I think the road outside is not easy to walk, and it would be inconvenient to wear long skirts. I also heard from my second uncle that the other courtyard is in the mountains and there are many vegetation in the mountains, so I asked the maids to make two new clothes suitable for walking on the mountain roads." .”

Mrs. Xie laughed, "It's very novel. I learned it from whom. I haven't seen anyone wear it yet." There are girls in the city who wear men's clothes.

Xie Moru said, "I learned the style of my second uncle's clothes, and made some changes. The sleeves are like the pipa sleeves, but the pipa sleeves are also wider. I asked the servant girl to narrow the sleeves, and the cuffs are as wide as the wrists, which makes it cheaper. .”

Xie Bo joked, "It's pretty, I'll do it for me tomorrow."

Xie Moru was serious, "Well, the second uncle asked the maid to send the size and material." She didn't have men's clothes.

Seeing that Xie Moru was serious, even Xie Shangshu couldn't help laughing.

After a few words, Xie Bo took Xie Moru with him.The other courtyard is in the mountains outside the city, Xie Bai took Xie Moru to have breakfast in the city first, he still rode his horse, and the group went out of the city without rushing.

Once out of the city gate, the field of vision suddenly widens. Although the official road is still bustling with vehicles, you can already see fertile fields and green hills under the blue sky in the distance.This mountain is far from majestic, it looks like a small hill, but it is enough to make Xie Moru happy.She simply closed up the car curtain and hung it up, letting the hot wind blow into the car.

Xie Bo asked outside, "Mo Ru, did you see the mountain?"

"I saw it."


"Somewhat short."

Xie Bai laughed loudly, rode his horse close to the car, and said to Xie Moru, "There are no high mountains near the imperial capital, but the mountains are also cool. It's good to go to the mountains in summer to cool off."

As the saying goes, Wangshan ran dead horses, it was such a small hill, and it took an hour to get there.Of course, this is also related to the carriage not daring to move fast.When Xie Bo got off his horse, he felt sweat on his forehead, and he rejoiced, "Fortunately, we left early, otherwise we would have to dry ourselves in the sun on the way."

Xie Moru smiled slightly, "Let's take the car with the second uncle when we go back." He took out the handkerchief and handed it to the second uncle, Xie Bo didn't take the handkerchief, but closed his eyes and bent down, bringing a handsome face in front of his niece.Xie Moru's eyes widened, a little surprised, but he still carefully wiped the forehead of the second uncle.Xie Bo raised his eyebrows and smiled, blinked, "Thank you~"

Xie Moru rolled his eyes, thinking that his second uncle really loves acting like a baby.It might as well be a voice with a smile, "Xie Xiaoqiao, how decent is it in broad daylight." Xie Bai, whose name is Hanqiao.Xie Moru thought, maybe it was her second uncle's handsome man who made such a joke.She turned her head to look at the person, but couldn't help but lose her mind for a moment.At this time, she really felt that it was too ignorant to stay at home in the past.In the past, Xie Moru felt that among girls, Xie Moyou was considered a beauty, until he met Jiang Xingyun, he knew that the world's beauties are ordinary, and only heaven and man have such a scene.In the past, in her cognition, Second Uncle Xie was already a first-class figure, but now seeing the young man straddling a steed and walking lazily, she knew that there was someone beyond him.

The young man straddled a big blue and white horse with flowing mane and extraordinary steed, somewhat like the lion in the book.The horse is an extraordinary horse, and the young man is even more extraordinary. The young man is wearing an extremely gorgeous light purple woven gold robe, and the iris woven with golden threads is shining in the sun. The exquisiteness of the robe is indescribable.But this kind of fancy clothes was a little bit pale in front of the young man's handsome appearance. If he hadn't met Jiang Xingyun before, Xie Moru was afraid that he would lose his composure.

When he reached the door, the young man jumped off his horse, his clothes fluttering like a butterfly in the mountains.He walked up to Xie Bai in two or three steps, bowed his hands, his peach blossom eyes seemed to be smiling naturally, and turned to look at Xie Moru, flung the folding fan in his hand, pretending to be chic, and asked, "This younger sister is—"

If other young people are like this, they must be annoying, but because of the beauty of this life, people will not be angry with him.Xie Bo pushed the boy's face away with his palm, and said, "Stay away, this is my niece."

"Ah!" The young man slapped his folding fan in the palm and asked, "Is Mrs. Fang's daughter?" The question was quite detailed.

Xie Bai took Xie Moru's hand, led the young man into the other courtyard, and said with a smile, "Yes, Mo Ru is my elder brother's eldest daughter."

"It turned out to be the eldest sister."

"Where are you relatives? Is it possible that you will call me Second Uncle in the future?"

As they spoke, they walked through the flowers and brushed the willows to the open pavilion that had been prepared. Outside the pavilion was a piece of water, which was cool by the water vapor, and the autumn heat was gone.Another maid brought warm tea and fresh fruits, Xie Bai ordered the servants to leave, and everyone sat down casually, the young man smiled, "Brother Han Qiao, have you forgotten that my great-grandmother is the cousin of the Empress Shizu, and Mo Ru's grandmother is the assistant saint Ning Ping The eldest princess is the daughter of Empress Cheng, so in this way, shouldn't she call me Brother Sheng Su." He said and looked at Xie Moru.

Xie Moru has this kind of ability to keep her face even when the sky is falling. In fact, when she heard that her grandmother was Princess Ningping, she was very surprised, but her face was still indifferent, "It's rare to hear people mention it. I think there may be something taboo in it, you and I are far away from each other, if you recognize relatives rashly like this, you may have trouble in the future."

Although the boy's mouth was like a colander, he was very alert. He immediately turned to Xie Bo and asked, "Xie Hanqiao, didn't your family mention the matter of Princess Ningping to Mo Ru!?"

Xie Bai really wanted to sew Su Buyu's mouth shut, but Su Buyu turned his head again and said to Xie Moru, "It's unbelievable, even if the eldest princess passes away, it would be an honor to have such a grandmother. What's more, the Fang family It's the Fang family, and the crime of the Fang family has nothing to do with the Eldest Princess. Wei Dao has never seen you out. One of my wishes when I came to the imperial capital was to visit Mrs. Fang, but I heard from Xiao Qiao that your mother doesn't like to see outsiders. It is my wish to see Mo Ru you today."

Su did not speak, and was extremely frank.Regardless of Su Buyu's beauty, his personality alone is already likable, Xie Moru thought about it, he and his mother didn't know this Su Buyu, so Su Buyu was in love with Wu Jiwu, so he smiled Said, "The one you reverence is the Eldest Princess, and my mother and I are mortals."

"Uncommon, extraordinary." Su Buyu smiled, and flicked his sleeves, "Look, we both have the same clothes, this is fate. By the way, my surname is Su, and my single name is a cloud, and I don't say a word. You call me Brother Su, Brother Yun, or Brother Silent will do."

Xie Bai said coolly, "Well, out of ten girls in the imperial capital today, eight of them call him that."

Su Buyu said awkwardly, "Anyway, you can call them whatever you want."

After all, Xie Bai was open-minded, and he didn't feel that there was nothing wrong with Xie Moru's life experience, but his family kept it secret, so he didn't want to disobey his parents' wishes.It's good to tell Su Buyu now.Xie Bo smirked, "You might as well call him Sumerian."

Rao Xie Moru has always been calm, and now he is speechless. In front of the girl, these two men are big men, one is Xiao Qiao, and the other is a beauty...

Xie Bo and Su said without a word, "I have a niece at home, I'm going to be fascinated by your script, write me a letter later."

Su Buyu nodded and asked, "Mo Ru, have you read my script too?" If Mo Ru also asked him for words, it would be a good time to write a picture.

Xie Moru smiled, "People are better than books."

Su Buyu laughed heartily, "I'll let you meet someone who is better than others in a while."

Xie Moru asked, "Mr. Li also wrote a script, isn't it?"

"Didn't that kid change his career to sell calligraphy?" When it came to Li Qiao, Su Buyu was obviously troubled a lot, but he was full of troubles and didn't know what to say.Or, in front of their uncles and nephews, Su Buyu just didn't want to talk.It's just that someone who really cares about it will show such an appearance.

Xie Moru smiled, and turned to savor the herbal tea from Bieyuan.

It was not too late for Li Qiao to come, the weather was hot, it was common sense to go out early while the weather was cool, and Li Qiao arrived after drinking only half a cup of tea.

Different from Su Buyu's brocade clothes, Li Qiao only wore a simple cotton green shirt, with straw sandals on his feet, and a bamboo stick in his hand.What is even more surprising is that although the two people's clothes are very different, but their appearance, if he hadn't known that one of them was named Su and the other Li, Xie Moru would have thought that they were brothers.I am afraid that there are not many brothers who are so similar.It's just that they look similar, but their temperament is quite different.The peach blossom eyes on Su Buyu's face are rather coquettish, but on Li Qiao's face, there is only a calm and restrained face.

As soon as Li Qiao came, Xie Bo said, "It's the first time Mo Ru has come to the other courtyard. I'll take her out for a stroll." He took Xie Moru and left them talking.

The other courtyard was built at the foot of the mountain, covering a rather large area. At that time, it was getting hotter, Xie Bai and Xie Moru were drinking tea in the rockery pavilion in the garden.Xie Bai looked at the railing, and looked at Xie Moru for a moment, hesitant to speak.Xie Moru still said the same thing, "Second Uncle, don't say it."

Xie Bo suddenly smiled, looked at Xie Moru's calm face, and asked, "I won't tell, why don't you want to know?" He had never seen anyone more patient than Xie Moru.

The rockery is surrounded by a bay of streams, looking from top to bottom, the sun shines on the surface of the water with golden light, this halo is a bit dazzling, Xie Moru turned and sat down, said, "The past is like water flowing away, I will never look back. No matter what it looks like, it has passed. Many people care about their origins, the success or failure of their ancestors, and I am not such a person. The past, after all, has passed." Ten years ago, or Earlier, the second uncle was only her age.Is what the second uncle knows really the truth?No, what Second Uncle knows is the result, and she has already seen the result.

(End of this chapter)

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