Chapter 18
All warm men are actors

Understanding Men in Five Seconds and Understanding Men in Seconds No. [-]: Warm Man
Features: All warm men know how to make a woman warm inside.They all know how to take care of people and know how to do things that will move people.

But even if he did so much, he might not really love this girl in his heart.

All the skills of the warm man come from the training of long-term love and picking up girls.Basically, every warm man is an actor.

Love code: The one who warms you alone is the warm man, and the one who warms a group of people is the central air conditioner.

Real Stories Understand Men in Seconds No. [-]: Warm Man
Warm men are all actors.

Many girls talk about warm men every day, as if they don't marry warm men.

Especially when Zhou Xun announced her marriage some time ago, everyone felt that she had found a warm man, and the warm man was really great.

What is a warm man?A man who can warm your heart and make you feel warm is a warm man.

This can be said to have hit the hearts of almost all girls.Yes, which woman falls in love not to find a man who will warm her up?

I also often teach men that when arguing with a woman, no explanation is needed, just a hug.

Because what women want is warmth, not answers.

The warm man can be said to be right in the hearts of women, but is the warm man really good?
I am reminded of a story I once heard.

I have a little fan who once told me a story about her own love affair.

Once, this girl went on a blind date and met a man who was not bad and seemed warm.

The two chatted well, and it can be said that they met very happily.The girl was a little moved.

After the blind date, the two had no other activities and just took a walk by the West Lake.

For some reason, the man took the girl's hand, strolled by the West Lake, then walked outside the long bridge, and took the girl to watch the sunset by the West Lake.

All of a sudden, the girl's heart was completely melted.How warm it is to hold hands and watch the sunset by the West Lake.

The girl felt that she had met a warm man who was unparalleled in the world.

After the blind date, the girl's heart was completely attached to this man, but after waiting, the other party never contacted her.

I couldn't wait any longer, so I asked a middleman to ask.

The middleman asked the boy, but his answer was shocking.

The man said that, in fact, he hadn't taken a fancy to this girl at all, not at all.

At that time, holding hands, taking a walk, and watching the sunset after the blind date were nothing more than politeness, what he called "etiquette".

The story is unexpected and cruel.

But told us a big secret.

That is, warm men can be acted out.

Because the warmth that girls want is actually just a few things, such as caring, romance, and companionship!

And these things, for an honest and sincere man, there is no way.Because they don't know how to pick up girls, how can they be warm?
But for a veteran of the flowers, these things are very familiar, he uses these tricks to deceive girls every day.

So being a warm man is a matter of love experience.Almost 100% of the philandering men who have dated enough girls are warm men.

You can take a look, almost all the men who were once called warm men are actors.

Pushing forward, Xu Zhimo who wrote love poems, and Shen Congwen who claimed to have only loved one girl at his best age had countless affairs.

And what about a reliable man?They haven't been trained to pick up girls, so of course they don't know how to be warm!

The warm man is just an actor.

And a good man will not be a warm man, but will give you a warm life.

In fact, I don't really want to say warm man, because this word is very popular, but it belongs to a "soft drug concept".

What is the soft drug concept?It’s just that this concept is very good, as long as everyone who hears it will agree and feel very right.

But if you really hold this as your goal, you may only go astray, and even be deceived again and again.

Just like a warm man, what a tempting target this is for girls!But do real warm men exist?Almost non-existent.

2014 is known as the first year of warm men, but it is also the first year of the destruction of warm men.

Many people who used to be regarded as warm men in the eyes of the public, in TV dramas and movies, who cheated, who who whore whore.

In the end, everyone exclaimed that all good men are acting.

I later wrote that warm men are all actors, which is actually what I mean.What I want to tell you is that warm men are actually a paradox.

There used to be a website that taught men how to pick up girls.

Of course, this is not the kind of teaching nerds, but discussing the skills of picking up girls, with the purpose of getting in bed, and cheating one by one.

The idea of ​​this kind of website is that as long as it is a woman, there is nothing that cannot be achieved by technology.

And on this site, what is the most popular pick-up technique?It's just a man who pretends to be warm.

In some past posts, I vowed to point out that women are a species that is extremely insecure and needs to be warmed.

So you only need to make them feel warm and cared, and you can make women feel love.

The point is that making women feel warm can be done with skills.

If you can find the right method, you can make women feel warm anytime and anywhere.

One of the best things about giving warmth is that the warmth that women want is always small details and little things.

Sometimes it will make people happy if you send a diamond ring worth 10,000+, but the degree of warmth is far inferior to a pick-up to and from get off work.

Therefore, men suddenly discovered that in order to make women feel warm and coax women, the focus is not at all on how much money they have, nor how much love they have, but on what to say and what to do.

So these men who pick up girls have summed up several points, such as asking each other about their health every day, such as picking them up when they are free, such as sending umbrellas when it rains, and even if there is no way to deliver them, they should remind the other party to pay attention to the rain.

For example, if you are sick, you need to give soup, preferably a sudden surprise; for example, when the other party is on a menstrual cycle, you must take care of it.

These things, for women, are the most intimate details.Many girls superstitiously believe that a person's sincerity can be seen from these details, as if as long as the small things are done well, it is true love.

In fact, it is very wrong.

These things have been summed up countless times.A man only needs to open a post, and he can learn all the tricks that can warm a girl's heart.

In fact, these heart-warming methods do not require a huge cost, at most some time and energy.And picking up girls is the most time-consuming and energy-consuming thing.

And one of the biggest weaknesses of girls is that they like to use their ears to fall in love.Sometimes it doesn't matter who the man is or what he is doing, but just likes to listen to the other party's sweet talk.

Therefore, one of the key points of pretending to be a warm man is all kinds of sweet words, all kinds of words to express love.

Because language is the cheapest payment.

The most difficult thing for a man to pay a woman is to give his life, second is to give his time, third is to give his money and wealth, and the cheapest is to give his words.

If there are two men pursuing the same girl, one is dull but kind, while the other says he loves her every day, who will the girl choose in the end?

There is no doubt that you will definitely choose the one with sweet words.

So for the contestants who are warm-hearted and pick up girls, how to speak sweet words is a compulsory course.

They have a fixed number of "love you" to say every day, let you eat well every day, and say all kinds of words to praise girls every day.All in all, even if it's a long-distance relationship, if you can't see each other, you will still talk about the warmth of the girl.

There are various schools of techniques for men to pick up girls.In addition to seducing people with money and power, most of them use acting skills to deceive love.

So the quality of acting directly affects the number of girls a man picks up.

How can a man's acting skills get better?The method is very simple, that is, training again and again!

A man with good acting skills has learned and summed up so many skills by constantly experimenting and picking up girls.

I said a word on the "Lu Qi is Coming" talk show, and it was spread everywhere later.

"The one who warms one person is the warm man, and the one who warms a group of people is the central air conditioner."

The one who can be single-minded and the only one who will accompany you to old age is the warm man.

The only way to show off your skills and warm others everywhere is the central air conditioner.

Identify men in 5 minutes and understand men in seconds No. [-]: Warm men
The first characteristic of a warm man:
They will always show that they care about you, and they will always look like they love you.No matter what you say or think, they understand.

Why do warm men make people feel warm?The most important point is that he understands you.

What girls value most about a man is often not about making money or looking good, but about understanding.Who can resist the kind of ironing that when you say a word, the other side nods; when you are sad, he leans over?

But the question is, why does Nuan Nan know so well?

Ordinary men seldom understand their own women. On the one hand, they may not want to understand, on the other hand, they may not have enough experience.

Only a man with enough experience will be able to see a woman accurately.

So no matter whether warm men really understand you or not, at least, they become so warm because they have experienced enough women.

The second characteristic of a warm man:

They'll do flashy things to move you and fill your heart, but really, it's a small price to pay.

If a man is willing to spend money for girls anytime and anywhere, buying bags and jewelry at every turn, will this man be regarded as a warm man?No, he is generally called a local tyrant.

Because the girl will feel that it is good to give money, but it is not warm enough.The so-called warmth means that there is temperature, and it needs to be done by people themselves, instead of spending money to solve it.

This gave the warm men a chance.They can move the girls through words, through hugs, and through details.

For example, as mentioned earlier, holding the girl's hand to watch the sunset, accompanying the girl to the concert, giving a bowl of soup when she is sick, and so on.

Of course, it's good for men to do these things.Even though the vast majority of warm men are actors, no matter what, these details are really important.

This is what we have been saying all the time. Most men have to learn from the experience of warm men and learn how to impress girls a little.

Beloved, sometimes you don’t have to spend money!

The third characteristic of a warm man:

They are so warm to most girls, not just you.

Why do you say this way?Because when something becomes a habit, it is difficult to become only for a certain person.

For example, if someone is a nice person, then he is a nice person to most people, not only to one person.

The same goes for the warm men, their heating is centrally air-conditioned, and it blows warm wind to everyone.

Among them, some people pretend to be so warm in order to get more girls.And some people are simply used to treating others with this attitude.

So the boundaries between warm men and girls are often unclear.The warm men we see are basically the boyfriends of many girls.

That's why I said that sentence: The one who warms only one person is the warm man, and the one who warms a group of people is the central air conditioner.

The fourth characteristic of a warm man:

His warmth is not because of love.

Why do warm men want to be warm?Does he really love that girl?

No, he just wants to achieve some goals.

For example, if he wants to pursue someone, he will turn himself into a warm man to make the other person feel good about him, and there are even customized methods.

It is also possible that he wants to express that he is a good person and a gentleman.

Just like the man holding hands mentioned earlier.The warm man will open the door for you, put on clothes for you, bring you food, and say nice things to you.

But that's just skill, not love.

It is difficult for you to distinguish which of his actions is love and which is just trying to achieve his goal.

But it doesn't matter, a person has been warm for a long time, whether he loves it or not, he will always be warm like this.

But, for you, if a person doesn't love you, what's the use of being nice to you?

(End of this chapter)

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