Chapter 217 The Liar 25
"This..." Zhou Xiaodou hesitated.

"Forget it, leave it to me!"

"Give it to brother Ziyi all the time, he should have a psychological burden!"

"Khan! If only we both could use it, this spell is very useful for him!"

"Hello? Old girl of the system! Can I have a copy for my elder brother Ziyi too!"

"For the sake of my brother Ziyi being so handsome!"

"Ding! System prompt: The host can obtain additional rewards by improving the system's favorability."

"For example: From now on, we will respectfully call this system 'Sister System'!"

"Ding! The system prompts: The beauty trick is useless to this system, except... Brother Ziyi!"


Zhou Xiaodou had a bad premonition, maybe this ghost system also wants to grab a man from her?

yahoo fall~~
"Damn! I can bear it!" She gritted her teeth.

Immediately said: "Sister System, hurry up! Give brother Ziyi and me a copy!"

"Ding! Glory supernatural power 'Sea of ​​Fate' is transmitting..."

"The transfer is complete! Congratulations to the host and the guardian spirit, and at the same time get the glory skill 'Sea of ​​Fate'!"

"Yeah! Thank you! Old girl of the system!"


This task has been completed and the rewards have been issued, so start refreshing again.

"Ding! The long-term task has been refreshed!"

"Long-term task: guardian spirit and soul master enter the realm of soul one, task time limit: three years."

"Reward for completing the mission: 50000 spiritual sources! Universal upgrade opportunity x3."

"Universal upgrade opportunities: limited to the glory of the gods, guardian spirit attack methods, such as spells and so on."

"Fuck me, [-] spiritual sources, three universal upgrade opportunities! The combined value is almost [-] spiritual sources!"

Zhou Xiaodou stared wide-eyed, delighted, and began to think about what treasures he would use for this spiritual source when it arrived.


Back in the dormitory, Zhou Xiaodou hurried to pay off the debt.

She owed the system a total of [-] spiritual sources, plus two spoof tasks.

"Repay [-] first, and keep [-] as a spare." She thought to herself, and she will do it right away!
A little 'confidence' was restored, and she also felt better.

For the past ten hours or so, she felt a little uncomfortable.

"Damn it, this dog system, what kind of shit mission is it doing!"

Thinking of those two spoof missions, she was furious.

Of the two spoof tasks, one is shamelessly playing a pig face.

It's the kind that picks up its nose, uses its hands as pig ears, and barks twice.

How can a little fairy pretend to be a pig?Really!
The other spoof mission was even more extreme, but it was too much for Bai Ziyi.

She actually wanted Brother Ziyi to sniff her feet up close for a minute!

The distance between his nose and her feet must be no more than three centimeters, and not even one minute or one second less.

This is too embarrassing!
But the only advantage of this is that the system will open the time travel door, and she can see brother Ziyi again!

Even if it's only 10 minutes.

"Brother Ziyi, you need to wake up quickly!"

Thinking of him, Zhou Xiaodou felt a dull pain in his heart.

The person who suffered the most that day was actually her. She could only watch Bai Ziyi fight with others, and her intestines flowed out.

Although she provided remote support, she was too sad not to be by his side.


On the other side, where Zhou Xiaodou was thinking about was Bai Ziyi.

In that mysterious pool of blood, a terrifying aura swept all directions. If this fairy tomb hadn't been banned, it would have caused a big commotion.

"This is me..."

Bai Ziyi's bloodline has awakened!

More precisely, an unprecedentedly powerful bloodline was born!

Based on the blood of the Immortal Martial Overlord Clan and True Martial Blood, it is fused with a lot of divine essence and blood.

In the end, the Moon God Stone also melted into the scorching blood, becoming a part of his blood.

The sword mark between his eyebrows did not disappear, but there was a crescent moon mark.

A sword pierced through the crescent moon, which looked quite mysterious.

What touched Bai Ziyi the most was his own mana.

Compared with the original pure mana, there is more domineering in his mana!
Overlord-level mana is born with attack power!
In addition, he also felt that his physical body was two or three times stronger than before!
Not a star and a half, but two or three times!
Defense power and regenerative ability have entered a whole new level.

The only regret is that he didn't make up for his lost life yuan.

Shouyuan is not linked to the physical body, one belongs to the reincarnation of heaven, and one's fate is beyond one's control.

One can practice and polish by oneself.

Therefore, Lingzhi, which can increase longevity like blood plums, has always been the object of competition among major forces.

His frosty and snowy head has also become a little different, at least it won't be stained with blood, and he won't look embarrassed, it's just a little bit of vicissitudes.


Bai Ziyi got up from the pool of blood. He didn't know how long it had been since that day.

I don't even know what place this is in front of me.

The space occupied by this blood pool is only one-tenth of this mysterious place.

He took out the blue lamp and illuminated his eyes.

This hall is very old, showing the ruthlessness of time everywhere.

There should have been murals on the wall, but they were blurred and faded because of the age, making it difficult to see clearly.

Going forward, he was suddenly taken aback.

There were actually eight people kneeling in front of them!
These eight people did not breathe, but their bodies were perfectly preserved.

What's even more incredible is that there is not a speck of dust on their clothes!

It's like a living person, except that it can't breathe or move.

This weird scene made him a little nervous. The unknown is the most terrifying. This place can bring him great fortune, and it must also contain great danger.

"Junior Bai Ziyi, I have met a few seniors!"

He tried to say hello, but the eight people didn't respond, they still knelt there motionless.

Seeing this, he ignored them for the time being.

He didn't dare to go forward and search them, who knew what accidents would happen.

The less trouble, the better.

Infinitely close to death, can awaken the true meaning of life.

It is better to live than to die, the ancients are sincere and do not deceive!

He continued to walk forward, and unexpectedly saw a group of divine beasts!
Dragon, Phoenix, Qilin, Kunpeng, etc. are all famous mythical beasts.

You know, the advanced ones of their clan can rival the immortals!

The bodies of these divine beasts are not big, they are all huddled, and they all bow in a certain direction.

It seems that it is not voluntary either, because their movements obviously seem to be struggling.

These divine beasts, as well as the eight kneeling people just now.

A mysterious mystery buried in the long river of history is beckoning to him.

He didn't want to know too much, he just wanted to see if there were any other treasures in this place.

In the end, I walked around and found nothing.


When he was about to leave at the end, he accidentally caught a glimpse of some words written on a certain pillar!
These words were written in blood, and Bai Ziyi felt a wave of despair and anger from the blood.

Being able to keep emotions in the blood for countless years, the person with the blood book must have been a great power during his lifetime!
These words were written crookedly: "Liar!"

Just these two simple words!
(End of this chapter)

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