rebirth, romance, space

Chapter 103 Saying Goodbye to Grandma

Chapter 103 Saying Goodbye to Grandma

I looked at the rearview mirror outside the car window, and silently noticed my father driving the Jialing motorcycle.When I was young and ignorant in the previous life, I actually blamed my parents. After the third brother was born, my mother only loved the second brother. She always said proudly about the second brother over and over again.At that time, although I was still young, I also longed for a word of appreciation and a hug from my mother.Instead of saying that she only likes the second brother.

The saddest thing was when I was not allowed to go to high school after junior high school, my mother said, "I am not only your daughter, but now I have a big sister." The big sister she said is the daughter recognized by the matchmaker. In the countryside, every couple must have a matchmaker before they get married, even if they are in free love.And recognize the matchmaker, that is, another mother besides his own biological mother, who has to give gifts to show filial piety every year and festival.It's no different from a family of first-in-laws.

I don't know if other people have the same attachment to my mother as I do. Even though every time I am scolded, my heart twitches because of my mother's unfeeling and indifferent words, but I still bear it.It is also because of this that I don’t want to marry a person with similar conditions and a hometown in the countryside as my parents hope, and I dare not try to fall in love lightly, and put down my reason and all my heart to love someone.

Thinking back now, the breathing will still be slow and long as the twitching heart expands. I understand that this is because I still love my parents and care about my family as much as I did in my previous life.I am very lonely, lonely and restless from the soul, so I try to get close to these people who make me feel at ease.

In this life, because space can help my family, I feel very happy and happy.I never want and don't want to see the man in the previous life's family looking down and down, and the deep unwillingness and struggle.

It was only ten minutes from the village to my grandma's house in the town. My mind was spinning all over the place, but my eyes were always on my parents in the rearview mirror.The connection between Qin Rong and me is because we lost contact. She doesn't know what I'm thinking, but she and Mr. Shangguan have a tacit understanding and don't make a sound.Just let me sit quietly by myself.

"Smile, you and Mr. Shangguan go to grandma's house first. My mother and I will be there later." When Dad entered the crossroads in the town, he signaled Mr. Shangguan to stop with his hand.When I got out of the car, he said to me.

"Yes, Dad." I answered, but found that my throat was a bit dry, and even my voice was hoarse.Wiping his face with his hands again, he realized that he was crying without knowing it.

"Mr. Shangguan, the road to my mother's house is a bit difficult to walk, please drive carefully." Mom also reminded in a low voice.Off-road vehicles have to walk from the big bridge, and the small bridge is purely a pedestrian bridge, which can only allow people to pass.But if you walk from the bridge, you have to take the village road. Although the village road of grandma's house is not small, it is still a dirt road. It is fine on sunny days, but now it is muddy when it rains. In addition, there are potholes, and there is no certain technical car. Really hard to open.

"Thank you for reminding me." Mr. Shangguan nodded, motioning for me to show the way.

As for why my parents let us go first, it was entirely because they thought of going to the retired old mayor's house to exchange some Hong Kong dollars for me.After all, there is only the old mayor in the whole town who travels widely and has all kinds of money.Although parents are still very reassured about Mr. Shangguan, they must always prepare some money for their children.Her own child Xiaoxiao is a prudent person. Although she didn't say anything, Guo Dong confessed honestly that she was in charge of their small pocket money.So I still have to prepare some money for her, and it's fine to eat and drink for free, but pocket money can't be given by others.Since Mr. Shangguan refuses to accept his own money, then give the money to the child.

And I, Mr. Shangguan, and Qin Rong drove to grandma's house very quickly. Before the car was parked, Qin Rong pushed open the car door and jumped off, shouting "grandma", "grandpa" and "uncle".I showed a smile, Qin Rong, so cute.

(End of this chapter)

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