rebirth, romance, space

Chapter 13 Change

Chapter 13 Change
Because of eating the marrow fruit, my grandmother did not die of esophageal cancer when I was three years old. However, my grandparents still separated from my parents. This time, my parents did not want a big house, and my grandmother followed Mom and Dad live together in the small room.The two sides demolished tile-roofed houses and built buildings together. Grandpa brought his uncle and cousin to help, and grandma's brothers and sisters uncle and aunt also brought their son and daughter.

Our family started in the middle of the building construction trend in the whole village. It was neither fast nor slow.Mom and Dad also contracted to grow lychees and mangoes on the mountain and raise pigs, instead of opening family hotels and handicrafts like the villagers in the village.In the middle of the hill there is a reservoir built by the country in the [-]s and [-]s to prevent drought, and my parents also rented it out to raise fish.The fish in the reservoir is delicious. Although most of the water in the reservoir depends on the rain, the spring water in the mountains flows into the reservoir all the year round, which is cleaner and tastes better than the fish raised in ordinary fish ponds.

And the fruit trees planted are all cultivated with the fruit seeds I took out out of thin air. After all, the taste I took out is better than the outside ones. They are big, thin-skinned and thick-skinned. Even the varieties grafted by others are not as good as mine. one tenth.Furthermore, it is easy to cultivate and grows fast.Pack the hills and open the land, and the fruit seedlings will be fine.As for where the seeds come from, my mother and sister-in-law took me out of a house full of fruits and placed them on the side of the road. They are also the method that my picky mouth came up with. Each fruit is cut and salted. Put them in pots respectively, and then weigh them by catty. You can also add salt, pepper, chili powder, and sour plum powder.In less than half a month, I emptied and got seeds.

My uncle learned the tricks of making tofu. I accidentally spilled carrot juice into the tofu pot. I was inspired to make five-color tofu. It was very popular with villagers and tourists. I applied for a patent, even if others followed suit to make tofu of the same color, but because of the lack of it, I always subconsciously added clear springs to the places where water is needed at home, but the taste of others is not as good as it is, and The raw material soybeans are also irrigated by clear springs.When the guests compare, of course they still choose Uncle's tofu and soy milk.The business is also getting better and better, and it has become one of the must-eat special foods and souvenirs in Tianshen Temple.Every tourist, man and woman, must eat and bring something.

Uncle has never thought about opening a branch, but just wants to make the five-color tofu and soy milk so that no one can replace it.

My aunt also got married last year, and is now five months pregnant. Uncle Lian Qi saw that the transportation in the village was inconvenient, so he introduced buses from Guangcheng and set up a dedicated bus line, earning a lot of money.My aunt is now full of happiness all day long, because my mother’s family is Shangxiacun, and she comes here every day to take me to her house to share the pressure of my parents. After all, she also knows my magic, but because of this, someone must always take me Watching me, I'm afraid that if I'm not sensible, I will show my feet and let others see me.Now she has a big belly and can't help with work, but she can help with Xiaoxiao, and Xiaoxiao is also very easy to take care of.

"Ah Hua, I'll take Xiaoxiao away. You can concentrate on looking after the store." My aunt pulled me up to play marbles in the corner of the store, and said to my aunt who was busy selling tofu, tofu flowers, and soy milk.

"Okay, I'll pick her up at night when I'm done." My aunt was not polite, after all, she couldn't take care of me when she was busy.My uncle's tofu shop set up a wooden shed in the two big yards. After delivering the goods to the villagers in the village in the morning, my uncle and grandparents went to the fruit farm to help, and my aunt took me to stay at home to take care of the shop.Originally, my parents also wanted to take me to the mountains, but I was too much annoyed by mosquitoes, even if I smeared toilet water all over my body, I still got bitten all over my head.I had no choice but to leave me with my little aunt at home.

"Little aunt, I'll go with my aunt. Remember to eat! Don't forget." I ran to the sink to wash my hands, pulled my aunt's apron to wipe off the water, and raised my head to remind her.

"Understood, my aunt's good pig, let's go." The little aunt bent down and scraped my nose, smiling contentedly.

"Little aunt, goodbye." I took my aunt's hand and waved goodbye to my little aunt.

I was dragged by my aunt to walk slowly on the asphalt road in the village. The whole village was very lively along the road. There were villagers, tourists, believers and believers coming and going. The roadside planned to set up stalls for people from other villages and towns to do small things. There are special alkaline water rice dumplings and sticky rice dumplings (sticky rice in our country refers to the rice that we usually eat, soaked in water overnight, ground into a slurry with a stone mill, and then used like an omelette. Fry on both sides on a low heat until golden. Usually, chopped green onion and appropriate amount of salt are added to it. My favorite is to get up in the morning and make vegetable soup with boiled rice dumplings cooked the day before. The dough is made into dumpling-like dumplings, and the stuffing inside is usually leeks, pork belly and five-spice powder, which are fried and matured before wrapping. This is usually made during the Chinese New Year, and is used to worship gods, door gods, and kitchen gods.)
Because the Tianshen Temple is famous all over the world, it drives the economy and development of the whole town.Every plant and tree in the village is protected, and even the Qinpo Ridge where the Tianshen Temple is located has been endowed with a legendary color. Qinpo Ridge is the highest mountain in our village and the entire town, towering into the sky, like a Huge green triangles.

The mountain is covered with all kinds of wild fruits, the most classic of which is Pomegranate Bay, which is densely covered with pomegranate trees in a stream in the mountain. Every summer, the children who herd cattle in the village will go to pick them together.There are also persimmons, mountain twists, spicy twists, rice heads and so on.Mangospermia is black when ripe, with many small seeds inside, about the size of a finger; Laimen is a red wild fruit that is round and grows on thorny vines like the leaves of the Bauhinia tree; Fantouzi is similar to the fruit Queen's mangosteen grows about the same size. The skin is covered with fluffy hairs. It is not prickly. The thin layer of skin is peeled off. The golden-yellow fruit has a small amount of seeds and a nectar-like liquid in the core, which is very sweet and smooth to the mouth.

Now, the people in the village still work hard to provide three meals a day. Although the non-cultivated land is contracted out to others, they still get up early and return late to do business.Compared with the trend of planting fruit trees in the previous life, which led to everyone cutting down trees and abandoning their fields to go to work, it is much better.Now no one wants to go out to work, but the young people who work outside are called back to help with business.

(PS: These are my favorite wild fruits when I was a child. I went to the mountains to explore with my friends, and I can also eat delicious wild fruits, which are much more delicious than bubble gum.)
(End of this chapter)

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