rebirth, romance, space

Chapter 305 Chapter 310

Chapter 305 Chapter 310
"Sister Mei, you are so fascinated in Zhou Xingxing's movie! How can you be so beautiful! It's so heart-stirring!" I took the opportunity to shake Anita Mui's hand, woo, so excited!I was able to shake hands with Anita Mui!
"Well, you girl is still very discerning!" Brother Leslie Cheung nodded seriously.

"I let the two of you talk about everything, no wonder my nephew is like an uncle!" Anita Mui was stared at by my overly enthusiastic star, expressing her pressure. "Girl's husband, who is that? Please take care of your wife. I really can't do anything to pregnant women."

"Auntie, don't worry about Sister Xiaoxiao, she is just so neurotic." Xinyi and her boyfriend were swaying in the corner of the room, er, her boyfriend is the son of a relative of Aunt Chen Jinghua's friend, and Chen Jinghua's childhood friend Say.The two of them childishly played with their fingers.very greasy crooked very greasy crooked...

"I'm sorry, Sister Mei, I'm listening to her." Although Chen Jinghua couldn't see me staring at Mei Yanfang with bright eyes, but I would come if the mountain didn't come, and he stretched out his arms to hug me.What greeted him was my self-taught iron sand palm and shadowless feet.

In fact, I am very happy. Godmother Shen Dianxia now has the sincere affection of the invisible rich man in Hong Kong. Brother Leslie Cheung's career has reached new heights again and again. The most important thing is that they are all in good health.For me, they are my elders, as long as they are in good health.As for their private life, as a junior, it is not easy for me to ask, so I can only care about them from time to time.Although I also have my own life and family.

As for tonight's awards ceremony, since I have seen it in my previous life, I also know that the big winner is the crew of "Father and Son". Only Zhou Xun won the Best Supporting Actress award in "The Banquet". As for Gong Li, it seems that she won the Best Actress award for "The Golden Armor". .I just remember him playing and singing at the party.

I am confident that "Peach Sister" can win the award, just relying on my brother Leslie Cheung's back-to-basics acting skills, coupled with the superb performances of Godmother Shen Dianxia and Anita Mui, and this is the first time that Leslie Cheung has directed and acted in a movie Woolen cloth.I hope he can win the Best Actor Award and Director Award in one fell swoop.It's not just me who thinks this way, everyone can see his efforts.

But after all, I am a little lack of energy, and I still cannot do without plagiarism.I was afraid that because of my plagiarism, it might surprise the movie that swept the three major domestic award ceremonies in the previous life. I was not worried about my brothers' acting skills, but because I was not sure that it would be able to match the hit "Father and Son" both in the previous life and now.I was afraid that my brothers would lose their awards because of my plagiarism.This time, I can't afford to lose, I don't want to lose.It doesn't matter if you don't get the Best Actor or Actress, but I hope my brother gets the Best Director Award.

I can't express the worry in my heart, so I can only laugh and get along with everyone as before.After all, they have lived for more than forty years, so this concealment can still be done.If so, just if, I can't get it this time, I can only hope for the next time.

Although I was nervous all day, when I was about to walk the red carpet, I calmed down instantly.It wasn't that I saw that the luck of my brother Leslie Cheung had changed again, but that I had this strange temper that would calm down when it was hot.Cheers, shouts, and flashing lights are the best regulators of my emotions.Especially as soon as I stepped out of the car door, cheers, shouts, and flashing lights hit my face. My brother and I lined up on the red carpet, and we all walked onto the red carpet hand in hand.

At this time, I had already forgotten whether Fang Lishen and Stephy Tang, who wanted to gossip before us, were shy, and I also forgot about the past love history of the gossip brother Leslie Cheung. very.At this time, I completely achieved the calm state of mind of "I gain my luck and lose my life".I don't want to plagiarize albums anymore, but movies, I will definitely continue to plagiarize.

(End of this chapter)

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