Chapter 10

Weibo is such a delicate thing, the latest news will be released here, the shady facts of many things will be exposed from here, and the privacy of many celebrities will also be dug out here.

Xiao Xing's new song MV will be released soon, and a few photos of the MV were released on Weibo to test the waters.One of them is a photo of Xiao Xing and Ruya together, the camera freezes on the parting scene, Xiao Xing turns and leaves, Ruya's eyes are filled with tears, and a gardenia falls faintly in the air.The other picture shows the two people looking at each other and smiling, Ruya smiled sweetly, Xiao Xing also changed his usual cold image and smiled softly.

Mv's photos are super beautiful, beautiful and fresh.

Xiao Xing's fans were all crazy when they saw the rare smile on their idol's face.The fans are all little girls, and everyone who sees them is jealous.

But some radical fans among them began to criticize Xiao Xing for how elegant he was with a smile.

"Who is this girl, I've never seen it before."

"It's not worthy of our Xiaoxing at all, although he looks very good."

"What looks good, haven't you heard a word? Three-point looks and seven-point dress, with such heavy makeup, she must not look good."

Correspondingly, doubts must be due to previous affirmations.

After the photos were released, there were still a lot of praises, and the praises were the mainstream.Ruya's face is full of beauty and immortality. If a woman's appearance is flirtatious, it may make people feel that she is not correct, but her face is still very pleasing.

Ruya's Weibo has grown from a few fans at the beginning to hundreds of fans.Messages are basically compliments.

"Ruru is so beautiful."

"It's great, goddess, lick the screen."

Ruya's Weibo account is represented by Xiaojin, and Xiaojin rushed to Ruya's place as soon as she saw Ruya's Weibo's first grand occasion.

"Sister Ru, let me show you something." As soon as Xiaojin entered the door, she turned out her notebook and showed it to Ruya.

Ruya was playing the piano at first, but when she heard the sound and opened the door, she saw Xiaojin's flustered look.He didn't say anything, just walked to the bathroom calmly and washed his hands before coming out.

Xiaojin's face was flushed, until Ruya sat beside her and listened to him finish everything before slowly calming down.

"Sister Ru, you are popular!" Xiaojin ended with a sigh.

"Oh." Ruya was obviously not interested in her, her tone was perfunctory.But the eyes kept rolling on the notebook.

Xiaojin thought that Ruya wanted to check her Weibo, so she handed over the notebook.

Ruya reached out to take it.

Well, a little heavy.

Ruya clicked on the notebook with her fingers according to her unfamiliar memory.

Xiaojin was a little strange when she saw it, so she asked carelessly:
"Sister Ru, you don't know how to use a notebook?"

Ruya was not in any embarrassment, she nodded calmly, and stared at her. This was her most common trick in the past. Whenever she wanted something, she would stare at the other party, first her parents, then her brother, Then there is the emperor.

Xiao Jin is surprised, in her opinion, there are still people who don't know how to use a notebook?But after thinking about it, she was with Sister Ru for such a period of time. Sister Ru seldom went out. She either danced at home, played the piano at home, or read at home. Her daily routine was like that of the former rich lady, hiding in the boudoir inside.

Moreover, Xiaojin looked at Ruya's shining eyes that were blinking at her, and her heart was full of pride. In these eyes, it seemed that she was omnipotent.

Xiaojin took the computer and started to demonstrate for Ruya one by one.

"What is this?" Ruya pointed to an icon on the desktop.

Xiao Jin's tone suddenly became excited.

"Sister Ru, let me tell you, this is the most popular game right now, "National Color"."

"This game is very fun. The tasks in it are all in ancient costumes, and the characters in it are so beautiful. And the buildings inside are all antique and full of classical beauty."

As soon as Xiao Jin talked about this game, he began to talk eloquently and eloquently.

She didn't pay attention to the strange expression on Ruya's face.

""National Beauty"?" Ruya muttered to herself, her voice was so low that even she couldn't hear her.

Xiao Jin came in a hurry, and was called away in a hurry.

Turn on the computer and type "National Color".

The game "National Color" is a green online game developed by S&C with an investment of over [-] million yuan. The game refers to the geographical structure of China and reproduces the grand Chinese world.The majestic game screen and rich Chinese national charm will take you to appreciate the customs of the ancient country.

The introduction of the game is full of hype, but the most attractive feature of Ruya is the ancient style.

Based on this, there are enough reasons to make Ruya tempted.

No reason, even if she feels that life is more comfortable now, but she was born and grew up in that place, and there is always a special feeling in it.

I clicked the download button, but the progress bar was extremely slow. Taking advantage of this gap, Ruya cleaned her hands again and went to play the piano song that was interrupted by Xiaojin just now.

A piece of "Endless Lovesickness" is played lingeringly, like weeping and complaining.

This qin piece is Ruya's specialty, she heard her aunt play it back then, when she was young, she only thought it was nice when she heard the qin piece, so she pestered her aunt to teach her.The aunt also loved her, and handed her over to her.

She was young at the time, so she didn't have any worries or lovesickness. She played back and forth, but she didn't have the feeling of her aunt's piano music, similar in shape but not in spirit.When I was young, I easily diverted my attention when encountering other things, and this piece of music was put aside.She didn't pick it up until she entered the palace.At that time, far away from her parents, with only the cold palace life around her, she gradually lost the innocence of her youngest daughter, and she also had worries in her heart. "Endless Lovesickness" also slowly played to a certain shape.Even the emperor once praised her for playing this piece well.

After the song was over, all the turbulent emotions in her chest were vented, and she gradually calmed down.

"sounds so good."

Just listening to this voice, Ruya knows who it is.He didn't speak, just raised his head and glanced at the speaker.

Ye Shao took a look at Ruya, and he took it as a reproach, and hurriedly raised his hands to defend, with an innocent expression:

"I wanted to knock on the door just now, but I didn't know that the door would open by itself as soon as I touched it."

Ruya looked at the innocent expression on his face, and gave him an annoyed look.Where is the door opened by himself, it must be that Xiaojin didn't close the door in a hurry just now.

Ye Shao only thought that he had caught the eye of a beauty, but he still had a grin on his face.

"You play really well, what's the name of this piece?" Ruya got up to wash her hands, and Ye Shao followed behind like a follower.

""Endless Lovesickness"."

"Lovesickness?" Hearing the name, Ye Shao hurriedly shook his head: "What kind of name is this? What's so lovesick about it?"

Before Ye Shao finished complaining, he saw Ruya in front of him suddenly turn around, and said to him with a half-smile:
"I'm going to the bathroom, you still follow?"

Ye Shao touched his nose, and retracted a foot that had already stepped into the bathroom.

"I want to come in, but will you let me in?" Of course, Ye Shao could only slander in his heart.


As soon as Ruya sat on the sofa, Ye Han handed over a small plate of apples that had been peeled and cut into small pieces.

Ruya took it over bluntly. She looked at the cheerful Ye Han who was tuning the channel next to her, feeling a little conflicted in her heart.

She didn't know what was going on with the relationship between the two now. She had never gotten along with a strange man so naturally. Ye Han's invasion was too natural and too fast, which made her a little uneasy.Although, the memory in her mind told her that now, the status of men and women is equal.After a man and a woman fall in love, they can break up or get married.

Ruya grew up in a dynasty with strict rules. Although she knew about the current situation, she still couldn't accept it. After all, the concept of more than ten years had been deeply rooted in her heart.

Therefore, she didn't know what to do. She was passive and could only watch Ye Han's aggression.

Ye Han is a good hand in business. He did not rely on his family's background outside the home, and he has come to today step by step. Naturally, his vision is vicious, and he is far less pure than he showed in front of Ruya.He saw early in the morning that Ruya seemed cold-tempered, but she was actually very simple.

He appeared in front of Ruya step by step, keeping a proper pace, so that she could not say anything, and at the same time let her slowly get used to his existence.

Just like now, isn't Ruya slowly getting used to it?Although he is a child from the north, he grew up in a small courtyard, but he is thick and thin, and those who play well call him the dog-headed military division.Everyone turned to him for ideas, and he looked refined and elegant, and his ideas were generally very precise.

Ye Han tuned the TV to a channel casually, and continued to pick up a fruit knife to peel apples for Ruya.

One of them cut and the other ate. The atmosphere was harmonious, and the sound of the TV attracted Ye Shao's attention.

"Today, Xiao Xing, who is known as the "Little Heavenly King" in the music world, posted a few photos of his new album MV on Weibo, allowing fans to take a quick look at them. The photos are very beautiful, and the male and female protagonists of the MV are even more popular on Weibo. Ru Chao. Now let us enjoy a group of pictures of handsome men and beautiful women."

Ye Shao has always been proud of his eyes, and since this is Ruya, he naturally recognized Ruya with piercing eyes.

He turned sideways to look at Ruya who was eating apples vigorously.

"It's a beautiful shot." But why doesn't I like the man next to you?

Young Master Ye naturally didn't finish his words.

Ruya raised her head, looked at a few pictures flashing on the TV, and nodded.Then he looked down at the book indifferently.

Young Master Ye could only keep silent, and continued to switch channels.

Well, when the album comes out, I must get a few copies first.

"Gong" has been building momentum recently, and several of the main and supporting characters in it have been heated up, and there is a tendency to become popular before it is broadcast.Ruya is one of the female supporting roles, there are scenes in the trailer, and there are stills in the stills, so naturally she is indispensable.But most merchants, endorsements, etc. are still on the sidelines, but there are also some sporadic merchants who have come to Ruya.

But for these, Sister Li wanted Ruya to go at the beginning, but after Ruya's attitude was perfunctory, she stopped urging her.It wasn't because she was angry, it was just because she felt that there was really no need to worry now. When "Gong" came out, Ruya's character was likable, and once she became popular, her worth would rise.

Director An's efficiency is extremely high, and "Gong" was launched in the anticipation of many viewers.

(End of this chapter)

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