The thief of the fortress dominates the world

Chapter 258 This battle was too useless

Chapter 258 This battle was too useless

Jiang's army bombarded Liaoyang City Wall with [-] cannons in red for a whole day, and they didn't retreat back to camp until dusk.

The south wall of Liaoyang City was ravaged by twenty red cannons for a whole day. There were mottled potholes everywhere on the city wall, and there was even a black iron cannonball inlaid in some places.

The crenelated female wall of the city wall was also smashed to pieces by the shells, and it was dilapidated. The horse path above the city wall was full of rubble, broken weapons, and human limbs. There was a thick layer of blood on the ground, many of which had solidified. Greasy and disgusting blood glowed in the setting sun.

Fei Yanggu's face was covered with dust and blood, and he led a group of soldiers to direct the soldiers to carry the bodies of the dead soldiers down the wall and clean up the mess on the ground.

All the Qing soldiers looked very depressed, no one spoke, only the wailing and groaning of the wounded soldiers from time to time.

Fei Yanggu was in a heavy heart, looking around with a livid face.Today's battle is the most aggrieved and helpless battle he has fought since he stepped on the horse and stepped onto the battlefield.

Originally, the side that defended the city had an advantage, but today's battle was completely reversed.The enemy kept bombarding them with cannons as if they didn't need money for the shells, and they couldn't fight back even if they wanted to fight back.

No one is willing to do such a thing as being beaten without fighting back, but Fei Yanggu dare not send troops out of the city to fight in the field.The fierce generals like Bayan were wiped out within half a day after leaving the city, and their heads were beheaded.If they send people out again, if they fail, their morale will drop, and there is no need to defend Liaoyang City.

It can be said that on the first day of the war, our side had already lost 5000 people.The 3000 people in Bayan plus the soldiers who were injured and killed in the shelling today, today's loss has already reached [-]% of Fei Yanggu's troops.

If the fight continues, his remaining strength will soon be exhausted.Moreover, fighting a war has never been a simple problem of one plus one equals two. If morale collapses completely, even tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of troops collapse within minutes.

Fei Yanggu is not considered a famous general, but the truth is still clear.

"General, what shall we do tomorrow? If the enemy continues to attack the city with cannons tomorrow, shall we continue to be beaten and not fight back?"

Gu Shanezhen, who was standing behind the Eight Banners of the Han Dynasty and the White Banner, shouted indignantly.

"That's right, General Fei Yanggu, when did we fight such a useless battle in the Qing Dynasty? The slave would rather die in the battle than die of suffocation."

Another general also shouted angrily.

"Yes, General Fei Yanggu, we have to fight back. Otherwise, if we continue to fight like this, I'm afraid we haven't killed a single enemy. The soldiers are scared out of their wits. What's the use of fighting? Let's just surrender and become prisoners." .”

"That's right, even if my son of the Qing Dynasty died in battle, he couldn't die like this. General, why don't we attack the camp at night, so that we can get out of the bird's breath during the day."

A group of generals shouted one after another, and Fei Yanggu was in a state of confusion when he heard it, and his face turned even darker.

He was not a person with a clear mind, but now he heard someone talking about night attack, and he was a little tempted.But when he thought about Bayan's end in the daytime and Duoduo's disastrous defeat before, he hesitated again, and finally said in a muffled voice: "Don't make any noise. I believe the enemy's shells won't be too many. We just need to hold on to the city. Tomorrow, reinforcements from Gaizhou and Guangning will arrive. When the reinforcements arrive, we will have an advantage, and it will be time for us to counterattack."

After hearing this, although some of the generals still complained in low voices, no one mentioned the night attack anymore.After all, everyone is not stupid, Bayan's blood is not dry yet, some words are just words, but they will not be easily taken seriously.

In the Jiang family army camp outside the city, Jiang Chuan stood tall, carefully looking at the map of Liaodong in front of him, and was silent in thought.

The curtain of the big tent was lifted, and Bai Mu walked in boldly and said in a deep voice: "My lord, the last general has already inspected, and our military camp is very solid and solid, it can be said to be as solid as a rock. If the tartars dare to come A night attack will definitely make them come and go."

Jiang Chuan turned around and said, "It's very good. You can despise the enemy strategically, but you must pay attention to the enemy tactically. The situation on the battlefield changes rapidly, so you can't be careless at any time. Is there any news from the left and right troops?"

Bai Mu said: "I am about to report to the lord. General Ran Wu has sent someone to report that he has arrived at the predetermined location and set up the camp. There is no news from General Baishan. It seems that because Gaizhou is a little far away, the scout messenger is still there. on the way."

After Bai Muguang finished speaking, the curtain was lifted again, and Li Jian, the military commander, strode in and said, "My lord, Baishan Jiangchuan sent someone to report that the right army has arrived at the designated location and set up camp, saying that no Tartar reinforcements will ever be allowed to pass by." .”

Jiang Chuan was overjoyed, and said in a loud voice: "Great, this time we will take down the three cities in southern Liaoning with a thunderous force. If the Tatars think that my goal is only Liaoyang, then we will give them a big surprise. Send the order, Tonight, the night patrol soldiers will step up their patrols, and we will also arrange a few more night scouts, so that the soldiers can rest well, recharge their energy, and continue to attack the city tomorrow."

"Promise!" Bai Mu and Li Jian suddenly accepted the order.

There was nothing to say all night, and the Qing army did not dare to attack the camp.

When the sun jumped out of the horizon, the Jiang family army's barracks was already busy.The firehead army started cooking, while other soldiers were arranging their weapons and armor, preparing for today's siege battle.

After the whole army had breakfast, amidst the desolate sound of ox horns, groups of Jiang family soldiers marched out of the camp in an orderly and silent manner, re-arranging into neat and horrifying square formations according to yesterday's formation.

In the end, [-] cannons in red clothes were pulled out of the camp slowly by the pack horses. They were set up according to the predetermined position of the artillery positions, and [-] artillerymen were busy carrying the shells and stacking them next to each artillery position.

Five hundred red-clothed musketeers lined up neatly to guard behind the artillery just like yesterday.

Jiang Chuan was high above the cloud car, observing the mottled and potholed city wall of Liaoyang from a distance. After watching for a while, he sent someone to call Li Han, the captain of the Shenji Camp.

"Li Han, I would like to ask you, how many shells are left? If we use yesterday's bombardment density, can we still use it today?" Jiang Chuan asked directly when we met.

Li Han thought for a while and said, "Reporting to Commander, if we follow yesterday's bombardment density, today is enough for one day. But if we continue to attack according to this density tomorrow, I'm afraid it will not be enough."

Hearing this, Jiang Chuan knew what was going on, and smiled slightly: "Yesterday you did a good job, and today you will continue to maintain it. Remember, try to be as precise as possible, widen the gap created by yesterday's bombardment, concentrate firepower, and bombard a little. If solid bullets If it’s not enough, you can also mix it with some flowering bullets and shoot it into the Qing soldiers.”

"The last general takes orders!" Li Han received the approval of the coach, and shouted excitedly.

After Li Han returned to the artillery team, Jiang Chuan waited for a while, and after getting the semaphore that the artillery on his side was in position and the shooting angle was adjusted to the right position, he decisively ordered to fire.

"Boom boom boom!" Twenty red cannons once again roared at Liaoyang City.

 The second one arrives.There is one more chapter before midnight.

(End of this chapter)

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