Chapter 391
The Beijing officials sat in sedan chairs, those in cars rode in cars, those without cars or sedan chairs, and those on donkeys, all walking back in a mess.

These donkey riders are all from poor families, and then they are officials in the Qingshui Yamen, not to mention the low salary, even if they want to make money, they have nothing to offer.

Among these officials, the Hanlin Bachelor of the Hanlin Academy and the Inspectorate's officials have suffered the most.

Chief Assistant Xia Junze also walked towards his carriage, and Li Zhuyuan, Minister of War behind him, caught up and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Ge, what's going on here? Why can't I understand my students?"

Xia Junze glanced back at him and said in a low voice: "This is the old man's negligence. If His Royal Highness hadn't sent someone to remind him, I'm afraid the Emperor will not look good even if he doesn't mention me."

Li Zhuyuan was a little surprised and wanted to ask more questions, but Xia Junze waved his hands and said in a low voice, "Take my car and talk on the way."

The two got into Xia Junze's spacious carriage one after the other.

The carriage is very spacious, and it doesn't look cramped when two people sit facing each other.The carriage is covered with a thick woolen carpet, and there is a delicate mahogany table in the middle, on which are fixed several round wooden containers, which contain some preserved fruits, candied fruit and other snacks.

Xia Junze and Li Zhuyuan sat opposite each other around the small table.

"I know what you want to ask. Let me ask you, if we welcome King Qin into the city today, how should we arrange it?" Xia Junze asked directly without waiting for Li Zhuyuan to speak.

"Of course I live..." At this point, Li Zhuyuan paused, obviously he also realized that something was wrong.

According to the regulations, ordinary princes are not allowed to enter Beijing without an edict.Even if he entered the capital according to the imperial edict, he would have his own courtyard to live in after entering the capital.

However, the general feudal officials or officials from other places were ordered to enter Beijing or work in Beijing, and the place where they lived was also particular.If it is a feudal official, those who have other courtyards in the capital will naturally live in other courtyards, and those who have families will naturally live in their own homes.If you don't have a home or another courtyard, you live in the Xianliang Temple.

The Xianliang Temple is not an ancestral hall, but a place for senior officials to live, just like the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in later generations.

Ordinary officials will find corresponding local guild halls when they enter Beijing. Generally, there are fellow village guild halls in the capital.

Of course, if there is no guild hall, then you have to live in an ordinary inn.

And the prince Jiang Chuan is obviously a very special case.Naturally, he has no other courtyard in the capital.Where did you let him live after he came to Beijing?

palace?Of course it is impossible.

Xianliang Temple, that doesn't work either.Not to mention guild halls and inns, don't even think about it.

If Jiang Chuan was just an idle prince with no real power, he wouldn't dare to say anything while living in the Xianliang Temple.

However, the prince Jiang Chuan was the real powerful faction who pulled the Ming court back from the edge of the cliff.To put it bluntly, without Jiang Chuan, the current capital might have been breached by the Dashun army. It is not certain what will happen to the city full of civil and military forces, including the emperor.

It can be said that Jiang Chuan is now the great savior of the Ming Dynasty, although Jiang Chuan's real purpose is to fight for himself, and he has no intention of being a loyal minister of the Ming Dynasty.

But from an objective point of view, Jiang Chuan is indeed a great hero and a great hero who turned the tide. Whether it was the overthrow of the Qing Dynasty or the defeat of Li Zicheng, any one of them can be said to be a great contribution.

And everyone can see that once Jiang Chuan enters the capital, he will be the real ruler of Ming Dynasty.

Under such circumstances, every detail and every link in the matter of welcoming Jiang Chuan into Beijing must be done properly, because others are watching.

One thing is wrong, once Jiang Chuan gets angry, many people will be unlucky, and Emperor Ming will lose face.

At this time, Jiang Chuan doesn't need to care about anyone's face.Even the emperor can't do whatever he wants in many things and is constrained by the ministers.

But Jiang Chuan is different. He has nothing to do with the officialdom of the Ming Dynasty, the court of the Ming Dynasty except for his status.

So he can act according to his mood.

Keeping those officials waiting all morning today is actually a small blow.He wants to tell these Beijing officials and dignitaries from the very beginning that now is the era that belongs to me, Jiangchuan.

If it weren't for Xia Junze's future plans and the usefulness of controlling the court, he would not have sent someone to inform him, nor would he have given him this face.

Xia Junze wrote a letter last time to show his attitude of taking refuge, and now Jiang Chuan is reciprocating.

In politics, he is now trying to learn to mature himself.

For a person in a high position, especially in his position today, any event will send out many signals.

Actually, he sent someone to notify Xia Junze, maybe it was a kind of temptation.Test the attitude of Emperor Ming, and also test his attitude Xia Junze.

In addition to the proper arrangement of Jiang Chuan's accommodation, the placement of Jiang's army is also a very important issue.

If Jiang's army is allowed to enter the city, it means that the entire capital has completely fallen under Jiang Chuan's control.If he refuses, it will cause Jiang Chuan's misunderstanding, thinking that the court is on guard against him, and it is very likely to anger him, leading to unpredictable consequences.

No matter which one of these two things is not done well, it will lead to a great disaster.

Apart from luck and Xia Junze's promotion, Li Zhuyuan was able to become Minister of the Ministry of War, so naturally he would not be a mediocre and chaotic person.

As long as these things are mentioned a little bit, they will soon be understood.

After he figured it out, he said with a stern expression: "Master Ge, Your Highness is kind. If you make trouble after entering the city today, I'm afraid the emperor will take you as the scapegoat. Then the students will naturally You will also be implicated. Speaking of which, these matters are for the emperor to make decisions, and we courtiers often feel helpless."

Xia Junze nodded and said in a low voice: "You can figure it out. You should have understood who our Majesty is from the time he killed Yuan Chonghuan. Moreover, the Ming Dynasty has been completely rotten from the root. We should I have done everything I have done, and I should plan for myself. This country is not a family whose surname will last forever. As long as it is not a foreign country, the virtuous and capable will live there. Since His Royal Highness King Qin has planned for us, then Naturally, we also have to do something to prove ourselves. After returning to the city, I will immediately go to the palace to face the saint, and I can't let others take the lead."

Li Zhuyuan lowered his voice and said, "Is there anyone else who dares to compete with Mr. Ge for the limelight?"

Xia Junze said hesitantly: "Of course there are. That Eunuch Wei in the palace, I think he has long belonged to the King of Qin. If I don't do anything else, I just have to stand aside at that time. Fortunately, the King of Qin gave me a chance , so you must hold on to it."

Xia Junze's voice was filled with joy.

Li Zhuyuan was stunned when he heard that, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that he was too slow, and couldn't help feeling a little annoyed.

 Thank you Zhutuan for your reward.

(End of this chapter)

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