Chapter 750 The Rumbling Train (Final Chapter)
The Daqin Navy launched a feint attack on the Ryukyu Kingdom occupied by the British with a squadron.

Although it was a feint attack, the fierce artillery fire made it impossible for the unknown British defenders to tell whether it was true or false, so they quickly lit the beacon tower to ask for help.

The British main fleet, which was waiting for the main battleship of Daqin to enter the ambush circle, also hesitated after receiving the message for help.

According to the request for help, the main fleet of the Great Qin Empire appeared near the Ryukyu Kingdom.That being the case, what is the main force of the Qin army they are waiting for?
This news caused all the top British army to argue.

Just when their debate had not reached a conclusion, they received a second call for help: the Daqin Fleet was also found in the northern waters of the Ryukyu Kingdom, and it was violently shelling the positions of the Ryukyu defenders.

This news made Prince Philip, the supreme commander of the British army who thought it was harassment by a small group of enemies, start to feel uneasy.

Although the Ryukyu Kingdom is not as large as the Lion Kingdom, there are silver mines on the island, which are rich in silver.The British therefore stationed half a regiment on the island.

The treasury on the island stored the vast amount of wealth he had scavenged in the Far East in the past few years, a large part of which was dedicated to His Majesty the King of England.

If you don't go to the rescue, whether you can win the battle is another matter, but all the wealth will definitely fall into the hands of the enemy, and then you will have no cards for a real comeback.

Obviously, the real target of the enemy this time is Ryukyu Island.

Thinking of this, Prince Philip quickly made a decision: leave a small fleet to meet the enemy, and the main fleet quickly rescue Ryukyu.

In an era when information dissemination is very inconvenient, many things are actually made up by the brain.

The battle on Ryukyu Island was not that intense, and the main force of the Qin army who came to chase the British warships was not the main force of the Qin army, but it all became a reality under the preconceptions of the British.

When the main fleet of the British army was rushing to the Ryukyu Kingdom, it was ambushed by the Qin Navy who had been waiting for a long time when passing through the strait named by the British as the sun never sets.

Countless shells fell into the British fleet from all directions, the sound of explosions kept ringing, and the flames shone brightly, adding a touch of heroism to the sea that was about to usher in dusk.

The new warships of the Daqin Navy took advantage of their super high speed, powerful armor, and sharp cannons like giant beasts to face the hard steel front of the British army's hard-hitting counterattack.

Battleships kept getting hit, caught fire, and sank.Some people were sent to the sky by the exploding shells, while others fell into the icy sea water and were dying.

The battle seemed fierce, but when the strength gap between the two sides was too large and one side set up an ambush, the fighting situation quickly became apparent.

There are fewer and fewer British warships on the sea, and the artillery fire is becoming more and more sparse.On the contrary, the well-prepared Daqin battleship was still roaring with cannons, and had already formed a siege against the lingering British fleet.

Before the sky completely darkened, the sea battle between the East and the West finally came to an end.

Dozens of British warships were sunk, more than 30 warships were damaged, and the remaining [-] or so warships all hoisted white flags to request surrender.

For the British, surrender was a gentlemanly way to end a war with no disgrace, and there was no reason to fight to the death.

The battle started quickly and ended very quickly, at least much faster than Ran Wu and the others had expected.

"These British people really didn't fight, they surrendered so soon, they are fucking cowards." Ran Wu looked at the British prisoners who were tied up in a string and said disdainfully.

"Chief of Staff, stay here to deal with the aftermath. I'll go to the old man of the British." Ran Wu said, and headed for the Lion Kingdom with the main fleet.

The lion country has the largest area and is the base of the British in the east.

The British, who had lost their main fleet, were vulnerable, and the remaining small fleet was quickly wiped out.

A large number of Daqin marines landed on Lion Island under the cover of artillery fire, and then cleared all the British troops on the island in two days.

The Java Kingdom and the Ryukyu Kingdom also fell one after another and fell into the hands of the Qin army.

According to statistics, it took less than five days from the beginning to the end of this decisive battle. The strength of the British army in the Far East can be said to have been completely lost. Hundreds of warships were either sunk or captured, and more than 5000 British soldiers About [-] people were killed and captured.

The death rate of the Qin army was less than one-tenth of that of the British army, which can be said to be an undoubted victory.

This does not include the various materials seized, as well as the countless gold and silver wealth that the British have looted and hoarded over the years.

After this battle, the power of the British Empire was completely driven out of the East, and it was no longer able to expand in the East.

Correspondingly, the sphere of influence of the Great Qin Empire expanded rapidly, with the newly occupied sea area exceeding ten thousand miles, and the newly added population under the rule of the Great Qin exceeded 50.

Although it is not large compared to the domestic population, it is already a very astonishing number for these scattered primitive residents on the island.

The news of the Great Victory at Lion Island spread back to the Qin Dynasty, and the court was full of joy. As the emperor of the Great Qin, Jiang Chuan's prestige has been improved to a higher level, and the shouts of long live are endless.

Under the influence of many policies such as rewarding military exploits, advocating commercial development, and encouraging farming in Jiangchuan, Daqin was gradually inspired to expand abroad from top to bottom.

For businessmen, with more sales markets, profits will be more lucrative.For farmers, there is more land that can be cultivated.For soldiers, continuous external expansion means a steady stream of military achievements, and military achievements mean that they can continue to climb upwards.

More land means more yamen and official positions can be set up, and the bureaucracy will naturally support it more.

All kinds of cheap raw materials from overseas are also continuously sent back to China, which further stimulates the domestic manufacturing industry.

In many coastal cities in the south of the Yangtze River, workshops of all kinds, large and small, have sprung up, such as weaving workshops, silk workshops, and garment workshops. All kinds of workshops have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

Idle people in many cities have turned into workshop workers.

At the same time, the Daqin Royal Academy of Sciences is also constantly developing various new machines, such as various new looms, embroidery machines, etc., have appeared, and were quickly snapped up by those businessmen.

The innovation of production tools has further promoted the development of productivity. Various workshops have also ushered in the reshuffle and integration of the industry. Larger-scale workshops have begun to appear, and even have the shadow of Western factories.

With the continuous development of the commodity economy, the income of the imperial court has also increased.From south to north, exchanges and trade at home and abroad are becoming more and more frequent, and the whole world is a bustling scene.

At this time, traffic constraints on economic development became more and more obvious.Therefore, the emperor launched the national policy of building roads at the right time, and shouted the slogan "If you want to get rich, build roads first", which complied with public opinion and received support from top to bottom.

The invention of cement provided the foundation for the rapid hardening of roads. With the efforts of the construction team formed by the government, with the capital as the core, a series of flat and spacious cement roads radiated in all directions.

Therefore, it gave birth to the fiery development of the cement industry.

In the 12th year of Wude, the first civilian car was formally researched and launched to the market after passing the test.

In the 15th year of Wude, the first steam-powered train began trial operation near the capital.

In the 20 years of Wude, the national railway mileage has reached [-] miles, and this speed is still increasing.

In the 30th year of Wude, Emperor Wude of the Great Qin gave the throne to Prince Jiang Yuanfan, who claimed to be the Supreme Emperor.

The new emperor came to the throne, and the next year was changed to the first year of Guangxing.

Outside the capital city, a green leather train with six carriages rumbled along the rails.

On a window seat in the first carriage, a man in his 30s with a calm expression looked at the fields passing by outside the window, and turned his head to a young man next to him who was refreshing and capable, with eyebrows and eyes similar to his own. The man said: "Son, I have put the train of the Great Qin Empire on the track for you. As for how far it can run and where it will go, that depends on you."

"Father, my son will definitely not let you down." The young man said softly, his gaze extremely firm.

"Complete Book"

 Brothers, this book is over here. More than 170 million words, more than a year.It may not be a big deal for others, but it is a new number for me, and it is a difficult journey.For many reasons, this book failed, so the ending is actually a bit unfinished. Of course, the reasons are all my own problems.In any case, I am very grateful to all the brothers who have subscribed, rewarded, and voted. Thank you. It is your support that allows me to persist for so long.Brothers have too many names, so I won't list them all.Anyway, thanks everyone, bows!As for the new book, it may be released around NO.20, and I hope everyone will continue to support it.

(End of this chapter)

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