Chapter 244

Fu Rong read it very carefully. Although she couldn’t remember everything 100%, she could still be impressed with the general knowledge. I remember that when she first started medical school in modern times, she was very stressed and memorized by rote every day. Those things that were memorized, later grandpa discovered her learning method and told her not to put too much pressure on herself. She can first let them impress in your head first, and then use whichever one you use slowly. Especially deepen the impression of which one, so that you will become familiar with it after a long time. Just like learning Chinese medicine, you will definitely not be so sure when you first start seeing a doctor, but you can’t tell the patient that you are not sure, or see a doctor. Reading books and looking up information, you can only prescribe a medicine that is not strong and will not take bad people according to the results of your own observations, and then ask the patient to come back the next day or another day, so that the time in this space can give yourself time. Just look up books to find information, so as to determine what the disease is. Every doctor will never start, and only when he accumulates slowly will he make his medical skills more exquisite.

Furong's medical skills are actually very high, but she is a humble person, and she never thinks that she is very good, so she reads books that are not quite the same as her own time, only to feel that what she lacks is not the slightest bit. son.

Because of these messy things, she hasn't been to the hospital for many days, and it hasn't opened yet. This is not Fu Rong's character, but it is easy for her to go out to the general's mansion under the current situation, but she has to be there every day. It is also impossible to sit in the medical hall, so while reading books, she also picks out some medical techniques suitable for the ancient environment and prepares them for Dr. Li. The doctor's experience is enough, but there are still some things that he has little contact with. For example, the reason why Dr. Li's medical clinic can't continue is because someone is causing trouble?
In fact, when Furong heard Dr. Li's words at the time, she felt that Dr. Li had someone's forehead slapped on her forehead, which is similar to the modern Porcelain. If Dr. Li could know more about such Sanqi Kara things and the consequences of those things It can be considered that he has increased the ability to protect himself!

When the book selection is almost done, she will not stay in the space. She was actually very tired yesterday. Although the space can make her feel refreshed, Furong wants to lie on the bed and sleep today. She has been busy for so long and finally After fulfilling her wish, she wanted to lie down on the bed and take a good rest. This was not physical rest, because her physical strength had recovered after taking a bath in the space. The reason she wanted to lie down was because her heart was tired.

Being able to lie on the bed so easily now is the result of Furong's hard work for so long!Even if she rewarded herself, she deserved it. Originally, she just wanted to lie down, but maybe because she didn't have any burden in her heart, she really fell asleep after a while!

This time, Furong slept very deeply until the nanny knocked on the door and woke her up. It turned out that it was almost time for dinner. The nanny was afraid that Furong would oversleep and it would be too late to clean up, so she woke her up in advance. Furong stretched out. Lanyao said to the nurse who came in, "Nurse, you got up so soon, have you rested? You have been exhausted these days!"

The nanny smiled and said to Furong, "Miss, don't worry about the old slave. The old slave has already slept. Because it is daytime, the old slave is not used to sleeping. There are fewer, so I get up earlier, and the slaves can rest with the master during the day, which makes the old slave very grateful. If the young lady is the old slave who misses it, the old slave will feel guilty!"

Fu Rong said solemnly, "Nurse, how can you think so? If I hadn't been protected by you since I was a child, I would not have existed for a long time. I should care about you, and there is also Nanny, can you take one bite at a time?" The old slave has called himself, I feel really uncomfortable, can you call me? I think our relationship will be closer, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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