Chapter 789 I Can Leave
She didn't want to experience the humiliation of modern times, so she asked, "What's the matter? Do you think I'm dragging you down and annoying? If you have any thoughts, please say so. Don't feel embarrassed or worry about me. Feeling, I know you are excellent, and the woman who wants to be with you must also be excellent, so that it will not cause you trouble, it’s okay, I don’t mind, if you think we are not suitable, you can Just say, I can leave your home after I go back and pick up my relatives!"

After Fu Rong said these words, her heart ached, and besides, she could pick it up and put it down, it was also in love, how could she let it go so easily?But her self-esteem does not allow her to pray for that kind of unwilling love, so even if she is distressed, she will not just let it go.

But after Duan Tianya heard her words, his nose almost didn't crooked, and his heart beat fast, giving Duan Tianya the feeling that as long as he opened his mouth, his heart would beat out, and he opened his eyes quickly. He looked at Fu Rong fiercely, "Is this the kind of person I am in your eyes? You won't even give me the minimum trust?"

Fu Rong was shocked by his cold and serious appearance. Although she was a little afraid of his appearance, she still said stubbornly, "Then why did you ignore me like this after saving me? I don't seem to Make you angry?"

Duan Tianya gritted his teeth and said, "You haven't offended me yet? How else do you want to offend me? You can obviously avoid being taken away by their people. You can completely get rid of this situation, and then discuss with me how to find out what's going on behind the scenes. The person who wanted to kidnap you, but how did you do it? You went away with him without even discussing it. Yes, you have the ability to protect yourself, but have you ever thought about how worried I would be? Have you thought about that kind of thing? Does your lover not know the fear of what situation you are in? You don't, you just act according to your own will, and you don't believe that I will protect you at all. Why can't you be angry? "

After he finished speaking, he continued to close his eyes. He was afraid that if he didn't close his eyes, he might go forward and strangle this stupid woman Fu Rong to death with his own hands!
After listening to Duan Tianya's complaint, Fu Rong suddenly felt that she was quite hopeless. She was just improvised at the time. To be honest, she really didn't think about what would happen to Duan Tianya?She thought about it later, but at that time Furong was not allowed to deliver the news, so she never got in touch with Duan Tianya. Just now he was so nervous to save herself, so she thought he didn't care?That's why I didn't mention this matter first, but now that Duan Tianya said it, she really felt that there was nothing to explain, and he should be angry.

If the two of them switch positions, she will be angry, and she will be very angry. Seeing that although his eyes are closed, but the middle of his brows is always frowning, Fu Rong suppresses the guilt in her heart. With a guilty conscience, he slowly approached him, gently stroked the frowning brow with his fingers, and said, "I'm sorry, I know I was wrong this time, I shouldn't be so arrogant, and I shouldn't discuss it with you, I decided to follow them without authorization, just like what you said, I really didn’t want to rely on you at the time, maybe it’s because I have faced everything by myself over the years, so I developed such a mentality Get used to it, I promise that nothing like this will happen again next time, so don't be angry, look at your brows will frown together!"

After stroking Duan Tianya's forehead with slightly damp hands, Duan Tianya felt those warm little hands on his forehead, which almost softened his heart, but as long as he thought of Fu Rong who was so reckless, Casually going into danger, he hardened his heart, closed his eyes and still didn't speak.

(End of this chapter)

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