Chapter 115 Hidden danger
Shenquan put away his golden palm and smiled at All Might, "Your body is yours, don't force yourself." After saying this, Shenquan turned into a golden light and flew towards the distant sky.

"Don't go!" Ingnim raised his hand and shouted. He wanted to prevent Shenquan from leaving. After all, Shenquan is an underground hero. It can be said that it is completely different from the police station and plays a different role.

But if the people in the firm see the underground heroes, they will still arrest them.

"Let him go, and you can't stop him." The paper sharpshooter said, "Without the help of God's Fist, All Might would have to struggle to kill it, so we have to thank him."

Everyone nodded subconsciously. Zhifeng Shooter is right. Although Shenquan is an underground hero, he has never done anything harmful. It can be said that he is a relatively honest underground hero.

It's just that everyone doesn't understand why Shenquan appears here. It is rumored that Shenquan has been abroad for a long time, but he has returned to China.

In this incident, Qi Feng and the others were the most shocked. It was the first time that Baohao Katsuki and others heard about underground heroes. The students have never heard of underground heroes.

Now there is a magic fist that is as powerful as the sky. According to what Bresant Mike said before, this is the head of the Shibuya underground heroes.

Although they have no idea about the Three Sovereigns, but with their strength and courage, they know that the Three Sovereigns are out of their reach.

However, everyone still knows that the Divine Fist is not as powerful as All Might, and it may not be as powerful as Andeva. The reason why the Divine Fist can quickly restrain alien creatures is because All Might and Thanks to Andewa, it was weakened.

The corpse of the alien creature was lying on the ground, and the purple blood seemed to have drained dry. All Might didn't pay attention to this side any more. He turned around and looked at everyone and said, "Maybe the citizens already know about this matter, and we didn't It is necessary to conceal, directly disclose the information to the public, and kill the alien invaders."

Bresant Mike immediately took out his mobile phone and made a call. Then he said: "I have notified the police station to deal with it. Too many people died this time. I'm afraid the school will not be able to bear the pressure."

"What are you afraid of?" Andeva looked at Bresant Mike with a firm gaze and said, "If we don't make a move, I'm afraid the 10,000+ people present will die at least [-] to [-]. Ask them if they want to die or want to die. Looking for something?"

"Hahaha, you are still the best, Andy, in this case, I will leave this matter to you." Blessent Mac laughed loudly, and everyone's tense atmosphere was also resolved, not as before. serious.

"Clean up the battlefield and see how many professional heroes have died." Tideburst Niu Wang had recovered his composure at this moment, but he still had lingering fears about the previous incident. If there was no All Might, he would have died.

Qi Feng didn't even have a chance to thank Shenquan, but it's okay, anyway, he will meet Shenquan sooner or later as an Underworld legend.

"Brother Lugu, thank you very much." Qi Feng sincerely thanked him, if not for that punch from Lugu Izuku, he might have died.

Lvgu Izuku dragged his disabled arm and forced a smile, "Fortunately, I guessed the timing right."

Qi Feng took out the personality supplement from his arms and put it on Izuku Midori's mouth, "This is the last sip for you."

Lvgu Izuku knew the value of Qi Feng, and how could it be easy for All Might to recover his injuries and physical strength in an instant. At first, he wanted to refuse, but he nodded and took a breath when he saw Qi Feng's eyes. .

At this moment, the mutation happened, and the stomach of the dead alien creature suddenly exploded, and a purple sphere the size of a baby was wrapped in a beam of purple light and flew towards the sky at high speed.

"Not good!" All Might instantly chased after the purple light with his feet, but he didn't expect that this guy was still alive, and seemed to have other means.

Everyone was frightened by this sudden turn of events, that thing is still alive, even with its head blown off.

Bakugo Katsuki glanced at Qi Feng. Before the meteorite fell, Qi Feng said that there would be a deadly battle, but it turned out to be true. There were thousands of casualties. How did he know that?
The more he understood Qi Feng, the more Bakugo Katsuki felt that Qi Feng was mysterious, as if something was hidden from them, and he was out of tune with the students in the class.

Originally, he thought that he and his classmates were not easy to get along with, but he didn't expect Qi Feng to be even more extreme than him, as if they were not on the same channel anymore.

Qi Feng was also shocked. Sister Ying really seemed to have the ability to predict dreams. Whether it was the last fire or this crisis, Sister Ying was 90% correct. But the strange thing is that Sister Ying's personality is not to predict the future. what.

"Damn it, it's flying too high!" All Might landed on a roof, watching the purple light disappear into the sky.

As long as he can fly, that guy will never be able to run away, but All Might can't fly, at most he can jump to a high altitude and glide for a period of time, he cannot fly purely by strength.

After the sports festival incident broke out, it quickly fermented in the society, all kinds of news were flying everywhere, and there were more and more topics of accusations about Xiongying High School.

But on a certain day, these accusations were quickly suppressed, and the professional heroes knew that this was a good thing Andeva did.

This year's sports festival also has no beginning and end, no champion is born, but most people think that Qi Feng is the champion, so Qi Feng is inexplicably crowned as the champion of the heroic sports festival.

Because of the sports festival incident, the school began to recuperate and have a holiday, which can be regarded as a holiday for the students. After all, this incident is very serious, and some students have already felt fear in their hearts.

A total of 780 people died in the sports festival, of which 450 were professional heroes and the rest were citizens.

After the meteorite fell, the blade light killed more than 400 professional heroes at the beginning, and then more than [-] died when fighting alien creatures, causing heavy casualties.

The most ridiculous thing is that the alien creature is not dead yet, it seems that its strength has weakened and fled, and All Might did not catch up with it, which has become a hidden danger.

However, only a small number of insiders knew about this news, and some citizens who talked nonsense were arrested and accused of spreading rumors.

Therefore, in the world, everyone thinks that the matter is over, only a few people know that it is not over, and the crisis may come again at any time in the future.

On the contrary, Qi Feng is not so nervous anymore. If the alien creature makes a comeback in the future, then he will kill the other person himself. By then, Qi Feng's strength can be guessed?
"Sister Ying, are you feeling better?" Qi Feng walked into the ward holding a bunch of flowers and a basket of Inoue Sakura's favorite snacks.

Sakura Inoue smiled slightly when she saw Qi Feng, nodded and said: "Xiaofeng, you don't need to bring food every time you come here, otherwise Sister Ying will get fat."

Sakura Inoue was mentally abnormal due to the dream, so she was hospitalized. Originally, she was fine emotionally and mentally. Since the sports festival incident broke out, the pictures of the dead appeared in front of her eyes, and she collapsed.

After Qi Feng returned home, he took Inoue Sakura to the hospital as soon as possible. Fortunately, the treatment was early, otherwise Inoue Sakura might go crazy.

Now a week has passed, Inoue Sakura's body has improved a lot, and her mental state has also recovered well, Qi Feng smiled with satisfaction, "Eat more, girls, a little flesh is cuter."

"You're the one with the sweetest mouth." Inoue Sakura laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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