Chapter 285 Evil Sect!

Qi Feng had no intention of talking to Yong Chuanbei at all, and walked away without looking back.

Yong Chuanbei ran out again, this time he ran cautiously, he woke up quite a bit from the alcohol, and he didn't believe in such a wicked way.

However, even if he paid attention to his feet again, he suddenly slipped, and this time he hit the ground on the back of his head. Fortunately, the fall was not too heavy and there was no bleeding.

But after all, he drank a lot of white wine, which made his head dizzy. He felt that this would not work. There must be a problem today. He had to take a car to follow Qi Feng and Sakura Inoue, so it would be safe.

So Yong Chuanbei raised his hand to hail a taxi that was coming towards him, and the driver obviously saw him and was coming towards him.

When the driver drove five meters to the north of Yongchuan, the speed of the car suddenly increased for some reason, and he couldn't even step on the brakes, nor could he pull the handbrake.

Yong Chuanbei thought he was very lucky to get a taxi so quickly, but the next moment he saw the taxi rushing towards him at an angle, the speed did not decrease at all, on the contrary, it became faster.

Yongchuanbei was shocked and wanted to jump away, but just as he jumped up, his feet slipped, and he hit the car, and was hit by a taxi and flew seven or eight meters away, lying on the ground unconscious.

The driver was so frightened that he immediately got out of the car and ran towards the north of Yongchuan. This shit was originally a business, but why did it suddenly become a car accident?


There was a bang, and the driver turned his head to look, and his car exploded for no reason
It exploded!
Didn't it mean that he had to get off the car a little later, and his life was gone?
But at this moment, he couldn't control the car anymore, and a person was knocked into the air here. He took out his mobile phone and dialed out, "Hey, there was a car accident outside the door of the big seafood restaurant. Send someone to rescue."

At this time, Qi Feng was walking on the street with Inoue Sakura on his back. Of course he did the previous thing, otherwise how could the five kings like Yongchuanbei fall down so many times for no reason, even if he was very drunk, it would not be possible to do that .

Qi Feng also detonated the taxi, so that the incident of bumping into people was not considered his responsibility. Even if he was responsible, it was caused by the breakdown of the taxi, which was an accidental mistake.

As for whether Yong Chuanbei will die, Qi Feng doesn't care at all. If he dies, he can only be said to be unlucky, and there is no way to find out what happened to him. It can only be attributed to a car failure.

Sometimes, in some aspects, air manipulation of this personality is more conducive to silent killings. Although it is difficult for Qi Feng to activate his personality without being noticed by others, it is still difficult for ordinary people to detect his activation of personality, unless it is Top powerhouse.

A place like Hosu probably doesn't even have top players, at most there are only a few stronger professional heroes and underground heroes.

After all, this is not a place where heroes gather, and there are no international missions, so the strong will not appear.

After walking for a long time with Sakura Inoue on his back, there were fewer and fewer people on the street, and the wind became a little colder. Qi Feng covered Sister Ying's body with a layer of air to prevent her from catching cold.

"Xiaofeng. Are we going home?" Sakura Inoue asked in a daze.

Qi Feng replied with a smile: "Yes, I will be home in a while."

"Where is Senior Yongchuan?" Sakura Inoue looked up and looked around. There were not many people on the street, and there was no Yongchuanbei either.

"He said he would go back by himself, so don't worry." Qi Feng smiled. People like Yongchuanbei are not a good person at first glance. They are too purposeful, and they won't hide it. They also like to pretend to be X in front of him. He doesn't Who gets hit by a car?

"That's good." Inoue Sakura buried her head on Qi Feng's shoulder again, feeling very warm and safe, she fell asleep again unconsciously.

Qi Feng didn't bother her, just let her fall asleep like this, not long after Qi Feng returned home, when he was about to put Inoue Sakura on her bed, he found that he couldn't put it down, her hands were wrapped around him neck, very hard.

Qi Feng had no choice but to sit down in her room and wait for a while.

Sister Ying's room is very girly, pink in style, even the quilt is divided into red, and there is a rabbit doll on the bedside, which looks very warm.

Qi Feng sat for half an hour before Inoue Sakura's hand loosened a bit, and then he put her down, and then covered Inoue Sakura with a quilt.

Seeing Inoue Sakura's rosy cheeks, Qi Feng became a little distracted, and after a long time, he just bowed his head and kissed Inoue Sakura's forehead, and quietly exited the room.

He can't go beyond this step, not to mention the foundation of cultivation, even morally, it's no good to take advantage of others when they are drunk. Of course, Qi Feng's worth is not a kiss on the forehead, but something else
Early the next morning, Qi Feng went to the street to buy some breakfast and went home. After he was full, he had nothing to do and read the news. The news reported a car accident last night, which was in front of the big seafood restaurant in Baoxu City.

The injured person suffered a severe concussion, with fractures and dislocations in various parts of the body, but he did not die, and he was still breathing. He was rescued last night.

This news aroused some discussions in the society. Originally, there were not so many people talking about a car accident, but it was because of his wickedness that there were many people talking about it.

Judging from the surveillance, none of the people present at that time had any motives, and the distance was very far away. Except for some pedestrians passing by, it seemed that there was a couple of lovers walking with the woman on their backs. There was no problem with this.

It’s just that everyone has no problems, so it’s evil.

From the monitoring, it can be seen that Yongchuanbei fell by himself. Although he felt that external forces were exerting pressure, he could only see Yongchuanbei falling by himself, and no one made a move.

I fell down three or four times in a row, my face was covered with blood, which was also very tragic, and then something even more evil happened. On the surveillance screen, I saw Yongchuan North waving to the taxi driver not far away, and the driver obviously saw it too. Originally, the speed of the car started to drop, but it suddenly increased when it was within five meters.

It just so happened that Yongchuanbei wanted to jump away at this time, but the strange thing was that he fell down by himself again, just hit the car, and the whole person flew out, and then the car exploded after the driver got off the car. so.

It was originally a simple car accident, but when these factors were added up from the beginning to the end of the monitoring, it became extremely weird and evil.

Some professional heroes have analyzed that this should be man-made, but there is no trace of man-made, it is not at all.

Can't even find out.

Some citizens feel that this guy has been condemned by God, and that he has done too many bad things, which is retribution.

Some people think that this guy has a ghost on his body, and something evil has invaded his body, which caused this kind of thing to happen.

In short, there are different opinions, no one knows what the truth is, Qi Feng is just smiling while sitting in front of the TV, how can you guess my brother's ability?

(End of this chapter)

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