Warcraft Eternal Tree.

Chapter 139 Big Dress Up

Chapter 139 Big Dress Up (Third Change)
The first is the exclusive equipment. Illidan's primary hero exclusive equipment, the Demon Hunting Set, and Maiev's primary hero exclusive equipment, the Shadow Set, have been exchanged by Yu Fei.These two suits are four-piece suits. Except for the weapon, the attributes of the other three pieces are the same as Tyrande's crescent moon suit, adding 2 points of full body armor and 3 points of full attributes.

However, different from the Crescent suit, the suit attribute of the Demon Hunter suit and Shadow suit after the full set of equipment is to reduce physical damage.This Yu Fei can understand that Illidan and Maiev are melee heroes, of course they face more physical attacks, and reducing physical damage is naturally the most practical.

There is also a difference in weapons.In fact, the hero has a weapon when he is summoned, but although the weapon has the effect of being indestructible, etc., it actually has no attributes.The hero-exclusive equipment exchanged from the hunter hall is actually equivalent to the fusion of the hero's original fancy weapons, so there is no need to worry about the hero's original weapons disappearing.

Synodic Demon Blade (Human): Increase attack power by 10 points, increase damage to negative creatures by 20%.

Wheel of Vengeance (Shadow): Increase attack power by 10 points and increase attack speed by 20%.

It is said that after the Elder Altar concocted Yu Fei's clone of the Elf King, the exclusive equipment of the Elf King also appeared in the Hunter Hall.Feeling itchy, Yu Fei thought that the avatar of the Elf King would be able to rise to the third level soon, so he also exchanged the exclusive equipment for the Elf King's primary hero:
Life Scepter: Increase the attack power by 15 points, and improve the skill effect of the [Dream Water] Zejutsu.

Crown of Life: Increase head armor by 3 points, increase intelligence by 5 points, and improve the skill effect of Will Reading.

Robe of Life: Torso armor increased by 3 points, strength increased by 5 points, and the skill effect of Leaf Dance was improved.

Boots of Life: Increase leg armor by 3 points, increase agility by 5 points, and improve the effect of vine overgrown skills.

Obviously, the hero-exclusive equipment of the Elven King is obviously different from Tyrande and the others. Not only do they add some additional attributes, but they also have special attributes that improve the effect of skills.Uh, this is the protagonist's special treatment Moo?Forget it, regardless of it, anyway, it can bring about an improvement in strength.

By the way, what I want to mention here is that at the elementary level, the hero exclusive equipment is a four-piece set, and at the intermediate level it will become a five-piece set, and the advanced level is naturally a six-piece set.On the Eslazer Continent, due to the mutual influence of magic power fluctuations, a person can only equip a maximum of six magic items.

After the exclusive equipment is fully equipped, it is naturally an additional six equipment slots for the hero of Warcraft. It just so happens that after Yu 28's main body was upgraded to the ancient tree, some more advanced new equipment and even synthetic equipment appeared. Anyway, now If you have enough energy, let's equip it.
After some consideration, the original equipment on Tyrande only retained the Crown of Thorns and the Empty Light Staff that exploded from the centaur wizard, and the other equipment was replaced by more advanced synthetic equipment.The current equipment in Tyrande's equipment bar is:

Crown of Thorns: Comes with Thorn Cutting Aura (Passive):

It can make our troops in a certain range surrounded by a shield full of thorns, causing damage to those melee units that attack them.Feedback 30% of the damage caused by the enemy, with a range of 800 meters.

Kongming Staff: +6 intelligence, +10% attack speed, +15 attack, +75% magic recovery speed
Kong Ming Staff:——

Challenge Head: Increases magic resistance by 30% and increases life regeneration by 8 points per second.

Crystal Sword: Increase attack power by 25 points, with fatal blow effect.Critical Strike: Gives the hero a 20% chance to deal double damage.

Tyrande has these five pieces of equipment with additional attributes, and the remaining one is naturally reserved for the city return scroll. Similarly, Yu Fei has also equipped a city return scroll in the equipment column of other heroes.At this time, Yu Fei suddenly understood why in the ancient miracle tree, the equipment that did not require synthesis scrolls in the game now needed synthesis scrolls.

For example, if the equipment that does not need to be synthesized into scrolls is still not needed here, then Yu 28 only needs to equip Tyrande with three emptiness sticks, and they will be automatically synthesized into Purple Grudge, then the ancient miracle tree costs 2500 gold restrictions will not work.It is for this reason that the ancient miracle tree changed the synthesis standard.

And it was after doing the experiment with three Kongming sticks that Yu Fei learned another piece of information, that is, the same equipment cannot appear in a hero's equipment column with three or more pieces—of course, only now this stage.

The equipment in Illidan's equipment column is:
Crystal Sword:——
In the challenge head:--
Vanguard Shield: Increases HP by 275 and increases HP regeneration by 6 points per second.When receiving a normal attack, there is a 50% chance to reduce damage by 40 points.

Crazy Mask: Added, blood-sucking of the courtyard, with skill Frenzy (Active): consumption of medium mana increases attack speed by 100%, movement speed by 20%, damage received by 30%, and lasts for 10 seconds.Casting interval is 2 minutes.

Ghost Scepter: Ghost Scepter: +7 all attributes, with skills Ghost Form: (Active) Consume a small amount of mana to transform yourself into a ghost form, neither can perform normal attacks nor be damaged by normal attacks; Takes 44% more damage.Lasts 4 seconds.

Considering that Illidan will serve as a melee sharp knife in the future, Yu Fei equips Illidan with two pieces of equipment that can increase the speed of life recovery. In addition to the passive skill he already possesses, his life recovery speed has already reached At an extremely terrifying speed.The continuous attacks of normal strength hit the current Illidan, and the damage caused may not be as fast as his recovery.This greatly improved Illidan's survivability.

Mask of Madness is also there to improve Illidan's survivability, and the lifesteal effect is a great effect on melee units.The ghost scepter is to let Illidan save his life as a last resort.This piece of equipment was previously equipped on Tyrande, and it was the equipment obtained by killing the High Priest of the Tree Demon in the Forest of Wind Whispers.Turning on the ghost form at the critical moment can make Illidan lose three levels.

Apart from the city return scroll, the equipment in Maiev's equipment column is two crystal swords, two empty bright sticks and a Sanhua.

Yasha: Increases agility by 16, attack speed by 15% and movement speed by 10.

As a sneak attack hero, he naturally has to pursue high attack, so Yu Fei equips Maiev with two crystal swords.The watcher is a hero who relies on skills to make a living, so mana is also very important, so Yu Fei equips Maiev with two empty staffs that can increase the speed of mana recovery.As for Yasha, it is because the same equipment cannot be equipped with the limit of three pieces, so Yu Fei found this agility-enhanced equipment and gave it to Tyrande.

As for Yu Fei's own avatar Elf King, Yu Fei puts his life first, and equips himself with these items:
Phase shoes: Movement speed level +1, increase attack power by 14 points, with skill Phase movement: Increase own movement speed by 16%, and the collision volume during the period is 0.Any spellcasting will interrupt the phase state.Continue to watch.20 seconds between casts.

Ejection Staff: Increase attack power by 10 points, intelligence by 10 points, and attack speed by 10%.Attached skill ejection: eject the target unit to the direction it is facing, out of 300 meters, and the casting interval is 2 minutes.

Crystal Sword:——

Kong Ming Staff:——

Kong Ming Staff:——

Both the phase shoes and the ejection staff are used to save life. The Elf King is his avatar. Even if he dies, he can be resurrected, but his prestige will definitely be greatly damaged, so life preservation is the most important thing.Of course, Yu Fei won't admit that he doesn't want to suffer the taste of death... He [Meng Shui] He is an intelligent hero, and the speed of mana recovery is very important, so like Maiev, Yu Fei equipped himself with two Kongming staff.In fact, what Yu Fei wants more is the Perseverance Ball, this equipment can increase the mana recovery speed by 125%.But the Perseverance Ball did not appear in the equipment list of the Ancient Miracle Tree, or in other words, neither of the two pieces of equipment that synthesized the Tenacity Ball appeared in the equipment list of the Ancient Miracle Tree—none of the equipment of the black market merchant in DOTA was in the Ancient Miracle Tree Appear.

This big change of equipment consumed a lot of energy for Yu Fei. After all, the price of the equipment in the Ancient Tree of Miracles has doubled several times, and Yu Fei didn’t choose cheap equipment like the Poor Ghost Shield. Naturally, the consumption is more up.But when he saw the attributes of several heroes after the equipment was changed, Yu Fei had to say that the energy was worth it.

Yu Fei can say with confidence that the current heroes can leapfrog the challenge. Even if they face epic-level masters alone, they will not be inferior, and there is even a great possibility to rely on equipment and skills to defeat heroes who are higher than their own level. opponent.

With the makeover complete, it's time for Tyrande to go.Returning to the Forest of Wind Whispers this time, Tyrande's time is still relatively tight.It would take six to seven hours just to lead the troops through the volcanic wasteland, but also to find the kobolds, subdue the kobolds and return, Tyrande had to hurry up.

It was precisely because of this that Tyrande hurriedly set off with the troops assigned to her by Yu 28 and the kobold fortune teller after the change of clothes was completed.In order to reduce the marching time of Tyrande and the others, Yu Fei asked little Rhett to follow Tyrande, and use the durable halo to increase the movement speed of Tyrande and her troops.

After Tyrande set off, Illidan and Maiev were sent by Yu Fei to guard two sub-bases. After all, there were quite a few unsightly monsters around.As for himself, he switched his main consciousness to the clone of the Elf King, confidently went to find the monster, and was ready to start his own upgrade.

The third update is over, Hongchen should be receiving the book now, everyone supports it~
The red dust is decisive and tragic, the equipment information is wrong, and Sanhua and Yasha are confused. Modified

(End of this chapter)

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