Warcraft Eternal Tree.

Chapter 164 Retreat and Blockfish

Chapter 164 Retreat and Blockfish
Perhaps, the defensive effect of this black air mask is stronger internally and weaker externally?Yu Fei was thoughtful, but without any hesitation, he quickly issued an order to the retreating archers and dryads.
The archers and dryads, who were retreating rapidly, paused for a moment, and then hundreds of arrows and dozens of wooden spears shot at the black air field of Setus Hell Envoy.Then, according to Yu Fei's instruction, without the slightest hesitation, they continued to retreat behind the mountain giant who had already arrived.

However, the attacks of the archers and the dryads were very effective. The arrows shot by the archers who used their skills and the wooden spears of the dryads totaled nearly two hundred attacks that hit the black air hood.There was a sound of clang clang clang, and the first arrows that arrived did not break the shield, but as all the attacks of the night elves came, the originally rock-solid black gas shield suddenly shattered like glass. It became pieces, and then scattered into drifting black air.
Illidan and Maiev, who were already wandering on the edge of the black air field, naturally would not miss this opportunity. When the black air mask had just shattered and had not been scattered into the original black air, they each rushed out of the black air. Air field—Of course, compared to Illidan, Maiev is much more chic.Without the blocking of the black air mask, Maiev dodged the attacks of those black weapons with a flicker, and teleported directly to Yu Fei's side.

However, Illidan was not so chic, he could only brandish the Shuowang Magic Blade to block the black weapons flying down, and rushed out of the range covered by the black air in a rather embarrassing manner.Then, Tyrande shot a few arrows at the Hellbringer from a distance, and after slightly blocking the Hellbringer's pursuit, the three heroes quickly retreated without the slightest desire to fight.

After merging with the mountain giant, the night army did not stop at all. Instead, the mountain giant drew fire from the retreating night elves with its taunt skills, super long blood bars and extremely thick armor. shield!), the large force continued to retreat towards the east.

Of course, this is what Yu Fei meant. Since the sneak attack failed and the Setes had already prepared, it would be impossible to achieve the planned results.Rather than consuming the strength of the night elves like this, it is better to retreat temporarily and find a better opportunity.

With this in mind, Yu Fei led the Night Army to make another strategic shift.After a while, Tyrande and Illidan also chased after them, but Illidan stayed among the mountain giants to block the chasing Setus.Hiding behind the mountain giant, the long-range troops of the night elves began to fight steadily, slowing down their retreat - this was to provide fire support to the mountain giant and the feral wolves who were blocking the pursuit.

Fighting and retreating, the night army quickly retreated to the position of the kobold camp, and continued to retreat towards the Yelou River.When passing the kobold camp, Yu Fei also thought, should he enter the camp and fight a defensive counterattack?But seeing the wooden pile fortifications that were only a little better than the wolfdog.human tribe, Yu Fei immediately dismissed this idea.

If it was in a place like the ogre camp, Yu Fei was confident that he could rely on the fortifications to defend and even wipe out the Setes.But let’s forget about this kind of dilapidated place!It's strange to say that the night elves fought and retreated, and the Satus couldn't win the battle.If things go on like this, it won't take long for the night elves to successfully retreat after crossing the Yelou River, so why are these Satus still chasing after them?
Could it be that Setus Hellbringer wanted to hunt down and kill the Night Legion on his own?Seeing that he was the first to rush to the forefront, chasing and killing the mountain giants and Illidan's Setus Hellbringer with a bitter and hatred expression, Yu Fei couldn't help but came up with this idea.

At this time, the Hell Envoy's black air domain had disappeared, and he was only attacking with the sickle in his hand.Uh, maybe the swarm of rotten bees that it casts every once in a while is also a way for it to vent its anger.Speaking of which, the black air field really surprised Yu Fei, it was a skill that he had never seen before.Even the Crypt Lord's ultimate skill isn't that powerful, is it?Although there are some similarities.

This skill is very effective when dealing with a small number of enemies. The condensed hundreds of weapons can concentrate on attacking the enemy from all directions, causing great damage.And when fighting against a large number of enemies, the black air domain is also quite powerful.A black air shield covers the enemy, and then countless debuffs are added, and there are skeleton soldiers as cannon fodder to fight, and finally have to face the attack of black weapons. This is a perfect skill!Of course, if the black air shield's defense against external attacks is the same as that of the inside, it will be even more incomprehensible.

But what excites Yu Fei the most is not this, but some information that appears on its attribute panel when the Hell Envoy releases the Black Qi Domain.Because I saw the Hell Envoy releasing the skills, after the Hell Sacrifice skill on the Hell Envoy attribute panel, some explanatory texts appeared - when summoning skeletons, manipulating dead bodies, and swarms of rotten bees were cast, Yu Fei could also It's not very comprehensive, but I finally have some skill descriptions.

The skill explanation of Hell Sacrifice is very simple, only five words are given: domain skills.When seeing this commentary, Yu Fei immediately remembered the skill Tree Realm Arrival that he hadn't learned yet.In the memory I acquired, the arrival of the tree world is also a domain skill.It seems that this coming of the tree world is probably the same as the hell sacrifice of the hell messenger of Setus.

what!This is cool!Yu Fei also doesn't require that the tree world descends to be stronger than the Hell Messenger's black energy domain, as long as it can have similar power to the black energy domain, Yu Fei is satisfied.At that time, not only the Elf King will have a strong strength in individual battles; in terms of group battles, the Elf King will not be afraid at all.

However, how to upgrade to level six? Yu Fei's mood changed from excitement to depression.It had been a long time since Tyrande reached level five, and even Illidan and Maiev had accumulated enough experience from level five to level six, but he still hadn't found a way to break through the bottleneck of level six.There is no such information in the existing inheritance memory.It seems that he can only wait until his "Yuanmu Zhenjue" breaks through the current level.

Putting aside distracting thoughts and looking at the road ahead, Yu Fei discovered that the Night Army had strategically shifted to the edge of the Yelou River.Next, after crossing the river in front of them, the Satus should not continue to pursue them - with their height and "thickness", it is difficult for them to cross the river through the mountain giants like the night elves.

The five mountain giants have reached the front of the team from back to front.As for Tino, it was Setus who led the other four mountain giants to continue to block the pursuit.Anyway, in the end they can wade across the river by themselves, and they are naturally indisputable as the bottom team (again awakening, meat shield!).

The five mountain giants who paved the road quickly lay down in the river, and then the archers and dryads began to cross the river on the stone bridge built by the mountain giants.Looking at the orderly dark night army, Yu Fei secretly heaved a sigh of relief, it seems that this retreat was a success.Next, we have to figure it out slowly.Satus's long-range troops have been disabled, and then the night elves can make full use of their long-distance advantages to gradually erode Satus.

Yu Fei narrowed his eyes.The remaining more than 100 Satus mages are also a moderate threat, and they must find a way to eliminate them before they can have a real long-range advantage.Perhaps, it's time for the Gale Archers to show their value.Let Maiev lead the blast shooters to fight guerrillas. With the two highly targeted skills of the blast shooters, it won't take long to hunt down more than 100 Satus mages.

"Wow!~~" Just as Yu Fei was thinking about the next tactic against Satus, something suddenly happened to the river in front of him.I saw that the surface of the Yelou River, which was flowing quietly under the moonlight, was suddenly splashed with countless water splashes, and then some hideous creatures appeared in the river, and quickly attacked the night elves crossing the river. .

Take a closer look, isn't this an amphibious murloc?Looking at the only two hundred amphibious murlocs, Yu Fei was a little confused.The average combat effectiveness of these amphibious murlocs was at the same level as the kobolds, and it seemed that there were not many of them. How could they have the courage to attack the night elves?And when the night army crossed the river just now, they didn't see these murlocs attacking. Why are these amphibious murlocs putting eye drops on themselves when the night army retreats now?
After investigating the attributes of these amphibious murlocs with mental strength, Yu Fei suddenly realized.On these murlocs in the river, Yu Fei found that they no longer had the titles of amphibious followers and amphibious hunters, but had become zombie murloc followers, zombie murloc hunters, and so on.

Yu Fei suddenly understood.It turned out that all the amphibious murlocs in this river area were transformed into zombies by the hell messengers of Certus with evil parasitism. No wonder the Certus discovered the night elves' night attack in advance and took precautions.It turns out that there is eyeliner here in Yelouhe!Yu Fei cursed inwardly, this Setus hell messenger is really too insidious!

When the Night Legion was crossing the river and was about to sneak attack the Cetus family, Yu Fei noticed some movement in the river, but he didn't pay attention at that time.It turned out that the movement in the river at that time was that the messenger of hell discovered the whereabouts of the night army through the zombie murlocs and wanted to take action.However, the hell messenger was even more insidious. At that time, it did not expose the zombie murlocs. Instead, it lurked and appeared as a roadblock when the night army was retreating, blocking the night army, and then let the successive Seth Si gave the night legion a fatal blow!
(End of this chapter)

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