Warcraft Eternal Tree.

Chapter 190 The Death of Pierre

Chapter 190 The Death of Pierre (fourth update)

Sure enough, although he was distracted, the holy wolf's instinct as a beast was still there. He turned around to avoid Pierre's epee swing, and almost tore off Pierre's left leg along the way.

"Ah!!!!" Pierre, whose entire leg was torn off, was in agony, and let out a heart-piercing scream.A swordsman who lost a leg can be said to be useless.I've heard of a one-armed swordsman, but I've never heard of a one-legged swordsman.Pierre didn't expect that he would ruin the rest of his life in such a small act of robbing the caravan, and couldn't help becoming crazy.

This wolf is this wolf!Seeing the sacred giant wolf who tore off one of his legs but only took a few steps back, as if still provoking, Pierre's heart was burning with anger.Relying on the excellent physical coordination ability of the gold-level powerhouse, Pierre stood still with one leg, raised the epee in his hand again, and roared "Slash!" Immediately afterwards, the epee flashed a strong The brown light flew out following Pierre's movements?

The holy giant wolf staring fixedly at Pierre was a little puzzled, and he thought about teasing him again when this man cut himself, to see if he could piss him off, why didn't he attack himself?You idiot!Yu Fei couldn't help but want to curse at the holy giant wolf.This Pierre can't do anything to you, so naturally he found me as the master!

Not caring about the holy giant wolf who was looking around in a daze, Yu Fei looked at the epee that flew towards him, and a lot of thoughts turned in his mind for a while.Uh, if you want to block this Rao Shizi splitting the ground, you can definitely block it with a shield made of leaf dance, and you can block it with only gold-level strength.But if that's the case, it won't be any fun for a while.
These considerations were only for a moment, Yu Fei quickly made a decision, and rushed out, a lazy donkey ignoring his image, rolling to avoid Pierre's desperate attack, looking very embarrassed-of course, this very embarrassed just saw It's just the subjective impression of the person, Yu Fei even noticed that he couldn't lift the hood when he was dodging, but it was actually very easy.

Pierre in the distance vomited blood. Is this still a weak, slow-moving, self-respecting big mage?He didn't care about his image so much, and dodged his own attack with a roll.The point is, he escaped!If the other golden swordsmen know that their ground slash can even dodge a mage, they won't be ridiculed to death?

It's just that Pierre no longer has the chance to be ridiculed by other golden swordsmen.The holy giant wolf who reacted felt that his existence had been seriously insulted—in fact, more importantly, he would definitely be scolded by his master in a while, so he gave Pierre a fatal blow without hesitation.

With a sudden advance, the holy giant wolf quickly swung its claws at a speed that was hard to see with the naked eye, cutting into Pierre's chest.Pierre, who was standing on one leg, let out a crackling sound in his throat, as if he couldn't believe that he died like this in a task that he thought was not difficult.But he couldn't believe that his life could not be saved, and he fell heavily on the ground. The nominal leader sent by the Blood Tiger Thieves Group to rob the caravan just fell down.

All of this happened in a blink of an eye, from the moment when the holy wolf bit Pierre's leg to when the holy wolf cut Pierre to death with a few claws, the total time it took was only ten seconds.After a few seconds, everyone reacted.The first was John, another golden swordsman of the Blood Tiger Thieves Group. He threw down the long sword in his hand and rushed to Pierre's side, tightly hugging Pierre's body that had fallen into the dust.

"No! Pierre! What's wrong with you!" Shaking Pierre's body crazily, John roared like crazy. "How could you just go like this! We said we would live together for the rest of our lives! Talk, talk!"

puff!Hearing this, Yu Fei felt chills, this is a strange situation, it seems that he is full of love~~ The subsequent situation made Yu Fei even more speechless.Pierre, who seemed to be dead at first, seemed to be brought back to life by John's shaking, and he slowly opened his eyes again, looked at John who was hugging him, and began to speak in a low voice. .

"John, if I die, that wolf is too strong. Hurry up and find that friend of Lord Blood Tiger to fight, don't be impulsive, you can't beat that wolf. Don't think about avenging me with your own hands, cough Cough." Coughing up some blood foam, Pierre continued to speak. "John, forgive me for not being with you all the time, you, you have to live well for me"

After saying the last sentence, Pierre put his hands on John's shoulders, as if wanting to caress John's face, his hands fell limply and fell to the dust. "No! No!!!" The golden swordsman John continued to shake Pierre's body crazily, but this time Pierre was really dead, no matter how John shook it, it would not help.

"Ahhh!" That John seemed to be really crazy, picked up the long sword on the ground, and stared at the holy giant wolf with a very terrifying look.The Holy Giant Wolf has lived in the Forest of Wind Whispers for so long, so he will not be frightened by John's eyes if he hasn't seen any scenes, but Yu Fei who sees John's eyes is a little terrified.

What kind of look is this? It's like seeing the enemy who killed his wife!That's right, that's how it feels.But, but the holy giant wolf killed obviously a man, okay? "When is the mandarin mandarin mandarin and mandarin mandarin hugging each other, and the ducks are watching the fun", but Yu Fei still can't understand this magical emotion.

That John was completely insane. Regardless of the warning Pierre had given him just before he died, he waved the long sword in his hand and rushed towards the holy giant wolf without hesitation.The holy giant wolf almost caused Yu Fei to be attacked by surprise just now. Naturally, this time he wanted to show off, so he hedged against John's sword.

The result of the hedging is naturally beyond doubt. Although John, who entered a crazy state, broke out with [-]% of his strength, he lost his mind.When the sacred giant wolf rushed to John, it flashed to the side suddenly, and then stretched out one of its hind legs wretchedly. "Crack!——Boom!~~" was tripped by the sacred giant wolf The fallen John fell directly to the ground, while the Holy Giant Wolf, who was about to play again, quickly dealt with him under the order of the impatient Yu Fei.

However, the actions of John, who was dying on the ground, made Yu Fei feel cold again.John, who was seriously injured and dying, seemed to have woken up from his madness, and slowly crawled towards Pierre's body with his hands and feet, muttering in his mouth: "Pierre, dear Pierre, I will accompany you." You." Unfortunately, in the end, due to lack of strength, John's hand stopped less than five centimeters from Pierre's hand on the ground. After all, this pair of friends are both dead.
I admit that I can't hold it anymore, Yu Fei stroked his forehead.Nima was frightened, so let's quickly resolve the battle.Looking around, Yu Fei found speechlessly that although the caravan had a huge advantage in numbers, the caravan was still at a disadvantage.And according to Yu Fei's induction, the man in gray robe has not made a move yet.

But after a careful comparison, Yu Fei deeply understands.At the beginning of the caravan, two silver-level swordsmen lost their fighting power, while on the other side there were as many as thirteen silver-level swordsmen, and the rest were stronger than caravan guards and adventurers. There are many, and it is natural that the caravan should be suppressed.

Besides. Yu Fei glanced at the silver thief who had been working hard and seemed to be fighting very hard, and didn't want to say anything.Well, at the critical moment, it is still up to the handsome R&F to turn the tide!Yu Fei used his mental power to control the thorny vine seeds he was carrying, and threw them on the battlefield.Then, Yu Fei used the vine overgrowth skill without hesitation.

I saw screams and screams suddenly came from the battlefield that was originally echoed with shouts and the sound of weapons colliding.It turned out that the vines that Yu Fei had spawned grew fiercely, and soon rolled up the raiding robbers.The barbs on the thorn vines pierced fiercely into the body of the robber who did not have standard armor.In fact, even with iron armor, the thorns and vines produced by these magical powers may not be impossible to break through, and the barbs with such piercing power penetrate into the human body, and the feeling is naturally conceivable, so the robbers caught by the thorns and vines are all issued. screamed.

And the screams were naturally made by the guards and adventurers who were fighting the robbers.They were originally supported by the blood tiger thieves group by virtue of their numbers, but the tacit cooperation of the blood tiger thieves group brought them great troubles.

But suddenly, these enemies who gave them such a headache were tied up by vines that suddenly rose from the ground, and blood flowed horizontally from the barbs on the vines, screaming again and again, they were naturally surprised.Eric has been observing the situation on the field, which is related to his wealth and life!Seeing Yu Fei who single-handedly eliminated two golden swordsmen and dozens of robbers, Eric couldn't help shouting in his heart, "It's worth it! It's worth it!"

As for the fact that the two golden swordsmen were dealt with by the holy giant wolf instead of Yu Fei, the strength of the magic pet is counted within the strength of the magician, which is a common rule in the mainland.If you can control a legendary monster, you will be respected even if you only have the ability of a trainee mage.

Some of the robbers who were entangled by vines were directly entangled to death, and the part that survived was also repaired one by one by the guards and adventurers, not even using Yu Fei's leaf dance technique.So... the overall situation is settled?
(End of this chapter)

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