Warcraft Eternal Tree.

Chapter 209 Avril Lavigne's Wisdom

Chapter 209 Avril Lavigne's Wisdom
While the swift beasts were charging, some night elves straddling panthers jumped out of the woods where the arrows flew out—that's right, they were huntresses.The huntresses quickly approached the velociraptors, and when they were facing each other, within a few seconds, the velociraptors in charge entered the not very far range of the huntresses.

There was a neat swishing sound, followed by a series of subtle roars - this was the effect of the bursting moon blades of some elite huntresses in the huntress team.Although the elite huntresses don't have this skill, the moon blades they shoot are constantly ricocheting among the swarms of swift beasts, and the attack power of the ejected moon blades does not decrease at all, and a single attack brings a lot of damage to several swift beasts. Not superficial damage.

Immediately, the hatred of the Velociraptors was attracted by these huntresses.After throwing a round of moon blades, the huntresses did not rush forward against the momentum of the swift beasts' charge, but when they were about to confront the swift beasts, they diverted to both sides, like a river meeting a rock. Ran to both sides of the Velociraptor camp.

The velociraptors whose targets were the huntresses slammed on the brakes, then turned around and chased after the huntresses who were running in the opposite direction.The huntresses, relying on the black panther's movement speed by a large margin over the velociraptors, ran in the opposite direction to the woods, while throwing moon blades from time to time, causing more damage to the velociraptors.

The Huntress's moonblade cuts on the velociraptors are very painful, and because the moonblade can bounce, almost every velociraptor will be damaged in a round of attacks by the huntresses-this also makes all raptors The beasts clung to the huntress team, and although they seemed unable to catch up with the huntress riding the black panther, they still pursued closely.

While the huntress attracted the hatred of the velociraptor, the archers who were still hiding in the woods did not stop attacking.However, compared to the rain of arrows that covered a wide area before, the arrows shot by the archers now appear to be much more low-key.

Can Arrow still keep a low profile?Otherwise, in fact, the archers' attacks were not as powerful as before, and all the swift beasts were shot in one round of attack, but they concentrated their firepower and started firing in small batches.Every five archers form a team, aiming at one swift beast to attack.Five arrows shot at a velociraptor. Even if it wasn't for the super powerful shot of the blaster, it could easily kill an ordinary velociraptor or even a furious velociraptor.

As for the less than 20 Level [-] Wild Velociraptors, they were handed over to a special sniper team. "呵——" There was a sharp breaking wind, and five arrows with blue rays of light shot at the head of a wild swift beast at the same time. This wild swift beast up to level eight fell to the ground without saying a word. That's it - this is the scene of five blast shooters using super powerful shots at the same time.

Because the archers were attacking in a concentrated manner, every swift beast listed as an attack target was shot by several arrows at the same time, killing them with one blow.And although the other swift beasts that were not attacked by the archers occasionally noticed some of their companions running and suddenly fell to the ground, they had no time to pay attention to this when they were being attacked by the huntress Moonblade, and continued to hum He chased after the huntresses who seemed to be right in front of him.

That's right, right in front of you.In order to achieve the greatest "seduce" effect, the huntresses did not urge the black panthers to move at the fastest speed, but deliberately shortened the distance with the velociraptors, attracting them to catch up without haste.

This method is obviously very effective.Seeing that the enemy who had been attacking him seemed to be able to catch up with a little more effort, all the swift beasts were unwilling to give up.Besides, they are usually bored and have nowhere to vent their energy, so they organize group fights.Now that they finally had something to do, although they were a little depressed because they hadn't caught up, the Velociraptors finally didn't feel so boring, so naturally they wouldn't stop chasing them.

And when they kept chasing the huntress who seemed to be catching up soon, but couldn't reach it anyway; the arrows of the archers kept flying out of the forest, harvesting the lives of the swift beasts one after another.Although only a dozen or twenty velociraptors were killed by a wave of arrow rain due to the concentrated firepower, the number of the entire velociraptor group is constantly decreasing after all.

Seeing the effectiveness of this method, Yu Fei couldn't help being amazed.This fighting method is not what Yu Fei asked Avril to do, but a method that Avril thought up by herself.Originally, according to Yu Fei's experience in previous battles, it is naturally better to use conventional methods to deal with this group of melee swift beasts.

As for the so-called conventional method, it is natural that the mountain giant uses taunts in the front to control the enemy from rushing backward; the huntress wanders around the mountain giant, throwing moon blades to cause damage, and at the same time blocks those who occasionally get rid of the influence of taunts and attack the weak archers enemy.

The anti-monster mountain giants are the core of the whole battle, and some Druids of the Claws must replenish their health all the time.This tactic works in almost all battles, and the mountain giant's taunt is mandatory, giving long-range units like archers a chance to keep output.

For this war to unify the Forest of Wind Whispers, Yu Fei is not going to interfere too much—just like training Tyrande's ability to command the army before, Yu Fei is going to hone all the heroes and soldiers leading the army this time. First of all, naturally they will not dictate their battles.

Yu Fei originally thought that Avril would imitate the general tactics of night elf battles that he guided before, but he didn't expect Avril to have her own ideas.What Avril considers is that the physical strength of these velociraptors is very strong, especially those furious velociraptors and wild velociraptors that are different from ordinary velociraptors.

Although the mountain giant's defense is strong, it can still leave no scars under the attack of a level [-] ordinary velociraptor; if it is equivalent to a level [-] furious velociraptor to attack with all its strength, the mountain giant will leave some marks on its body ——After all, the Velociraptors have focused on physical strength for XX years, and their strength in melee combat is unquestionable.

And if the attack of a wild velociraptor equal to level [-] would be a huge pain for the mountain giant, even if there are one or two wild velociraptors among the multiple velociraptors attacking, the Druid of the Claw is the mountain giant. The speed at which the giant replenishes its health is definitely not as fast as the speed at which the mountain giant's health decreases.

If these swift beasts are killed and all the mountain giants led by Avril Lavigne are annihilated, then the loss outweighs the gain.Taking this into consideration, Avril Lavigne did not use the conventional combat method that Father God taught the night elves, but found another way, and came up with a tactic to deal with these swift beasts that only had melee units.

In the velociraptor group, whether it is a level [-] common velociraptor, a level [-] furious velociraptor, or a level [-] wild velociraptor, they are all melee combat units without exception.And the Velociraptors, after all, can be attributed to beasts—only very powerful beasts.But no matter how powerful the beast is, it also has a fatal weakness, that is, its low IQ, and its hatred is easily attracted and transferred.

Therefore, after analyzing the above situation, Avril did not let the mountain giants fight, but let the mountain giants stay behind—even the claw druids did not fight, only some raptor druids followed the archers and females The hunter army came to the place where the velociraptors gathered.

Then, Avril let the archers with super long range attack first, and attracted the attention of the swift beasts to the woods where the arrows shot out, but the archers didn't show their heads.Then, when the velociraptors were rushing towards the woods angrily, Avril let the Huntress troops escape from the woods just right, and used the moon blade attack to attract the hatred of the velociraptors.

The Velociraptors would not consider whether the previous attack was made by the huntress. Anyway, the group of creatures riding the black panther came out of the woods that made the attack, and even attacked themselves.While the huntresses were "teasing" the Velociraptor, the archers temporarily stopped their attacks under Avril's order.

In this way, all the attention of the velociraptor herd was attracted to the Huntress troops.As the huntresses attacked with moon blades round after round, the velociraptors' hatred for the huntresses continued to increase.At this time, the archer troops launched a new offensive cautiously, but there was not much movement.

Before, it was to attract the attention of the swift beasts, and the arrow rain was loud; now, it was to try not to attract the attention of the swift beasts, and the attacks of the archers became concealed again.After all, the Violent Beasts had low intelligence, and they kept chasing whoever attacked them, so the Violent Beasts were led away by the Huntresses as a whole.

And those swift beasts that were heavily attacked by the archers noticed the forest where the arrows were first shot, but were directly killed by the concentrated firepower of the archers, so naturally they were unable to attack the archers in the forest. Or remind the Velociraptor companions around you.

In this way, although the number of velociraptors around them continued to decrease in small batches, those velociraptors that were not attacked by the archers kept chasing the huntress troops who were still attacking them.Although the individual attacks of the huntresses are not very high, they add up to a lot.Many ordinary velociraptors died gradually under the moon blades ejected by the huntresses; and these happened head-on, and of course all velociraptors saw it.

This also made the Velociraptors hate the Huntress troops even more. Although they couldn't catch up, they still pursued the Huntresses.The attacks of the archers are aimed at the last velociraptor in the velociraptor team, even if it falls down, not many velociraptors will find it.


Here comes Chapter 2!There are three more chapters today!Don't be stingy with rewards or anything, just throw them all over!
(End of this chapter)

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