Warcraft Eternal Tree.

Chapter 351 Shadow Kingdom

Chapter 351 Shadow Kingdom
I'm really sorry. I forgot to set the timer last night. I was late for more than an hour.

The sun is shining and there are no clouds in the sky. It is a fine and sunny day. "Bang bang—" the sound of gun salutes was heard all over the Shadow Island.After a period of public discussion, the Shadow Isles organization finally chose the date for the founding of the country.

On this day, all the pirate groups organized by Shadow Island gathered in Shadow Island.Of course, it is impossible for all the pirates to gather on the Shadow Isle. Although the Shadow Isle is a relatively large island, there are obviously more pirates living in the northern and eastern seas of Eslaze.

Each pirate group dispatched as many as a dozen or as few as one or two warships to the Shadow Island to observe the ceremony according to their own scale.Even some coastal chambers of commerce and even small countries that were inextricably linked to the Shadow Isles organization sent envoys to attend the founding ceremony of the pirates.

There were not many cumbersome ceremonies—no pirates of noble origin could not come up with so many red tapes. After a short remembrance of the "martyrs", Yorick walked up to the high platform, ready to announce the founding of the kingdom.

And seeing Yorick appear on the high platform, the noisy crowd gradually quieted down.Yorick looked down at the crowd, looking forward to the brilliance, with an indescribable sense of satisfaction in his heart.How could I have thought that I would become a king half a year ago?

Without making everyone wait long, Yorick made a solemn announcement.Under Yu Fei's spare no effort to cultivate, Yorick also has the strength of the sky at this time, and his deep voice spread throughout the entire Shadow Island under the background of his own fighting spirit-"In the name of the Pirate King, I, Yorick Announce that the Kingdom of Shadows is established!"

"Wow—" Yorick hadn't finished speaking, and the whole island was filled with cheers and applause.The Shadow Kingdom is the name of the country decided by the original Shadow Isle Council after discussions. Originally, everyone planned to use the simple and straightforward "Pirate Kingdom" as the name of the country, but considering that after all, to become an official country, the image is very important of.So under Yorick's proposal, the Shadow Kingdom was adopted as the country's name.

After the new king Yorick announced the establishment of the kingdom, it was the highlight of the whole ceremony, and it was also the most concerned part of the crowd watching the ceremony.This is the law of the Shadow Kingdom.The power divided in the law is related to the vital interests of every pirate, and the Shadow Kingdom is just a symbol of unity.

The oldest members of the Shadow Island organization came to the stage together and began to read the laws of the Shadow Kingdom.

"34. The Shadow Kingdom is a 'permanent federation'. It was divided into [-] states at the beginning of its establishment. Each state enjoys certain civil autonomy, while military, diplomatic, legislative and other powers belong to the kingdom itself. In terms of trade, each state has A certain degree of autonomy, but it needs to comply with the kingdom's regulations."

"Second, the former Speaker of the Shadow Isles Organization, the Pirate King Yorick, was the first king of the Shadow Kingdom, and he was the co-lord of all the states in the kingdom. The king has the right to divide new states and appoint kingdom officials; he has the right to sign and announce the laws of the kingdom and Supervise the implementation of the law."

"Three, the kingdom's army is commanded by the king, and the officers are appointed by the king from the states. The Federal Parliament and the People's Assembly must not interfere in the foreign wars launched by the king."

"Fourth, the Federal Assembly and the People's Assembly are legislative bodies that exercise legislative power. The Federal Assembly is composed of the managers of the kingdom's states, and the People's Assembly is composed of representatives of the people of each state, and has the right to propose bills and exercise the power of budget review. But the People's Assembly Legislation must be approved by a majority in the Federal Parliament."

"[-]. The king is supervised by the Federal Assembly and the People's Assembly. General bills passed by a majority of the two assemblies have a one-time veto power, and military bills have an absolute veto power."

"[-]. When the public security in the federal territory is threatened or the public security of other countries needs to be threatened, the king can declare a certain area to enter a state of war. The king has the right to issue a general war decree. During the execution of the decree, the king enjoys the highest power in the kingdom."

"[-]. The king represents the kingdom internationally and has the right to declare war and make peace in the name of the kingdom."

"The above seven articles, as the supreme constitution of the Shadow Kingdom, will be engraved on the stone pillar of the Pirate Code to demonstrate the authority of the Kingdom."

In addition to the most important constitution, several veteran pirate chiefs read the Civil Affairs Law, Trade Law, etc. of the Shadow Kingdom one after another.These laws clearly demarcate the territories and powers enjoyed by each state, and explain the way the kingdom will survive in the future.But to everyone's surprise, these laws did not clearly delineate the territory of the entire Shadow Kingdom.

Needless to say, the so-called constitution of the Shadow Kingdom was naturally created by Yu Fei.In the Night Empire, all the night elves regard Yu Fei as their father god, so naturally there is no need for any distribution of power, just let the heroes manage it.

The local elves attached to Yu Fei's command have their own management methods, and Yu Fei doesn't value their power too much, so he doesn't spend much time managing them.Anyway, the elves' belief in the World Tree remains unchanged, as long as they are obedient.
On the contrary, the management method of the former Shadow Island organization and the current Shadow Kingdom, which was secretly controlled, really took Yu Fei's brains a lot.

Although Yu Fei can mentally control many people, it is naturally impossible to control all the countless pirates in the Shadow Kingdom.To be honest, now Yu Fei feels very annoying just controlling a few senior pirate councilors. Sensation is divided into several parts. Although he can freely choose whether to receive sensory information from the controlled person, it still makes Yu Fei Feel dizzy from time to time.

Since it is impossible to make the pirates completely obey him like the night elves, then let the system allow them to be used by him and obey the puppets he controls.

Speaking of which, the establishment of the Shadow Kingdom has more advantages than disadvantages for ordinary pirates.After the Shadow Island organization is upgraded to a kingdom, most of the warships will be incorporated into the kingdom's army. Pirates who don't want to live a bloody life can choose to become normal kingdom civilians and live in their respective states. a stable life.

Although it is not a whole piece of land like the general land, the combined area of ​​the large and small islands in the sea area governed by the Shadow Kingdom actually exceeds that of the general kingdom.With a fleet transporting daily necessities, the pirates who disarm and return to their fields can live the same or even happier lives as citizens of land countries.

When he was on Earth, Yu Fei was just an ordinary student. Where would he have the opportunity to participate in politics or even establish a kingdom and laws?In the Shadow Kingdom under his control, Yu Fei used his ingenuity, combined with what he learned in history and politics classes, and came up with a set of laws to maintain Yorick's rule.

In the Constitution of the Shadow Kingdom, the first article is the part that clarifies the powers of the states and kingdoms, and clearly stipulates that military and diplomatic power belongs to the kingdom, which is equivalent to Yorick.Then, except for the fourth article, the power of the king is emphasized-especially the power in military affairs.This is of course for the Shadow Kingdom to respond to the call of the Night Empire in the future, and to fight against the human country.

These seven constitutions were engraved on the stone pillar of the Pirate Law Code in the center of the Shadow Isle, becoming the unchanging basic law of the kingdom.Unless the Shadow Kingdom is destroyed, Yorick will become the co-lord of thousands of pirates from now on, and the only true pirate king in the Eslazer world.

After the kingdom's laws were announced one by one, the members of the Federal Assembly and the People's Assembly who were elected within a few days also went to the high platform for a cutscene, and representatives of the two assemblies also made statements.Whenever a member of state of a certain state appeared, the audience in his state cheered.

All the pirates feel that this kind of management system is the best; our king can propose such a state form, which is really a rare wise king in the history of Eslazer!The atmosphere on Shadow Isle suddenly turned to praise and support for the new king Yorick.

Naturally, this atmosphere cannot be normal.Although Yorick has improved his reputation through various means, he has only been in power for a few months, and it is impossible for him to be supported by all the pirates.The current Shadow Island has actually been shrouded in Yu Fei's spiritual field. Everyone's subconscious has been influenced by Yu Fei, tending to support Yorick and the kingdom.

At the end of the volume, the recent chapters are rather boring, and the writing is not smooth, I beg everyone to understand.There are a few more chapters that will be much better in the next volume.

(End of this chapter)

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