Warcraft Eternal Tree.

Chapter 383 The Wrath of Nature

Chapter 383 The Wrath of Nature

Of course, although Illidan is powerful, he is a hero who tends to be a single powerful hero.Even possessing the domain-like ultimate skill, Demon Transformation, could not give him the confidence to clear the West Sacred Pass.After all, the domain attached to the transformation of the devil is more aimed at the living body, and cannot cause much damage to the building.

The source of Illidan's confidence was actually Ifario, the sky druid who had been tirelessly blessing the night elf troops with wind thaumaturgy.

Although Fario looks more like a supporting hero, no one can ignore his destructive power.This intimidating image comes from his ultimate ability, Wrath of Nature.

After becoming a hero, Fario seized the time to rise to the highest level seven that he could reach-this is limited by the intermediate soul crystallization.Fario, who is at level seven, naturally learned the skill of Wrath of Nature, but he has never had the chance to use it.

The Wrath of Nature is a skill that Yu Fei also attaches great importance to.Looking at the description of this skill, its destructiveness may be comparable to Tyrande's Starfall.The advantage of Starfall may be that it lasts longer, and the total damage may be slightly higher than Wrath of Nature.

Of course, although the duration of Wrath of Nature will be shorter, it also means that the explosiveness of this skill is more powerful.Now it is a very good choice to destroy Xishengguan.

Silently stepping out of the flames of sacrifice, Illidan returned to the night elf team that had stopped advancing.The defenders on the city wall nervously watching his figure cheered a few times, feeling that the enemy was scared off by what happened in the West Saint Pass.

Illidan didn't care about the mocking cheers of those ants.Cheer as much as you want, after a while, you will never be able to cheer again.

Fario, who had been at the rear of the troops all this time, had already closed his eyes and began to channel the wrath of nature.As a devastating large-scale killing skill, Wrath of Nature has a very long cooling time, and also requires some preparation time.

Just like the falling stars, although it can be released immediately without preparation, it can be interrupted during the duration of the skill.This is the need for the balance of every skill. If the defenders of the Western Sanctuary can interrupt Fario when he is preparing for the wrath of nature, then Fario will have to wait until his ultimate skill cools down again before using it.

It's a pity that no one in the West Saint Pass has the ability to interrupt Fario's spellcasting. There are not only Illidan and Fario among the epic powerhouses in the night elf army.What's more, no one in the West Saint Pass sensed the fluctuation of Fario's preparation skills.

The effect that Wrath of Nature can achieve is very similar to some forbidden spells on the continent of Eslazer. It can be said that it is the composite effect of some forbidden spells.However, the skill that Fario possesses is equivalent to talent, but the working principle is completely different from Eslazer's forbidden magic.

At this time, Fario was not running magic elements like when the great mage of Eslazer cast the forbidden spell, but was calmly communicating with nature.

His consciousness seems to have gradually separated from his body and soared into nature.He could feel the violence of thunder and lightning, the coldness of ice, the whistling of wind, the heat of flames and the thickness of the earth.Gradually, his consciousness began to slowly extend, spreading towards the direction of the West Holy Pass.

Fario "saw" some figures walking around, exuding countless murderous auras, and these figures were the defenders of the West Holy Pass.He also "saw" the terrain forcibly distorted by magic—this was naturally a solid city wall forcibly cast by the epic wizards of the Holy Lion Empire with the help of the Royal Mages.

No!These things are against the way of nature!They should be destroyed!A sense of anger rose in Fario's heart.

At the same time, the thunder, ice, gusts, flames and even the whole earth he sensed seemed to have felt and recognized his anger, exuding an aura of restlessness.

Destruction, these people and these buildings should be destroyed!Fario uttered a huge roar in his mind, and the mental roar was passed out in essence, covering the entire West Sacred Pass.

It wasn't until this time that Simpson, who was the strongest in the mage tower, faintly felt that something was wrong.However, it was too late.

When Fario roared in his heart to destroy everything in front of him, the thunder and ice, the wind and flames, and the earth all revealed anger at the same time, as if these inanimate existences also had their own emotions. Roar and let it out.

This catharsis, reflected in the real world, is a devastating scene.

I saw thick clouds suddenly appearing in the sky over Xisheng Pass.These clouds are strangely mixed with fiery red and dark blue rays of light, and electric snakes move among them from time to time.

Inside the West Saint Pass, there was also a sudden wind, a strange wind that appeared without warning, swirling and blowing in the pass.Many soldiers also felt the ground under their feet tremble slightly at this time, as if an earthquake was about to occur.

Simpson, who was discussing something with the mage beside him, suddenly stood up while the mage tower was sitting comfortably.An extremely terrifying sense of danger suddenly appeared in his heart, which made his usually calm heart beat non-stop.

This is the conditioned reflex of being an epic powerhouse when his life is threatened.Although the Fury of Nature skill released by Fario has no magic fluctuations, it doesn't mean that powerful people can't feel the danger that comes from the air around them all the time.

It stands to reason that if one has reached the legendary level or above, the mind will give a warning when one's life is threatened.But now, Fario's skills have been activated, and he only felt the aura of danger when it was about to fall on Simpson's head, which is very abnormal.

In fact, this is easy to explain. After Fario communicated and naturally regarded the West Saint Pass and the people in the West Saint Pass as enemies of nature, how could Simpson feel the danger from the surrounding air?What he has to face is natural anger!

Without the slightest hesitation, as soon as the palpitation appeared in his heart, Simpson left the mage tower and wanted to escape without saying hello to the mage around him.As for the task entrusted by the Holy Emperor to guard the West Holy Pass, he could no longer take care of it.

If the soldiers in West Saint Pass who regarded Simpson as their pillar knew that he was going to abandon the entire West Saint Pass without hesitation, they would feel like their idols had collapsed, and they would lose the courage to fight.

Unfortunately, although Simpson reacted quickly, it was too late for him to escape.

The moment he flew out of the mage tower, the effect of the wrath of nature had already begun to show.

A thick thunderbolt flashing with yellow and white light jumped out of the strange clouds and directly hit the ground of Xisheng Pass.Those soldiers in the place where the thunder and lightning fell directly turned into a handful of black ash and scattered with the wind.Even the soldiers who were on the periphery of the lightning wave fell down covered in scorched black.

This thunderbolt seemed to have sent a signal, and countless attacks appeared in the strange clouds instantly.Fire meteors with long tail flames, huge ice arrows exuding a cold breath, and electric snakes that were no different from the previous lightning bolts all descended.

Before everyone in Xisheng Pass could recover from the effect of the previous lightning bolt and these terrifying attacks, the strange wind that was blowing in the pass suddenly split into several streams and quickly spun to form a Several small tornadoes pierced through the clouds.

And the ground, which was only slightly fluctuating, also began to tremble violently.And trembling, huge cracks appeared on the ground, and many soldiers who couldn't react in time screamed and fell from the cracks that suddenly appeared.

Even, under the terrified gazes of countless soldiers, the rebuilt city wall, which looked extremely strong, was also full of cracks in the earthquake, shaking creakingly.

For a moment, the rain of ice and fire, the thunder that fell from the nine heavens, the tornado that pierced the sky and the earth, and the earth that roared and tore apart itself simultaneously showed their power in this small Xishengguan, making Xishengguan and the people in Xishengguan seem like In the midst of the end of the world.

(End of this chapter)

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