Warcraft Eternal Tree.

Chapter 40 Yu Fei's Strength

Chapter 40 Yu Fei's Strength

This time, half of the water in the Moon Well evaporated at once.Yu Fei was secretly surprised, the mana value limit of this kobold fortune teller is too high, right?Because this moon well uses a lot more resources than in the game, not only the population provides more, but also more health and magic points that can be recovered. The kobold fortune-teller actually consumed half of the moon in a moon well at once. of water.Although it is because the water of the moon consumes more magic points, it is amazing enough.

But thinking about the many auxiliary spells released by the kobold fortune teller just now, Yu Fei also understood a little bit.After the kobold fortune teller replenished his mana, Yu Fei quickly released it and continued to bless the Timberwolves and the night elves.

Under the blessing of the kobold fortune teller's constant bloodlust and inner fire, the situation gradually equalized.However, after all, there are more than a dozen tree devil shadow priests and nearly ten tree devil senior priests on the tree devil's side. With just one kobold fortune-teller, a dog, they can only make their side match the tree devil in terms of support to a certain extent. , but in the end it cannot compare with the number of the other party.
Moreover, the kobold fortune teller's flaw is that it does not have the ability to restore health, and both the tree demon shadow priest and the tree demon senior priest can release healing.As a result, although the tree demon side has no advantage in the additional state, once injured, the healing technique will recover from the injury.The Timberwolves didn't get this kind of treatment, they could only retreat temporarily when they were injured, and let the other Timberwolves step up first.

This won’t work. In a war of attrition, the enemy will have the upper hand; in a quick battle, there are too many opponents, and it will be difficult to eliminate them in a short while. Think about it again, and see what else can improve the combat effectiveness.
Hmm~~ The ancient protectors can be released now. Thinking of this, Yu Fei quickly moved the six ancient protectors out of the life space in two batches and joined the battle.Together with the two ancient protectors who didn't have time to move into the living space just now, eight boulders flew towards the tree demon's side, and under Yu Fei's order, the boulders still went towards the priest behind the tree demon.

However, the tree demon, who had already killed many priests in the previous sneak attack, had learned a lot.Under the instruction of the tree demon leader, several tree demon berserkers jumped up and blocked the boulder thrown by the ancient protector with their bodies.After being hit by the boulder, several tree demon berserkers were seriously injured, but they protected the fragile tree demon priest.

Several tree demon berserkers were thrown behind by huge boulders, and were quickly healed by the tree demon priest's healing technique.Only one tree demon berserker was crushed to death by a boulder when it landed.Yu Fei thought for a while, this should be the boulder of the elite ancient protector. Its attack is higher than other ancient protectors, so it can kill the tree demon berserker in one blow.

Hey, by the way, don't elite-level ancient protectors have the ability to entangle with roots?try?Yu Fei concentrated his mind on the elite ancient protector, and ordered it to activate the ability of roots to entangle.

Entangling roots; activated within a range of 100 meters, multiple units can be bound; the more units bound, the smaller the binding force; the binding time depends on the strength of the unit being bound; the ability activation interval is 30 seconds.

It just so happened that a large part of the tree demons entered within 100 range of this elite ancient protector.Under Yu Fei's order, the ancient protector immediately activated this ability.On the originally flat ground, countless intertwined and intertwined tree roots suddenly appeared, rolling towards the tree demon densely.

The tree demon was caught off guard, and all the tree demons within 100 meters of the ancient protector were tightly tied up.Not only were they unable to move, but their arms were also bound under the entanglement of tree roots, making them unable to attack.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Timberwolves and the night elves quickly launched an attack.The forest wolf's sharp claws and wolf kisses, as well as the archer's arrow and the hunter's moon blade all fell on these irresistible tree demons, killing many tree demon hunters and tree demon berserkers.

But it didn't take long for the restrained tree demon berserker to break free from the roots of the ancient protector, and launched a counterattack towards the Timberwolves.But this time the handaxes they threw seemed to be much weaker, as if they wanted to release all the resentment that they could only be beaten but could not fight back just now.Because the tree demon hunter was slightly weaker, it took another two seconds to break free from the dense tree roots.

Hmm. This root entanglement is quite effective when used, but it can also restrain the tree demon berserker for 3 seconds, and the tree demon hunter can only restrain it for 5 seconds.However, the interval between the use of this ability is 30 seconds, so it is difficult to play a big role.
Uh. I seem to have forgotten something?Yu Fei thought for a while and finally understood.Can't you use some spells yourself?And unlike this elite ancient protector who only has one ability, he can already use several spells now.

Yu Fei closed his eyes, no longer paying attention to the situation on the court, but concentrated his mind and began to control the Yuan Ling wood energy in his body.Soon, he mobilized a trace of Yuanling Wood Qi in his body - of course, this trace is relative to the extremely huge Yuanling Wood Qi in his body.

When attacking the Shizui tribe earlier, Yu Fei had already experimented with spells a few times while everyone was away, and now he was quite familiar with how to release them. "The vines are overgrown!" The first spell was easily released by Yu Fei.

The effect of this spell is a bit similar to the root entanglement of the elite ancient protector, but the scope of action is wider than the root entanglement.After using this spell, countless vines suddenly sprouted on the ground where the tree demon was located, and bound towards the tree demon.

However, although these vines trapped the tree demon, their toughness seemed not enough, and they were about to be opened by the tree demon directly.Yu Fei sighed from the bottom of his heart. After all, it was a low-level spell, and its power was still a bit insufficient. It could only restrain these tree demons for a second or two.But it doesn't matter, the purpose of using this spell is to restrain these tree demons a little bit - the next spell has come to the tree demons who haven't completely broken free from the vines.

"Wood thorn technique!" Originally, this wood thorn technique only shot out a dozen sharp wooden thorns, but after using Yuanling wood energy, it turned into hundreds of wooden thorns shining with faint green light. . "Swish, whoosh, whoosh—" Hundreds of wooden thorns attacked the tree demon team.

"Ugh~~" "Ugh~~" There was a scream from the tree demon camp.Almost all the tree demons were injured, because they were still bound by the vines and could not dodge. More than thirty tree demons were shot in the vitals by the wooden thorns and died immediately

@@@The third watch is late. Sorry, everyone will forgive Hong Chen, right?
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There are three updates this week, let's make Hongchen's data look better
(End of this chapter)

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