Warcraft Eternal Tree.

Chapter 539 The Heart of Darkness 【The Final Chapter of This Volume】

Chapter 539 The Heart of Darkness 【The Final Chapter of This Volume】

It's the end of the world!Seeing the sudden crack in the ground not far from the Scarlet Mountain and the tornado reaching the ground in the distance, Yu Fei gave an affirmative answer.

Although he didn't know how this apparently natural disaster was brought about, Yu Fei knew that it was definitely the means of that mysterious voice.Sure enough, after slaughtering ordinary creatures in the demon world and capturing epic powerhouses, is the world destroyed?

Fortunately, I don't know why although the Scarlet Mountain is shaking, there is no major change.Maybe it's because Yu Fei has been covering the Scarlet Mountain with the dome formed by the energy of the Sunwell, and there is not even a single crack on the Scarlet Mountain.

Yu Fei can imagine that various places in the Demon Realm are probably being shrouded in various disasters, especially places with weak crust like Lava Kingdom, which should have become magma oceans long ago.

However, such a disaster will not bring any casualties.After the clearers and hunters had completed their missions, only the blood elves and the undead remained in the demon world.The native demons were either killed or captured.

Although Yu Fei was a little nervous at this time, he was not afraid.Since the mysterious voice could isolate his consciousness and trace it back to the ontology, it must have the ability to erase itself—but it didn't do so.This also means that the mysterious voice may not have any malice towards him, and the destruction of the demon world should not affect the blood elves.

It's just that I don't know how Zhou Kang is doing now?

Zhou Kang's condition at this time is very bad.Because the undead are all undead creatures, the first wave of clearers did not attack any unit of the undead. Zhou Kang also took this opportunity to expand the territory of the undead.

He not only reoccupied the Northern Wilderness Territory that was previously abandoned in response to the catastrophe, but also fought all the way to some places in the Western Region and the Central Region within five days before the hunters arrived.Of course, this is all thanks to the Titans, and it is simply too easy to occupy the uninhabited Castlevania.

Even the arrival of the hunters did not affect the expansion of the undead, because those organmen still did not target the undead, but instead captured all the naked demon kings who occasionally appeared to resist the undead.It's as if this catastrophe is entirely used to help the undead to expand their strength.

Could this be the meaning of the prophecy Yu Fei told himself that "dead spirits will be sublimated"?Zhou Kang thought happily.If this continues, the main task of occupying half of the territory of the demon world will be completed soon, and the black castle will be established.

It's a pity that Zhou Kang was too happy too soon.The ignorance of the cleaners and hunters does not mean that the undead are safe, on the contrary, it is a kind of attention.No one knew that the reason why the mysterious voice came to the demon world and destroyed the world was actually for the undead.

When natural disasters ravaged all over the demon world, the undead were naturally also affected.But the strange thing is that the natural disasters that affect the undead are all tornadoes.

A large number of undead creatures were swept up by the tornado, and then disappeared.Through the statistics panel of the undead system, Zhou Kang knew that the troops and even the heroes swept away by the tornado did not die, but where did they go?

Finally, even Zhou Kang himself was involved in the tornado, and the authentic death knight Alsace and other heroes guarding him were not spared, and were swept away by the tornado together.

In this way, in the huge demon world, there are only 50 million blood elves left on the Scarlet Mountain, and the rest of the world is already dead.

Although the blood elves were transformed or trained by Yu Fei through the military training building, at least they have reached the elite level and they all have some wisdom.In particular, the units transformed from blood elves from the original demon world possessed the same intelligence as heroes.

Therefore, when they saw the devastating situation outside the Scarlet Mountain, they would also feel terrified.The shield formed by Yu Fei with the energy of the Sunwell became the last sustenance and hope of the blood elves.This scene of being redeemed at the end of the day also made all the blood elves have a deeper belief in Yu Fei.

When all kinds of disasters reached their peak, the incomplete plane of the demon world finally couldn't bear such devastation.In Yu Fei's perception, a wonderful and magnificent scene appeared.

Like a glass house being shattered, the sky and the ground of the demon world were filled with pieces of crystal clear space fragments.Among these scattered space fragments, there are space cracks that condense the deepest black.

The soil and magma in the demon world quickly flowed away along these space cracks, and it was unknown where they went, or they were directly annihilated.

Originally, with Yu Fei's mental strength, he could at most radiate the God-like perception to a distance of [-] kilometers around the Scarlet Mountain.But as the space was shattered one after another, the distance seemed to disappear, and Yu Fei saw the entire shattered demon world.

Of course, he also discovered a large black stone accompanied by a large number of space debris in the middle part of the original demon world.

Heart of Darkness!Yu Fei was shocked.This is what he came to the demon world and spent so long on aiming for!
Although the Scarlet Mountain is far away from the Central Territory, there is no concept of distance in the current situation where the space is broken.Without hesitation, Illidan turned into a demon, resisting the ubiquitous space cracks with the demon domain that also has some space attributes, and flew towards the heart of darkness in the void.

But Illidan failed to achieve his goal.That big black stone-like heart of darkness ignored the space cracks and scattered space fragments as soon as it appeared, and flew directly into the sky, disappearing without a trace.

Illidan was stunned, and Yu Fei was also stunned.After so long of hard work, did he still fail to get the Heart of Darkness?That's right, the heart of darkness as the core of the world must have many powerful effects, and the mysterious voice that is so powerful beyond one's understanding must also be for the heart of darkness to destroy the demon world.

Although he has no body, Yu Fei still feels bitterness in his mouth.He didn't even have the mood to think about why there were no traces of Zhou Kang and his undead in the shattered space.

Until a "ding" sounded.Will there still be sound when the space is broken?Yu Fei pulled himself together and looked towards the place where the sound came from.A black stone the size of a fist hit the barrier of Illidan's demon domain, making the ding sound just now.

Heart of Darkness!Yu Fei was shocked, followed by ecstasy and confusion.Although the Heart of Darkness is quite large as a whole, what Yu Fei really needs is a piece the size of a fist, because the other components that make up the Heart of Eternity are only this big.

But, why did that mysterious voice take such good care of itself, and even divide it up for itself after obtaining the Heart of Darkness?
Yu Fei didn't know if the mysterious voice had anything to do with him, but it read his memory and knew he needed the Heart of Darkness, but he couldn't help being vigilant.Such a mindless kindness really has to make people suspicious!

Yu Fei understands that he shouldn't have this kind of feeling of being cheap and being good, but the method and behavior of the mysterious voice to read the memory are really disgusting.

Illidan grabbed the Heart of Darkness, and the demon flew back to the Scarlet Mountain with a flutter of wings.The Demon Realm has been completely shattered, but the Scarlet Mountain stands in the void.

Looking at Illidan's Heart of Darkness enshrined in front of the Sunwell, Yu Fei was filled with emotions, but in the end he could only sigh.

Forget it, don't think about it so much, after all, the ending is good.The Heart of Darkness has been obtained, and the blood elves have also kept most of them. Bringing it back to the world of Eslazer will be a good combat power.Next, let's go back to the long-lost Eslazer world.
The fragmentation of space made Yu Fei's cross-border move very smooth.Although the number of blood elves has reached more than 40, they still successfully entered the interlayer space between the two worlds.

The calls of the night elves never stopped, which made Yu Fei feel a little worried.What happened to them?With this question in mind, Yu Fei ordered Illidan and the blood elves to break the space barrier between the mezzanine space and the world of Eslazer.

(End of this chapter)

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