Warcraft Eternal Tree.

Chapter 55 Stone Forest

Chapter 55 Stone Forest
But at this time, Yu Fei is more concerned about Tyrande's third exploration.Drawing on the previous experience, Yu Fei ordered Tyrande to reach the edge of the volcanic wasteland first in the afternoon, and start heading south after the sun went down.In this way, the threat of high temperature can be avoided.

The sun is slowly setting on the western horizon, and in the east, three bright moons are slowly rising.Tyrande led the first echelon and the second echelon into the volcanic wasteland.Yu Fei let Tyrande take away all the troops, including the kobold fortune teller.After all, what he learned from the kobold fortune teller gave Yu Fei a clear understanding of the danger of the volcanic wasteland.Although the temperature in the volcanic wasteland is very high, it will not be too hot to kill the team sent by the kobold fortune-teller to investigate.How can it be said that there is a fifth-level jackal leader inside, and it can be withdrawn no matter how hot it is.

Moreover, you must know that many gnolls and kobolds still escaped under the high-efficiency suppression of the forest wolves and night elves last time, which shows that these two races are very capable of escaping.After all, the range of 600 meters for archers is not so easy to escape.However, under the leadership of a jackal leader, even one of the jackals with such a strong ability to escape failed to escape back to the wolf dog. Human tribe, which shows how dangerous the unknown enemy is.

Therefore, Yu Fei asked Tyrande to lead all the Timberwolves and night elves to start the third exploration.Now he is surrounded by 46 ancient protectors, and new ancient protectors are constantly being built, so naturally there is no need to keep troops for defense.Speaking of which, Yu Fei still hopes that some enemies will attack. With the current 46 defense towers and his own spells, it can be said who will come and who will die.Wow ha ha ha ha ha ha, this is the real Dota
If an enemy came to attack the base, Yu Fei could take the opportunity to increase the upper limit of Yuanling Wood Qi he could control.After these few days of training, the upper limit of Yuan Ling Wood Qi he can control has reached 1080, which is 230 higher than before the migration.But Yu Fei still felt that this speed was too slow.You know, when the tree demon attacked that time, it took Yu Fei about ten minutes to increase the upper limit of Yuanling Wood Qi by more than 200.

Continuing to absorb the moonlight energy and train the elves absent-mindedly, Yu Fei observed their surroundings through Tyrande's vision.And, occasionally, the newly trained elves have to be ordered to transform the ancient trees into ancient protectors.Yu Fei lamented in his heart. Being a tree of life is really busy. I miss the life of rice bugs on the earth.
Under the urging of Tyrande, all the Timberwolves and night elves moved forward at a relatively fast speed, while the kobold fortune-teller, who was not fast in sprinting, was tied to a throwing vehicle pulled by a dire wolf. on the bladed cart.No way, if you don't march in a hurry, you may not be able to get out of the volcanic wasteland when the sun comes out in the morning, which will be troublesome.In fact, Yu Fei has always been a little puzzled. Normally, even if there is a volcano, it will not make the temperature of the surrounding areas so high. There must be some mystery in it.

Gritting his teeth, Yu Fei gave Tyrande the order to move towards the volcano.In this way, while exploring the secrets of this volcano, they can also get out of this wasteland early by walking in a straight line.After receiving Yu Fei's order, Tyrande gave the order to march towards the volcano without any hesitation.All night elves obey all orders from the tree of life unconditionally, even if what they want to do will cause them to die.When Yu Fei ordered the huntresses to "block the holes" for the archers, none of the huntresses froze for a moment.

The route was changed, and the exploration team continued to move forward.It’s just getting dark now, if you walk in a straight line, you might be able to get out of the volcanic wasteland before the moon sets.Yu Fei's heart moved, and he gave Tyrande the command to summon the owl.Tyrande summoned the owl with his detection skills, and Yu Fei shifted his vision to the owl.Before Tyrande could think about the meaning of his Father God, the owl fluttered forward under Yu Fei's control.

In fact, Yu Fei didn't have any deep meaning, he just felt that it was too boring to observe the march with Tyrande's vision.If you use the owl's vision, you can find some things in advance, so it won't be so boring. After all, it's too boring to train the elves mechanically, and then order the elves to transform a certain ancient tree into an ancient protector.

Under the moonlight, an owl with dark brown feathers fluttered in the air and flew towards the volcano in the center of the wasteland.From time to time, it let out a strange cry of "uh~~uh~~", and pulled out a strange shadow on the ground - this is of course impossible, the owl summoned by the second-level investigation is already invisible that's it.

The owl's field of vision is relatively large, about [-] times that of Tyrande, so it can see more things.Ok?This is in front?On the wasteland, many mudstone pillars appeared abruptly.Uh, what kind of landform is this called on Earth?Yadan landform?Karst?Never mind!Go in and have a look.

Yu Fei curiously manipulated the owl into this stone forest.The more he walked into the stone forest, the more Yu Fei felt something was wrong.Why, there are traces of biological activity in it?In the volcanic wasteland with such a harsh climate, are there any creatures that can survive?Looking at these traces, it is obvious that it is a large population, but only some animals such as desert lizards can survive in such an environment on earth, and they have not yet formed a large scale.Could it be that this is the culprit that caused the kobold squad to disappear?
Gradually, through the owl's ears, Yu Fei heard a louder and louder uh, is this snoring?The farther he flew, the clearer the sound became, and Yu Fei was sure that it was indeed a snoring sound.Moreover, the snoring was very loud and the sound was rather weird, which reminded Yu Fei. When I lived in the countryside when I was a child, the sound from the pigsty at night wasn't it. Could it be that there were a group of pigs raised in this stone forest?

Shaking his head, Yu Fei got rid of this absurd idea. If there are pig-headed people or something, this is a different world after all. Aren’t the pig-headed people in the orc clan?

@@@TodayChapter 3.
The world of mortals has gone to Sanjiang, calling for support from Sanjiang Tickets!I hope everyone can let Hongchen enter the Sanjiang Hanlin Academy. For Sanjiang, we will continue to update three times next week! ! !

Thanks to Tong and Feifei for the reward of 7552 starting coins, thanks to One Wing + New Moon 588 starting coins, Blood Moon Starfall 200 starting coins, Lost Palace 100 starting coins, Nangong Sword Soul 100 starting coins, chusihe 100 starting coins
Tong and Feifei's children's shoes are so awesome!Directly four 1888!Congratulations to Tong and Feifei for becoming the No.3 deacon in this book!

(End of this chapter)

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