Warcraft Eternal Tree.

Chapter 76 Yu Fei's Thoughts

Chapter 76 Yu Fei's Thoughts

The basic attributes and two talents make the red young dragon's combat effectiveness comparable to that of a dire wolf, and the two skills make the red young dragon's strategic significance a level higher.Yu Fei didn't expect that the red young dragon actually had the ability of durable aura. This kind of aura that increases both movement speed and attack speed is of great strategic significance in a foreign world where large armies are fighting.Explosive breath gave the red young dragon a group attack skill, which is simply the integration of powerful shooting and split shadow arrow skills!And it has been strengthened.

Yu Fei was a little puzzled about how powerful the red dragon was when it was just born, but he was relieved when he thought about how the red dragon absorbed the fire element in the crater for more than 20 years when it was still an egg.Even if it is a pig that has continuously absorbed energy for more than 20 years in such a densely energyd place, as long as it does not explode, it will become very powerful, let alone a red dragon whose bloodline level is the top.This red young dragon should be the purest dragon in the entire Eslazer continent. After all, it was hatched from a dragon egg that descended from the World of Warcraft.

After thinking about it for a while, Yu Fei thought again, after absorbing the fire element for so many years, the growth rate of the red dragon should be very fast.Generally, giant dragons can live for about 1000 years, while juveniles live for ten years, and then nearly 200 years are the growth period.At the age of two hundred or so, it becomes a young dragon.The long growth period of nearly 200 years is actually to accumulate energy, and the energy accumulated by this red dragon may have already exceeded the energy needed to enter adolescence.After all, the time before birth is the best time to absorb energy. As long as you can bear it, the energy absorbed for one year before birth is comparable to the energy absorbed for ten years after birth. Good reason.

And when this red young dragon was still an egg, it didn't just passively absorb energy, but that stone platform infused it with the fire element for more than 20 years!Now the next step of the development of this young red dragon is probably to work hard to grow its body. When it grows to the size of a young dragon soon, it will have or even exceed the strength of ordinary young dragons.Yu Fei believes that this time will not be very long.

Uh. Shouldn't the red drake be given a name?It’s definitely not good for the bloody plot to appear again. It’s definitely not good to be called Red. Although he only scored more than 40 points in the English test of the college entrance examination, Yu Fei still vaguely remembers that red in English seems to read Red.Well, don't get entangled, this red dragon will be called Rhett from now on.

The red young dragon is still ignorant, so naturally he will not have any opinions.Although Tyrande became the "mother" of the red dragon, as Yu Fei's creation, he naturally wouldn't question anything, so the name of the red dragon was decided.

The red young dragon has been making troubles from an egg to a dragon for a long time. At this time, the battle between the spiky-haired beast and the centaur has changed again.The spiky-haired beast was much stronger than the centaur due to its high-end combat power, so it took some time to break up the formation of the centaur and bully it into the centaur's long-range troop.By the way, for the centaur melee unit, the battle with the sharp-haired beast is very aggrieved.Not to mention the enemy's elite team rampaging in their own camp, the thorny halo led by the spiky-haired beast is still in effect.Centaur longbowmen and centaur archers are okay, long-range attacks will not be rebounded, but centaur forerunners and centaur peons are aggrieved.

Although in terms of level, the centaur pioneers are one level higher than the spiky beast barbarians, and the centaur peons are one level higher than the spiky beast scouts, the number is only a little less.But every time I attack the enemy, I have to take some damage, and the enemy hits me with full damage. It's really uncomfortable and I want to make people vomit blood!Thanks to the long-range support of centaur longbowmen and centaur archers, the sharp-haired beasts died much more than centaurs on the middle and low-level battlefields.

However, after being discovered by the emperor of the spiky-haired beast and leading the elite squad of the spiky-haired beast into the long-range centaur troops, the situation changed again.Although the centaur melee troops did not have the elite squad of sharp-haired beasts rushing left and right in the camp, they also lost long-range support, and the momentum of killing the enemy declined instead.As for the centaur long-distance troops, the centaur longbowmen and centaur archers, who had relatively weak armor and vitality, encountered the fierce and messy spiky-haired beast elite team, which was naturally a tragedy.In the end, the great centaur wizard looked at the gap and released a lava ball to stun the elite team of spiky beasts, allowing the centaur long-range troops to get rid of the massacre of the elite squad of spiky beasts by virtue of their speed.

It can be seen from this melee that although a powerful legal system unit can play a role in killing a large number of enemies, the spiky-haired beast is able to fight against the centaur due to its inferior level and not much advantage in number. The slight upper hand in the battle is inseparable from the existence of the spiky-haired beast emperor.As a super powerful melee unit, the Emperor of the Spiny-haired Beast doesn't have as much mana as the Centaur Great Wizard to cast area skills to kill, but he plays a greater role than killing enemies in large numbers.After the emperor of the spiky-haired beast organized an elite team to kill the high-end combat power of the centaur as much as possible, he led the elite team to disperse the formation of the centaur melee troops and disrupt the attack of the centaur long-range troops. The arrow effect cannot be ignored.

This melee taught a vivid lesson to Yu Fei who had been secretly observing.The role of the thorn halo in this battle cannot be ignored. In the battle of the large army, the halo is much more useful than a powerful magic.After all, the halo has always existed, and Yu Fei is also thankful that he chose the Priestess of the Moon who has the ability to attack the halo for the first time.This is not a small team battle in the Warcraft game, but a large army battle. The halo's coverage and the advantage of not consuming mana are more effective than killing skills.

There is also the melee "arrow". In melee, there must be an extremely powerful unit that can act as an arrow, leading other melee units to break through the enemy's formation and threaten the enemy's weaker long-range or auxiliary units.After all, it is a bit unreasonable to use melee units as meat shields.

In the current situation of the night elves, it is enough to use the holy giant wolf to make arrows, but in the long run, it is obviously not enough to rely on the holy giant wolf alone - after all, it is not known whether the holy giant wolf can continue to evolve.Then, the second hero should think carefully and choose a powerful melee unit

@@@ Let me tell you, there may be two updates during this period.Because Hongchen is a freshman, he needs military training, and he has to save manuscripts for military training, and everyone doesn't want to stop updating at that time, right?Well, today is Chapter 1, please recommend for collection,,,

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(End of this chapter)

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