Gossip President

Chapter 231 I'm Going Crazy! 1

Chapter 231 I'm Going Crazy! 1
Jiang Sinan looked down at Qin Niannian, and said in a gentle voice, "I saw you doing the papers when I came back, do you know how to do it?"

"En!" Qin Niannian nodded.

"Don't do it too late... go to bed early!" Jiang Sinan urged.

"Well, that..." Qin Niannian pursed his lips, as if he had accumulated his energy for a long time before he started to use his big moves, "You... also go to bed earlier, don't work too late!"

Hearing Qin Niannian's concern, Jiang Sinan smiled, "Why didn't you see that big fat cat Mushroom today?"

"I don't know... Maybe I went out to play, and I'll be back in a while..." Qin Niannian said.

The two of them went upstairs together... Qin Niannian returned to his room at Jiang Sinan's place. Jiang Sinan watched Qin Niannian enter, turned around with a smile on his face, and was about to open the door and enter.

"I told him..." Guan Jintong frowned, not noticing that the door behind him had opened a gap, and even less noticing that Jiang Sinan was standing outside at this moment.

Even though Gu Yanyan asked this question over the phone, Guan Jintong still felt embarrassed... With her back to the door of the room, leaning on the back of the sofa, she reached out and touched her neck, her heart suddenly began to feel uncontrollable Bang bang.

Gu Yanyan saw the problem between Guan Jintong and Jiang Sinan last time, but she didn't say anything or ask.

Today... She felt that Guan Jintong was happier because of the news about Li Jinting, so she asked, "Is there something wrong between Guan Jintong and Jiang Sinan?"

Unexpectedly, Guan Jintong's voice suddenly became flustered. Gu Yanyan knew Guan Jintong too well... so she immediately knew that something must have happened between them.

Gu Yanyan also understands...Guan Jintong is the kind of person who likes to keep everything in his heart and doesn't say anything. He has to be asked repeatedly before he can ask.

Under Gu Yanyan's relentless questioning, Guan Jintong finally just said briefly that Jiang Sinan said he loved her today... He didn't say much about other details.

When Gu Yanyan heard this, she was silent for a long time...

Both Jiang Sinan and Guan Jintong are proud people, and Jiang Sinan has already spoken of love... so what else can it be other than true love?

But... what about Guan Jintong?
Gu Yanyan understands Guan Jintong's heart better than now. Is Qin Chi still occupying the place in Guan Jintong's heart?

Gu Yanyan was silent for a while and then asked Guan Jintong: "So what do you do to Jiang Sinan? How do you feel? Do you love?"

When Guan Jintong was asked this question, his heart beat violently...


Guan Jintong himself seemed to be unable to tell the difference.

This feeling was different from when Guan Jintong and Qin Chi were together.

When she was with Qin Chi, Guan Jintong felt very comfortable... She really wanted to act like a little girl to Qin Chi.

But when he was with Jiang Sinan, Guan Jintong's heart would always beat faster and his heart would be in a mess.

Even Guan Jintong was a little afraid of Jiang Sinan.

"In your heart, do you know whether it's Qin Chi or Jiang Sinan now?" Gu Yanyan asked, "Actually... when you ran to the Qingyun Mountain Villa for Jiang Sinan and even lost your life, I I just wanted to ask you, Jintong... As for Jiang Sinan, did you really rush to save Jiang Sinan just because Jiang Sinan was your hope?"

When Gu Yanyan asked this question, Guan Jintong didn't know how to answer it.

The room was very quiet...

Guan Jintong never thought about this question.

Because the relationship between her and Jiang Sinan started from a transaction, Guan Jintong has always taken it for granted that they became a real couple.

I really want to ask Guan Jintong how he feels about Jiang Sinan...

Guan Jintong really didn't know.

"To Jiang Sinan..." Guan Jintong pursed his lips, mentioned Jiang Sinan's name, and remembered the sentence Jiang Sinan said in the car today...I mean...I love you!

These six words made Guan Jintong's heartbeat and breathing disordered again.

She took a deep breath, stood up and walked to the window, looking at the endless night outside, she said: "Jiang Sinan is a particularly outstanding man... To me, he is like a god aloft, as if he has nothing to do. cannot……"

Jiang Sinan heard Guan Jintong's words, and slowly let go of the hand on the doorknob...

There was a gap in the door, so Guan Jintong's voice could be heard very clearly.

With a smile on Jiang Sinan's lips, he leaned sideways on the wall and listened to Guan Jintong's voice, lowering his eyes... His slender eyelashes covered the colorful light in his pupils.

"I... admire Jiang Sinan very much." Even Guan Jintong didn't want to admit it, but...the fact is indeed the case.

She held her waist with one hand and lowered her eyes: "Later, I heard something about Jiang Sinan's growth, and knew that he was not happy when he was a child. I can empathize with him...To be honest, I feel as if the distance between us It's getting closer! The feeling of being with Jiang Sinan... the feeling of being with Qin Chi is different, I am very comfortable with Qin Chi, really comfortable... It's the kind of feeling that even if you make a fool of yourself in front of him Don't worry about it, but I don't want to make a fool of myself in front of Jiang Sinan...not at all!"

Gu Yanyan listen... She really wanted to say to Guan Jintong, fool... This is the beginning of love!
Qin Chi... because he entered Guan Jintong's life as a big brother from the beginning, all Guan Jintong had to do was make a fool of himself, and then asked Qin Chi what to do. As for being together...that was a matter of course, they In between... the early stage of the heartbeat was spent in ignorance.

But now Guan Jintong and Jiang Sinan are different...they didn't get along as friends before, so now...is the prelude to love!

"Jin Tong... If you really didn't love Jiang Sinan, you wouldn't have rushed to Qingyun Mountain... Even if Jiang Sinan was your hope, if he wasn't so important, how could you forget your big brother? ...Forget about Niannian, just rush forward regardless of everything..."

Gu Yanyan's words hit Guan Jintong's heart.

Guan Jintong's palms tightened, and sweat dripped from them.

Is this... is it love?

Guan Jintong stood there stiffly and did not speak...

"I..." Guan Jintong was speechless.

Gu Yanyan on the other end of the phone laughed out loud, with a bit of joy in her voice: "Guan Jintong... If you admit to me that you are in love with Jiang Sinan, will you die?"

Gu Yanyan's words obviously caused the corners of Guan Jintong's lips to rise unconsciously...

Jiang Sinan's voice seemed to ring in Guan Jintong's ears again, and he said, "I mean...I love you!"

Guan Jintong's ears were red all over.

Guan Jintong's pupils were rippling with spring water, bit his lips, cleared his throat, and said in a slightly higher voice than before: "Did I say that I don't love Jiang Sinan?"

The smile on the corners of Gu Yanyan's eyes became more intense: "That means...you love Jiang Sinan?"

"Jiang Sinan is such an excellent man, a national male god...the sweetheart of women all over the country, so handsome...he is tall and leggy, and he is also the secretary of state of a country. Why should I not love him?" Guan Jintong's cheeks became hotter and hotter.

"But don't say it's the sweetheart of women all over the country, at least it's not mine... I'm not interested in robbing my best friend for a man!" Gu Yanyan said.

Gu Yanyan on the other end of the phone had a bright smile on her face, and the crew felt incredible when they saw it...

They had never seen Gu Yanyan smile so brightly before, except when she was filming.

"Jintong, you must... be happy!" Gu Yanyan said.

"Well... I will!" Guan Jintong's face was so hot that he could boil an egg, "Okay... let's not talk about it, I still have information to read."

"Okay! Then I'll take off my makeup too..."

After hanging up the phone, Guan Jintong casually put the phone on the table.

She felt hot all over her body right now, as if all the moisture in her body had been evaporated!

No, no, no... need to add water!
Guan Jintong picked up her water glass and took a sip... Only then did she realize that the water in the glass was very cold. She was going to go downstairs to pour some hot water to warm it up before drinking.

Just as Guan Jintong opened the door and was about to go downstairs, Jiang Sinan, who was leaning against the wall with a smile on his eyes, straightened up and raised his feet, and suddenly stood in front of Guan Jintong. Guan Jintong was startled... his whole body trembled, The quilt slipped from her slender fingertips.

Startled, Guan Jintong reached out to grab the cup and deliberately kept a distance from Jiang Sinan, bumping his head against the door frame...

Jiang Sinan reacted quickly, grabbed the cup with one hand, and protected Guan Jintong's head with the other, but the water...but sprinkled Jiang Sinan all over.

Guan Jintong bumped her head into Jiang Sinan's soft palm, and she raised her eyes to meet Jiang Sinan's eyes... The whole person was nervous and took a step back, her face was as red as a boiled shrimp.

Why is Jiang Sinan outside the door?
He Yanyan called him just now... did he hear it?

Guan Jintong was so nervous that she stopped breathing, her fists were tightly clenched, her eyes were drooping and her eyes were rolling back and forth, her mind was buzzing.

Jiang Sinan straightened up, holding Guan Jintong's cup in one hand... and gently patted the water in his abdomen with the other.

"How much hatred...you splash water as soon as you open the door?" Jiang Sinan's mellow and magnetic voice came, with a little smile.

"No... I just, I just... you suddenly appeared, I was going to pour water downstairs..."

Guan Jintong explained to Jiang Sinan in a serious manner, but the explanation was messy.

The smile on the corners of Jiang Sinan's lips became more and more intense, and he deliberately took a step towards Guan Jintong, reaching out and touching Guan Jintong's forehead with the back of his hand...

Guan Jintong straightened his body and dodged back, looking at Jiang Sinan with that kind of guarded eyes.

"Even so popular, let me see if you have a fever..." Jiang Sinan said, "Don't be so nervous."

Their eyes met, and Guan Jintong's eyes immediately turned away... His heart was about to jump out.

Guan Jintong is very guilty at the moment, I don't know if Jiang Sinan heard it...

Guan Jintong didn't know if he was overthinking, Jiang Sinan's smile was a little weird.

(End of this chapter)

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