Gossip President

Chapter 237 She and Jiang Sinan Live and Die Together! 2

Chapter 237 She and Jiang Sinan Live and Die Together! 2
She... This can be regarded as living and dying with Jiang Sinan!
Guan Jintong thought so.

Jiang Sinan also smiled at Guan Jintong. He stretched out his hand... and wiped away the tears and blood stains on Guan Jintong's fair cheeks with his thumb, and hugged Guan Jintong horizontally.

Guan Jintong didn't refuse this time either, he just held Jiang Sinan's neck and leaned against Jiang Sinan's arms with both hands, and let Jiang Sinan carry Guan Jintong out in full view.

Wales' face was full of resentment, but now he could do nothing but watch Guan Jintong and Jiang Sinan leave.

Xiao Zhou followed behind, seeing that Jiang Sinan was going to get into the car with Guan Jintong in his arms, and immediately ran to open the car door.

As soon as Jiang Sinan put Guan Jintong into the car, the person in charge of the Secret Service Department came.

After shaking hands with Jiang Sinan, he apologized: "This time it is our negligence. Regarding the secret service personnel around the Secretary of State...we will replace them!"

"It's none of their business this time, I let them have a holiday this afternoon!"

The person in charge of the secret service said stubbornly: "Even if it is your order, they must have their professional ethics, and...for the secret service personnel you arrange to assign to you...to protect your subordinate Guan Jintong who is not on the list of public officials ... Regarding Ms. Guan's matter, they not only implemented it, but also failed to report it to the higher authorities, which is already a big mistake, and they will be punished for violating the code of conduct of secret service personnel!"

Jiang Sinan looked at the person in charge of the secret service, and chuckled lightly: "Don't be so stubborn! The people who protected me before were very good... I only want them, let me say that... Do you understand?"

The person in charge of the Secret Service frowned and said: "Mr. Secretary of State, you are like this... We can't guarantee your safety. You are the Secretary of State of a country. Your safety is not only related to individuals, but also related to the country! "

"I'm not the president yet... I can't talk about the seriousness of the country! Even if I am the president... there will be a vice president if something happens! Don't be so nervous... okay?"

As Jiang Sinan said, he opened the door and got into the car.

The person in charge of the secret service personnel wanted to say something else, Xiao Zhou immediately closed the car door for Jiang Sinan, and then said with a smile: "Minister Yu...it is very important for the secret service personnel to protect Mr. Secretary of State, but it is also important to get along with Mr. Secretary of State, isn't it? ? Get along well...you can cooperate well, what do you think?"

The head of the Secret Service frowned.

Xiao Zhou turned his head and lowered his voice to the person in charge of the Secret Service as if he was very kind, and said, "Just follow the Secretary of State's request... so that the Secretary of State can cooperate with your protection operations, right?"

After speaking, Xiao Zhou also got into the car and drove away from here.

As soon as Jiang Sinan got into the car, he had to look at Guan Jintong's ankle.

Guan Jintong hid it at first and didn't want Jiang Sinan to see it, but Jiang Sinan insisted on seeing Guan Jintong before showing it.

Jiang Sinan reached out and touched Guan Jintong's ankle. Guan Jintong gasped in pain, and subconsciously wanted to pull his foot back.

Jiang Sinan frowned and said to Guan Jintong: "It's not a big problem for you to dislocate your ankle, but... it will take three to four weeks to recover!"

Guan Jintong looked at Jiang Sinan, who still had beads of sweat on his forehead, and asked, "How do you know?"

Xiao Zhou actually smiled: "Miss Guan forgot...Mr. Secretary of State used to be a special soldier, such daily injuries...Mr. Secretary of State must be familiar with it!"

"I have to straighten you, it hurts a bit...be patient!" Jiang Sinan said.

Guan Jintong grabbed Jiang Sinan's wrist and said, "Let's go to the hospital for treatment..."

"Can't you trust me?" Jiang Sinan raised his head with a smile in his deep black eyes.

"No..." Guan Jintong quickly explained, she looked at the bloodstain on Jiang Sinan's arm sleeve and said, "You are also injured... let's go to the hospital to bandage you first!"

"I'm fine...if I go to the hospital now and someone finds out...this matter will be fired! Just go home and disinfect it!" Jiang Sinan looked at his wound and said.

Guan Jintong frowned at Jiang Sinan, and finally let go of Jiang Sinan's wrist.

Guan Jintong's white wine glass, which was as white as a white jade, was held in Jiang Sinan's palm, and Jiang Sinan gently brushed away the gravel from Guan Jintong's feet with his big hand.

There are wounds all over the feet...the injuries are not serious.

Guan Jintong's little feet were held in the palm of Jiang Sinan's hands like this, and her cheeks were slightly hot...

Because, since childhood...except for Jiang's father, this is the first time a man has held his little feet like this.

Guan Jintong subconsciously fastened the leather rear seat, Jiang Sinan heard the noise and asked, "Does it hurt?"

Guan Jintong bit his lower lip and shook his head, Jiang Sinan looked at Guan Jintong's pink face, and knew that Guan Jintong was shy.

He lightly smiled and stroked Guan Jintong's instep: "I didn't notice before...your feet are so beautiful!"

Guan Jintong subconsciously wanted to retract his feet, but Jiang Sinan did not expect that when Guan Jintong lost his mind, he would force himself... Guan Jintong couldn't help shouting: "Ah..."

After a "click", Guan Jintong's foot returned to its original position... When the pain came, Jiang Sinan kept gently rubbing Guan Jintong's little foot.

He comforted softly: "It's okay! It's okay...it's all over! It doesn't hurt anymore...it doesn't hurt anymore!"

Guan Jintong was in so much pain that she wanted to cry, her eyes were full of tears...

However, after a long time, the pain dissipated... Guan Jintong found that his feet didn't hurt so much anymore.

Jiang Sinan chuckled lightly: "Try to move..."

Although Guan Jintong still had lingering fears, he moved his ankle according to Jiang Sinan's words.

Sure enough...

It didn't feel like the huge pain just now, although there was still some faint pain, but this kind of pain was completely tolerable!

"Really good!"

Guan Jintong laughed, his eyes bent into a crescent shape... but the tears that he had suppressed just now flowed out.

Guan Jintong and Jiang Sinan went through such a big thing today, Xiao Zhou didn't dare to stop on the road and killed all the way back.

Qin Niannian was anxious like an overheated ant at home, circling around incessantly.

Neither Guan Jintong nor Jiang Sinan came back today. Jiang Sinan had agreed to bring himself and Guan Jintong to celebrate.

Qin Niannian and Xiao Zhou arrived at Aunt Li's house in the alley that Jiang Sinan mentioned earlier, but... Guan Jintong and Jiang Sinan did not arrive for a long time.

Later, Xiao Zhou answered a call saying that something happened to Guan Jintong and Jiang Sinan, and asked someone to come pick up Qin Niannian and leave.

Qin Niannian didn't eat dinner like this, and waited at home after being picked up.

Hearing the sound of a car outside, Qin Niannian immediately ran to the door to look...

It really is Xiao Zhou's car!
Jiang Sinan carried Guan Jintong out of the car, and Qin Niannian immediately went up to him.

Qin Niannian's heart was in his throat!
Li Jinting's accident has not been found until now, how can Guan Jintong have another accident?

Qin Niannian ran over, saw Jiang Sinan walking with Guan Jintong in his arms, and stopped...

He looked at Jiang Sinan, there were bloodstains on his body...

The sleeves of the expensive suit were also broken, and there were still blood stains on it, Qin Niannian's heart tightened.

Guan Jintong's face was pale, leaning against Jiang Sinan's arms, his legs were covered with bruises, the traces hanging from the dry bark on the wood were shocking.

Qin Niannian's heart was beating violently.

I only heard Jiang Sinan walking into the house while saying: "Get the first aid kit!"

Qin Niannian nodded immediately, he followed Jiang Sinan's buttocks, ran in... and found a first aid kit.

Jiang Sinan took the first aid kit and simply washed the soles of Guan Jintong's feet with hydrogen peroxide. Under the bright light...checked that there were no other residues on the soles of Guan Jintong's feet, and then applied the medicine and bandaged Guan Jintong!
Along with the scratches on Guan Jintong's legs, Jiang Sinan took medicine.

"Where else was injured?" Jiang Sinan asked Guan Jintong.

Even Qin Niannian stood aside anxiously, but he didn't say anything... just looked anxiously.

"I'm fine...it's you..." Guan Jintong looked at Jiang Sinan's arm and frowned.

Jiang Sinan looked back at his wound, and said with a smile, "I'm fine, I'll take a shower later and come out to bandage it."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Sinan looked at Qin Niannian again: "Have you eaten yet?"

Qin Niannian didn't tell the truth this time, he was afraid that Guan Jintong and Jiang Sinan would worry about him, so he nodded, "I've eaten... You probably haven't eaten yet, have you?"

Qin Niannian is really a child who is not good at lying. Jiang Sinan looked at Qin Niannian with a smile: "Then... I'll go up to take a shower first, and then come down to cook noodles. Neither your mother nor I Eat... I'm very hungry!"

"Come on! You go up and take a shower...you can eat after a while!" Qin Niannian volunteered.

"You? Will you?" Jiang Sinan laughed.

"Yes!" Qin Niannian's eyes were full of determination.

So, Jiang Sinan carried Guan Jintong and walked upstairs, Qin Niannian was going to cook noodles for Guan Jintong and Jiang Sinan in the kitchen.

Guan Jintong was a little worried at first, and wanted to watch Qin Niannian downstairs...and by the way, he could tell Qin Niannian what to do, so that Qin Niannian would not hurt himself.

But Qin Niannian insisted that Guan Jintong go upstairs to rest, and Jiang Sinan also said... Guan Jintong should give Qin Niannian a chance to grow up.

So Guan Jintong felt worried and was carried upstairs.

When Qin Niannian was boiling the water, he ran upstairs with the first aid kit and put it by Guan Jintong's bedside.

He heard the sound of splashing water coming from the bathroom, and then said to Guan Jintong: "He will come out in a while... Put some medicine on his wound! Although the wound is not deep... But it was still bleeding just now!"

Guan Jintong looked at Qin Niannian clearly looking very worried, she reached out and rubbed Qin Niannian's hair and said, "I'm sorry...for making you worry!"

Qin Niannian was a little embarrassed, but he didn't turn his head stubbornly like before and say something like I'm not worried.

(End of this chapter)

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