I'm a big dick

Chapter 118 Examination, 3 years

Chapter 118 Passing the exam, three years

The amount of arable land in the Ming Dynasty could no longer meet the growth of the population. No matter how much Zhu Youxiao restrained and attacked the powerful and powerful landlords, it was impossible to achieve "land to the tiller".

There is no other way to solve the surplus labor force except to develop industry and commerce.Opening more small workshops and doing more small businesses can be regarded as self-employment, which is great!

In order to achieve this goal and also aim at the harm to the people of the collection of industrial and commercial taxes, Zhu Youxiao and Li Qiyuan negotiated and formulated a tax exemption standard: small traders with a total value of goods below 20 taels will not be taxed at the banknote customs.

Small workshops also determine the amount of tax based on the number of employees, and family-style tax exemptions; those employing more than three workers, the normal tax rate; the larger the number of people and the larger the scale, the tax rate will rise.

In industry and commerce, stepped tax rates must be implemented.Zhu Youxiao has only taken the first step, which is still experimental.

There is an old Chinese saying: Take what is invisible so that the people will not be angry.There is a saying in the West: the goose that plucks the most feathers is the one that hears the least.

It can be seen that both the East and the West share a common view, that is, the rich should get the lion's share of taxation, and the ordinary people should bear less of it.

Zhu Youxiao also knows that this policy may not be effectively implemented when it reaches the bottom.But you can't wait until everything is in order and the governance of officials reaches the standard before you can benefit the people.

First promulgate it at the legal level, so that craftsmen and untouchables can get rid of their citizenship, let the common people know that the imperial court has tax-free preferential policies, let the local government also have laws to follow, and the common people have reason to argue.

At the same time, Zhu Youxiao also used this as a standard for the examination.Judging whether an official is capable or mediocre is judged by the implementation of the government in various places. The good ones are naturally competent, and the poor ones are dismissed and replaced.

In the thirteen reform proposals presented by Li Qiyuan, the new Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, there is the item of reform and strict examination.

Since the founding of Zhang Juzheng, the Kaocheng method has never been abolished in law.It's just that after Emperor Wanli liquidated Zhang Juzheng, the examination method became a mere formality.

Of course, Li Qiyuan's strict examination is mainly for the Ministry of Households, in order to make up for the emptiness of the national treasury, and the main purpose is to rectify the finances.

Zhu Youxiao made a slight modification to implement performance appraisal among all officials.

Those who can go up, those who are mediocre go down, and the rectification of officials is also tested whether the implementation of the law is scientific and reasonable, and whether it is strictly in place.

As for why science and rationality should be put in the first place and strictness in the second place, it is also the change that Zhu Youxiao made after learning the lessons of history.

In order to solve financial problems, Bi Ziyan, the Minister of Household Affairs during the Chongzhen period, also, like Li Qiyuan, conscientiously implemented the examination method, which improved taxation and finance.

As soon as Zhu Youjian saw the effect, he lost his temper again and implemented it more strictly.No matter what the reason, if you can't collect taxes, get out.

Therefore, in order to keep the Wusha hat, local officials can only exert force on the common people.What disasters, what loss of production, no tax reduction, no matter whether you starve to death or not!
Of course, the final result was also very sad, civil turmoil broke out everywhere, one after another, the Ming Dynasty died, and Chongzhen also hung himself on the coal mountain.

Therefore, Zhu Youxiao wants to expand the items for assessing the ability of officials, not just a single tax collection, let alone set this as a rigid indicator, and be more flexible.

The reason is very simple, the higher level suppresses the lower level, one level suppresses the next level, and the people at the bottom are the common people.

Once the indicators are too strict and the pressure is too strict, a group of ruthless officials and tiger-wolf government servants will be created.

Of course, Zhu Youxiao knows that there is nothing perfect in this world, including policies and regulations, and it can only be perfected as much as possible to minimize the disadvantages.

Guangning City.

It has been more than ten days since the Hou Jin army retreated, and the cloud of war hanging over the people's heads has only completely dissipated.

As the Ming army went out of the city to occupy the outpost fortress, the scouts went out to spy, and after receiving an effective warning, Xiong Tingbi ordered the opening of the city.

People are cleaning the streets, tidying up, going out to cut firewood, and even preparing for the upcoming spring plowing. Life seems to have returned to normal.

However, Xiong Tingbi, who had just received the imperial decree two days ago, who was both a strategist and a governor, and became a powerful official in the frontier, walked up to the top of the city again, looking into the distance, and his thoughts were difficult to calm down.

Abandoning Guangning and Youtun, the main force shrank to Ningyuan, and even Jinzhou was only used as an outpost for early warning. This is the latest arrangement of the imperial court, or Zhu Youxiao.

If we say that before the Battle of Quang Ninh, such a large-scale strategic contraction would have caused a lot of noise in the court, and public opinion among the people would also be raging.

Even now, Xiong Tingbi knows what kind of pressure the imperial court will face when he makes the decision to shrink strategically with the might of the great victory in Guangning.

Fleeing without a fight, losing land and land, fearing the enemy like a tiger... The reason why the main battle fast fighters prevail is not because these crimes and stigma are not easily bearable by everyone.

The louder the slogan is, the more passionate and radical it seems to be, the more patriotic it is.A slight retreat would mean that the big hat of losing power and humiliating the country would be dropped, and no one could bear it.

In fact, there was no peace faction in the court at that time, and even Zhu Youxiao and Xiong Tingbi were the main war faction. Who didn't want to destroy Jiannu as soon as possible?

But the hope is very full, but the reality is very skinny.

The combat power of the Ming army could not compete with the later Jin army, and when Liaodong was repeatedly defeated, the people who still screamed "fight" were either angry youths who only relied on enthusiasm and subjective will.

Or they are idiots who talk big, don't understand strategy, don't talk about strategy, and are completely ignorant of the actual situation of both the enemy and ourselves.

These two types of people are defined by Zhu Youxiao as the faction of "haste to fight and harm the country".

And he, Xiong Tingbi and others should be regarded as de-escalation factions, or in other words, they are shrinking and attacking at the same time; they are preparing to counterattack while retreating and practicing.

The entire strategic conception is to carry out strategic contraction in Liaodong and Liaoxi, and not to compete with Houjin in field battles.

In southern Liaoning, as well as in the vast coastal areas, active actions were taken.It is not only a blockade, but also makes Houjin lose sight of the other, exhausted, and constantly weakens its strength.

Of course, shrinking does not mean fearing the enemy like a tiger, or shrinking in the city and doing nothing.Zhu Youxiao also has a secret decree to explain to Xiong Tingbi his future plans.

Reform the military system and train elite soldiers, especially cavalry.Zhu Youxiao asked Xiong Tingbi to train an iron cavalry capable of field combat with Houjin within at least three years.

"Three years--" Xiong Tingbi narrowed his eyes and couldn't help saying.

The councilor Xing Shenyan who was following him pondered for a while, and said, "Three years is not too long, nor is it too short. If the imperial court fully supports it, it will not be too difficult."

Han Chuming, who praised the painting, was more optimistic, and said with a smile: "The sage is wise, and he has given you full power. You can flex your muscles, so what can you do?"

"The Holy Majesty is indeed wise." Xiong Tingbi cupped his hands and said with emotion: "It is more responsible. This is our luck. If we don't devote ourselves to the state affairs, how can we repay the emperor's favor?"

(End of this chapter)

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