I'm a big dick

Chapter 193 Compiling the almanac, it turned out to be her

Chapter 193 Compiling the almanac, it turned out to be her

Since the Chenghua period, some people have proposed to revise the calendar, but the proposers were either punished or rejected on the grounds that "the ancient law cannot be changed lightly" and "the ancestral system cannot be changed".

During the solar eclipse in November of the 38th year of Wanli, Si Tianjian once again made a wrong forecast.The imperial court then decided that Xu Guangqi and the missionaries would jointly translate Western French for reference when revising the calendar, but it was not long after that.

The court let it go, but Xu Guangqi was still thinking about it.

Now, the weapons and gunpowder bureau and other tasks have been undertaken by his disciples and other capable people.He then asked to set up a calendar bureau and rebuild the calendar.

How can Zhu Youxiao take the ancestral system and ancient law seriously.Since the calendar is not allowed, then revise it again!

After writing for review, Zhu Youxiao allowed Xu Guangqi to play it.After pondering for a while, the young emperor wrote a longer instruction, or an explanation, to Xu Guangqi.

Jin Nige brought a lot of books. In addition to the dozen or so books designated by Zhu Youxiao, Xu Guangqi and the missionaries also planned to translate some others.

Among them, there is the theory of Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe.

It is undeniable that the accuracy of Tycho's observations was beyond the reach of his contemporaries.A stellar table compiled by him is quite accurate and still has value in later generations.

But his view of the universe was wrong. He believed that all planets orbit the sun, and the sun leads the planets to orbit the earth.This system was introduced into our country at the beginning of the seventeenth century and was once accepted.

Although Copernicus published "On the Movement of Celestial Bodies", the heliocentric theory did not establish absolute authority at that time, and there was a lot of controversy.

Therefore, the historical "Chongzhen Almanac" believed that the Tycho system was correct, and all astronomical tables were compiled based on the Tycho system, and a large number of Tycho's observation data were also cited.

Zhu Youxiao gave instructions because he felt that since manpower, money and time were needed to compile the almanac, he should try to make the best and most scientific one at a time.Otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste?

Don't think that Zhu Youxiao is meddling with a mouse. In a feudal society, learning astronomy and almanacs was quite taboo for the ruler.

At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, there was a regulation that "the beginners of the country are forbidden to learn astronomy, and those who learn the calendar will be sent to the garrison, and those who make the calendar will die".Talking nonsense by pointing at the stars will be beheaded.

Watching the sky at night is not something that ordinary people can and dare to do. It is the specialty of the Qin Tianjian established by the imperial court.

Xu Guangqi wanted to recompile the almanac based on Western astronomical theories, and he would definitely be opposed by the Qin Tianjian and the folks who opposed Western learning.

Therefore, Zhu Youxiao's attitude is very important.

The emperor said that China is the center of the world, so the map of all countries presented by the foreigner should be quickly revised and put Ming Dynasty in the middle;
The emperor also said, what about Ziweixing, the round sky is the truth, how can others dare to talk about it?

After Zhu Youxiao finished writing his reply to Xu Guangqi, and would also support him in "Da Ming Forum" and Di Bao, he put down his pen and stretched.

With a glance, Zhu Youxiao found that Xiaobai jumped onto the small table at some point, and was staring at Li Chengcheng.

Sigh, shit shovel officer has a baby, so I can't play with you!

Zhu Youxiao guessed that Xiaobai had misread it, thinking that the shit shovel officer was back, so he ran over to make friends.I guess I can see it clearly now, it's not a shit shovel officer.

Li Chengcheng stared at the white cat, watching it jump up enthusiastically, then the strange pupils flashed a look of doubt, and then drooped his head in disappointment, feeling very pitiful, so he boldly reached out to pet it.

Xiaobai uttered a "meow", the dimmer pupils brightened again, and his big head lifted.

Then touch it again, Li Chengcheng pursed his lips, smiled slightly, and liked it very much in his heart.

Xiaobai didn't dodge, but stuck out his little tongue and licked Li Chengcheng's hand.

Zhu Youxiao didn't make a sound, just watched quietly.

It is normal for cats to have feelings for their owners, but suddenly the familiar Zhang Yuer is gone.Xiaobai is indeed very disappointed, and these days seem to be depressed.

Zhu Youxiao also arranged another maid for Xiaobai, but Xiaobai didn't like it, and would rather stay in the cat tree most of the time.

Whether people and animals can be intimate, whether they can stay together for a long time, is also a kind of fate, or induction, just like the relationship between people.

Zhu Youxiao understood Xiaobai's loneliness and loss very well, so he didn't want to disturb the interaction between Xiaobai and Li Chengcheng, so he took the question book and read it again.

Relatively speaking, Zhu Youxiao generally read the inscriptions or memorials of generals and several trustworthy ministers in person.

The reason is also simple, the writing is easier to understand, and it doesn't take too much brain cells.Military generals generally have limited culture, and they are straightforward and easy to understand; trustworthy ministers know the temperament of the young emperor, so they do this intentionally.

The inscription book now held in the hands of the young emperor was played by Mr. Yuan, governor of Denglai.

Xu Hongru's rebellion was suppressed, the recruitment in Jianghuai was completed, and Yuan Keli received strong support from the court, so he could finally concentrate on training and strengthening Dengzhen.

And Yuan Keli's performance was to state the battle strategy for this year, and also to let the young emperor not be impatient.Of course, Yuan Keli didn't know that although the emperor was young, he was as stable as Mount Tai.

According to Yuan Keli's strategic deployment, [-] land and water soldiers will be trained, and [-] warships will be built.

Of course, all of this requires money, which is what is required in the title book, to allocate enough expenses to "repair warships, prepare equipment, breathe more into the island commander, and sail a thousand sails to follow the others."

Regarding the ongoing harassment war, Yuan Keli still remained cautious and focused on training troops.At the same time, it is also a test of the actual combat power of the new army after the restructuring.

Zhu Youxiao also agrees with this very much, Ping Liao can't be too impatient, as long as he can hold on, don't give away Jiannu's head, don't let them rob them, and it's only a matter of time before Jiannu is wiped out.

As for the outcome of this raid, Zhu Youxiao is still optimistic.

The reason is very simple. The weapons and equipment of the Ming army, as well as the tactical style of play, have all improved and changed, and Jiannu may not be able to adapt.

Although the Ming army had a lot of firearms before, the quality was poor, and the soldiers were poor, unable to exert their power at all.

But now it is different. After more than half a year of rigorous training, the Ming army is equipped with Lumi blunderbuss, which are made by precision workers, and their range and power are better than those of bird blunderbusses.

Jian Nu still looks at it with old eyes, and if he deals with it with old tactics, he will definitely suffer.

As for Mr. Yuan asking for money, Zhu Youxiao immediately asked the household department to transfer all the money.If the household department has difficulties, he will first use internal funds to make up for it.

Everything else can be saved, except for the war, Zhu Youxiao is not ambiguous at all.

Heartache is heartache, but this is the most important thing related to Daming Jiangshan, as well as the stability of his dragon chair.

Hehehe, the sudden laughter interrupted Zhu Youxiao's thoughts.

It turned out that it was Xiaobai who made an inch and threw himself into Li Chengcheng's arms, rubbing his breasts against his chest, making Li Chengcheng laugh.

Li Chengcheng felt something was wrong after he laughed, and when he looked up, he met the gaze of the young emperor.Terrified in her heart, she hurriedly put the cat on the table, knelt down and pleaded guilty, "This servant deserves to die, please forgive me."

Zhu Youxiao saw Xiaobai jumping off the table, ran to Li Chengcheng and yelled "meow" at himself, and couldn't help but think of the scene when he first met Zhang Yu as a child.

It was also kneeling down to plead guilty, and it was also Xiaobai who stood in the way of the elephant to intercede. Zhu Youxiao was in a daze, as if he had returned to the time when he first met Zhang Yuer.

Gathering his mind, Zhu Youxiao waved his hand and said lightly: "Get up, I don't blame you."

Li Chengcheng was trembling, and he didn't dare to sit any longer, and stood with his head bowed, but he didn't know that the young emperor was frowning slightly and looking at her.

So it was her?Zhu Youxiao finally searched out from his memory, it was the scenes he saw before parting with Xiaoji.With the corners of his mouth upturned, the young emperor showed an intriguing smile.

At this time, Wang Tiqian entered the palace to report that Fu Zonglong, the censor, was waiting outside.

Zhu Youxiao got up and left his seat, and went to the main hall to meet Fu Zonglong.

After coming to the main hall and taking his seat, Zhu Youxiao announced Fu Zonglong to enter the hall, and when he came in, he knelt down to pay respects, and said in a harmonious voice: "Free from courtesy, let me give you a seat."

After Fu Zonglong thanked him, he leaned over and sat down on the embroidered pier.

After Zhu Youxiao looked at it carefully, he said, "I think Fu Qing's remarks about the southwestern rebellion in the report last year are very insightful, so I specially summoned Fu Qing to inquire about it in detail."

Fu Zonglong clasped his hands and said: "My minister is from Yunnan, and he has served in Sichuan and Guizhou. He is well known for his bravery and cowardice in the key points in central Guizhou and the rebellion of the chieftains."

Zhu Youxiao smiled and said, "Very good." Then, he took a test book and showed it to Fu Long, and said, "This is the test book written by Fu Qing. I still want to ask some questions." ask."

When the She'an Rebellion first broke out, Fu Zonglong, who was a censor, wrote to the imperial court, asking for money from the library to the officers and soldiers in Yunnan, to open the traffic in Jianchang, and to open the road from Sichuan to Yunnan.

In addition, Fu Zonglong also wrote a letter, saying that he knew the details of the lives of the rebellious local chieftain Lu Qianzhong, Shike, Long Wenzhi, An Xiaoliang, etc., and was willing to eliminate these clowns as a patrol officer in Sichuan and a supervisor in Guizhou.

At that time, Zhu Youxiao was still the original Zhu Youxiao. Although it was handed over to the cabinet for discussion, it was not implemented.

Now, Zhu Youxiao is no longer the original Zhu Youxiao.When he asked Liu Ruoyu to sort out the question books about the Southwest War, he saw Fu Zonglong's counter-insurgency strategy, and immediately thought it was a talent.

But if you speak clearly and logically, you may not be able to stabilize the country.Zhu Youxiao is cautious and needs another test.

In the side hall, in addition to the Liaodong sand table, there is another demonstration sand table in the Southwest.Terrain The terrain isn't exactly precise, and it can't be precise.Otherwise, the Ming army would not suffer a loss and fail.

In the side hall, the two monarchs and ministers began to discuss the strategy of countering the rebellion in the Southwest.

"Long live, please look." Fu Zonglong pointed to the sand table and said, "Half of the land in the west of the water is outside the water, and there are local chieftains such as Gelao, Longzhong, and Cai Miao to help the rebels. , but our army has no danger to rely on..."

Zhu Youxiao nodded in agreement and said, "What Fu Qing said is true. The Yachi River is not only a natural barrier for the enemy, but also a dead end after the march. You must not be careless. Well, Fu Qing continued."

(End of this chapter)

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