I'm a big dick

Chapter 253

Chapter 253

Phi Island.

The level of tension has not been reduced, but it has been mixed with celebration.The opening of the supply and marketing cooperative adds to the atmosphere of the New Year.

The shortage of materials for nearly a year has made the soldiers and civilians accumulate a lot of enthusiasm for consumption.Not to mention silk, cotton, tobacco, wine, sugar and tea, which are more expensive, but needles, threads, brains and the like are indispensable for life!

"This is sponsored by the Chinese Chamber of Commerce." Wang Yining accompanied Mao Wenlong and other generals in the market, introducing, "The price of the goods is not high, and they didn't come here to make money."

Mao Wenlong smiled and nodded, and said: "I have heard about this, I think it's for Minjue, or to make Long live happy!"

Gou Zhenhuai bought a bottle of shochu, held it in his hand, and said with a smile: "They are also planning for the long-term. When the territory of Dongjiang Town expands and the number of people increases, their reputation will also start. After Ping Liao, this run The merchants are the most powerful."

Wang Yining said: "If they can sell goods back and forth without running around, they will make more money. Dongjiang's production is still small, and we need to continue to find ways to increase it."

Mao Wenlong pondered for a while, and said: "If Luda can be stabilized, the four guards in southern Liaoning can be expected; if southern Liaoning can be occupied, then the right guard in Liao can be established."

Mao Wenlong's vision can be seen by drawing a straight line from west to east from Gaizhouwei to Dingliaoyouwei (Phoenix City of Zhisuo).

This is tantamount to occupying the entire Liaodong coastal area nearly a hundred miles deep, and connecting it with the Liaonan theater.

Taking a step back, if southern Liaoning is stable and the Dongjiang army occupies the Zhenjiang area again, it will be able to respond.One east and one west will make Hou Jin focus on one thing and lose another.This is also like what is said in the military book, the momentum of forming horns.

The northern part of the Zhenjiang (Dandong) region is mostly mountainous and hilly, with rich and vast forests. Not only are there ginseng and medicinal materials from the mountains, but also animal fur.

Gou Zhenhuai smiled, and said: "Ping Liao is the first, and the production is the second. In the current situation, Mr. Wang needs to worry a lot."

He didn't say too much, but he reminded Mao Wenlong that the army is not involved in politics, and fighting is his job. It's better to keep less control of production and economy.

To put it bluntly, the mission of the Dongjiang Army is to flatten the Liao Dynasty, not to formulate military plans for the purpose of production.It is of course better to occupy a larger territory, but don't force it.

Mao Wenlong immediately understood, and hastened to mend the situation, saying: "General Gou's words are very true, and this commander also thinks so. When our army's combat power increases again, we will occupy Zhenjiang, seize the right guard of Liao, and cooperate with Liaonan in attacking and defending. Force the eastern captives to shrink from Liaoshen to sit in sleep and wait for death."

Wang Yining nodded again and again, he hoped that the land would increase and the population would increase so that he could better implement the intention of the imperial court and achieve self-sufficiency as much as possible.

Walking out of the market, everyone bought some goods, chatting and laughing casually.A few officers who came in a hurry ruined the relaxed atmosphere.

After hearing the report, Mao Wenlong and Gou Zhenhuai hurriedly said goodbye to Wang Yining and hurried back to the barracks.

Everyone wants to have a quiet year, but Donglu obviously won't make you happy, so they started.


Dabeile Daishan led the two banners of Zhenghong and Xianghong, and thousands of Mongolian and Han vassals were stationed in Fuzhou.

Erbeile Amin led the Xianglan Banner, and Babeile Huang Taiji led the Zhengbai Banner. They marched into Zhenjiang, and seemed to attack Xinyizhou and Tieshan;
Under this superficial feint attack, the old slave led two yellow flags, Mangurtai's Zhenglan flag, and more than 1 Mongolian and Han vassal soldiers, and had already crossed the frozen Liaohe River and headed for the west of Liaoning.

Except for Du Du, the leader of the Xiangbai Banner, who stayed behind in Liaoshen, Hou Jin used almost all of his mobile forces to attack in order to succeed.

The reason why western Liaoning was chosen as the main target is actually simple, mainly for the purpose of looting.

The value of Luda and Dongjiang is relatively much smaller. At most, they can repel the Ming army and return to the island, but they still cannot fundamentally solve the problem of being harassed.

Historically, the Dongjiang Army has easily occupied Lushun Fort, which was abandoned by Houjin several times. Houjin did not regard it as a serious problem. It can be seen that Houjin despised the coastal areas, or it was helpless.

Since the attack on Luda and Dongjiang could not seriously damage the Ming army, nor could it loot much supplies, it is not so strange for Houjin to target Ningyuan and Juehua.

Ningyuan and Juehua were already the last strongholds of the Ming army outside the pass.If it fails, there will be only Shanhaiguan as a barrier.

Therefore, it is impossible for the Ming army to abandon the defense, and it must defend with all its strength.

Because it is very important, there must be sufficient food and grass supplies.Just abandoning Guangning, the amount of rice beans transported from Youweitun is an astonishing amount.

After comprehensive consideration, only by attacking Ningyuan and Juehua can Houjin solve the economic crisis that has already emerged.

That's right, since Guangning's defeat at the beginning of the year, Houjin, who has not harvested much, has become more and more aware of the lack of food and supplies under the blockade arranged by the Quartet.

History is always similar, and the present Houjin is very similar to the situation before the Jisi Change.

It was the first time that Houjin invaded the pass. Huang Taiji personally led tens of thousands of troops, detoured Mongolia and broke into the side wall, approaching the capital.

Judging from the results, Huang Taiji's plunder was successful, grabbing a large amount of supplies and a large number of people.

But from a military perspective, intrusion and looting is an out-and-out military adventure.

As long as the Guan Ning army built by the Ming court with a lot of money has a little desire to take the initiative to attack, will Houjin dare to risk the empty nest and carry out long-distance raids without rear and logistics, and go deep with lonely troops?

And the reason why Hou Jin had to take risks is that after Ning Jin lost the war, because he got nothing and returned empty-handed, an unprecedented famine broke out in Hou Jin.

According to the "Records of the Qing Dynasty", "At that time, there was a great hunger in the country, and the price of a bucket of rice was eight taels of silver, and there were people who could eat each other. Although there was a lot of silver in the country, there was no foreign trade, so silver was cheap and everything was expensive."

It is useless to have money, and there is nowhere to buy food!People have cannibals, which shows how serious the famine was at that time.

It was also under the persecution of the Great Famine that Huang Taiji had to take a dangerous move to survive the crisis.Fortunately, he succeeded.

Therefore, the change of Jisi is not a foresight, using soldiers like a god, but a frantic action of being starved.

The current Nurhachi is also thinking in the same way. The strategy of "supporting war with war" must be implemented. There is only one way to save Houjin's economy from collapse.

In this attack, Nurhachi is also taking a risk, risking that after the failure, a large amount of stored food will be consumed, and the economic crisis will become more serious.

You must know that food consumption is very different between fighting and staying still.

Usually drink some porridge and do less exercise, at least you won’t die from starvation; but on the battlefield, soldiers have to fight desperately, with a lot of mental stress and exercise, you have to at least come to dry goods and let them have enough food, right?
(End of this chapter)

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