I'm a big dick

Chapter 289 Fierce battle under the city of Ningyuan

Chapter 289 Fierce battle under the city of Ningyuan

It can be said that the first attack on Ningyuan suffered heavy losses. Baoyi and the Mongols were naturally ignored, but Zhenyi also suffered more than [-] casualties.

Among them, dozens of officers such as Beledeglei and Gushan Erzhen Turg were killed in battle. How could the old slave not feel sad and angry.

Looking at the flames and smoke rising from the wooden piles in the distance, the old slave felt that the time was almost up, so he issued another order.

With the roar of horseshoes, Jiannu's cavalry unit galloped, approaching and pressing on the east, west, and south sides.The cavalry ignited the rockets a hundred meters away, then galloped to the first trench and shot at the piles.

Thousands of horses galloped, and the sound of horseshoes roared, shaking the ground slightly.Coupled with the shouting and shouting of Jiannu, the power and influence are astonishing.

Fan Wencheng showed a little smile, this was also his strategy, to divide the strength and attention of the defenders, so as to facilitate a surprise attack.

"Jiannu's riding and shooting—" On the wall, Xiong Tingbi sneered and shook his head.

No matter how much momentum you create, the trenches are there.Even without the barrier of wooden piles, the power of the defense will not be reduced much.

If the purpose of building slaves is to hit the city, it will not be the beginning of victory, but the beginning of a nightmare.

Although Ningyuan City was attacked for the first time after completing the construction of the defense system.However, the Ming army has conducted many drills around offense and defense.

Therefore, the officers and soldiers defending the city, including Xiong Tingbi, were quite confident, and they fought calmly and killed a large number of enemies with stable performance.

"Order, order the four guards outside the city to prepare to retreat into the city." Xiong Tingbi pondered for a while, and then issued a new order.

Whether to continue the defense outside the city based on deep ditches and high fortifications, or to lure Jiannu to the city to kill a large number of people, there is no obvious difference between the two, and both are for the purpose of killing the enemy.

Xiong Tingbi felt that Jiannu's visit was the last madness, and if he was repelled, he would have no choice but to withdraw his troops in dismay.And give them some hope, and lead them to the city to give them a heavy blow, which should be able to destroy more enemies.

Moreover, for the defense of Yicheng, Xiong Tingbi also wanted the officers and soldiers to try it.After all, this kind of defense system similar to a bastion has not yet undergone actual combat.

In Xiong Tingbi's view, if the bastion showed great advantages in actual combat, the Ming army would be able to advance to Jinzhou, Dalinghe, and even Guangning to exert greater oppression on Jiannu.

The order was quickly communicated to the guards of all parties, and preparations began immediately.The more cumbersome artillery was moved first, and the excess ammunition and supplies were also moved into the city, increasing the number of weapons and troops on the city.

The officers and soldiers knew in their hearts that they were going to voluntarily abandon their positions outside the city and rely on the city for the next round of confrontation with the enemy.

The arrangements are being made in full swing here, and Jianu is still tossing about.The flames ignited by the piles and the silence of the Ming army on the ground gave Jiannu hope and courage, and their shouts became more powerful.

"Report to King Khan, the enemy army under the city is shaken, and there are signs of retreating into the city."

"Report to King Khan, the number of enemy troops on the city has increased, and the enemy troops below the city have been mobilizing frequently, and they seem to be moving supplies into the city."

Listening to Tanqi's return, Nurhachi's expressionless face eased a little, and he waved his hand and said, "Tanqi again."

Fan Wencheng listened carefully and felt complacent, but he tried his best to be reserved, not daring to show an overly proud expression.

Facing the clever move of setting fire to the piles, the Ming army was in a mess and was ready to retreat if they were defeated.And a certain clever trick doesn't stop there?

Regarding the weird shape of Ningyuan City, it's not that Lao Nu and Fan Wencheng don't understand such intentions.The deformation of the horse's face makes use of crossfire to make up for the dead angle of attacking the enemy under the city.

But they understand that they understand, but they have never really seen it, and they underestimated the lethal power of the bastion.

In Fan Wencheng's strategy, after attacking the city, he pushed the artillery he carried up to bombard the city wall.

Although they all knew that the artillery on the Ming army city had an advantage in range, but the death of the Han soldiers who controlled the artillery did not matter?
At the same time, the soldiers who attacked the city can also dig the city at the weak point between the two towers at the corner of the city gate, and use hook ladders to climb the city to fight.

This three-pronged approach does not dare to say that it can absolutely break the city, but it is already the closest method to success.

Although the battlefield was full of fire and smoke, the battle was not fierce.Both sides are making arrangements according to the plan, waiting for the time for the real outbreak.

When the piles were burned to pieces and could no longer block the passage, Jiannu's real attack finally began.

Tall and huge behemoths appeared on the battlefield, advancing along the passage made by the army, approaching the trench.

Xiong Tingbi held up his binoculars to observe carefully, and it took him a long while to seem to recognize it. Could it be a trench bridge or a trench car?

The moat bridge was designed to pass through obstacles such as ditches or moats outside the city. It was used as a convenient bridge for the mobility of the siege army. It is a bit like a folded fire ladder in later generations in shape.

In the Song Dynasty, the trench bridge was mounted on wheels and made into a car model for moving.The width of the moat bridge depends on the width of the moat or moat, so most of them were made on the spot after observation by the attacker during the siege.

The trench cart is also called the trench filling cart, which is loaded with stones and soil, and throws the soil and rock into the trench as soon as it reaches the edge of the trench.It uses a vertical bridge deck as a defense, and personnel can avoid being attacked by arrows and stones when advancing the trench filling vehicle.

These two instruments have wheels, and their shapes are not fixed, so Xiong Tingbi couldn't tell them apart for a while.But this did not prevent him from giving orders to the defenders on the city, adjusting the artillery, and preparing for the bombardment.

Learning war in war is a long process.Even if you are a seasoned veteran, you will encounter new problems and new tactics.

Xiong Tingbi also had omissions, and the city walls were protected by splashing water and freezing.But he missed the pile array, if it was also covered with a layer of ice, Jiannu's fire attack would be difficult to be effective.

Of course, this has little effect on Ningyuan's defense system.But for Xiong Tingbi, it was a wake-up call.

Jiannu were not savages, and their repeated battles did not rely entirely on brute force.Especially when some traitors are helping each other, when Xiong Tingbi sees the trench bridge or the trench car, he can be sure.

Trench bridges are already only recorded in ancient books, especially folding trench bridges, which require the use of guanguan (pin shaft) and windlass (twisted folding bridge car), which cannot be made by ordinary people just by reading books. .

As for the trench-filling carts, there are two types recorded in the Song Dynasty's "Wu Jing Zongyao". Even if it is not imitated according to the picture, it can play the same role by lengthening the cart and adding wheels, which is not very difficult.

After graduating from martial arts, Zhu Mei, who had been back to Ningyuan for just over a month, was beside Xiong Tingbi, watching the siege equipment that was getting closer and closer.

"My lord, this seems to be a moat bridge." Zhu Mei said uncertainly, "It happened in the Song Dynasty, but it has disappeared without a trace in this dynasty."

Xiong Tingbi was noncommittal, and asked, "Isn't it a trench car?"

Zhu Mei shook her head lightly, and said, "The trench-filling vehicle has pictures and shapes in the "Wu Jing Zong Yao", it's not like this."

Xiong Tingbi showed an appreciative smile, and first conveyed the general order, ordering the archers to carry rockets to rush out of the city to meet the battle, and then said to Zhu Mei: "You have read "Armed Forces", it is not bad."

Zhumei Haifeng is not too famous in history, but it is relatively speaking.He was born in Qiantunwei, Guangning, Liaodong. He is simple and honest, shrewd and capable in his work.

In history, he participated in the Ningyuan Defense Battle and the Ningjin War, and was later promoted to Shanhai General Town. He was very brave and capable.

Zhu Mei smiled shyly, and said: "I just heard a few words from the professor in martial arts, and also saw the pontoon bridge under development. It is quite similar to this moat bridge, but it is more delicate and ingenious."

Oh, Xiong Tingbi was a little surprised, stroked his beard and said: "Wu Xue is developing a pontoon bridge, is it for the convenience of landing on the coast?"

Martial arts has been added. In addition to infantry, cavalry, and artillery, it has also added engineering and equipment, and a weapons research institute has also been set up.The pontoon bridge is used by the engineering department and developed by some skilled craftsmen.

Zhu Mei said: "Not only landing on the coast, but also rivers and swamps can also be used."

Xiong Tingbi nodded his head, stopped asking, turned his eyes outside the city, pointed his finger, and said: "The construction of slaves can only be built with the help of Han people. When fighting Jiannu in the future, don't underestimate the enemy!"

Zhu Mei's face also turned serious. Jiannu's bravery, coupled with the scientific culture of the Han people, should not be underestimated in time.

"Long live my lord, please draw more arson weapons." Zhu Mei glanced at the box behind the city wall, and said, "There are still fewer incendiary bombs."

Xiong Tingbi smiled wryly, and said, "It's not easy. The kerosene is collected from the northwest and transported all the way. The quantity is small and the cost is high."

The earliest record of my collection and utilization of oil is "Hou Hanshu · County and State Chronicles" written by Fan Ye in the Southern Dynasty.

At that time, Yanshou County, Jiuquan County, which is now the Yumen area of ​​Gansu Province, "there are mountains in the south of the county, and the spring water comes out of the stone, which is as big as the fire. It is extremely bright and inedible. The county people call it stone paint."

The "Natural History" of the Jin Dynasty also pointed out that this kind of stone paint can be used as a lubricating oil "paste car" (lubricate the axle).

These records show that the ancient Chinese people not only had a better understanding of the properties of petroleum, but also began to collect and utilize it.

"Wu Jing Zong Yao" also records how to use oil as a raw material to make a powerful offensive weapon - "Menghuoyou".

But collection and exploitation are two different things. How much oil can be produced by relying on natural seepage from the ground?
Therefore, when it comes to arson, after the Song Dynasty, there were nitrate gunpowder and other materials, and there was very little fire oil.

For example, in the battle of Guangning, the mixture of spirits was used, in Zhu Youxiao's opinion, it was still a lot worse.The burning is not violent and long-lasting enough, the effect is not violent and exciting enough, and the vision is not shocking enough!

Therefore, after the Battle of Guangning, he ordered the local officials on Yan'an Road in the northwest to search for stone paint, stone liquid, fat water, kerosene, and fierce kerosene, all of which are one thing-oil.

In addition, Zhu Youxiao also asked the Gunpowder and Weapons Bureau to make some incendiary bombs mixed with whale oil and spirits, which were worse than oil, but the effect was not bad.

As Xiong Tingbi said, oil is scarce and has to be transported thousands of miles, which is really expensive.

But Zhu Youxiao has already thought of a solution, and is researching and experimenting. The probability of success is high, but it will take some time.

Therefore, there are not many explosive incendiary bombs stored in Ningyuan City, and they are not easily used.As for the rocket cupping tank with poor combustion effect, it is still relatively sufficient.

After waiting for a while, Jiannu's trench bridge slowly approached the trench, and the artillery officer came to ask whether to fire and bombard.

Following Xiong Tingbi's order, the old-fashioned artillery fired first. Amidst the flash of flames and rising white smoke, solid shells flew out of the city and shot at the target.

In the sound of rumbling guns, the shells crossed the low trajectory at a speed visible to the naked eye, or landed and bounced forward, or directly hit the trench bridge.

Because the trench bridge is wider and heavier than the cart, it consumes more manpower to move it, and it is more resistant to blows than the cart.

The shells weighing two or three catties hit the trench bridge, but only punched a hole in the folded and inclined bridge deck, or knocked down the spliced ​​and nailed trees, and did not cause damage to the trench bridge as a whole.

Xiong Tingbi observed, and soon ordered to stop the bombardment, so that the artillery took the time to reload the ammunition, and made preparations to bombard the Jiannu armored soldiers who were attacking through the trench bridge.

At this time, a canopy of rockets rose from the Ming army's position and shot at the wooden trench bridge.Some of the rockets hit their targets and set fire to the trench bridge.

Xiong Tingbi shook his head, thinking that the generals on the ground didn't understand this kind of relatively ancient attack equipment, and the rockets were fired too early, and the threat was not great.

Sure enough, when the trench bridge approached the trench, the coat behind the car yelled and pulled the rope.

I saw that the folded bridge deck slowly straightened, leaned forward, and finally slammed forward with a bang. The sharp piles at the front of the bridge deck were pierced on the other side of the ditch, and a bridge was built on the ditch. Several bridges on the bridge deck A rocket also went out.

Behind the trench bridge, in addition to the coating of the cart, there is also a cart to provide cover.The bridge deck opened and immediately appeared.

The Jiannu archers shot dense arrows behind the chariot, covering the coat and carrying the hook ladder to rush up the moat bridge.The packers uttered a cry of courage and fear, and rushed up.

boom!The Ming army's position facing the trench bridge sounded, and a tiger squatting gun fired hundreds of projectiles and rushed towards the enemy head-on.

Bao Yi, who was carrying the ladder, was immediately knocked down several times, screaming and wailing.

Under the intimidation of the officer's command, another Baoyi rushed up to fill the gap, picked up the hook ladder and continued to rush forward.

Accompanied by the sound of a swan, the muskets on the Ming army's position roared, and lead bullets roared and fired at the enemy.

boom!Another ditch bridge was filmed again, and Bao Yi rushed over with a hook ladder on his shoulders, trying to build a passage on the second ditch.

The sound of guns became dense, and the Ming army relied on the position to shoot violently, destroying the enemy's combat intention.

And Jiannu's side also heard the sound of muskets. It was the Han soldiers led by Tong Yangxing. They relied on the chariot and fired back with the bird guns in their hands.

A hook ladder was put on the ditch, and the Jiannu officers behind him howled and directed more and more loudly. Bao Yi could only bite the bullet and charged forward again carrying the hook ladder.

(End of this chapter)

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