I'm a big dick

Chapter 309 Deepening reforms and preparations for a counteroffensive

Chapter 309 Deepening reforms and preparations for a counteroffensive

The reform has already begun, but those who can feel it are still a minority in Daming.

First, in the imperial court, officials who were constantly fighting among parties were purged; then, the punishment of corruption caused a group of officials to be dismissed.

Prosperity and disadvantages were blown from the court to the local area again, and a group of powerful and gentry were disposed of in Qingtun, and the rich and powerful landlords who defaulted on taxes were severely punished.

The most eye-popping measures are crackdowns on students, cancellation of preferential treatment, and continuous criticism. Isn't the imperial court afraid of losing the support of scholars and collapsing?
As for the just-started policy of separating government and business, it is not so sensational compared to the blows to students.

However, the vast majority of people in Ming Dynasty, that is, ordinary people, did not feel the changes brought about by the reform.

As for tax reduction and exemption in some areas, every emperor has done this, and it is only a temporary relief, but the lives of the people are still very hard.

It's not Zhu Youxiao's fault, it's because Daming's family property has been tossed too thin, and there are two wars to support, and it really can't provide much money and food to benefit the people.

For example, exempting from hard labor, sharing the household income, etc., he had planned for a long time, but he could only postpone it.

In order to strengthen the construction of infrastructure, Zhu Youxiao also had to give preferential policies to businessmen and let them complete it.

The development of industry and commerce is the road Zhu Youxue planned for Daming, and the road traffic should be directly related to this.

Like the Song Dynasty, the official roads were scattered all over the country, extending in all directions, and the developed transportation was the peak of human feudal history.

In addition to transportation, the Song Dynasty also attached great importance to post stations, with a post station for ten miles and a post station for thirty miles.The so-called "Bai Pagoda sells land classics (maps), long pavilions, short ones, and suitable post stations are clearly defined."

The imperial court couldn't afford the money for the time being, so Zhu Youxiao handed over the work to the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, and the country provided land for them to rely on post stations to build hotel warehouses in order to form a developed logistics and transportation system.

The operation of the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce enabled Zhu Youxiao to solve the problems in the south and give the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce the same rights and benefits.

As for paving roads and bridges, it is naturally the responsibility of the local government.As for the daily maintenance, the villages and towns on both sides of the official road organized the people to be responsible, and the imperial court exempted the relevant villages and towns from labor.

This is a policy that benefits the people. It is already a very easy job to do daily maintenance on the roads at home, compared to sending ordinary people to labor in other places without moving.

As a preparation for the establishment of the postal system, Zhu Youxiao issued an imperial decree to plan and name the streets in each city by the government, and nail the number of urban houses.

No one knew what the emperor was going to do, but the implementation of these policies was included in the evaluation of officials, and no one dared to delay it perfunctorily.

Although post stations have existed for a long time, most of them serve the government, but communication among the people is very inconvenient.Ordinary people want to send letters, and most of them entrust someone who is on the way to deliver them.

Probably during the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty, in order to solve the contradiction between the lack of correspondence between the common people and the lack of postal institutions and service types, some civil information bureaus came into being.

The People's Letters Bureau can not only mail letters, but also mail items, which can be described as the predecessor of the post office.

But this is still far from perfect, at least there is no house number in the city, and people don't know their exact address, so it is very troublesome to answer a letter or something.

Either integrate the Civil Information Bureau, or assign more staff to the station, Zhu Youxiao feels that it can solve the employment problem of many people.

If Xiao Lizi hadn't been laid off, maybe he wouldn't have rebelled.Who would tuck their heads in their waistbands and die when they could eat or receive wages?

Moreover, the work on the streets and house numbers has not yet been completed, Zhu Youxiao has already started the pilot work, and the targets are the soldiers on the front line and the military families in the rear.


"Letter, letter..." The shout from outside revived Zhao Mengzi, and he ran out in a hurry.

The folk postal delivery is not yet perfect, but the military must try to ensure it. This is also a new job of the local government, which is directly linked to the performance evaluation.

Zhao Mengzi was illiterate, so when he got the letter, he went to the army's document and asked him to read it to him.

The letter was also written on behalf of me, and my mother's words are more fluent.Zhao Mengzi listened carefully, savoring carefully, savoring the somewhat rambling narration, the trifles that were not worth mentioning at all.

There are also regulations on the resettlement of Liao people. Most of the military relatives are between Tianjin and Shanhaiguan, closer to their relatives.

The village expanded again, and more than a dozen families of Liao people lived in; there was not much arable land, but the salt factory and mining factory were recruiting workers, and there were basically no idlers in the village.The money sent to the family has been received, and the family has enough food and drink. There is a girl named Xiaofang who has just moved to the village, and she is very nice...

Zhao Mengzi's mother wanted to tell her son everything she saw and thought, and she wrote two big articles.

Zhao Mengzi thanked the document, received the letter, and on the way back to his residence, the smile on his face didn't fade.Although a bit silly, but happy and happy.

There are his relatives in the distance who are thinking about him, and his military salary allows them to live well. This is the most important thing. It makes him feel at ease and does not regard war as a chore.

Jiannu was defeated again, he made meritorious deeds, and learned to write his name. After the reward was issued, he sent it to his home so that his mother and brothers could build a big house...

Zhao Mengzi frantically thought about how to reply to the letter, so that his mother and brother could feel at ease and happy.

I heard that the imperial court came up with a new policy. After Ping Liao, meritorious officers and soldiers can get a lot of land. In Liaodong, their family can come back to live a good life again.

Back at the residence, just as Zhao Mengzi put away the letters, the trumpets for assembly sounded.He immediately put on his clothes neatly and went out the door.

A year ago, he was just a volunteer who wanted to earn something for his family. Now he is a small flag, and he is a small officer in charge of more than 30 soldiers.

Under the command of several corporal leaders, more than 30 soldiers have been lined up, all of which are newly equipped flintlock muskets.

Zhao Mengzi looked at his soldiers, nodded his head, and led them towards the school field without any nonsense.

The training was very intense, mainly to get familiar with the performance of new weapons, as well as the melee fighting technique.This is the spear technique taught by the instructors sent by the martial arts. There are only a few simple moves, and it is quite easy to learn.But to practice proficiently, you still have to work hard.

On the school field, people from our association are rushing to stand in line to gather.There were already several people standing on the high platform, they were the senior military officers of the Association, and among them was the leader Jin Guofeng.

The officers on the stage were very serious, staring at the more and more officers and soldiers below.

Before going out to defend Dalinghe City, Jin Guofeng has already been appointed and knows the next step of the headquarters.

Jinzhou is obviously bigger and more important than Dalinghe City, but Dalinghe City is Jinzhou's eastern barrier.If Jiannu wanted to attack, Dalinghe City would bear the brunt and be the first to be attacked.

Jin Guofeng not only knew the next step of the battle plan, but also knew that once attacked by the enemy, Ning Yuan was not going to directly reinforce, but would act behind Jiannu's side and use indirect means to force Jiannu to retreat.

The grain and grass can last for two months, and it will be able to last for two months.

Jin Guofeng was not worried or even dissatisfied because he was asked to "defend the city alone", on the contrary, he was excited and proud.

Xiong Tingbi told him that this was hand-picked by the Holy Majesty, including He Kegang who guarded Jinzhou.

How much trust is this, and how important is it?
Jin Guofeng didn't know why the emperor, who had only seen two sides, gave him such favor and gave him so much trust.

But it doesn't matter, only when you are on the front line can you have the opportunity to kill the enemy and make meritorious deeds.Generals like Huang Degong and Zhu Mei are very jealous!

And the troops led by him and He Kegang were also the first to change their outfits and put into training. It is not an exaggeration to call them the strongest army in Liao Town.

After experiencing a great victory in the Ningyuan defensive battle, the officers and soldiers of Liaozhen have stronger confidence in relying on the defense of the position.This was especially true for Jin Guofeng, who was looking forward to Jiannu's attack, and if they met again, they would be bloodied and defeated.

The din on the school grounds stopped, and the officers and soldiers lined up neatly, waiting for the commander's order.

Jin Guofeng gave a dry cough, and looked at the two people on the left and right politely.One is a supervisor and the other is a military judge. Whether it is right-hand man or right-hand man, supervision and restriction, they have no right to interfere with him in the military.

The rate inspector smiled and stepped back, the meaning was obvious, please speak to the general.

The military judge's face was still serious, and he stretched out his hand to make a gesture of invitation.His military uniform is slightly different, with a red hoop on his left arm and the word "Xian" written in white on it.

That's right, gendarmes have already appeared in the Ming army, and Liao Town and Dongjiang Town were the first to exist.Maintaining discipline, punishing violations of discipline, etc., have become more and more awe-inspiring existences of officers and soldiers.

Jin Guofeng nodded politely again, took a step forward, and began to announce the training and transfer plan loudly.

Almost at the same time, the same scene happened on Juehua Island. He Kegang, who was ordered to lead an army to guard Jinzhou, also spoke to his officers and soldiers.

The sea was covered with sails, and another batch of military supplies was transported from Tianjin to Juehua.Food, grass and ammunition, muskets and artillery, WISCO vehicles, iron wire and other items laid the foundation for victory for the Ming army in western Liaoning to move forward.

The waves crashed and crashed onto the sand, creating a cloud of spray and foam.

The large ship transporting supplies had sailed away, and even the shadow of the sail had disappeared, so Mao Wenlong looked away.

After concentrating on it, he realized that the tide had soaked the soles of his boots.He smiled indifferently, turned and walked to the shore.

Several military officers were talking loudly, when they saw the commander approaching, they all stopped talking and paid attention.

Mao Wenlong waved his hand, signaling the officers to follow him and walk towards the island.

"The eastward advance of Liaozhen is the most important thing. The three towns of Dongjiang, Deng, and Jin must cooperate." Mao Wenlong slowed down and said in a deep voice: "Although it is a coordinated operation, our army must also make achievements. Southern Liaoning has put pressure on Jiannu, and Dongjiang Town is about to seize the opportunity to regain lost ground in Eastern Liaoning."

Chen Jisheng understands Mao Wenlong's thoughts and plans best. Zhenjiang is not only the place where Captain Mao became famous, but also the key to setting foot in Liaodong and regaining lost ground.

Southern Liaoning is important, but Mao Wenlong's headquarters is still in Dongjiang, which is like a dagger behind Jiannu's back.Unless Jiannu doesn't want his lair anymore, Liaoshen is used as a new basis.

However, Liting swept the acupoints and captured Jianzhou, which was extraordinary in the political sense.Even the recovery of Liaoshen was a little bit short.

Of course, as the whole of Dongjiang Town, Zhang Pan and Kong Youde in Liaonan made contributions to Mao Wenlong.However, because of Xiong Tingbi's relationship in Liaoxi, Mao Wenlong would rather be in Dongjiang, leaving Zhang Pan and the others in between.

It's not about grievances, but people always have likes and dislikes.Mao Wenlong didn't know if Xiong Tingbi still remembered his grudge, but he thought that being far away would save trouble.

After all, Xiong Tingbi is the governor of Liaodong and also the governor, and his official rank is much higher than that of Mao Wenlong.

Therefore, Mao Wenlong hoped that Liao Town could move forward to oppress Jiannu and restrain its troops; at the same time, he didn't want to advance too fast, so as to buy time for Dongjiang Town to establish a base in Liaodong.

From a strategic point of view, Mao Wenlong, of course, valued Zhenjiang the most. He and Yizhou and Tieshan happened to be on the opposite side of the river. He could advance and retreat freely, and had both offensive and defensive capabilities.

Moreover, if Zhenjiang is defended, there is a tendency to form horns with southern Liaoning, and it is even possible to become one.As a result, the entire situation in Liaodong will be reversed, and the establishment of slaves will die soon.

Mao Wenlong had only told Chen Jisheng about these thoughts, and others might have guessed them, but not completely.

"The final general thinks that it is the best policy to wait for the river to freeze, to gather troops in Yizhou first, and watch Zhenjiang as a tiger, forcing Jiannu to send troops to guard." Gou Zhenhuai also adhered to the combat policy of cooperating with Liaoxi, and took the lead in suggesting.

This is a normal arrangement, well-behaved, and the safest.But it was different from Mao Wenlong's expectation. Since he was staring at Zhenjiang and prepared the enemy, wouldn't it be more difficult?
Chen Jisheng stroked his beard and pretended to think about it for a while, then said: "General Gou's strategy is right, it is very stable."

After a pause, he continued: "Soldiers are deceitful, so they can show they can't, use them to show they don't use them, use them to show they don't use them, use them to show them they don't need them, use them to show them they don't need them, and use them to show them they don't use them. Attack as defense, and war as lead."

Oh, Mao Wenlong stopped in feigned surprise, smiled and said to Chen Jisheng: "Let me tell you in detail."

Chen Jisheng was encouraged and began to talk freely, nothing more than using troops elsewhere to attract Jiannu's attention.The deep meaning is that when Liaozhen moved eastward, if the Jiannu were transferred, Zhenjiang might be empty and could be successfully attacked.

Gou Zhenhuai had a smile on his face, and nodded from time to time, but he had some doubts in his heart.But the plan didn't sound too bad, and he didn't have to be stubborn.


The complexity of the war is far from being as simple as outsiders imagined; the materials consumed are also jaw-dropping and unbelievable.

But this is the guarantee of victory. The current investment and future returns are not just the black land of Liaodong, but the entire Ming Dynasty.

No one believed that there were no more than [-] slaves, and finally swept the world and destroyed the last feudal Han Dynasty.

Because of this, many people were puzzled and dissatisfied with Zhu Youxiao's full supply.After all, the emperor's "excessive taxation" harmed their interests, and they believed that the root cause was the war in Liaodong.

Why spend so much money, is there any embezzlement?Why not end the war quickly, with so many soldiers and horses, how many slaves are there?Why do we have to pay for the war, Liaodong is so far away, what does it matter to us?
Strange, hateful, selfish, short-sighted, no matter what words you say, they can't change the tragedy of history.

But Zhu Youxiao has the opportunity to change the destiny of the Chinese nation and the historical trajectory of Ming Dynasty.For this reason, even if he bears the eternal infamy, he is not afraid and will never shrink back.

 Thanks to jly69 and other book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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