I'm a big dick

Chapter 313 Revenge of Shame, Discipline Honor

Chapter 313 The thought of avenging shame, a lecture to Xungui
It's better to act than to move your heart, move your mouth, shout eight words, and you'll get the salt!
The power of role models is infinite. Seeing others benefit, even a little bit, is enough temptation.

The eyes of the Yi people who were still hesitating lit up, and they rushed over one after another.In a short time, the shouts of Southern accent and Northern tune sounded.

Shouting a few slogans is just the beginning, you know if there is childcare.And the five catties of salt and thirty acres of land given by the soldiers are very tempting conditions.

However, in the Ming Dynasty, the discrimination against ethnic minorities made it difficult to accept the recruitment of Yi soldiers.With the promise of keeping promises and integrity by shouting slogans, it paved the way for joining the army.

This is the way Governor Fu Zonglong came up with to better implement the emperor's plan.In ancient times, there was an allusion that a standing tree is a letter, and Fu Zonglong just used it casually.

And the reason for recruiting minority soldiers in the Ming army was not just an expedient measure to quell the She'an Rebellion.

In Zhu Youxiao's vision, increasing the proportion of naturalized soldiers in the Ming army was first of all beneficial to strengthening the strength to quell the She'an rebellion in the short term.

With the increasingly tight blockade of the rebels, the lack of supplies, especially the shortage of salt, and the political offensive adopted by the Ming court will cause division and instability within the rebels.

And many naturalized barbarians are familiar with the terrain of Shuixi, which is the weakness of the Ming army.At the same time, their calls to persuade the two armies to surrender will also disrupt the enemy's effect.

In the long run, bringing more barbarians under the jurisdiction of the government will also weaken the power of the chieftain.If they live well, it is also a kind of propaganda and agitation for the Yi people who are still under the chieftain's rule.

You must know that the ordinary barbarians under the rule of the chieftain are slaves who live in hardship and have no freedom and rights.

Daming was a feudal society after all, a generation higher than the slave society!The lives of the common people will get better and better, and they will always be better than slaves.

To put it bluntly, if more and more barbarians were naturalized and brought under the jurisdiction of the Ming government, wouldn't this be a disguised form of "reforming the land and returning it to the natives"?

Zhu Youxiao dared to make up his mind to strive for the peace of Liao Dynasty in five years, and the Shean Rebellion would not be lower than this time limit.

But in the Ming Dynasty, he conservatively estimated that it would take three to fifty years to "reform the land and return it to the local people", and it would also be accompanied by wars and casualties.

As the saying goes: the emperor of a hundred years, the chieftain of a thousand years.It can be seen that its vitality is tenacious.Therefore, he didn't try any measures that could speed up the process of "reforming the land and returning it to the people".

A barbarian came to the recruiting office and expressed his intention to join the army in a strange tone.

Tall, barefoot, dark complexion, standing there, like a half black iron tower, looks very sturdy.

An old barbarian came up to act as an interpreter, asked and answered, and then relayed to the clerk next to him.

Shama Buda, male, 22 years old, Yi nationality, [-] feet [-] in height... The clerk was scribbling and recording, but he was caught by the sudden noise next to him.

There are several stone locks next to the recruiting office, which can be regarded as facilities for medical examinations.A strong man was swinging a stone lock and playing tricks, which caused the onlookers to scream and cheer.

Seeing the clerk looking away, Buda seemed to have forgotten his own business, so he frowned, snorted, strode away, grabbed a heavier stone lock, and started playing with his left hand and right hand.

After swinging for a while, Buda put down the stone lock, walked up to the clerk and stood with his chest upright, without blushing or panting, staring at the clerk with his big eyes.

The clerk didn't take it seriously, he chuckled, picked up his pen and finished writing, and picked up a number plate to sign to Buda.

A Yi translator gave Buda his number plate, explained the specific regulations to him, and asked him to report to the military camp on the other side with the number plate.

Not far away, there are people coming and going in front of the mat shed where grain is exchanged for salt, which is very lively.From time to time, there are Yi women who dress up differently from the Han people, carrying shoulder poles, chatting and walking together.

Isn't Guizhou short of salt, isn't it expensive, so use cheap salt to buy people's hearts.And the grain exchanged can also be used as military supplies, saving costs and killing two birds with one stone.

And the people in Guizhou will not be enthusiastic when they encounter such a good opportunity?Food shortages can be dealt with by eating bran and swallowed vegetables, and cheap and precious salt is not too old to come across.

Dare to implement such a measure also shows that the Ming army has completed the blockade, and it is very strict, and there is no worry that someone will be smuggled into the area occupied by the rebels.

In terms of combat power, the Shuixi rebel army is not comparable to the Jiannu army, and even the Ming army is inferior.However, relying on the complex terrain, it was difficult for the Ming army to attack.

Now the Ming army has stabilized its position, constantly training and rectifying, constantly changing and strengthening, and taking a defensive position, only blocking traffic arteries and river ferries.

If the Shuixi rebels want to reverse the situation, they can only take the initiative to attack.Leaving the geographical advantage, several attacks by the Shuixi rebels were repelled by the Ming army, and they were increasingly in a predicament.

This is also quite similar to the situation Jiannu is in. If you attack, your head is not strong enough;Anyway, it's a dilemma, and I can't get rid of being passive.

At the governor's yamen in Guiyang, Fu Zonglong had just received a group of military officers sent from martial arts, and was writing a secret note to the emperor in his study.

This was not only a war against rebellion, the court also took this opportunity to reorganize the army and enhance its combat power.The frontier army is strong, but the inland army is weak. Zhu Youxiao wants to change this situation.

Through the continuous transfer of officers, Zhu Youxiao was able to gain a firmer grip on the army.Behind these measures is Zhu Youxiao's longer-term revenge plan.

During the Wanli period, the most familiar ones should be the three major signs, and they all achieved victory, which is very exciting, isn't it.

But in the far reaches of the West Antarctic, there is also a decades-long war that is less well known.The result of the war ended in the defeat of the Ming Dynasty, and lost a large piece of land, that is, the Ming-Myanmar War.

During the Wanli period of Emperor Shenzong of the Ming Dynasty, the Toungoo Dynasty in Myanmar gradually developed, expanded its territory, and annexed most of today's Myanmar.

The Mengyang Xuanwei Division, Mubang Xuanwei Division, Myanmar Xuanwei Division, and Babai Xuanwei Division that originally belonged to the Ming Dynasty were successively occupied by him.

However, the Ming government ignored this and allowed it to develop, which undoubtedly fueled the ambitions of the Toungoo Dynasty.

In the first month of the 11th year of Wanli (1583), the Burmese army captured Shidian (now Shidian, Yunnan), attacked Shunning (now Fengqing, Yunnan) and Zhanda (now Yingjiang, Yunnan), penetrating hundreds of kilometers into the current border, and the soldiers pointed directly at Chuxiong, Dali.

At this time, the Ming court couldn't sit still anymore, and sent famous generals Liu Ting and Deng Zilong to lead the Ming army to resist. They defeated the Burmese army in Panzhihua, south of Yaoguan, and won a great victory in Panzhihua.

The Ming army took advantage of the victory to pursue, and Deng Zilong led the troops to recover Wandian and Gengma.And Liu Ting led the army to drive straight in, occupied Longchuan, and captured the Burmese prime minister Yue Feng.

After Yue Feng surrendered, the Burmese army collapsed at the first touch. The Ming army recovered Man Mo, Meng Yang, and Meng Lian along the way. Chieftain Meng Mi also announced his attachment, and Awa guard Mang Zhuo also surrendered to the Ming court.

In the 12th year of Wanli, the Burmese army invaded again, captured Mengmi, and surrounded Wuzhang.The Ming army general Gao Guochun led his army to defeat the Burmese invasion.

Since then, the forces of the Toungoo Dynasty have been expelled from the Mupang, Mengyang, Manmo and other chieftain areas.

But the Ming-Myanmar War did not end here. Since the 13th year of Wanli, due to the corruption of the government, the frontiers began to be eroded by Myanmar, and they expanded aggressively to Jinghong, Ximeng, Lincang, Tengchong and other places.

The last war broke out in the 30th year of Wanli. The Ming Dynasty was finally unable to go south due to the outbreak of the Aid Korea Campaign, and began to make peace with Burma.

In the end, the Ming-Myanmar War was conditional on the Ming Dynasty ceding Mengyang, Mubang, and Xingwei (today's Denny, Myanmar), and the two countries resumed "normal" relations.

Perhaps the Ming court did not regard the territory of those consolation envoys as its own territory, nor did it admit that it was a cession, and considered it a shame.

But Zhu Youxiao was worried about this. The land of more than one million square kilometers is not a small amount.Moreover, this is only temporary tranquility and does not satisfy Myanmar's ambitions.

He remembered that in the Qing Dynasty, he fought several big battles with Burma.And the last emperor of Nanming was dedicated to Wu Sangui by Burma, announcing the end of Nanming.

Such a capricious country, Zhu Youxiao is not going to leave it to his descendants to deal with.When Ping Liao succeeds, he will wash away his humiliation and send troops to the southwest.

Moreover, facts have proved that the Ming army guarding Yunnan Province has weakened.The Mu family in Shizhen Yunnan also lacked the bravery and strategy of the first Duke Mu Ying.

By quelling the She'an Rebellion, Zhu Youxiao is preparing to create an army capable of fighting.This is the best experimental field for testing and training the combat power of the army, and actual combat is the only criterion.

It is obviously impossible for Fu Zonglong to know the emperor's ambitions. Strategies such as using defense as an offense, blocking and besieging, and keeping troops in the fields are showing results.



The breath of spring is stronger, the snow is almost gone, and the dripping water from the eaves of the temple has become sparse.

Although I don't know the latest situation in Shuixi, but from several battle reports, the Shuixi rebels counterattacked several times, but were repelled by the Ming army, and the entire war situation has almost stabilized.

As long as the battle line is stabilized, with Shuixi's manpower and resources, how can he consume more energy than Daming?What's more, Zhu Youxiao, the current helm of Daming, is still hot and good at collecting money.

In the main hall, dozens of nobles from the capital stood there, with different expressions, listening to the emperor's talk.

At the beginning of the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Baba ordered the founder of the country to manage various military and political affairs, and then launched a series of fatal blows to him.

In the middle of the Ming Dynasty, the imperial court gradually formed the policy of "prohibiting honored ministers to prescribe the affairs of the nine ministers" and "regulating military affairs with literature", and the political status of honored ministers with high positions and low powers was basically fixed.

The Ming court’s system of suppressing nobles from intervening in government affairs continued the historical development trend of bureaucratic politics that focused on ability and qualifications since the Qin and Han Dynasties, especially after the establishment of the imperial examination system in the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

However, honorable ministers in the Ming Dynasty still had a special relationship with the emperor. They maintained a dignified parasitic class status for generations, and their legal status was higher than that of general civil and military ministers.

On the whole, the honored ministers have high positions and low powers, and their powers are not commensurate.However, their functions and powers are unique in nature and cannot be touched by other courtiers.For example, Admiral Beijing, the power of regiment battalion and so on.

This distorted status of power exacerbated the corruption of the nobles, making them a "quasi-political class" entrenched in the courts of the two capitals for a long time.

But this situation changed last year. Zhu Youxiao gradually excluded the nobles by rectifying the capital camp and opening martial arts until he completely controlled the capital's army.

Not only that, through the transfer of people and changing guards, more than half of the guards in the palace have also been replaced, and now Lu Jianxing, a thousand households of Jin Yiwei, is in charge.

After these measures were implemented, Zhu Youxiao was very confident towards Xungui, and his words were not polite.

"...The decree forbidding officials to engage in business has been issued by itself, and the stipulated time limit has passed, but some people regard the decree as nothing and despise me. You are called here today to talk about this matter."

Zhu Youxiao's eyes were very cold, he glanced at His Highness and others, took a panoramic view of their expressions, and sneered in his heart.

"You don't need to complain to me, saying that you need to support a big family, your salary is not enough, you need to do business to supplement it. Calculate how much land rewards you have received, how much salary you have taken, and how much contribution you have made to the court since you were named knights? "

"Look at your children and grandchildren again. How many of them have served the country, and how many have idled away and spent their lives sitting around? If you fail the imperial examinations, how many of you are seeking admission in martial arts and new learning?"

The emperor's voice echoed in the hall, hitting heavily on the hearts of the nobles.This is quite serious, almost pointing at the nose and scolding that they are all trash who are just eating and waiting to die.

Zhu Youxiao didn't have a good opinion of these nobles. When the Ming Dynasty fell, how many of them were close to the country?Only a few people.

On the contrary, he was very active in surrendering, and even Zhu Chunchen, the Duke of Cheng, opened the door to welcome King Chuang.He has held state salaries and rewards for hundreds of years, but he has no heart of gratitude and repayment, not even an eunuch.

"Cheng Guogong——" Zhu Youxiao took a breath, and began to roll the roll with a gloomy face.

"My minister is here." Cheng Guogong Zhu Chunchen stepped forward and bowed to salute.

Zhu Youxiao narrowed his eyes, and said in a deep voice, "Why hasn't your family's caravan disbanded? Why are the shops in the capital and Yangzhou still operating?"

Zhu Chunchen swallowed, wanting to defend himself but couldn't think of any excuses.

This matter has to be told in Dali, but if the resistance order is not followed, it depends on whether the emperor shows some kindness to the nobles, and let it go lightly.

Moreover, the emperor had blocked the excuse of family difficulties just now.You also said, look for a draw!

"Long live Qizuo." With a bitter face, Zhu Chunchen managed to think of the reason, and argued, "It's not because I don't want to follow the order, but because there are a lot of business involvements, and there are many debts and repayments, which are very complicated and troublesome. I hope Long live again Allow some time."

This is to continue to procrastinate, thinking that I have a bad memory, or that this policy is just a gust of wind?

Zhu Youxiao pursed the corner of his mouth, and said calmly: "Since it is a complicated trouble, and it can't be handled well for such a long time, I will send someone to help Duke Cheng."

Zhu Chunchen was stunned for a moment, not knowing how the emperor would help him.

The other people in the hall didn't know why, and they exchanged glances with each other, showing confusion and suspicion.


(End of this chapter)

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