I'm a big dick

Chapter 339

Chapter 339

Daming heavy pressure is simple and easy to manufacture, light in weight, and the airtightness of the flick support has also been enhanced, and the longest range has reached more than 1000 meters.

Jiannu's impression of the Ming army's artillery is still on the Hongyi cannon, and he doesn't know that the Ming army already has projectile artillery with a similar range.

The wrong information led to serious consequences. Not only was Jiannu's battle formation within heavy shooting range, but even Daishan's general flag command post was also bombarded by the Ming army.

This battle was Jiannu's initiative. After receiving the report from the sentry, the forwards of the Ming army used chariots as barriers in the field and formed six square formations with 600 people in each formation.

The main force of the Chinese army also arrived later, and quickly set up heavy pressure. When the two armies confronted each other, before they rushed to fight, they first dealt a heavy blow to Jiannu.

In fact, Daishan only led a banner of troops to support Sahalian, and he had no intention of fighting a bloody battle with the Ming army.

Coming suddenly and waiting for the opportunity is Daishan's mind.

If the Ming army reacted slowly and the battle formation was loose, he would definitely attack non-stop.But the Ming army reacted quickly, and the forward battle formation quickly took shape, which also dispelled Daishan's idea of ​​attacking as soon as he arrived on the battlefield.

But Daishan didn't retreat immediately, but listed the formation, wanting to observe the reaction of the Ming army, and to spy on the flaws of the Ming army's battle formation, to see if there is still a chance to win.

But he never expected that the Ming army did not rush to attack, and he was listening to Sahalian's introduction, observing and pondering the Ming army's combat methods, when the artillery shells hit his head and face.

Such a long range really surprised Daishan.He couldn't help staring at Sahalian with wide eyes, didn't you mean that the army didn't have red cannons?
Sahalian was also a little dazed, but soon realized that the Ming army had reservations.Now it was only when he saw his father's banner that he suddenly launched an artillery attack.

When the shell hits the ground, it rolls and emits a trace of green smoke; or hits a man or horse, causing immediate damage.But then, something happened that shocked Jiannu.

In the constantly flickering flames, shells exploded one after another, billowing up black smoke, stirring up mud and sand, and shooting out countless shrapnel.

The Daming heavy pressure, formally known as the Mortar, uses fixed-dose gunpowder launchers due to its short barrel.

In a round of bombing, the chaos in Jiannu was not serious, but the casualties were not small.Because they didn't know that the thrown cannonballs would explode, they thought it was a solid iron ball similar to the Hongyi Cannon.

After the second round of volley, seeing the smoking shells rolling on the ground, even the most fearless Jiannu looked terrified and hurriedly shouted and ran away.

Before the cannonball exploded, Jiannu's queue was even more chaotic than when it exploded the first time.People and horses crowded together, forming a large blank area centered on the impact point of the shells.

Delay is inevitable, according to the technical conditions at the time, it is very difficult to manufacture a contact fuze.Even in order to avoid accidental bombing, the lead wire will be delayed for more than half a minute.

One of the effects of the delayed explosion is to cause confusion among the enemy. No one regards death as home, and does not take the smoking shells that are about to explode seriously.

Just after the formation of Jiannu was in chaos, the battle formation of the Ming army advanced to the sound of rumbling drums.

At this time, the Ming army set up another five phalanxes, and just behind the six phalanxes, the gap between the phalanxes was blocked.If Jiannu wanted to make a breakthrough from between the six phalanxes, they would be greeted by gunfire from three sides.

Daishan reined in his horse and stood under the general flag, feeling the turmoil of his own battle formation, his brows were furrowed into a knot, and he watched the Ming army's battle formation advance step by step.

Under the heavy bombardment of Ming Dynasty, his general flag has been moved several times, and the tight formation also loosened in the chaos of avoiding shells.

It is too unfavorable to go on like this, but to launch an attack, Daishan lacks confidence.As for retreat?Daishan shook his head.

Retiring without a fight is what Huang Taiji can do, but he is Da Bei Le, holding two banners and horses, and shouldering the important task of defending southern Liaoning.

If Xinjin was occupied by the Ming army and continued to advance to the three guards in southern Liaoning, only Luangu Pass would be left in Daishan.But pinning all hopes on Luan Guguan is obviously a bit risky.

It was another violent volley bombardment. Looking at the thick smoke rising from the Ming army's battle formation and the artillery shells that swept through the air, Dai Shan finally made a decision-to retreat.

This was not a sudden retreat to Luan Guguan, but Daishan's sudden idea that he could use it against the Ming army.

Retreat without fighting, hmph, do you know a certain strategy?

"Order, retreat!" Daishan issued a wise order, and the retreat will cause very few casualties for the Eight Banners troops who are all cavalry, which is different from the rout of infantry.

The hooves of the horses roared loudly, Jian Nu turned his horse's head and retreated.This is also the advantage of the cavalry, otherwise, it would be a difficult task for any army to retreat.

Dai Shan glanced back, the smoke and dust from the successive explosions obscured his sight, he did not see the figure of the Ming army, he could only grit his teeth bitterly, and galloped away, as if he wanted to put his regrets to rest. Leave it behind with resentment.


A large number of Ming troops suddenly appeared under the Acropolis of Fuzhou, with bright armor and impressive momentum.

But the panic and confusion were soon contained after Liu Xingzuo, the commander-in-chief of Fuzhou, surrendered in Kaicheng.

The resistance of a small number of real barbarians and diehards was like a pebble dropped in a pond, the ripples were inaudible and soon subsided.

The news was successfully blocked, thanks to the fact that Liu Xingzuo closed the city gate in time under the guise of an enemy attack.All the target people in the city became shackles.

"Li Yongfang's eldest son, Li Yangeng?!" Zhang Ke, the chief soldier of Dengzhen, took a big look at the guy who was tied up in front of him, and pursed the corners of his mouth contemptuously, as if a glance was enough to make him look dirty, he waved his hands to make people go down.

Turning his head, Zhang Keda already had a warm and friendly face, and said to Liu Xingzuo: "General Liu is resolute anyway, and he has the style of Li Xianzhong, which is really admirable."

"My lord's praise, I dare not be a sinner." Liu Xingzuo put his posture very low, bowing his hands respectfully.

Zhang Ke laughed loudly and said, "This evaluation is not from someone, but from His Majesty."

After a pause, Zhang Keda continued: "It's just that it's not the time to celebrate with each other. Our army has to step up its deployment, and General Liu has to work hard."

Liu Xingzuo clasped his hands and said, "But according to your lord's orders, I will obey your orders."

Zhang Keda nodded, waved his hands and ordered people to put up the map, pointing to start deploying tasks.

Fuzhou Wei is tantamount to stabbing Daishan in the back.But to completely cut off its retreat route, it still needs to be carefully arranged, and the time must be seized, and it is very difficult.

Now, the Shahe River is a ready-made barrier against the enemy, but according to the strength of the Ming army, deploying defenses along the river is far from enough.Therefore, in the following combat lectures, the focus will be on Pangu Castle, Deliying City, and several major ferries.

"Yangguan Fort, Fuzhouwei, Pangu Castle, and Deliying City are the main supports, plus a few ferries. If guarded properly, Daishan's two red flags can only go around the upper reaches of the Shahe River and go north..."

Zhang Keda rowed his fingers from the seaside to the upper reaches of the Shahe River, pointing and said: "It is very difficult for our army to completely block Jiannu's retreat, but we can try our best."

Swiping his finger north to Gaizhouwei, Zhang Keda tapped it vigorously, looked up at Liu Xingzuo and said, "Either attack, or surrender, the matter of Gaizhouwei can only be resolved best by General Liu."

"The last general is willing to lead a sentry to go, and he will be able to break the city without fighting." Liu Xingzuo was quite confident, and he cupped his hands and said, "Gaizhou Beiyu Li Yushan is the last general, and the last general will observe, and he will also pay attention to Jiannu With hatred."

Zhang Keda nodded and said appreciatively: "Then I will thank General Liu." Then, he called Dengzhen to make a list, and ordered him to lead the army to Gaizhou immediately with Liu Xingzuo.

Then, the Liu brothers also had their own dispatches to lead the various ministries of the Ming army to key places such as Pangu Castle, mainly to lead the way and be responsible for persuading them to surrender.

In addition, Zhang Keda also issued a general order to move the people of Fuzhou and Gaizhou to Changsheng Island and Zhongdao to avoid possible wars.

In the end, Zhang Keda left Li Weiluan in Jinzhen to lead troops to garrison Fuzhou Weicheng.Although there are not many troops, with the help of the Liu brothers' personal guards, it is enough to suppress the possible rebellion in the city.

At this point, the Ming Army of the Four Associations who landed split up and carried out a strategic deployment, using the Shahe River as a barrier to block the retreat of the two red flags led by Daishan.

Although Liu Xingzuo's actions were limited to Fuzhou anyway, they reduced the chance of exposure.The vigorous support of the Ming army and subsequent positive actions made up for the shortcomings of being too small.

…………………… Divider line……………………

After the early and mid-Ming Dynasty, Jiangnan became more and more important in the country's economy by taking advantage of its geographical advantages and suitable climate.

With the return of the Maritime Merchants Group, the recognition of the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce by the imperial court, and the opening of the sea ban, the economic development of the Jiangnan area has ushered in a new stage.

Although the foreign war is still going on, the imperial court has not imposed additional taxes on Jiangnan's wealth.However, the crackdown on gentry students and the increase in business taxes were regarded by many as the tyranny of the imperial court.

Regardless of the resentment of some people, Zhu Youxiao continued on the road of reform he designed.

The principle of promoting reform has not changed, that is, not to support the finances with excessive taxes, but to support the people as much as possible.At the same time, merchants are encouraged to vigorously develop handicrafts and commerce, and to make up for the lack of national use with industrial and commercial taxes.

Moreover, the current imperial court is not so urgent about Jiangnan's wealth.

Money comes from the sea trade tax collected by the Maritime Bureau; food is bought and shipped from various countries in Southeast Asia.

As long as the industry and commerce develops well, materials such as porcelain, tea, silk, and cotton spinning will be more abundant, the quantity of export will be larger, and the profits will be more generous.

Some people may say that since you want to develop industry and commerce, you have to increase business taxes. Isn't this going against the grain?
But Zhu Youxiao has his own understanding of this. On the surface, the commercial tax has increased a lot, but through the stationed officials of the chamber of commerce and the changes in the way the commercial tax is collected, the original tax in transportation and sales has been reduced. The exploitation and exploitation encountered.

A discerning businessman can also see clearly, and it is understood.

If the imperial court can have a fair and just business policy, let the merchants decide, let the merchants have the opportunity to report their grievances to the heavens, and take shelter of the filial piety and profit sharing of the bureaucrats, wouldn’t it be more business taxes than they have to pay now?
The imperial court's crackdown on collusion between officials and businessmen and the integration of officials and businessmen is an important measure to create a fair and just business environment.

The collusion between officials and businessmen and the indiscrimination between officials and businessmen are the root causes of the corruption of officials in Ming Dynasty.It is also these people who have impassionedly and repeatedly sabotaged the imperial court's actions to increase commercial taxes under the guise of "not competing for profits with the people" in history.

The country is caught in internal and external troubles, and it is swaying in the wind and rain. The "honest man" is still fighting for his own self-interest and tax cuts for "himself".

As long as the policies formulated and launched by the imperial court slightly touch their interests, they will all be exchanged for their slander and abuse, as well as their joint resistance to destruction.

"I rule over all the people, and I think it is my duty to seek the well-being of the people of the Ming Dynasty. Soldiers, farmers, businessmen, and soldiers, the five peoples of the Ming Dynasty, I regard them as equal, and there is no distinction between them. The so-called people are not high or low, and they have different jobs..."

"The increase in commercial tax is not to suppress merchants. The legitimate operators have their own calculations, and those who collude with government and businessmen will be ugly. Let me ask, the increase in commercial tax has made commercial operations less profitable, and the actual burden is not heavy but light. , and the tax revenues have all gone into the national treasury, enabling the imperial court to implement more policies that benefit the people..."

"Before business taxes were not increased, there were fewer incidents of Luka's exploitation and officials' extortion? Just as merchants suffered so much and had to shelter bureaucrats, bureaucratic corruption flourished from this, and repeated prohibitions continued."

"I hereby make it clear that from now on, officials who dare to blaspheme will never be forgiven. If the Emperor Gao is too cruel to skin the grass, he will be exiled, ransacked his house, and beheaded for public display. Is there no way I can punish him with an iron fist?"

In the teahouse, the sound of reading newspapers stopped, and the faces of the drinkers were different. Some hung their heads in thought, and some opened their lips, as if they had something to say.

This is a new rule established by the Army and Horse Division of the Five Cities. If there are storytellers in teahouses and restaurants, when the new newspaper arrives, the articles in the government column must be read out in public.

The government column of this issue of the newspaper rarely published an article written by the emperor himself, announcing that the collusion between government and businessmen had entered a new stage of severe crackdown.

"Long live the kindness, but there is also thunder!" A middle-aged man with a slightly obese figure praised: "I am a merchant, and I feel deeply about this."

Everyone's eyes shifted over, with approval, doubt, contempt and opposition.But who dares to say in public that long live is not good, because they think it is too long to live?
The guy who looked like Wen Sheng who was at the same table with the fat man had a weird expression, as if he couldn't help laughing, he looked up at the fat man, and echoed loudly: "Long live the wise and powerful, omniscient, whoever dares to deceive the king, let his head move. "

Oh, this is half right, and some people in the restaurant agree very much.

Since last year, there have been countless people who have moved their heads.It is not too much to say that those who are in arrears of taxes, those who obstruct the payment of salaries in Qingtun, and the gentry students are killing people.


(End of this chapter)

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