I'm a big dick

Chapter 356 Fierce Battle at Zhenjiang Fort

Chapter 356 Fierce Battle at Zhenjiang Fort

The sound of cannons rumbled, and the gunshots roared. Outside Zhenjiang Fort, a fight was going on.

"Kill! Kill those who retreat!" Aobai screamed with a ferocious face, and mercilessly swung his knife to knock down an officer who was running backwards. His subordinates also used hacking to maintain order, and organized another attack. .

Husband war, courage also.And he will be the leader of the army, and he will fall if he is timid.

Oboi, a vulgar man, probably wouldn't know the essence of this literary book of war.But he knows how to take the lead, and he knows that leading a team to fight can boost the morale and morale of the army.

The enemy's position has already been breached. If you try harder to penetrate it, the Ming army will lose its courage.These cowards only dared to hide behind the fortifications and shoot.

Aobai thought this way, and his sight was limited to the front of his eyes, which was an attack surface with a width of more than [-] meters.

But Huang Taiji, who was behind the formation, could see clearly that the Ming army retreated on purpose, abandoning part of the first-line positions, but increased troops on the two wings, forming a concave pocket formation.

The number of defenders in Zhenjiang Fort is large, and may not even be less than the troops he brought.The defenders had complete fortifications, strong firepower, and their troops were not at a disadvantage. Huang Taiji knew that they would not be able to attack.

When he saw that Oboi led two thousand Jianzhou soldiers to press up, he knew that the situation was not good, but he hesitated for a while, but he didn't immediately give Ming Jin the order to retreat.

This offensive and defensive battle was beyond the scope of the military, especially after the Ming army on the opposite side shouted "do not fight the white flag" in unison, Huang Taiji felt heavy pressure and full of helplessness.

If it is still like what he planned before he came, just sending the Han army as cannon fodder to attack casually and then retreat, wouldn't it be true that "Huang Taiji is one of his own people"?
Huang Taiji was not too worried about the suspicion of his subordinates, but his father Khan's suspicion would make him disqualified as an heir, and even be dismissed from the post of banner owner. Like the "one-legged fifth brother", he has no hope for the future.

Therefore, he saw the insidious arrangement of the Ming army, and he could not suddenly issue an order to retreat when Aobai led the army to make a breakthrough on the surface.

I don't know how many real warriors will be killed or injured, so that I can order myself to retreat without being criticized?

Huang Taiji's face was expressionless, but his heart was churning, and he hated the generals of the Ming army on the opposite side, so bad that he had sores on his head and pus on the soles of his feet.

But Huang Taiji couldn't help feeling startled, the opponent saw through his intentions, and even figured out his own psychology, this is really a terrible thing.

The battle continued, and Oboi finally led two thousand real barbarians into the pocket array set up by the Ming army.However, the Ming army did not launch the siege immediately. Troops were being mobilized, grenadiers were moving, and preparations were underway.

The Han army had already suffered heavy casualties, and the newly joined Jiannu became the main force of the attack.

Oboi's insistence also had his reasons, so many people were killed and injured, and the equipment he brought was exhausted, before he crossed the wide trench, retreating would be tantamount to wasting all previous efforts.

"Rush, kill!" Obai roared frantically, brandishing the big knife in his hand, commanding the soldiers to continue to attack in depth.

As long as you cross the damn parapet of the trench and fight with the enemy, with the ferocity of the Jianzhou warriors, victory is hopeful.

"Boom!" A cannon tens of meters away sprayed out countless projectiles, like the scythe of death, knocking down a group of Jian slaves.

The muskets were no longer firing salvos. At a distance of tens of meters, the Ming army's musketeers were all shooting freely, and their accuracy was greatly improved, knocking down the enemies who could already see their faces clearly.

The start of the counter-offensive was marked by the thunderbolts hitting the sky one after another.Although the Ming army also used it at the beginning of the battle, it was several times more intensive.

Bang Tianlei fell to the ground and rolled, emitting traces of blue smoke.Many fell into the trenches, and the narrow places were unavoidable, causing the Jian slaves in the trenches to scream in fear.

Boom, boom, boom... A series of explosions rang out one after another inside and outside the trench. Jiannu had never experienced such a dense bombing, and even the Ming army used it for the first time.

Money, it's all money!

If Zhu Youxiao saw this scene, he would grin with pain.But heartache is heartache, if he could use money to kill Jiannu, he would not hesitate.

This is the biggest difference between cold weapons and hot weapons. Hot weapons are very expensive and require more logistics.

If you don't have enough manpower, material and financial resources, and you don't have guaranteed transportation capacity, you can't afford it at all.

From this point of view, even if Houjin wants to develop into a hot weapon, it also has huge difficulties.Such as sulfur, such as saltpeter, where do they get so many raw materials?
According to historical data, it was the Eight Great Shanxi Merchants who provided strategic materials for Houjin.

They exchanged the materials that were short of gold in the future for ginseng, deer antler and mink fur, and exchanged them for gold and silver.It enriches the individual and harms the country and the people.

If it is just a businessman, no matter how powerful the energy is, it is impossible to smuggle through many checkpoints.

Among them, corrupt officials and generals are also involved.It was these selfish and shameless people who contributed to the demise of Ming Dynasty.

Well, it's far away, let's go back to the battlefield.

The smoke quickly rose and diffused amid countless explosions, the flames flashed and dazzled the human eye, and the loud roar was deafening.

Wave after wave, the loud explosion of thunder and thunder covered the roar of gunfire; the smoke was thick, covering sight and silhouettes.

From time to time, dizzy Jiannu rushed out of the smoke, wounded or staggering, and was soon mercilessly knocked down by muskets.

The firing of muskets and artillery became thinner. The Ming army loaded the ammunition and waited for the smoke to clear before giving Jiannu the final blow.

The officer stared wide-eyed, observing the results of the battle, to decide whether to continue to use firepower or to charge.

Oboi's ears were buzzing, he was a little dizzy, the shrapnel hit his head, thanks to the protection of the helmet, but it was also very uncomfortable.

The choking smoke made him unable to see the surrounding situation clearly, but his ears recovered a little, and what he heard were screams and wailing.

"Boom!" The explosion was very close, and the burst of fire dazzled his eyes, and he lost his hearing again, and the whole world was quiet and strange.

Is this the strength of the Ming army to defend with full firepower? !
Huang Taiji narrowed his eyes and gave the order to retreat.

The smoke dissipated slightly, the sound of explosions stopped, and the roar of musketry became the main theme of the war again.

Rows of bullets swept across, knocking down the blurred figures; the Ming army on both wings launched an attack, squeezed and closed, causing Jiannu to be attacked fiercely from three sides.

Why don't you play the white flag, this is the rhythm of beating to death!
Huang Taiji ordered the cavalry to move out and make a feint attack to divert them, so that the troops trapped in the enemy's position could withdraw more troops.

When most of the smoke cleared, the Ming army jumped out of the position and launched a counterattack with Xu Jin's shooting skills.The Jiannu inside and outside the trenches were shot one by one, and the wounded soldiers were mercilessly stabbed to death with bayonets.

"Boom, boom, boom..." Several cannons roared from the flanks, firing thousands of cannonballs, knocking down the retreating Jiannu from behind.

"Kill, kill, kill!" The counterattack was accompanied by shouts, and his courage was increasing, and his will became stronger.

Aobai was also retreating under the guard of his own soldiers, behind him was the continuous roar of guns, and his own soldiers screamed miserably from time to time, and fell to the ground when they were hit by lead bullets.

Boom!A bullet from a heavy musket that was originally aimed at Oboi hit the head of the guard beside him, and countless rotten flesh and blood burst out like a rotten watermelon, splashing half of Aoboi's face.

what!Amidst the screams, another soldier was hit in the leg, and he jumped forward, knocking Oboi staggering to the point of falling.

Turning around and pulling up the wounded soldier, Aobai strenuously moved forward.

But the field of vision was already clear, and the Ming army also discovered the big leader of Jiannu. Just now, he was shouting happily, and the lead bullets were dense, and they concentrated on him and the Jiannu around him.

"Boom, boom!" The artillery also turned their muzzles one after another, joined the ranks of chasing and killing Oboi, and beat Jian Nu who was blocking his figure to death.

In the Ming Dynasty, the enthusiasm for imitating the Frang machine gun was extremely high, and many improvements were made, and various specifications and models of the Frang machine gun were made.

Among them, the weight of the small sample Frang machine is only eight catties (excluding sub-guns), which is lighter than heavy muskets. Equipped with eight sub-guns, the range and lethality are not enough, but the advantage lies in the fast rate of fire;

Immediately, the Francophone, without sub-guns, weighs nine catties, which is equivalent to a heavy musket. It can shoot continuously, but the power is definitely not as good as it is because of the air tightness.

These two Francois cannons are used by infantry, and can even be equipped by individual soldiers. They are a bit like heavy sniper rifles in shape.

Moreover, the Fran cannon was still used in a small amount during the Anti-Japanese War, and it could beat little devils!

Although the Franco cannon was already facing the fate of being eliminated, in line with the purpose of economical saving, Zhu Youxiao still deployed a lot of various types of Franco cannon to the Ming army, mainly as defensive weapons.

You know, if it is conservatively estimated, during the Jiajing and Wanli years, the Ming Dynasty manufactured and equipped [-] to [-] Franco cannons of various types.

In melee defense, even rubbish like the three-eyed blunderbuss is quite powerful, let alone the Franji.As for the advanced nature, it is compared with other countries, and the savages like Jiannu don't count at all.

Of course, no matter what kind of weapon, the Ming army has a reasonable configuration when defending the position, so that it can exert its greatest power.

The weight on his hand was getting heavier and heavier, and Aobai turned his head to see that the soldier who was wounded in the leg had drooped his head, and blood was gurgling from a bullet hole in his back.

Letting go of the fallen soldier, Oboi had just run a few steps when the cannonball shot hit his leg.

Although the distance was already far away, the protection of his legs was weak, and Oboi's sturdy body fell down heavily.

A soldier stretched out his supporting hand to Oboi, and as soon as he touched Oboi's body, a heavy lead bullet hit the soldier's back, breaking his entire spine.The soldier fell heavily on his face, convulsing in a dying convulsion.

The guns kept coming, the side attacks from the two wings, and the frontal shots from the rear interweaved into a devouring fire net, beating the enemy to pieces.

Rows of Ming army musketeers advanced forward, regained the positions they had deliberately abandoned, and mercilessly slaughtered the retreating Jiannu and the remaining wounded soldiers.

Aobai turned over and sat up, and moved backward with difficulty, leaning against a mound of earth formed by a bomb crater, looking at the sporadic retreating Jin soldiers and the Ming army advancing unhurriedly.

They are all cowards, they are all cowards, they dare not fight face to face, they only use those messy firearms.

Aobai refused to accept it and gritted his teeth.If he used martial skills and bravery to fight in close combat, he could fight ten.

but now--

The battle line of the Ming army is getting closer and closer, the black iron mask can't see the expression, but judging from their actions, it looks like slaughtering dogs and chickens.

Oboi suddenly struggled to stand up, leaning on the ground with the knife, ignoring the blood flowing from the wound.Coupled with the smoky painted face, it looks both ferocious and embarrassing.

"Someone is Da Jinmei Le Zhangjing..."

Bah, bah, bah... A volley of guns interrupted Oboi's last rhetoric, and the soldiers of the Ming army couldn't even hear what the guy who suddenly stood up was yelling.

And the brave Oboi, the future "Batulu" who has experienced many battles, is no different from ordinary Jiannu in the eyes of the Ming army musketeers, and he didn't even let him finish his sentence.

The wide trench in front of the position to prevent the enemy from advancing has been filled up for tens of meters, and the gap is still there, but Jiannu no longer dares to attack again, or even dare to get too close.

Only less than five hundred of the two thousand Jianzhou warriors retreated. Huang Taiji felt sad in his heart, and his eyes kept searching, but he could no longer see that sturdy figure.

"Huang Taiji is one of his own, so he is allowed to send someone to collect the corpse."

"Huang Taiji is one of his own, so he is allowed to send someone to collect the corpse."


The shouts that came with the wind became more and more clear, Huang Taiji suddenly turned his head, staring fiercely at the Ming army's position.

After killing so many big gold warriors, he still has to continue to cheat himself.Why is it that other battlefields are not allowed to collect corpses, so they are open to you?
so bad!Huang Taiji was so depressed that he was about to vomit blood, being tricked by such a dirty trick, the Dajin Warrior died in vain, and did not achieve his goal at all.

You shouldn't have come!Huang Taiji gritted his teeth resentfully, but when he sensed the gazes from around him, he couldn't help rolling his eyes into their sockets.

Don't collect the corpse, what do the people below think, it's chilling, right?Wouldn't the collection of the corpse fall into the conspiracy of the Ming army?

On Zhenjiang Fort, Gou Zhenhuai smirked, and did not forget to joke with Nala Zhongming, "Isn't this the ultimate act of benevolence? Although we are one of our own, this city cannot be lost. If the fake show is real, it will make people believe it is not. "

"General Gou is right, and he did the right thing. Allowing them to collect the corpse is already very benevolent."

Nala Zhongming nodded again and again, that's right, Zhengbaiqi's troops have already broken through a line of defense, if they don't fight back fiercely, are they going to raise their hands and surrender?
With a gloomy face, Huang Taiji thought about it, and finally sent two Han army officers to negotiate and agree on the matter of collecting the corpse.

Since it was impossible to clean up, Huang Taiji also looked away, and he focused on cleaning up the morale of the army first.

Father Khan would definitely not believe such a low-level trick.There is no real basis for other people's attacks.The more I take it seriously, doesn't it mean that I have a ghost in my heart?

The current Huang Taiji didn't know that the main competitor, Daishan, was defeated and was seriously injured. He had almost withdrawn from the ranks of competing for Khan.

As for Amin, he didn't have much hope in the first place, and even fell into a bitter battle with the Ming army, and it was very difficult to even escape.

(End of this chapter)

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