I'm a big dick

Chapter 359

Chapter 359

God's will, or his own bad luck, should there be such a disaster?

The sound of gunfire and shouts of killing gradually faded away, and Amin continued to flee along the river beach without looking back.

From the Quartet to the present, Amin has never encountered such an embarrassing experience.Even if they returned after being frustrated in Fort Lushun, the retreat was relatively calm. How could there be such a feeling of nowhere?

Now that I think about it, my arrogance really hurt me and the five thousand Jianzhou warriors.

If he hadn't sneered at the combat power of the Mongolian army, if he hadn't been chasing after him, he would definitely not have been lured to the battlefield chosen by the enemy.

If you don't underestimate the enemy, if you are more careful when chasing the enemy and observing the battlefield, you may find the enemy's hidden ambush and musketeers hidden behind the grassy slope.

Of course, even though I have made many mistakes, the enemy's tactics have changed, and the combat power has improved, it is still the end of more defeats and fewer victories.

But defeat is defeat. The cavalry can run, so how could they fall into the situation where the whole army was wiped out and fled in embarrassment?
"Lord Baylor—" a personal guard pointed out that it was a gentle slope leading from the river beach to the main road, but this guy was still a little hesitant, wondering whether he should go up or not.

Amin nodded, and turned the horse's head without hesitation.Already like this, still thinking so much?How can you escape the enemy's pursuit by walking so slowly on the river beach?
There were only a dozen or so people around, and it was unknown whether they could escape, and Amin felt desolate in his heart.But the opponent didn't give him too much time to be sad, and the sound of horseshoes sounded behind him.

"Lord Baylor, you go first." The guard showed a decisive, or somewhat desolate look on his face, drew out his sword, and greeted loudly, "Let's fight the enemy and protect Lord Baylor."

More than a dozen people followed suit, reined in their horses, turned around, and galloped away.

Amin sighed, looked back, and then clamped the horse's belly, and ran forward without looking back.

Hu Dawei and Meng Ruhu were catching up, and dozens of naturalized cavalry led by them.

They had no idea whether they could catch the big fish, but they knew that there were friendly troops ahead, that is, dozens of dragoons who set off from the blocking position in advance.

Hearing the sound of horseshoes in front of them, Hu Dawei and Meng Ruhu also gave the order to prepare for battle, whether they were friends or foes.The arrow was wound, the knife was unsheathed, and he continued to sprint forward.

If the enemy's cavalry is oncoming and collides with each other, speed is very important, and whoever is slow will suffer.

Hu Dawei and others understood this truth, and so did Jianu on the opposite side. They desperately urged their horses, and bravely rushed up to the overwhelming enemy.

"Kill the enemy!" "Kill the enemy!" Shouts rang out almost at the same time, and then a swarm of arrows shot at the enemy head-on.

Moreover, the naturalized cavalry are good at archery, and they also know the weakness of attacking the enemy, that is, war horses.

Although the heavy armored cavalry is known as the ancient tank, the most famous one should be the serial horse during the Song and Jin wars, but it gradually faded out of the battlefield after that.

Of course, if conditions permit, the war horses at that time also had protection, but it was far from enough.

After a round of shooting arrows, people turned their backs on their backs, and Jiannu lost a few more.But just like that, the surviving guy still collided with the Ming army.

The collision of weapons, the neighing of war horses, the loud shouts of killing, and the screams of being hacked filled the sky above the avenue.

The battle was fierce but short, and the desperate impact of several Jiannu was like a stone thrown into a lake, only a few ripples appeared and then calmed down again, as if nothing had happened.

"Chasing, there is a big fish ahead." As fierce as a tiger, no matter how stupid he was, he guessed what these moths were trying to do, wiped the blood off the knife with the soles of their boots, and led the troops to chase and kill again.

The wind whistled in his ears, and the speed of the horse had reached the fastest speed. Amin just wanted to leave this place of death and life as soon as possible, and get rid of the entanglement between life and death.

But suddenly there was a sudden change, the horse suddenly lost its front hoof, and fell forward violently, so much that even A Min couldn't adjust his posture, and fell heavily to the ground.

Even though he was protected by a helmet, Amin was thrown into a dizzy state.Before he could react to what was going on, a few black shadows pounced up, and the back of the knife, the butt of the gun, and the big feet greeted them in a haphazard manner.

The gun butt slammed into the face, the bridge of the nose was broken, and the dirty blood mixed with the snot poured down, and Amin's eyes were full of gold stars;
The back of the knife slammed down and hit the calf, accompanied by the crisp sound of bones breaking, Amin let out a long scream;

Bang, the heavy foot hit Amin's mouth hard, blocking his screams, and at the same time, a few teeth flew to the ground.

Running away is embarrassing enough, but embarrassment is far from enough to describe A Min.As for the Erbeile of Houjin, the Jianzhou warrior who had experienced many battles, he was beaten to death by several Ming soldiers because he didn't even have the strength to fight back.

"This bastard is commanding under the big banner." An officer of the Ming army stomped between Amin's legs bitterly, but unfortunately Amin had already passed out. Down.

"It should be a high-ranking official." Fan Hualong still had gunpowder smoke and ashes on his face, he touched his chin and looked at the dead dog Amin, guessing: "Maybe it is Amin!"

After a pause, he grabbed the soldier who was about to hit Amin on the head with the butt of his gun, "Don't f*ck kill him, catch him alive, the credit will be great!"

Oh, the soldier put away the butt of his gun, and was a little unhappy.Glancing at A Min, whose head was covered in blood, he asked uncertainly, "Isn't he already dead?"

"It's not dead, it's still moving!" The Ming army officer stepped on it vigorously, and pointed at Amin's slightly trembling fingers.

"Stand on?" Fan Hualong pulled the bad guy away, raised his head suddenly, and stared, "Quick, hide quickly, fasten the tripping rope, it's coming again."

More than a dozen soldiers of the Ming army arranged in a hurry, and quickly hid and concealed, waiting for the enemy to throw themselves into the net again.

There are no enemies, but the flying cavalry chased them up.After seeing the costumes clearly, several soldiers of the Ming army jumped out, waved their arms, and shouted a reminder.

"Hey! Maybe they took advantage of it." Hu Dawei slowed down his horse, and said with a wry smile: "There is no need to chase any more. With them blocking, how can there be any fish that slip through the net?"

Ferocious as a tiger shook his head, feeling a little regretful.

But they overlooked one point. This was the first battle in which the cavalry of the Ming army defeated Jiannu in a face-to-face battle. It is of great significance, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a milestone.


Horqin Prairie means "archer" in Mongolian.

Springs, vegetation, sky, and local flavors are full of primitive atmosphere.Even later generations are attracted by her unadorned natural beauty.

But for Hailanzhu and Bumbutai, the green grassland like a soft green carpet has lost its original charm when clouds move and birds fly.

Father, mother, elder brother and other relatives were all escorted away like slaves, and might be mercilessly hacked to death.Thinking of this, a heavy stone was placed on their hearts, and they couldn't breathe in grief.

However, they are also lucky.With the help of other scattered Horqin herdsmen, as soon as they entered the territory of other tribes, they encountered a group of Han people who had returned to their homeland.

This is one of the agreements reached between the Ming court and the Neikarka and Chahar Departments, and it is also a prerequisite for the opening of horse trade.The Mongol tribes must return the Han Chinese who had been plundered before and send them back to the country safely.

If it is said that Neikalkha had a perfunctory attitude before, but Horqin's rapid fall, Auba was escorted to Lin Danhan for disposal, and Horqin nobles were escorted to Mingjing, the deterrence was extraordinary.

Judging from the current situation, Hou Jin has been suppressed by Ming Dynasty and is in a state of exhaustion, and has no power to protect his allies.The demise of the Horqin Ministry is a clear proof.

Lin Danhan gradually revealed the determination of "Anne", and attacking Horqin was an action that was put into practice.Horqin is over, and the next step is likely to be Neikalkha.

After that, Jin was no longer able to provide protection, and the only one who could contend with Lin Danhan was Daming.

Therefore, the five ministries of Neikalkha immediately began to implement the agreement, and sent the Han people in the tribe to Tuanshanbao, and entered Guangning from this horse market designated by the Ming court.

Being able to return to their homeland is a joyous event for many Han Chinese who were robbed and enslaved.Although some people are already old, their yearning for their homeland is still so persistent.

Precisely because many Han people have lived away from their homeland for many years, they already have some Mongolian characteristics in dressing, even speaking and behavior, which allows Hai Lanzhu and others to mix in.

The Mongolian officials and soldiers who were in charge of escorting the Han people back home didn't care about the many. If you said they were Han people, they were sent to Tuanshanbao together, so they didn't bother to distinguish and screen them.

As long as they are delivered smoothly, they can be traded at Baoma City in Tuanshan. This is the first time since the Ming army abandoned Guangning.

Think about the summer when there is no cloth to make clothes, think about the iron pot shared by several families, and there are food and tea, the Mongolians who drive the herds of cattle and sheep are full of eager thoughts.

And the first batch of Han Chinese who were sent back was the stepping stone to the deal, and they really couldn't be abused.

"When I get back to Daming, I'll change this leather coat first." A middle-aged Han man opened his arms and wiped the sweat from his head and said, "It's so hot, it's more comfortable to wear cotton clothes!"

The old man next to him smiled, the wrinkles on his face appeared more and denser, and said: "It's been more than ten years, I never thought that I could bury my old bones in my homeland, let alone that Daming still misses us."

As he spoke, he asked the person next to him with some hesitation: "What year is it now, is it still the Wanli year?"

"The current reign name is Tianqi, and the new emperor has just ascended the throne for three years." The young man replied with a smile. Because of his cleverness, he was very popular with the Mongols, and he was able to follow him here and there, so he knew more than the old man.

Partly showing off, partly showing off, he stole a glance at Hai Lanzhu, and the young man continued, "I heard that the emperor is not yet 20 years old, and the marriage is less than two years old!"

Seeing that Hai Lanzhu was listening carefully, the young man became even more energetic and said, "A big wedding is like marrying a queen. That scene—tsk, tsk!"

Bumbutai curled his lips, getting annoyed when he saw this guy, always stealing glances at his sister, not at what he looked like.

Darhan chuckled twice, and said, "The new emperor is still too young. I'm afraid it's not safe to fight with Hutuktu Khan of Mongolia and the old Khan of Houjin."

The young man blinked his eyes and argued, "The emperor has a lot of civil servants and military generals, capable people and strangers, so naturally there is no need to do it yourself."

Darhan smiled and nodded, but he didn't want to continue arguing. It's not good to attract attention.

"Lao Khan of Houjin is already 70 or [-] years old, and he is still fighting everywhere!" Bumbutai couldn't help but resent him when he mentioned the Ming emperor, so he didn't want to hear good things about him!
The young man knew that they were sisters named Xiaozhu and Xiaotai. Xiaozhu was very good-looking, and he didn't want to offend Xiaotai.

The old man glanced at Bumbutai, stroked his beard and said, "That's because no one can use the Houjin, and the old slave has to go to battle in person."

Hai Lanzhu unobtrusively tugged on the girl's sleeve to keep her from talking, so as not to arouse suspicion.

Darhan had already uttered a lot of words, probably knowing that the old man was going back to his hometown in Beizhili, not very far from the capital, so he deliberately sighed, and said: "The father and brother of these two girls are gone, and I I don’t know if we can find relatives in the capital for them.”

Before the old man could answer, the middle-aged man had already said: "Someone has relatives and friends in the capital. You follow a certain family to the capital, and a certain person will help you find them."

Darhan froze for a moment, and was immediately full of surprises. This is really an unexpected harvest, and it is much more useful than the old man.

"Thank you, thank you very much." Darhan hastily cupped his hands in thanks, and said, "Then we will go to the capital together, please take care of us on the way."

The middle-aged man waved his hand and said, "You're welcome, I have a companion on the road, and we need to take care of each other."

Darhan nodded in agreement, and he was more attentive to the middle-aged man.Stopping and stopping, a fortress appeared in the distance, and the group finally came to the territory of Daming.

……………………… Divider line………………………………

Ancient land transportation was the most difficult and costly.There are reasons for this, as well as the inefficiency and rudimentary means of transportation.

Therefore, water transportation has a very important position in ancient times.In Liaodong, the Liaohe shipping was not only used early, but also the main artery of the Northeast export.

In the early Ming Dynasty, the imperial court made full use of the Liao River shipping in order to strengthen the supply of food and salaries for the troops stationed in the Liaodong area.

The most direct route is to ship from Shandong along the Bohai Bay and Liaodong Bay, and then go up the Liaohe River to transport food and salaries to the garrisons along the way.The materials to Shenyang are transported via the Hun River, and the transport volume is still very large.

This surprised and inspired Zhu Youxiao. Shenyang is also a very prosperous inland port city with shipping access!
He doesn't know much about Shenyang, and of course he doesn't know that Shenyang has the famous "Ten Mile Wharf" and "Late Crossing of the Hun River", one of the eight scenic spots in Shengjing.

Thousands of sails passed, and business travelers gathered. After disembarking at the pier, those high-ranking officials and nobles took sedan chairs or rode horses into Shenyang.

Liaohe, Hunhe, if you can make good use of the inland waterway, wouldn't it be an extra way to fight Jiannu?Wouldn't it be beautiful to go by boat without using infantry to run on legs or cavalry, land at the Shenyang wharf, and come straight to Huanglong?

(End of this chapter)

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