I'm a big dick

Chapter 391 Before the Big Counterattack

Chapter 391 Before the Big Counterattack

In the past, Dongjiang Town was located overseas, the closest to Dengzhen, and Dengzhou was the storage, transportation and distribution center of Dongjiang Town's food and wages, and Yuan Keli, the Governor of Dengzhou, controlled it without any problem.

But now, Liaoxi and Liaonan have opened up close maritime connections, and the Ming army in Liaozhen has regained Guangning, which is only separated from Liaohe and Liaoze.How to coordinate actions between the two major military towns is an immediate problem.

In fact, Zhang Pan's Mixed Association has already formed a new Liaonan Corps with the troops of Jin Guofeng and Huanglong in Liaozhen, and the navy led by Zhang Keda, the commander-in-chief of Dengzhen, and Zhang Keda, the commander-in-chief with the highest rank, will serve as the commander-in-chief. commander in chief.

Although Zhang Pan's troops were not assigned to the generals of Liao Town, this was only a stopgap measure.Mao Wenlong didn't know if this was the emperor's intention or a temporary decision made by the Ministry of War.

Therefore, just in case, Mao Wenlong transferred Kong Youde's troops to Kuandian, so as not to be like Zhang Pan, whose name belonged to Dongjiang, but was under the command of other military towns.

If you think about it in the long term, Liao Town and Dongjiang Town will inevitably become the main forces in Ping-Liao, and it is reasonable to have a unified command, instead of just cooperating as before.

Originally, Mao Wenlong hoped that Yuan Keli could sit in Liaonan, and Dongjiang Town could continue to be controlled by him.Based on Yuan Keli's qualifications, Xiong Tingbi is also ranked below him.

But the imperial court did not approve Yuan Keli's request, so Mao Wenlong had his own guess as to whether he wanted to give Xiong Tingbi the command of the Ping-Liao campaign.

According to the official title and seniority, Xiong Tingbi is above Mao Wenlong, and Xiong Tingbi is also the governor of Liaodong, so it is not considered exceeding his authority to command Dongjiang Town.

Mao Wenlong was not very willing to accept such an arrangement, so he thought of starting at Jianzhouwei first.Once the war starts, he will be able to gain relative independent command, or make achievements to make the emperor change his mind.

Therefore, he not only wanted to adjust Kong Youde's troops, but also Gou Zhenhuai's, to form the advantage of the Three Alliances and Two Banners in the battle of Jianzhou Guard.

In this way, Chen Jisheng needed to divide his troops to defend Xiuyan. Mao Wenlong had to personally inspect the two key points to defend Xiuyan and seek Chen Jisheng's opinion.

Chen Jisheng knew that the old leader had some feud with Xiong Tingbi, not the kind of quarrel they met, but related to Wang Huazhen and Mao Wenlong's surprise attack on Zhenjiang.

But it seems that no one is right about this matter, it's just that people have different ideas.

After thinking for a while, Chen Jisheng said: "Fengcheng is easy to defend but difficult to attack, 2000 people are enough to hold on; Xiuyan, three to 4000 people should be enough to make Jiannu attack invincible; our department can still have two or three thousand as backup, the commander-in-chief will take care of himself It's the deployment of troops."

Mao Wenlong laughed, stretched out his hand and patted Chen Jisheng's arm, and said, "I know you will readily agree, but Fengcheng and Xiuyan should not be too big. There is no need to keep the reserve soldiers, and they will all be used for defense in the two places. You can Sitting in Fengcheng, a certain person can rest assured."

Like the Guangning area, although the Ming army recovered Zhenjiang, Fengcheng, Xiuyan and other places, they did not resettle the people.The Liao people protected by the Dongjiang Headquarters are still in the islands and North Korea's Tieshan and Uiju.

Therefore, Mao Wenlong and Chen Jisheng don't have to worry too much about Jiannu going around the city to plunder.As long as a few major strongholds are in hand, the tendency to compress Jiannu will exist.

Chen Jisheng thought for a while, and agreed with Mao Wenlong's slightly conservative suggestion, but he did not implement it immediately.Some troops stayed behind in Fengcheng and Xiuyan, and the remaining thousands of people rushed to transport ammunition and supplies for a longer-term defense.

Mao Wenlong also agreed, after all, it would take some time to complete the deployment of the two associations, Kong Youde and Gou Zhenhuai, to attack Jianzhouwei.

"This battle is of great importance." Mao Wenlong's plan was ready to be implemented, but he didn't show much relaxation. "If you encounter setbacks, I'm afraid—"

Chen Jisheng didn't know that Mao Wenlong was going to Beijing for an audience in the fall, and Mao Wenlong stopped talking in due course, not disclosing this top-secret news.

"Victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs." Chen Jisheng said with a smile, "Furthermore, the main attack is the three alliances, and Deng and Jin's two alliances are the backup. The chances of winning are great, so don't worry too much, Commander."

Mao Wenlong nodded, did not disclose other information, and discussed with Chen Jisheng on defense and other issues.



Xiong Tingbi had just finished inspecting the combat readiness of various places and returned to the Guangning headquarters.

After such a long period of deployment, the defense system in the Guangning area has been stabilized.With He Kegang, Zhu Mei and other elite soldiers and strong generals, as well as fortified sites with complete fortifications and sufficient food and ammunition, he can already feel completely at ease.

Next year's counterattack in winter and spring is to take advantage of the freezing weather so that Liaohe and Liaoze cannot hinder the advancement of the Ming army and the transportation of grain and grass materials.

But Xiong Tingbi already had other ideas. He wanted to take a defensive position in Guangning and move the town to southern Liaoning. With the cooperation of the navy, he would attack Liaoshen in the south.

Like Mao Wenlong, Xiong Tingbi also felt that he could start to act in advance.Don't wait for the river to freeze in winter, wouldn't it be great if we went to Shenyang by boat?
According to Xiong Tingbi's vision, Guangning is not the most suitable starting point for a major counterattack, even if it is a frozen river.

There is such a judgment, or because of the ancient road.The river was frozen, and Liaoze was no longer muddy, but there were no roads, and the road conditions where there were roads were not good, which would greatly hinder the transportation of supplies for the Ming army.

Apart from the flying cavalry, the Ming army can already be regarded as an all-firearms force.The biggest difference between fighting with cold weapons is the dependence on ammunition supplies.

After Jiannu implemented strategic contraction, it was originally a good opportunity for the Ming army to take advantage of the victory and make progress.Because the ammunition supplies are not sufficient, we can only take a small-scale battle while resting, supplementing, and taking part.

The emperor plans to counterattack in the winter and spring of next year, and he also has considerations for the production and transportation of ammunition materials.

The completion and commissioning of the Tianjin Gunpowder and Weapons Bureau, as well as the increase in the output of the two arsenals of Pidao and Juehua, accelerated the preparation time for the major counteroffensive.

Production alone is not enough. Now the ships from Deng and Jin towns, the Juehua Island navy, and the conscripted maritime merchant ships are fully transporting them to various places in Liaodong.

These changing factors gave Mao Wenlong the confidence to attack Jianzhouwei, and also gave Xiong Tingbi the capital to launch ahead of schedule.

The Jin and Fu prefectures in southern Liaoning have been stabilized. Gaizhou is the starting point for the offensive. If you fight along the main road, you can go straight to Liaoyang if you go to Haizhou and Ke'anshan.

What is more convenient is transportation. With the help of waterways, not only can you reach Shenyang directly, but you can also reach Liaoyang, Liaozhong, Tieling, Kaiyuan and other places.

The waterways in the Northeast are scarce, and the rivers leading directly to the sea are even more limited. The deep and wide Liaohe River has become the main line of transportation.

Through the efforts of successive dynasties, the river estuary to Kaiyuan Laomi Bay was fully open to navigation in the early Ming Dynasty. There were more than thousands of ships, transporting grain and purchasing for the Liaodong garrison.

At that time, there were three waterways in the Liaohe waterway: from Yingkou to Tianzhuangtai, and then to Sancha River, which was the branch of the three waterways.

From the Sancha River to the Liao River, you can go to Liaozhong, Xinmin, Tieling, Kaiyuan, and Zhengjiatun. Along the coast, there are Mapenggou, Tongjiangkou, Jichengzi, Sanmianchuan, Machang, Liaoli Street, Kamakou, Wasteland, etc. 70 Multiple size docks;

Entering the Hunhe River, you can go to the eastern part of Liaozhong and Shenyang. Along the coast, there are docks such as Miss Temple, Xiaohekou, Huangtu Tomb, Tangma Village, Daluotuobei, and Xiaobeihe;
Walking along the Taizi River, you can go to Niuzhuang, Xiaohekou, Liaoyang, and even to Benxi. Along the coast, there are wharves such as South Ajinbao, Mama Street, and Long Beach.

There is no doubt that the navy of the Ming army is strong. Xiong Tingbi wants to move the town of Liaonan, and it is precisely to take advantage of this advantage to carry troops and goods, and directly attack Liaoshen.

Such a plan naturally contradicts the emperor's winter and spring counterattack.The reason is simple. Since we want to use water transportation, we can't wait for the river to freeze.

The Liaohe River has a freezing period of about four months every year, and it is longer in the north of the middle reaches.Either start it in the fall or earlier, or tomorrow when the spring blossoms, it must be able to sail anyway.

Of course, even if the emperor had done his best in the production and transportation of military industry, Xiong Tingbi estimated that it would take two to three months at the earliest, that is, mid-autumn or late autumn, to obtain sufficient ammunition supplies for a major counterattack.

The ammunition and supplies needed for a major counter-offensive are determined by a battle that lasts for three or four months. It is not fought every day, but there will be at least seven or eight battles with a scale of [-] people.

Xiong Tingbi had an idea, so he wanted to win the emperor's consent.He pondered in front of the sand table, deliberating over the words in the melody in order to impress the emperor.

There was a knock on the door, and Counselor Xing Shenyan stepped inside, bowing and saluting, "My lord, you are humble and polite."

Xiong Tingbi waved his hands, smiled slightly, and said, "It's not too long to come back, the pommel horse is exhausted, it's really hard work."

Xing Shenyan said modestly: "Luckily, the humble job did not disgrace my life, and I dare not talk about hard work."

"Mr. Xing, please sit down." Xiong Tingbi was very polite to the old man who had been with him for so long, and asked Xing Shenyan to sit down, and asked the soldiers to serve him tea.

Xing Shenyan has been in Liaodong for many years and is quite familiar with the Mongolian tribes.This time, he went to Neikalkha to lobby and invited five troops to send troops to join the Ming army in attacking Jiannu.

When Xiong Tingbi heard Xing Shenyan's "lucky life is not disgraceful", he knew that the lobbying went well, and he was determined.

Sure enough, Xing Shenyan slowly told that the Neikalkha Alliance had agreed to send troops to help the Ming army attack Jiannu.Of course, it is not for nothing to send troops, the share in the horse market trade must be increased, and the reward silver must also be increased.

There is no problem with the share of the horse market, and the reward is a few thousand more silver, and the emperor also agreed in Xiong Tingbi's secret memorial.If you hire someone to work, can you still not pay them?Thousands of reward silver to buy [-] Mongolian cavalry, worth it!
The reason why the Neikalkha Alliance agreed to send troops so readily is that the last time Zarut’s troops acted with the coalition forces, they got a lot;

You know, the last time the Chahar tribe sent troops to crusade against the Horqin tribe, Zhuoli Ketu secretly informed the leader of the Horqin tribe.

The fire could not be wrapped in paper, the Horqin tribe fell, the leader Oba was escorted to Lin Danhan, and the other prisoners were sent to the Ming Dynasty, and Zhuo Liketu was brought out by anyone who is not sure.

It is conceivable that if Lin Danhan knew the news, he wanted to "Anne" but couldn't find an excuse, so how could he let Neikarka go?In particular, Ujiyet of Zhuoli Ketu is expected to become Horqin's second.

Therefore, Zhuoli Ketu also wanted to take the opportunity to build a good relationship with the Ming army. Once Lin Danhan used troops against Neikalkha, he could also get help from the Ming army.

"Each division dispatched four thousand cavalry, a total of 2 horses." Xing Shenyan was a little proud, and said: "In addition to Mangui's flying cavalry and Fan Hualong's dragon cavalry, we can attack Tieling and Kaiyuan in one go. .”

The naturalized cavalry led by Man Gui has not yet been fully replenished, and the training of the cavalry wall attack will take some time. The launch time agreed with the Nekhalka Alliance is set in autumn.

According to the battle plan formulated by Xiong Tingbi, this Mongolian-Han coalition army would either start from Guangning, directly cross the Liaohetao, and attack Kaiyuan and Tieling;

"Okay, that's great." Xiong Tingbi heaved a sigh of relief, held up his teacup and respected Xing Shenyan, "Sir, you have worked so hard, and if our army has one more army to attack Jiannu, Pingliao will have a better chance of winning."

Xing Shenyan hurriedly raised his glass to signal, and said: "If there is no horse trading, how can the Mongolian tribes help in the war, and the humble officials dare not receive credit."

Xiong Tingbi laughed, drinking tea and said with emotion: "With the help of the Mongolian tribes, the imperial court will definitely agree to the plan of moving the town to the south of Liaonan and taking Liaoshen from the north."

Xing Shenyan murmured and said, "I don't know what to think about the unity of Liaodong's affairs and powers?"

Although Xiong Tingbi has a high title and is also the governor of Liaodong, he is not sure that he is in command.After thinking about it, he said: "Long live is thoughtful, not sure yet, there must be deep meaning."

Xing Shenyan nodded and stopped talking.It is not what a courtier should do to randomly speculate on the holy will.

Xiong Tingbi was very excited. He already knew in the secret melody that more than ten thousand flying cavalry from the Beijing camp would come to Guangning after autumn, which was another powerful force.

Jiannu will die forever!

After seeing off Xing Shenyan, Xiong Tingbi placed a small flag on the sand table.The allied forces of Ming and Mongolia came from the north, and the flying cavalry from the Jingying came from the west. He led the Liaonan Corps to the north.

………………… Divider ………………………

For the big counterattack in the winter and spring of next year, all the military towns in Liaodong are making intensive preparations, hoping to get the most out of this big battle that the government and the public are watching, and strive to be the protagonist.

And the emperor, who was far away in the capital, also began the final "excessive taxation".

Regardless of whether the counterattack was to destroy Jiannu or to defeat Jiannu, Zhu Youxiao had already used all his strength.And it was time to cut off the intelligence line established by Jian Nu, who was left as a long line.

If it's just cutting off, it's obviously not Zhu Youxiao's character.Eliminate the "eight great locust merchants" and collect a huge amount of wealth, and also provide sufficient funds for the big counterattack, laying the foundation for victory.

The commander of Jinyiwei, Luo Sigong, was sitting respectfully on the embroidered pier. When he received the document passed by the palace man and opened it to read, he couldn't help being surprised.

Originally there was only the Fan family Tongnu, and the Jin Yiwei he sent also investigated the Fan family thoroughly.But he would never have imagined that there were actually eight families in the list made by the emperor.

Could it be that the Zhenfu Division made a mistake in its reconnaissance and missed so many traitors who were slaves?This thought only flashed in Luo Sigong's mind before it was denied.

Zhu Youxiao was slowly drinking tea on the throne, and his mood was also churning.

Is it right to use severe punishment for crimes committed in history?What's more, this has exceeded the limit of severe punishment, killing people's heads, isn't it too cruel and ruthless?
(End of this chapter)

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