I'm a big dick

Chapter 407 Ambition to Conquer the Four Seas, Enemy of the North

Chapter 407 Ambition to Conquer the World, Enemy of the North
As far as overseas, um, it cannot be said to be overseas, it is the territory of my Ming Dynasty.

In today's world, whoever occupies it belongs to him, and whoever has a big fist is justified.To say that it takes a little effort to fight the establishment of slaves, but the native chickens and dogs in those small overseas countries, an army of 5000 people is enough to destroy the country.

Zhu Youxiao has already realized that when a major disaster strikes, it will be very difficult to resolve it with the current land and resources of Ming Dynasty.

The key is that the catastrophe lasted for too long, even decades, no matter how much money you have accumulated, you can't stand it!

Therefore, when the war in Liaodong was not over and money was needed everywhere, Zhu Youxiao still gritted his teeth and added more ships and guns to the navy.

After overthrowing the eight major locust merchants, Zhu Youxiao took out 200 million yuan at a time as funds for the expansion of the navy.

Historically, until the demise of the Ming Dynasty, the navy's advantage was crushing, and there was no problem in ruling the roost in East Asia.It's a pity that a powerful navy is not something Daming can handle like a finger.

Now, it's the exact opposite.Although Shen Yourong is old, a group of new and cutting-edge naval generals are constantly emerging.

Looking at the list of appointments and promotions submitted by Shen Yourong, Zhu Youxiao saw some familiar names, and he was very pleased in his heart.

Among them are the future pirates at sea, as well as key members of the Zheng family.Now they are all under the banner of Daming, and they will conquer the world for Daming and expand their territories.

"My lord, the Mongolian girl brought those two girls here." Wang Tiqian almost said the name of the tartar, but he didn't know what the lord's attitude was, so he changed his words abruptly.

Zhu Youxiao pursed the corner of his mouth, continued to look at the list in his hand, took a pen to make a reply unhurriedly, wrote down the things he had explained clearly, sealed the secret performance, and then asked the palace servants to bring the Mongolian girl in.

Hai Lanzhu and Bumbutai stayed in the Huanyi Bureau for more than two months. They did not lose their work, but they were not hungry or beaten.Especially knowing that my father, brother and relatives are only being imprisoned, I feel much more at ease.

It was finally time to meet the Emperor of Ming Dynasty, and it was also the time to decide their fate, the two girls couldn't help feeling uneasy, not knowing whether it was a blessing or a curse.

Entering the hall, the two of them didn't dare to look up, they knelt down and kowtowed, "The sinner of the Horqin tribe, I pay my respects to the Emperor of Ming Dynasty, long live, long live, long live."

Sinner? !Zhu Youxiao smiled, guessing that Hai Lanzhu taught it.Bumbutai is still young, so he probably doesn't have such a mind.

It was also the first time for Zhu Youxiao to see these two famous women in history, and he was also a little curious.

"Head up."

Zhu Youxiao wanted to see Hai Lanzhu the most, why should Huang Taiji be the only favorite.As for Bumbutai, he can no longer become Xiaozhuang.Now that he couldn't pretend anymore, Zhu Youxiao became less interested.

Hai Lanzhu and Bumbutai heard the voice of Emperor Daming, who was very young and very gentle, so they boldly raised their faces slowly.

Zhu Youxiao's eyes fell on Hai Lanzhu's face first, and he didn't feel surprised, but it gave people a feeling that he wanted to continue to look at it.

Oh, it turned out to be her eyes, clear and soft, like a pool of spring water.

As for looks, aesthetics vary from person to person and from time to time.Compared with the real Ming Dynasty people, Zhu Youxiao believes that there are differences in this aspect.

Hai Lanzhu also saw that the emperor of Ming Dynasty was very young, but sitting on the dragon chair, he exuded a sense of calm and maturity.Especially the gaze she looked at seemed to be able to penetrate people's hearts.That confident and indifferent expression seemed to be under control.

The cheekbones are a little high, and if it is paired with different makeup and outfits, it may be even more charming.

Zhu Youxiao smiled, turned his gaze, and looked at Bumbutai.

A little girl who is only twelve or thirteen years old, but her eyes are brighter than her sister's, and she doesn't see anything special.History will not follow the old path again, and there will be no more Xiaozhuang and Da Yuer.

Feeling a little bit emotional, Zhu Youxiao raised his hand and said in a deep voice: "The Horqin tribe has been destroyed. Since you are called sinners, you must know where the crime is, so there is no need to mention this name again."

Hai Lanzhu and Bumbutai lowered their heads, disillusioned and miserable.

"God has the virtue of good life, and I don't want to kill more." Zhu Youxiao continued: "If Hai Lanzhu and Bu Mu Butai wish to become Ming Dynasty, their crimes can be avoided."

Hai Lanzhu kowtowed, and said: "The sinner is grateful for the lenient forgiveness. But the sinner's father, brother and relatives, if they can forgive their sins with grace, let alone naturalization, the sinner is willing to be a slave and a handmaiden to repay the grace of Long live."

Zhu Youxiao smiled lightly and said, "You don't need to be slaves, and I don't need people to serve you. In this way, you can dance Mongolian dances and sing Mongolian songs, right? Show me a show, and I'll think about it later."

Hai Lanzhu and his sister exchanged glances, bowed their heads and said: "The sinner will perform the Andai dance of the Horqin tribe for Long Live, and pray for the protection of the gods for Long Live, free from disasters and diseases, and live forever."

This small mouth is quite good at talking, Zhu Youxiao smiled and nodded, and waved his hand to indicate that it is time to start.

Andai Dance originated in Kulun at the southern tip of the Horqin Grassland. It was originally a shamanistic dance used to heal diseases, which means praying for the protection of gods and expelling demons and disasters.Later, it gradually evolved into a national folk dance expressing joyful emotions.

In the Horqin area, people dance Andai dances during festivals, harvest celebrations, funerals, weddings and welcome banquets.Girls and daughters-in-law dance with their headscarves waving, boys take off their riding boots and dance with bare feet, children dance with grimaces...

Andai's usual form of performance is in the yard, with dozens or hundreds of people forming a big circle, in which two singing and dancing masters sing and dance to each other, and everyone steps on their feet in response and shakes their skirts to accompany the dance and sing, forming a lively and jubilant atmosphere. scene.

Hai Lanzhu and Bumbutai played the roles of singing and dancing experts respectively. Although there was no warm atmosphere of accompanying dancers and singing, they sang and danced with melodious tunes and graceful and chic movements, which was also very enjoyable to watch.

Zhu Youxiao watched with a smile, not intending to play tricks on them, but just looking for an excuse to forgive some nobles in the Horqin tribe, including Hai Lanzhu's relatives.

Naturalizing the Ming Dynasty and becoming a member of the big family of the Chinese nation is the best way to solve the border troubles in the north.

What's more, although the Ming army joined forces with the Chahar Department to destroy the Horqin Department.But the main purpose is to weaken Jiannu, which does not mean long-term friendship with Huduntu.

On the contrary, Zhu Youxiao believes that if Jiannu is destroyed, Huduntu may become the new enemy of Ming Dynasty.

Although the Horqin tribe was destroyed, the herdsmen under it did not suffer major losses.Those captured Horqin nobles still have certain appeal and influence.

As for whether it will work in the future, Zhu Youxiao doesn't care very much.Because killing these people will not gain any benefits, it is better to take a long-term view.

The arrival of the peak period of the Little Ice River may have a more serious impact on the northern nomads than in the farming-dominated Ming Dynasty.

Therefore, the coming of a catastrophe can be said to be a combination of challenges and opportunities.If you take advantage of the weakness of the Mongolian tribes in the face of natural disasters and use tactics, you can get twice the result with half the effort.

The Mongolian tribes in history could submit to the Manchu Qing, why couldn't they become a part of the Ming Dynasty?

Zhu Youxiao watched the singing and dancing of the two sisters with a smile, and had already made the final decision in his heart.

With painstaking planning and shameless hoarding of money, the emperor has chosen a development path for Daming for several years, ten years, or even decades.

Although no one has realized these and understood the emperor's painstaking efforts, he praised his wisdom.But now the development of the situation has seen great results. This is the emperor's arrangement and planning for several years.

The Liaodong Ming army continued to advance and occupied another wall fort, which was getting closer and closer to Yahu Pass.

The reason why the emperor was still cautious, but the generals below were highly motivated and dared to take the initiative to attack, the reason is actually very simple.

One can't see it with his own eyes, he can only rely on guesses and estimates; the other is on the battlefield, and has a more accurate understanding of the troops' equipment, morale and combat strength.

The so-called knowing oneself and knowing the enemy, armor is strong, soldiers are strong, food and wages are sufficient, rewards and punishments are clearly defined, morale is high, wounded and dead are treated with compassion, and only the generals who lead the army know the combat strength of the troops they lead.

In the field of vision of the telescope, with the chariot as the guide, the musketeers and grenadiers rolled forward along the road.Smoke and dust rose from time to time, and it was Tan Ma galloping back and forth, reporting the situation ahead.

Kong Youde put down the binoculars and immediately stood on the slope. After listening to the report of the explorer, he ordered to explore again.

In front of Songshukou, Jiannu didn't rush to stop the Ming army, apparently not having much confidence to stick to this place.This has something to do with the terrain near Songshukou and the small fortress of Songshukou City.

"After occupying Songshukou, according to Mao Shuai's order, our army should build a solid position and wait for an opportunity to attack Qinghe Fort westward as a flank barrier." Kong Youde shook his horsewhip and said to the general next to him: "Although it is a safe However, I don’t know whether the actions in southern Liaoning can attract the main force of slavery.”

"Shuai Mao made it clear that this battle is based on the strength of our army and does not take into account the role of friendly forces." Zhang Jingping, the second-year military detective of Tianqi, is already a guerrilla, and has rich combat experience.

Kong Youde nodded, and said: "It does take time for the message to pass, and fighting based on one's own strength does reduce unexpected variables."

If Dongjiang headquarters attacks Jianzhou, beware of Liaoshen Jiannu dispatching and attacking from the west via Benxi.Occupying Songshukou to suspend the advance, and capturing Qinghe Fort westward is a stable arrangement to protect the flanks.

And let Kong Youde's Mixed Association serve as the vanguard because they fought a large-scale field battle with Jiannu in southern Liaoning and achieved victory.

Kong Youde and Zhang Jingping were naturally full of confidence, thinking that the troops with expanded troops and enhanced equipment would have a good chance of winning the battle against Yiqi Jiannu.

However, the Ming army took the initiative to attack and forced Jiannu to take a defensive position. The information revealed further showed that the other was weak and we were strong, and the situation in Liaodong had fundamentally reversed.

"Hetuala is a place that Jiannu must defend. It may not be easy for our army to capture it." Although Kong Youde wanted to make meritorious deeds, he was not in a daze, knowing that Jiannu would not give up their so-called Longxing Land.

Zhang Jingping thought so, but he didn't think they were fighting alone.Under the pressure of Western Liaoning and Southern Liaoning, Jiannu's mobility is not much.

(End of this chapter)

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