I'm a big dick

Chapter 413

Chapter 413

In the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy is nonsense, and all speculation and luck are vulnerable.

If it were Zhu Youxiao, then who would dare to fight me?I have known it for 500 years, and I have known it for [-] years. It is shameless to hug money, eat people without spit out bones...

Whether it's Nurhachi, Huang Taiji, Li Yongfang, etc., of course they don't know that their opponents are unpredictable, calculating carefully, and struggling in vain.

From quantitative change to qualitative change, in the past few years, Zhu Youxiao tried his best and finally achieved the expected goal.At least, he brought about a radical change in Ming's army.

Although most of the resources were shifted to Liaodong, in other border towns and the southwest battlefield, the Ming army did not lack weapons, equipment, food and supplies, it was just the speed of changing equipment and the amount of actual combat.

Even so, with the change of weapons and equipment of the Ming army, and the policy that guests and soldiers can be resettled on the spot, the supply of food and salaries is sufficient, and the continuous transfer of martial arts officers, the She'an rebels are falling into a desperate situation.

The reason is very simple, the She'an Rebellion could not be put down for a long time, not because of how powerful the rebel army is, but because the terrain there is too complicated.

As long as it is steady and steady, with siege and blockade as the main means, and persistence and short assault as the tactics to consume the strength of the rebels, it is only a matter of time before the She'an Rebellion is pacified.

This is completely different from the Liaodong War, and it is two completely different heavyweight enemies.Most of the emperor's energy was also focused on Liaodong, focusing on and taking care of.

The enemies are different, the tactics are different, and the generals used are also different.

Just as he believes in Xiong Tingbi and Mao Wenlong, Zhu Youxiao also believes in Fu Zonglong and Zhu Xieyuan. As long as he adheres to the strategic policy of "garrisoning dangerous places, encircling them on all sides, gradually reducing them, and cutting off their resources", there is no reason for failure.

"Take it!" The emperor put down the pen and paper, sealed the brief letter, and handed it to Wang Tiqian with a smile.

Wang Tiqian took it with a bow, and said with a flattering smile: "I will send it out personally, and I will send someone to wait for the reply at the Meridian Gate."

Zhu Youxiao nodded with a smile, and said, "Partner Wang has worked hard."

"This is an important matter for the military, and the slaves dare not complain." Wang Tiqian bowed and bowed deeply, and retreated.

Zhu Youxiao believed that the regulations and methods submitted by the Academy of Sciences were feasible, and the local telegraph towers from Beijing to Tianjin were built at the fastest speed and put into trial use today.

This first communication, the emperor wanted to be the first, so naturally no one dared to fight.A short letter, summoned to Tianjin, and then sent back, Zhu Youxiao wanted to know how fast it was.

Of course, everyone paid attention to it from top to bottom, and the operators were carefully selected. Basically, there were no accidents that would cause the emperor to be unhappy.

With Beijing as the center, the communication tower has begun to be built and extended in all directions.There is no problem with the principle, the improvement is only the communication method and signal, and the only increase is the trained signal recognition and recording personnel.

A new profession, a faster way of communication, was born in Daming.In addition to its role in military and official use, it will also promote the transmission of commercial information.

Perhaps, there will be civilian use in the future.Although private communication will gradually develop as the street numbers are set up in each city, in terms of speed, the local telegraph is faster!

From Beijing to Tianjin, and then take a boat from Tianjin to various places in Liaodong, it should be faster to reach Liaoxi than to take the land signal tower from Beijing, right?

Zhu Youxiao is not sure, he is too concerned about the war in Liaodong.If they win, the big counterattack in winter and spring next year will have a greater chance of crushing Jiannu; if they are defeated——

Strolling thoughtfully outside the hall, the emperor felt the breath of early autumn, and walked slowly towards the East Nuan Pavilion.

Walking outside the East Nuan Pavilion, the emperor couldn't help but stop when he heard the laughter coming from inside.

"Zhixian, Zhien, haha, I know I'm calling you, you've made progress, not bad." Fan Xiaohui's cheerful voice and the name she called made the emperor roll his eyes involuntarily.

Li Chengcheng also laughed twice, and said: "Those who have learned Chinese, although the time is short, they can still understand it."

As she spoke, she asked Zhixian and Zhien: "You can learn faster if you talk more. No one will laugh at you if you don't speak well."

The two North Korean beauties looked at Fan Xiaohui at the same time, their expressions said it all.Why no one laughed, she laughed the hardest.

"Okay, okay, I won't laugh anymore." Fan Xiaohui waved her hand, finally put away her laughter, and said, "What about you two, let's identify these cats first, they all have names and have different tempers. !"

"Cats, the Great Emperor likes them." Zhixian said quite standardly, staring at Fan Xiaohui, seeing that she didn't laugh, she pursed her lips in embarrassment.

"That's right, the emperor's favorite cat." Fan Xiaohui nodded, reached out to catch a kitten, pointed to the black spot on its head and said, "Little San, the name is Mao Sanwang."

"Mao Sanwang." Zhien repeated like a parrot, and the short sentence has not yet heard the strange accent.

With a slapped face, apple muscles, and a more attractive nose, this is the beauty of North Korea selected by Zhu Youxiao.Others don't know what it looks like, but this is the standard of beauty for future generations.

But I have to deny that the apple muscles on the face, that is, the two extra lumps of flesh on the face, can add a bit of sweetness and tenderness to people.

In fact, there is no flesh on the face, and the North Korean beauties at that time were also gentle, gentle and submissive.In other words, in front of the emperor, there is no woman who is not gentle and submissive.

As for Zhixian and Zhien, they are the names given by the emperor.A little familiar, can set off the aftertaste in the emperor's heart, will not forget his own origin, and will not forget the many disasters in China.

I put gold on my face again, just to make people look good, it doesn't matter whether they look like it or not, and I don't have to use my full name, anyway, it's Zhixian and Zhien.

The emperor stroked his chin, gave a dry cough, and walked slowly into the warm pavilion.

Hearing the familiar dry cough, Li Chengcheng and Fan Xiaohui got up to greet each other, and also greeted Zhixian and Zhien to greet them.

"My lord." Li Chengcheng and Fan Xiaohui were relatively casual, and served tea and water after bowing their heads.

"I pay homage to the great emperor of the Celestial Dynasty." Zhixian and Zhien knelt down on the ground and paid homage.

Zhu Youxiao waved his hand, and as soon as he sat down in the chair, a cat ran over, meowed, and jumped onto his lap.

Mao Sifu is the most clingy cat to the emperor.

Zhu Youxiao smiled happily, stroking the cat's head and body, holding Sifu into his arms, masturbating and sucking more and more dotingly.

"My lord." Fan Xiaohui held the tea and said with a flattering smile: "I know this, I have learned it. The saying, 'Heaven is good, China has a law that must be extended, and people follow suit, and everyone will take revenge' is true." Taizu encouraged the soldiers to say it during the Northern Expedition to the Yuan Dynasty."

Taizu expelled the Tartars and restored China; but the unfilial descendants perished again, and fell back into the bloody smell.

Zhu Youxiao nodded slightly, feeling emotion unavoidably in his heart.No more, I have worked so hard, worked so hard, and I will never let history repeat itself.


(End of this chapter)

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