I'm a big dick

Chapter 435

Chapter 435
Teacher Yuan, Master Yuan, don't let me down, I like you!

The Yuan governor in history has already been sent away by Zhu Youxiao.Not to mention meddling in the military, even contact, there is no way.

If it's not the same surname, and there is another Governor Yuan, the emperor will almost forget who can brag.

Even if I think about it now, I just let the officials check it out, and the emperor forgot about it again.

Now, the famous generals in history are gathered in Liaodong, and the soldiers are fine and food is sufficient, so the emperor is not too worried.Jiannu is about to be wiped out, so what kind of demon moth can a Yuan Dachui, who was born as a Jinshi, produce?
History has completely changed, Zhu Youxiao can be 100% sure.While changing history, he also changed the fate of too many people.

Xiong Tingbi, Mao Wenlong, He Kegang, Zhang Pan, Man Gui, Huang Long, Kong Youde, Zu Dashou and other generals all embarked on a life path different from history.

Of course, they also fought hard on the Liaodong battlefield, made great achievements, and became marquises and generals.But some people seem to have lost the opportunity to perform, and the time to create a hero is gone!

For example, Lu Xiangsheng, from a Jinshi to the current Commander of the Five Cities Army and Horse Division, has been promoted not too slowly in a few years.But Jiannu will be destroyed, and I am afraid it will be difficult to get a stage to show loyalty and bravery in the future.

But Zhu Youxiao doesn't feel regretful because of this, just like he won't let others believe his prediction of the catastrophe, instead of making full preparations, he will allow the catastrophe to cause extremely bad effects, even social turmoil.

Then, he put on a sanctimonious face and said something: Look, I said it a long time ago, you don’t believe it; I knew it a long time ago, you don’t listen.

Although many people like to show their vision in this way, the second-guessing rhetoric has no practical meaning other than disgusting and disgusting.

Zhu Youxiao doesn't need to improve his image in this way, nor does he need a reputation for being wise and martial.As long as the common people can survive, the throne will be secure. This is his foundation.

"So fast!" The emperor looked through the information handed over by Dongchang, pursed the corners of his mouth, and was a little surprised, "The ticket and salt law has only been implemented for less than three months?"

Since Changlu Salt Factory began to pilot the ticket salt method, until now, the price of salt in the capital has dropped by [-]%, but the quality has improved.

And Dongchang is not only responsible for monitoring officials, but also responsible for collecting and reporting the intelligence of the people.Such as prices, droughts and floods, harvests and so on.

"The emperor is sympathetic to the people, promulgated the ticket salt law, stabilized the price of salt among the people, and benefited all people." Wei Zhongxian bowed and flattered.

Zhu Youxiao knew that the drop in salt prices was not unexpected, but the speed of time was different from what he had imagined.

Different from the designated salt merchants in the Gang Law, the Ticket Salt Law is open to the public.As long as you have the financial resources to buy five hundred catties of salt, you can go to the salt factory to sell salt.The ex-factory price of the salt factory naturally includes the salt tax.

Five hundred catties of salt is considered a small limit, so don't make common people go to the salt factory when they buy two catties of salt, instead of opening small shops.But five hundred catties of salt is nothing to a small shop.

The emperor knew that this was ruining the jobs of the salt merchants, but the salt tax was directly collected into the finances.Private salt dealers who evade taxes and evade taxes no longer have to take the risk of breaking the law and commit crimes, and can buy them directly at the salt factory.

The most important thing is that without the monopoly of large salt merchants, the salt produced from the salt factory can be priced relatively normally through market regulation, and there will be fair competition, and the quality improvement will be a matter of course.

You mix sand and soil into the salt and expect it to sell well, and you are not the only one.

It is expected that the common people will get benefits, but it is not known whether the salt tax will increase significantly.

Zhu Youxiao groaned, put down the information gently, and waited for the summary data report in the middle of summer to come up.If the effect is good, it can be promoted in Lianghuai and Guangdong next year.

The progress of cracking down on corruption and cracking down on profiteers is quick, but it cannot last.The country's normal finances and normal operations cannot always rely on these side doors.

If there is no corruption, no profiteers, and no parasites of those powerful and vassal kings, then that is the Ming that Zhu Youxiao expects.

"These daily reports don't need to be sent to the palace by Wei Banqin." The emperor raised his head and said slowly: "The situation in the provinces in the north should be reported more. You must know that the catastrophe is approaching and will have the greatest impact on the north."

Wei Zhongxian hurriedly bowed and replied: "I know this, I will send more people after I go back, so that the emperor can understand clearly."

Zhu Youxiao lowered his head slightly, and said: "Although Jiannu was rampant for a while, it was ultimately lacking in foundation, and its fall is not far away. The internal woes of the empire are the biggest cause of shaking the country. For several years, we have been rectifying with iron fists, and now it is over. There is improvement, but don't relax, you must always hold on."

"Your Majesty, don't worry." Wei Zhongxian gritted his teeth, with a look of hatred, "Whoever dares to be unkind, whoever dares to be corrupt, whoever dares to make the Emperor unhappy, the servants will never let go."

Zhu Youxiao laughed, and Old Wei was even more happy.

If the emperor points east, he will run east; if the emperor wants to beat the dog, he will never throw the chicken.This is the only way to maintain the holy family, as for whether it is right or wrong, that is not something that he, an eunuch, considers.

Zhu Youxiao pointed to the fruit on the table and said, "Wei Ban has worked hard, and this fruit will reward you."

"Slave maid, thank you Long Live Long En." Wei Zhongxian fell to his knees and kowtowed, almost moved to tears.

As for the matter, the fruit the emperor ate also grew in the ground, even if the appearance and taste had to be selected, it was not difficult for Lao Wei to want to eat it.

But the imperial reward is the highest honor, which is the consensus of the feudal society. Old Wei's performance in this way also has some performance elements, just to please the emperor.

"Go!" The emperor was really happy, seeing Lao Wei holding the fruit with great care, he waved his hand with a smile.

Wang Tiqian sent Lao Wei out of the palace, rolling his eyes behind his back.You can't let Lao Wei go back to the palace to serve the emperor and steal the family members of the miscellaneous family.

The salt and iron monopoly is already half completed.As long as there are no corrupt officials involved, the salt tax is a big deal.

Zhu Youxiao sat in the imperial chair, thinking and calculating.

Cracking down on corruption and collusion between government and businessmen has been quite effective. Not only the salt tax, but also the tea tax should also have a substantial increase.

The liberalization of maritime trade and the strict prohibition of smuggling have led to a rapid increase in customs revenue.Although the city ship taxes in Fujian and Guangdong were basically invested in the navy, a lot of them went into the national treasury.

In addition, Zhu Youxiao also placed high hopes on the tobacco monopoly.The actual situation is not unexpected. With the growth of planting area, the increase of tobacco factories and the improvement of production capacity, tobacco tax has also increased year after year.

There is no question that smoking is bad for your health.But compared with the catastrophe of national subjugation and the catastrophe of the Little Ice Age, it pales in comparison.

If Ping Liao is successful, it will also save a lot of military expenses, and maybe we will see Jinhuayin next year.

Zhu Youxiao shook his head and couldn't help but smile wryly.

Ping Liao and exterminate slaves with the power of the whole country, I don’t even want my salary, is there any reason for failure?
(End of this chapter)

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