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Chapter 594 The Fast Lane of Ming Dynasty Development

Chapter 594 The Fast Lane of Ming Dynasty Development
No matter whether we can understand the emperor's far-reaching ideas and goals, it will not affect people's ability to adapt and live a better life within the gradually changing framework.

Li Dan, Sun Weida, and many merchants are the same.On the one hand, adapt to the changes, and on the other hand, continue to make money within the scope allowed by the rules.

In fact, neither the Maritime Chamber of Commerce nor the Changjiang Chamber of Commerce lost money in the process of transporting food and materials required by the imperial court.It's just that compared with porcelain, silk, tea, cotton spinning, etc., it earns less.

But from another point of view, they can get more export supplies than before.Most of the high-quality goods produced by the weaving and porcelain workshops of the imperial court were given to the two of them.

This can also be seen as the emperor's reward for them, as a matter for the country and the people, not in vain.This does not include the share of profiteering commodities such as glass mirrors, perfumes, and soaps.

There was a noisy sound outside the window. The wooden building where the two of them lived was near the port. When they climbed up and looked into the distance, they could see the busy scene in the port.

Sun Weida watched for a long time, smiled and pointed, and said: "Cranes are also being installed in the ports of the Yangtze River, and the loading and unloading of ships is fast and easy."

The cranes manufactured and improved by the Academy of Sciences are being popularized in the field of transportation.Composed of moving pulleys and roulettes, there are large and small, which saves a lot of manpower and improves efficiency.

Li Dan stood beside Sun Weida and said with a smile: "President Sun, please take a closer look. In addition to the crane, there are also custom-made containers, which are made according to the size of the ship, and the shipment is fast and convenient."

Custom-loaded containers are equivalent to the containers of later generations. They are different in size and material, but the nature is the same.In addition to sea transportation, horse-drawn carriage transportation by land was promoted more quickly.

The most receptive to new modes of transportation are naturally merchants. Starting from the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, they discovered the convenience of standard carriage and cargo box transportation, as well as the benefits of professional transportation and segmented transportation.

To give a simple example, in the past, the sale and purchase of goods was basically the whole process from the beginning to the end.People eat horse chews, and it costs a lot of money along the way, and it is also very hard.

Now, relying on the warehouse and hotel built by the post station, it can lay the foundation for segmented transportation.In particular, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce was the first to accept the emperor's errand and built a relay station on land.

In this way, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce can use the province as the boundary to realize segmented transportation, and only undertake inter-provincial transportation.When the wagon arrives at the exchange place, either the horse is changed, or the wagon is changed, and the journey continues.

This mode of transportation at least reduces the fatigue of long-distance travel and the cost of food and accommodation.In addition to the delivery of their own goods, they can also undertake other businesses, which is another source of income.

In fact, segmental transportation has long existed in water transportation, and it is not very difficult to change to land transportation.

When the iron plate rails are laid, the speed and convenience of transportation can be taken to a new level.As for steam locomotives entering into practical use, the emperor estimated that it would be at least ten years later.

Even so, the changes are huge and visible everywhere.Four-wheeled carriages, steel axles, standard cargo boxes, lifting machinery, etc., are all great advances.

The improvement of efficiency means saving manpower and enriching manpower.It is not difficult to worry about the employment rate now. It is not difficult to grab the vast and boundless land. The difficulty is to fill the population and develop it as soon as possible.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that after Ping Liao, the development of Daming suddenly accelerated.In the words of the emperor, it is to enter the fast lane.

Although the catastrophe is spreading and expanding, the emperor already has the confidence to overcome it, so it will not affect his vigorous promotion of various constructions of Ming Dynasty.

Sun Weida nodded again and again, and praised: "This custom-made container is really fast and convenient. After returning, a certain person will also remodel the Jiangchuan."

"President Sun has promising craftsmen, so he can borrow from someone here." Li Dan laughed and said generously, "They are all skilled in doing it, fast and good."

"Thank you, Brother Li." After thanking Sun Weida, he paused for a moment, and then asked tentatively: "I'm not very familiar with overseas, so I don't know how the development prospects of Borneo are. Can Brother Li explain a little bit?"

Li Dan glanced at Sun Weida with a smile, and said, "Someone is not very clear about the development prospects of Borneo."

Seeing Sun Weida showing a little disappointed expression, Li Dan cupped his hands to the north, and then said: "But Wansui is very important, so naturally I will do my best to develop."

Long live the value ah? !Sun Weida's eyes lit up.

Sun Weida also heard some rumors about the development of the Maritime Chamber of Commerce in Borneo, but the specifics are not clear.

But he is also a man with ideas and courage. Although Changjiang Shipping is in the hands of the Chamber of Commerce, he feels that the potential for development is not great, and he is not satisfied with this.

Li Dan stretched out his hand and asked Sun Weida to sit down. After drinking tea, he introduced the general situation of Borneo to him.

In fact, Li Dan did not fully understand the emperor's concern and support for Borneo.He thinks it is the emperor's obsession with expanding the territory, and this is just one of the emperor's goals.

The indigenous forces in Borneo were weak, and the Dutch had just established a base in Batavia, Java, and it was too late to expand abroad.

Take the lead in establishing a foothold in Borneo, and in the name of the Maritime Chamber of Commerce, did not send regular troops, but continued to transport personnel, expand strength, and build a solid foundation as a base for attacking Batavia.

When the news of the war with the Dutch in the Macau waters came, Li Dan could almost guess another intention of the emperor.

But no one would have thought that the emperor was bound to win Borneo, not only for the purpose of expanding the territory and attacking the Dutch.

Know about the cinchona tree, do you know about the rubber tree, the climatic conditions of Borneo are the fertile soil for the growth of these two strategic plants.

Oh, and oil.Balikpapan, Nai (Brunei), the oil buried underground is an astronomical wealth.

During World War II in history, little Japan ventured south and went to war with the United States, not just for oil and rubber.

On the one hand, the emperor supported the development of the Maritime Chamber of Commerce in Borneo, and on the other hand, he used various means to purchase the seeds of cinchona and rubber trees.

Compared with the cinchona tree, which can cure malaria, it should be easier to obtain rubber tree seeds.Because the role of rubber is not yet known to the world, and there is no restriction on the outflow of rubber tree seeds.

Corn and potatoes from South America have flowed into Ming Dynasty for decades. As long as you search hard for cinchona trees and rubber seeds, you will always get what you want.

For this reason, the emperor drew a big cake for the missionaries.As long as one of the two things can be obtained, the newly opened territory of the Ming Empire can freely preach.

This is indeed a very tempting condition, and the emperor is not too worried about the impact on Daming.If you find it difficult to control, just clean and suppress it once.

Religion, laissez-faire is not acceptable, it affects the stability of the country and regime, so it is natural to control and suppress, or even eliminate.

The several Buddhist extermination campaigns in history have shown that religion cannot compete with state power.

Therefore, Taoism, Buddhism, and Christianity can all develop within the prescribed scope, but the premise is that they cannot endanger the stability of the country and the political power is stable.

Li Dan told Sun Weida in more detail, the more people he can bring to Borneo, the better.After all, the development of Borneo is led by the Maritime Chamber of Commerce, the better the development, the greater the credit.

Of course, Li Dan did not tell the emperor's promise, it was secretly and cannot be made public.As a real noble with a fief, Li Dan's desperate efforts are for this.

The Spaniards in Luzon are definitely going to be exterminated, and then the Dutch red-haired ghosts, and they must also resist the aggression and expansion of the British in Asia.

Look, except for Mekong Province, the overseas land is so vast, and there are more real nobles with fiefdoms, so the impact is not big.

In the emperor's plan, Li Dan was not the only one who wanted to grant fiefdoms overseas.Whoever contributes the most, whoever makes the most credit, is not stingy with being knighted, no matter whether you are a merchant or a civil servant or military general.


The place where Sun Chuanting, the governor of the three sides, founded the government, that is, the governors of Shaanxi, Gansu, Yansui, and Ningxia military affairs, and controlled the nine generals of Gansu, Liang, Su, Xi, Ningxia, Yansui, Shendaoling, Xing'an, and Guyuan. .

It has only been ten years since Sun Chuanting was admitted to the top three Jinshi examinations in Wanli 47, and now he is a high-ranking member of one party, with a high position and authority.

Of course, the promotion of the emperor also has rules to follow.First of all, although Sun Chuanting was born as a Jinshi, he is eight feet long, can shoot left and right, and has excellent martial arts skills.

The value of personal force is only one of them. Sun Chuanting was promoted to the position of governor of the three sides by the emperor after going through the stages of study, further study, practice observation, and inspection.

Studying and advanced training refer to one year of martial arts; practice and watching battles are in the final stage of destroying the slaves and flattening the Liao Dynasty, and fighting with the flying cavalry of the Beijing camp in Liaodong; And got the emperor's face-to-face instruction.

"If the Holy Lord waits at the table in vain, I would like to shed blood and tears on Danchi", this is a poem written by Sun Chuanting when he left Beijing for Serbia, showing his ambition to make contributions.

And when he gave his majesty speech before leaving Beijing, what the emperor said, "If the Hetao exists, the side will suffer, and if the Hetao is lost, the side will suffer", which gave him a clear goal.And this goal is only in its infancy.

In the hall, while talking to the visitors, Sun Chuanting glanced at the map on the wall from time to time, and the Hetao area was the most concerned area.

"Brother Boya, you seem to be absent-minded!" Hong Chengchou, the governor of Shanxi Province, put down his teacup and said with a smile, "Hetao is certainly important, but the whole province of Shanxi is affected by the disaster, and the military operation may have to be postponed!"

Hong Chengchou and Sun Chuanting are Jinshi of the same subject, and they are better than Sun Chuanting in the examination. They are from the second-class Jinshi, while Sun Chuanting is from the third-class Jinshi.

However, due to the emperor's appreciation and promotion, the experiences of Sun Chuanting and Hong Chengchou are different from those in history, and Hong Chengchou is in turn lower than Sun Chuanting.

Sun Chuanting chuckled and said, "The disaster does not affect military operations. Recovering Hetao and managing it well may alleviate the disaster in Shaanxi."

After several repetitions in the Ming Dynasty, the main reason for the final "abandonment" was that an effective logistics system could not be established in the Hetao area.

Since the required money and food were all transferred from the rear, the huge logistical consumption could not maintain the long-term presence of the Ming army in the Hetao area.

(End of this chapter)

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