I'm a big dick

Chapter 610

Chapter 610 For myself and for the people
The imperial court treated the soldiers very well. There was very little arrears of salary and food, and there was a preferential treatment policy for the family members.Not to mention an officer of Kong Youde's level, even ordinary soldiers are not afraid to support their families.

As for reclamation and frontier defense, there are more time and land reclamation benefits.Although the imperial court hoped that the soldiers would take root on the spot, it greatly encouraged the enthusiasm of the soldiers.

One year of border defense, if you work hard, you can get at least a dozen acres. From tax exemption for several years, to now it is directly given to individuals, which is very attractive.

Take Kong Youde, for example, in less than two years of reclamation and border defense, he already has nearly [-] mu of land.

Although it is still a number, it will not be allocated until retirement or personal request, but the second half of his life has already been settled as a small landlord who has no worries about life.

The key is that Kong Youde doesn't care about the land, and the salary is not corrupt or deducted. He still has enough to eat and spend, and he can save a lot, even if he likes to smoke cheap cigars and drink Erguotou from the capital.

Has been promoted to deputy commander, if he can't even satisfy this consumption, wouldn't the emperor's goal of improving the treatment of soldiers become empty talk?
The army is the army of the country, and it is supported by the country. There is no need for generals and officers to deduct military pay to support private soldiers such as servants.

The proportion of military officers with a background in martial arts is getting higher and higher, and there are relatively independent military law and nuclear pay officers. If you want to support your troops, where can you find loyal cronies?
It’s the same when you become a civil servant. There is no corruption or violation of the law, and your salary will still allow you to live comfortably. You can still receive a pension after retiring normally, so you don’t have to worry about life problems.

But if you don't know good and bad, the emperor's eyes and ears are very sharp, and his knives are also very fast.Not only will your future be cut off, but your whole family will also be punished accordingly.

Strict supervision and control, a perfect reward and punishment system, and the combination of grace and power over the past few years, the political and military outlook of Ming Dynasty, not to mention a new look, is also smooth in government orders and clear in government affairs.

No one is not afraid of death, it depends on whether the law is strict and the supervision system is strict.When the cost of breaking the law is too high, it will naturally kill its illegal thoughts in the bud.

The so-called good from the top must be done from the bottom.The tendency shown by the emperor must also become the weather vane for the guidance of officials.

Improve the treatment and status of generals, like officials with practical ability, don't ask about your background or the way you got into an official, just look at your work ability.

To put it simply, as long as you do your job well, satisfy the emperor, and make Long Yan happy, promotion and fortune will come naturally.

But if you can't even do your job well, let you go home to eat old rice even if you are full of money, and you can't starve to death as a teacher.

Besides, as long as the imperial court's policies are implemented in place, be serious and responsible, and there are no high requirements, what's the use of keeping you if you can't do it?
"What's the use of keeping him?" Lu Xiaobu waved his hand, interrupted the master's intercession, and said slowly: "This county is newly established. Although everything is complicated, there are laws to follow. Work hard now, and wait for the work." Squeeze it smoothly, and it will naturally relax.”

Lv Xiaobu suddenly raised his voice, "But he's lucky, he's doing it half-heartedly. If the land measurement is inaccurate, there will be no accidents in the future. If disputes and lawsuits start, isn't it the county government's dereliction of duty?"

Master Bo smiled wryly, cupped his hands and said, "Your Excellency's words are absolutely true."

Alas, the Lord Bo sighed, and said with emotion: "If you fail the imperial examination, it's hard to get an official to become an official. Why don't you cherish it?"

Lu Xiaobu snorted and said, "This is the problem of many scholars. They are delicate and expensive, but they still think that they are knowledgeable and superior, and they refuse to stop and work hard. Thinking about it, take the road of official transfer. He feels wronged!"

The chief bookkeeper nodded in agreement, turned around and left with a sigh.

Being deposed by the Shangguan, and it is reasonable and compliant, is caused by his own dereliction of duty. He is not allowed to be an official or an official within three years, and he is not allowed to participate in the imperial examination.

For many scholars, such a blow is not insignificant.Don't think that it's easy to take the path of being transferred from official to official. There are still supervision and rewards and punishments, and it's not for you to mess around.

The imperial court not only severely punished the lawlessness of officials, but also did not appease the subordinate staff.

Mekong Province, Dongfan, Hainan, and Liaodong all lack immigrants, and the punishment for subordinate officials is also the exile of the whole family.There are many subordinate officials who are local snakes in the first place, and they have a very bad reputation because they want to eat cards.

Just as the system of transferring officials to officials was perfected and launched, severe punishments for illegal subordinate officials were also launched at the same time.

The court's method was simple and brutal. Those who committed serious crimes were beheaded, and the rest were all exiled. This not only rectified the political climate of the local government, but also provided manpower for the development of new places.

In addition to the subordinate staff, there are also ruffians who committed crimes in the country.There is no serious crime for these people, but it is the scourge of the local government. After being locked up and then released, and released again, the local government is also quite a headache.

Now it's all right, exile has become the mainstream of punishment, the prison is empty, and the local people are applauding.

Lv Xiaobu's step-by-step progress to the present has benefited from a good grasp of the imperial court's policies, and also benefited from the expansion of the country's territory and the substantial increase in the number of officials.

As a county magistrate among the newly established counties in Jilin Prefecture, Lu Xiaobu could not have imagined a few years ago that he, a failed scholar, worked as a bookkeeper in a restaurant, and would have the seventh-rank official rank today.

Of course, Lu Xiaobu will definitely cherish the opportunity in front of him. It is Xinxian that can flex its muscles and show its ability.

After dealing with the lazy and irresponsible subordinates, Lu Xiaobu took out his own plan and continued to improve it.

There are his own ideas in the plan, as well as suggestions made by the Academy of Agricultural Sciences to local governments.It is called the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, but it includes agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fishery and other aspects.

Agricultural planting is naturally the most important thing, but it is not enough to get rich by farming or to make people's lives better.

Therefore, the Academy of Agricultural Sciences has proposed a variety of methods according to the soil, climate and other conditions in various places. In the words of later generations, it is the diversified management of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, sideline fishery and comprehensive development.

Lu Xiaobu is optimistic about digging soil and burning bricks, and the excavated pits are used to store water and cultivate aquatic products.

People in other counties build mud houses, but this county builds brick houses. Is it a higher grade?Fish farming in ponds can not only increase the income of the people, serve as a cheap alternative to meat, but also store water and fight drought.

In addition, trees should be planted on both sides of the road. This was proposed by the court, but not much can be done.

In Lu Xiaobu's conjecture, nine times out of ten Wansui is going to visit Liaodong.Even in places farther north, Wanzai may also have to personally visit.

Time, as many as five years, as little as three years.It is estimated that when all the remnants of the slaves are wiped out, the emperor will perform a ceremony. From then on, he will be famous in history, and his achievements will surpass Taizu and Chengzu.

Regardless of whether the emperor will pass through the county, it is always right to be prepared.What's more, good governance is also the performance of the official department's assessment. If you can be evaluated as excellent, it will be easier to be promoted, right?

Lu Xiaobu has already figured it out clearly, whether it is for himself or the herdsmen who say that he will spread the land and benefit one side, it is beneficial and harmless to do a good job.

(End of this chapter)

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