I'm a big dick

Chapter 652

Chapter 652
Zhasa restrained, retained the feudal princely system of the original Mongolian tribes, and also retained the exploitation and oppression of the herdsmen by the Mongolian princes.

For the emperor, both the Zhasa restraint system and the chieftain system were systems that would be eventually eliminated.But this will also be a relatively long-term process, and it will not have much impact on the development and rise of the Ming Empire.

Similarly, letting the descendants of chieftains receive education, and letting the children of Mongolian princes open their eyes to see the world are all laying the foundation for the ultimate goal.

Perhaps one day, the children of the Mongolian princes will carry out reforms spontaneously without the court's intervention.Of course, such hopes may not be great.

Moreover, the development of the wool spinning industry has increased the income of the herdsmen.Although he still needs to be exploited by the prince, the intensification of the conflict seems to be delayed again.

But this is not what the emperor has to worry about and consider now. He is focusing on the whole country and the overall situation.Daming is forging ahead despite the disaster, this is the general momentum and the general direction.

Not only the victory of foreign aggression and expansion, but also the improvement of various systems. Daming is undergoing changes from the inside to the outside.

The celebration of the Burmese victory added a festive atmosphere to the capital before the Chinese New Year.

But not everyone was happy. The palaces of the three vassal princes, Zhu Changhao, King Rui, Zhu Changrun, King Hui, and Zhu Changying, King Gui, were shrouded in desolation.

The emperor's imperial decree has been issued, and the three vassal kings will become vassals after the next year, two will go to Champa, and one will be in Mekong.The mansion of Jufan has been built, or it has been repaired, or it is the mansion of the prince of Champa, or the mansion of the royal family of Chenla.

It stands to reason that both Mekong Province and Champa are already the territory of Ming Dynasty, and they are no different from the mainland.But this is only in name. In the eyes of the three vassals, it is still overseas, with barbarians and miasma.

If it was a few years ago, this would not have been a vassal, but a distribution.

However, the temperament of Long Live's nephew, these three vassal kings have also seen and pondered over the past few years, he is not an easy-going emperor.

After the imperial decree came down, there were more royal guards wandering around the mansion. The three vassals wanted to join forces to resist, or seek the help of the noble prince to intercede. Who would dare to come forward?
After becoming a feudal clan, there is no fiefdom, and only half of the salary is given, and the other half is invested in the royal fund, and dividends are distributed every year.

This is the suzerain-vassal policy that has been implemented long ago. Not only these three vassal kings, but also all other vassals in the mainland are treated the same.

To say that the emperor was also generous, the royal porcelain kiln, weaving, glass and other workshops were all contributed, allowing the vassals to invest in shares.

You know, these are projects that make a lot of money.Those who invest in shares in the early stage can get considerable dividends, which is much better than just taking death salary.

Self-reliance is the purpose of the emperor, and it is also the goal that the emperors of all dynasties since Emperor Jiajing wanted to achieve.But in terms of strength and methods, the current emperor has the most determination and will.

Don't you know how to run a business? If you bring your salary, I will send people to run it; as long as you are ambitious and promising, I will also open the door for you and support you in policy.

It's just that the emperor's intentions are becoming more and more obvious. It is becoming more and more difficult for the suzerain to get something for nothing, and he is becoming more and more disgusted with the suzerain's crimes.

The same is true for the nobles. The emperor does not think they are qualified to lie on the merits of their ancestors and enjoy them forever.

Zhu Chunchen, the Duke of Cheng, was stripped of his title and exiled for his crimes; Xu Yunzhen, the Duke of Ding, was exiled because of his family traditions, disturbing the people and harming the people;

The nobles who have been suppressed by the civil official group and have no influence on their strength have been killed by the emperor a lot in the past two years, and they are all trembling and dare not make any changes.

Jingying, Wucheng Bingmasi, and Jinyiwei are all firmly in the hands of the emperor, and anyone who sees them to death may be caught for a crime even if he complains.

The emperor's malice was full of malice, and it became more and more obvious after Pingliao exterminated the slaves.The reason is simple, with a strong army in hand, the barrel of the gun is the hardest.

"Chang Ying, what are you doing here?" Zhu Changrun's face changed when he saw his brother visiting.

Hui Wang Zhu Changrun and Gui Wang Zhu Changying are brothers from the same mother. In terms of closeness, the relationship between brothers is always deeper.

But if you come here at this time, aren't you afraid that the emperor will suspect that no one can bear the charge of infidelity and resentment?

Moreover, Zhu Changrun converted to Buddhism, worshiping Buddha and practicing Zen all day long, without understanding human affairs.He didn't have much resistance to going to Mekong Province, but he was afraid of getting into trouble.

Rui Wang Zhu Changhao is also not close to women, but loves money, and often asks the Ministry of Households for marriage expenses.After being reprimanded by the emperor, he calmed down.

Gui Wang Zhu Changying hurriedly explained: "Brother Wang, don't be surprised, this time I came here with someone to accompany me."

Someone was with him, maybe it was Jin Yiwei, Zhu Changrun looked behind King Gui, and only then did he recognize the person who came, and he felt relieved.

Zhu Yujian, the grandson of the king of Tang, well, with this person accompanying him, the emperor should not be suspicious.

Zhu Changrun breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly invited the guests to sit down, and ordered his servants to serve tea and water.

Among the vassals, the emperor's attitude towards Zhu Yujian and King Xin was very good.Zhu Yujian also stated that after he took over the title, he would give up the salary of the vassal prince and only receive the official salary of his official position.

This is a model and example among the vassals set up by the emperor, and Zhu Changrun and others know it very well.But I also know that I am too heavy, so I dare not follow suit.

"This is a book given by Long Live, and all three princes have it." Obviously, Zhu Yujian was not only the accompanying guest of King Gui, but also the emperor's life.

Zhu Changrun hurriedly knelt down to receive him, which was also the custom of the former royal family.The emperor usually bestows books such as Emperor Ming Zu Xun, Ming Huidian, Five Classics and Four Books, 21 History, Tongjian Compendium, Zhongxiao Jing, etc., to express some kind of expectation.

But after Zhu Yujian opened the book box, Zhu Changrun found that the books given were quite different from what he had imagined.Geography, history, technology, culture, and a Buddhist scripture.

"These are chosen by Wansui for the prince." Zhu Yujian said with a smile: "Longsui also said that the Zhu family's affairs will be settled by the Zhu family themselves. At most five years, the vassal's salary will no longer be allocated by the imperial court."

It sounds a little messy and a little scary.Five years, no money, how to live?
Zhu Changrun didn't know whether he should thank him or not, and looked at his brother in confusion and doubt.

King Gui smiled wryly, and said, "Long live means to pay the suzerain's salary from the fund, combined with the conquest system, the disadvantages of the suzerain can be well controlled."

The fund system has been implemented for one year, and half of the salary has been deducted; after five years, almost three years of salary have been used as investment.

According to the emperor's calculations, the expanded production of the royal factories and workshops, together with the proceeds from war bonds and other investments, was almost enough to pay the suzerain vassal.

Moreover, the surrender system has already begun to be implemented, and many suzerains and vassals who cannot surrender will gradually become civilians and fend for themselves.

Of course, there is a buffer period, and there is also policy support.The emperor has done the utmost of benevolence and righteousness, and if he is ignorant of current affairs, don't blame the emperor for being ruthless.

(End of this chapter)

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